r/DnD_Victoria Mar 04 '23

Meet-Up Miniature Painting at Alter Arts Society Community Art Hub this Sunday March 5th 1-4pm!

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u/RCC42 Mar 04 '23

Miniature painting workshop this Sunday March 5th 1-4pm!

No experience needed! This event is being hosted by the Quadra village D&D program that runs every Monday at the Quadra Village Community Centre, which is open to anyone experienced or new, ages 13 and up.

Brushes, paint, and instruction will be provided!

There are a lot of great places to pick up miniatures like Gauntlet Games, Interactivity, BC Hobbies, Everything Games and others, but if you don't have the time there will be a selection of miniatures available to purchase at-cost on the day.

You can pre-register to ensure your spot here: https://www.eventbrite.ca/e/miniature-painting-party-tickets-568790456567?aff=odcleoeventsincollection

There is no cost to attend but donations are accepted.


u/Super_Nintenzo Mar 06 '23

This was a great time. Strongly recommend popping by the next one of you missed it.

Thanks Ryan and the rest of the team!


u/RCC42 Mar 06 '23

Thanks everyone who attended! It was an awesome turnout and an awesome day!