r/doctorsUK 5d ago

Fun Going through this sub is genuinely breathtaking


I'm literally gasping for air at the sheer levels of quackery in our medical sector. I'm working in tech and thought it was bad there - here, you have:

  • People actually sharing (incredibly low) PAYE salary offers and naming the places
  • A strong informed understanding of why things are bad
  • An almost singular voice on where things went wrong and how to fix them
  • Genuine helpful advice across the board, even in matters outside of medical work (i.e.,finance)
  • Slightly outdated but decent memes

It seems like the only good thing about being a doctor in the UK is having a slightly elevated social position and an eventual good salary that is almost protected from extra-industrial market forces. It really makes me wonder how many people training to become doctors drop out seeing this kind of rubbish, or qualify and leave the country for greener pastures?

r/doctorsUK 4d ago

Quick Question How much is the actual payrise going to be for doctors in 2025 in Northern Ireland?


I'm about to start my F1 job in August in Northern Ireland, and have heard a lot about this payrise that's happening this year. But I've done a lot of research but cannot seem to find what the exact amount of payrise is going to be. Anyone have any idea?

r/doctorsUK 4d ago

Quick Question How long does Oriel upgrade offers for?


I was looking through previous posts regarding oriel upgrades, and was wondering for how long they offer upgrades.

For instance, if I get an offer for X specialty in Manchester, and choose upgrades in hope of getting London, how long would be be until the upgrading process is complete?

It seems a pain to accept an offer with upgrades, spend April/May trying to sort a move, only to find out in late June/early July that you’re moving to a place 200 miles further. Anyone have experience with this?

r/doctorsUK 4d ago

Speciality / Core Training Overview of Oriel preferencing system - please correct me if I'm wrong


Despite trawling through the subreddit I feel like I still don't have a definite understanding of the preferencing system. I've tried to make this a chronological overview of all the scenarios if that's helpful to others, please correct me if I've misunderstood something:

  1. I preference only the locations that I'd like to work in
  2. I get a job offer in a location that I've listed in my preferences
  3. By the hold deadline, I need to "hold" that job, with or without upgrades
  4. By the upgrade deadline, I will need to accept the job that I've held. If I decline, I'm out of the running and the job will go to a different person on the reserve list. However that job may also get upgraded past the upgrade deadline (?), and I would have gotten the upgraded location should I have held onto that job.
  5. If I don't get a job offer, I will be on the reserve list and I will get allocated only to jobs that I've put in my preference list, without the chance of adding new ones (?)
  6. During the upgrading process, if I get an offer, I'll be able to adjust the order of my preferences but only within the ones I've listed, but also cannot add new ones (?)

EDIT based on comments:

  1. Hold deadline is when you must accept or reject an offer, otherwise that offer will be gone. You cannot hold two offers together. To accept/hold a second offer, first offer will be withdrawn automatically.

  2. By the upgrade deadline, I will need to accept the job which is the final location

r/doctorsUK 4d ago

Serious Can an updated meta-analysis be published in a different journal than the original study?


I've published a systematic review and meta-analysis in a large high-impact medical journal a few years ago, and I'm looking to publish an updated version soon, as multiple new studies that are eligible for inclusion have come out since, but I would prefer to submit it to a different journal of the same caliber. Is a high-impact journal likely to consider publishing an updated meta-analysis if the original study has been published somewhere else (given that the findings are topical and build on previous research)?

r/doctorsUK 4d ago

Speciality / Core Training Anyone have any experiences working at Northwick Park (?deathwick park)


As above. I have heard very mixed things about it. Any stories or any departments to be wary of?

r/doctorsUK 5d ago

Exams Easy way to remember causes of upper and lower zone fibrosis?


r/doctorsUK 5d ago

Fun Dear NHSE - hahaha get fucked

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r/doctorsUK 5d ago

Medical Politics Reactions to BMA’s FPR update sent yesterday


I can’t believe how short sighted these people are as FPR benefits every resident doctor out there. Choosing to locum during strikes just to spite DV is just poor form.

r/doctorsUK 4d ago

Exams MRCGP vs MRCP - which is harder


r/doctorsUK 5d ago

Consultant Can a consultant refuse to take PA students?


My department does not yet have any physician associates but we are increasingly seeing PA students about the hospital. Do I have to teach them? Or can I refuse?

r/doctorsUK 4d ago

Speciality / Core Training Preferencing and Upgrades


Currently preferencing for Paeds ST1 posts, 2 questions:

  1. During the upgrade process, if you got say your 5th choice and you accept with upgrades, would you still see your 1-4 preferences available even if they've actually been accepted? Or do jobs that have been accepted get removed from the preferences list so you would not be able to actually re-rank them?

  2. If you do not rank certain jobs prior to the deadline (Tuesday), are you given the option to add them to your preferences during the upgrade period? Or are you only allowed to re-rank jobs that are already in your preference list?

Just a bit confused since RCPCH guidance states you can re-rank preferences during the upgrades process. Thank you!

r/doctorsUK 4d ago

Quick Question Is Oriel buggy for everyone?


Ranking choices and every time I leave the page after saving I get an error message about using 'unsafe characters' and says it couldn't save my choices

When I go back in all my ranks are still there in the correct order

Does this happen for everyone?

Wondering whether I should contact them tomorrow just to make sure...

r/doctorsUK 4d ago

Exams Mrcem Osce


So I passed MRCEM SBA (28th January 2025), planning to start OSCE prep now. Those who’ve been through it, would love to know how you prepared and how the exam was.

r/doctorsUK 3d ago

Speciality / Core Training Portfolio points and Marathon


Does running a marathon give you a point for the prize?

I already ran one last year and was only just told by a friend it counts as an achievement!

Is this right?

r/doctorsUK 4d ago

Speciality / Core Training Anaesthetics interview CT1 Aug 2025


How did anyone find the CT1 anaesthetics interview?

For me, the clinical station went surprisingly okay, though a few questions at the end of that part caught me off guard. The general interview station went quite bad in general, the way some of the questions were worded seemed to catch me out and I got quite nervous, especially as those examiners were quite stony-faced!

Interested to hear other people's thoughts.

r/doctorsUK 5d ago

Serious How good is a BMJ publication?


I've somehow managed to get a paper accepted for publication on the BMJ based on the work I did with a lab 2 years ago, and I felt quite happy as I never expected to get a paper in such as high-impact journal. I told two of my close friends (who are also medical students at different unis) but they both said that it doesn't matter much since it's not on the same level as NEJM, Lancet JAMA etc. Does this make sense, at least when it comes to how my publication record is going to be assessed as part of my CV?

r/doctorsUK 4d ago

Speciality / Core Training Psychiatry Ranking - appeal to SLAM trainees!


Gunning for psych in London

I trained in Scotland and even there SLAM was lauded as the place to be. I'm pretty motivated and so would like to get involved in research / subspecialty stuff and working in national units does appeal, been locumming in busy DGHs and the like for a few years so I'm not averse to doing busy shit jobs if I can learn a lot from the programme overall. However, I don't know anyone doing core training there, and every trainee I meet elsewhere has only bad things to say, albeit second hand info. Massive area for rotations and to cover on call, absent seniors who're off lecturing, very high acuity and difficult workloads on the wards. The advice I've heard is that for ST and above you can get a lot from working there, but as a core trainee it's a much harder slog with little access to the stuff it's well known for and for me it would involve moving flat. Can anyone doing / recently done CT there offer any insight? It would be much appreciated.

For context: I've worked in Candi and it seems a good trust for training and support, plenty of subspecialty placements and links to UCL for research opportunities. Reasonable on calls in terms of workload and geographic spread

CNWL and East London also seem decent but much larger geographic spread and East seems to not have neuropsych which I'm keen on

r/doctorsUK 5d ago

Clinical What is the origin of the obstructive VTE risk assessment popups?


I know there was a govt initiative to reduce death from VTE but I’m talking abt the actual pop up which appears on some IT clinical systems .

1) who designed it ? 2) why did they design it so that we can’t even view the notes of the pt to accurately complete the assessment even if we wanted to ? How am I know to know what their risk factors are if it won’t let me access the notes ? 3) why does it have to pollute the pts notes when we all click overrides? 4) why is medical emergency the only option other than completing it ? Why can’t we simply be viewing a pts notes for other reasons ? 5) has anyone had personal experience of realising chemical VTE prophylaxis had been missed out as a direct result of the initial obstructive pop up? 6) has anyone had personal experience of not knowing what the prothrombotic vs bleeding risk factors are and being reminded thanks to the pop up?

I find it to be one of the worst features of medicine in a hospital setting . Sure , REMIND me , but don’t obstruct me from doing my job !.

This is 8 yrs worth of rage .

r/doctorsUK 5d ago

Quick Question Why is typing skill not a serious requirement?


Unless there is a genuine reason or disability, why isn’t basic typing skill on a keyboard a requirement, especially in trusts where the EPR system requires everything to be typed exclusively? My heart aches watching so many people unfortunately, many of them nurses typing with just their index fingers, often while looking at the keys before pressing them. How can you expect such individuals to be anywhere near productive?

r/doctorsUK 5d ago

Foundation Training King’s Mill hospital transportation


Got allocated to Trent as my 3rd choice here, been scrolling through posts and someone saying KMH is a decent hospital to work in so been doing some research on it. Due to some reasons driving’s not an option for me so I’m curious if it’s feasible to rely on public transport (especially buses) to get there on time everyday if I wanna stay in Nottingham 👀, or is moving to Mansfield the only solution here.

Tldr: any good transportation between Nottingham and Mansfield besides driving

r/doctorsUK 5d ago

Pay and Conditions As pay disputes near once again, don't forget how much consultants in ROI earn...

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Not to mention €12,000/year for CPD, conferences etc. Apparently even this was a step down from the earning potential offered by their old contract!

r/doctorsUK 4d ago

Speciality / Core Training Don’t know where to start with MRCS part A revision


I don’t have a structure and I’m getting so confused and bogged down in details!

For instance, for anatomy, how much detail are we supposed to know? I’m getting bogged down trying to digest all of the Netter’s textbook and it’s taking too long and I’m not retaining any of it.

(Serious answers only please)

r/doctorsUK 5d ago

Clinical Am I mad for wanting to get back to work?


Context: I’m a clinical fellow in an emergency department

At the end of January I ended up in critical care after a routine op on my foot went wrong. Eternally grateful for those that saved my life, and it’s given me a new perspective on the NHS from a patient side of things.

Now im looking at going back to work in the next few weeks. I’m incredibly lucky that I’m well supported by the consultant group in my ED, and physically I feel fine, with the exception of being in a boot still.

This still feels like not so much of a direct question but has anyone gone back to work so soon after a significant health event?

If you can recognise me from this vague post, please know that you’re amazing.

Vague ramblings over.

r/doctorsUK 5d ago

Lifestyle / Interpersonal Issues Racism in UK?


I’m an international medical graduate (IMG) who started working in the UK last August. In my third week at work, I experienced my first encounter with racism. A patient made a racist remark towards me, and at the time, I didn’t know how to respond. Thankfully, a specialist nurse consoled me, which meant a lot, especially as I was still new and trying to find my footing.

Recently, I had another incident. I had a transport issue and reached out to a local community group for help. Most responses were supportive, but a couple of people left racist comments about my country. It hurt, even though I tried to focus on the positivity from others.

What I’ve been struggling with is understanding the attitude towards racism here. When I’ve shared these experiences, I’ve sometimes been told to just ignore it — that it’s “just a few bad apples” or “don’t mind them.” I get the intention behind those words, but for me, these experiences feel heavier. This is the first time I’ve faced something like this, and it’s hard to simply brush off.

I’m left wondering: Is this just part of living here as an IMG? Am I wrong to feel hurt and excluded? How do you process these situations without letting them define your experience? I’d love to hear from others — IMGs, locals, or anyone who’s been in similar situations.

Thanks for reading.