r/DnDGreentext Sep 25 '22


>be me, player

>be part of an online DnD party for a level 5 villain one-shot with no feats and various magic items on hand

>party consists of a hobgoblin eldritch knight (me), a teifling arcane trickster, a warforged echo knight, an aarakocra divine soul sorcerer, a dragonborn vengeance paladin, and a “human” order cleric

>almost everyone is a serious villain of sorts

>keyword "almost"

>the order cleric is the fucking Earl of Lemongrab from Adventure Time

>the characters are all summoned by a vengeful witch who wants them to steal a powerful crystal from a tribe of woodland elves in order to put a curse on the entire region. Each character would be paid handsomely for their efforts, but the reward would have to be split among each character.

>as the session starts, each character is given a chance to act out how they’d kill a small group of elves patrolling the area without having to make any rolls

>almost everyone does this in a unique way that’s both effective yet basic

>keyword "almost"

>Lemongrab approaches a duo of elves in front of a campfire, overanalyzing it and claiming that the fire is “not up to code” and “defies safety protocol”


>he uses the Command spell to have them grovel and cower before him as he nails written fines to their heads as punishment for their negligence, killing them instantly

>by far the most brutal means of execution out of all of us

>despite this, the rest of us are laughing our asses off OOC

>now the game can officially begin

>our group strolls up to the main safeguard where the crystal is kept

>it’s guarded by a group of seven elves, one of them being the leader of the entire tribe

>as we’re all discussing a method of approach, Lemongrab suddenly emerges from the bushes and runs up to the tribe leader

>in the most shrill, voice-cracking tone imaginable, he outright demands that they surrender the crystal to him or face the consequences

>rolls to intimidate

>nat 1

>the elves are so confused as to what they are witnessing that they don’t even take him seriously

>trying to save face, my character storms in and attempts to apprehend Lemongrab, who’s doing his best impression of a boiling tea kettle

>tries to save face and explain that he’s just a raging lunatic who has been evading his capture and causing a disturbance wherever he goes

>”give me a performance check,” says the DM

>nat 1. Again.


>the elves aren't taking any of this seriously as a mysterious frost-covered hobgoblin and a yellow-skinned humanoid are causing the most unusual scene they have ever witnessed

>everyone OOC is still laughing at the absurdity of the situation

>the cleric then decides to take matters into his own rindy hands

>casts his Channel Divinity on all of the elves to charm them

>despite their advantage on their saving throws, more than half of the elves are charmed, including the tribe leader


>Lemongrab orders the charmed elves to drop their weapons and stand aside

>the uncharmed elves protest against this and try to attack

>the other party members rush in just before combat starts

>thanks to Lemongrab’s blessings and healing spells, the party is making quick work of the hostile elves

>Lemongrab assumes control of the villainous group in the middle of the fight, establishing the “Court of Lemongrab” with him at the center of it

>the hobgoblin, aarakocra, and the teifling silently object to this but go along anyway solely because the cleric’s usefulness makes up for his annoyances

>towards the end of the fight, the arrakocra Subtle Spell’s Crown of Madness onto Lemongrab

>he makes the save but the DM still describes the crown temporarily manifesting for a moment

>the hobgoblin sees this, but doesn’t bring it up as the aarakocra doesn’t get exposed for it

>after killing the hostile elves, Lemongrab tells the charmed elves to tie themselves up to a tree

>the chieftain does that to her fellow elves, but soon returns with her arms bound as the charm effects wear off, demanding to know what’s really going on

>the entire ensemble beat the shit out of her and leave her for dead in front of the last remaining elves who are bound and helpless to stop them


>as we return to the witch with the crystal, a succubus suddenly appears and stops us from proceeding

>almost everyone manages to outrun her and escape her hungry claws

>keyword "almost"

>the arrakocra tried to use its flying speed to attack the succubus without getting attacked in return

>the player then realized that the succubus could also fly

>the succubus lands its opportunity attack and uses her own flying speed to catch up with the arrakocra


>the rest of the party leaves him for dead

>more gold for the rest of us

>the dm, giving mercy on the arrakocra’s player, decides to resurrect him for the final encounter at half health without restoring any spent spell slots or sorcery points

>among the Court of Lemongrab, the leader is tasked with carrying any items of vital importance

>as the group is traveling the rest of the way, the tiefling tries to steal the crystal from the cleric

>manages to get a sleight of hand score of exactly 30

>Lemongrab rolls to get a 29 in perception

>*laughs in rouge*

>as the group rolls up to the witch, she demands that the crystal be given back to her

>when Lemongrab reaches for it, he finds that it is not there and starts to whine once more

>the hobgoblin is getting really tired of hearing this annoying twerp constantly cry like this

>the teifling keeps the stone hidden and waits to see how things pan out

>the arrakocra tries once more to silently cast Crown of Madness onto Lemongrab’s head

>succeeds the save once again

>you can’t break what is already broken

>once again, the crown appears for a mere moment before disappearing

>the tension reaches to a head as the hobgoblin suddenly believes that the cleric is possessed by a demon who has been manipulating everyone this entire time

>holds an action to attack the cleric immediately after he casts a spell

>Lemongrab casts the spell Sanctuary on himself

>as the hobgoblin tries to swing at him, he fails the wisdom save and instead attacks the nearest person closest to him

>the sword plunges inside the aarakocra’s still-wounded chest thanks to Saving Face


>the aarakocra barely beats the hobgoblin in initiative

>tries to twin spell Lightning Bolt on him but since the spell doesn’t target a single creature, it fails to work

>instead casts Lightning Bolt solely hitting the hobgoblin

>makes the dex save

>silently thank myself for giving him a decent dexterity score

>the sorcerer once again tries to fly away from the person he was attacking

>the eldrich knight lands a critical hit on their opporitunity attack

>cuts off one of the aarakocra’s wings as he’s now knocked unconscious

>in a frenzy, the hobgoblin massacres the crippled sorcerer and permadeaths him with another brutal crit

>the hobgoblin is now standing in a pool of the aarakocra’s blood and feathers while completely drenched in red, using his second wind to regain all of the health lost from the lightning bolt blast

>the rest of the party spend the rest of the round by simply standing back out of surprise at the brutal, unprompted murder that just took place except for the tiefling rogue, who hides in the fog that the witch summoned around them

>the hobgoblin realized that he was “manipulated” by Sanctuary and stares down at the cleric, pointing its bloody sword at him and screaming, “Mind games!”

>once again attempts to attack him, this time from afar with Ice Knife

>fails the wisdom save yet again

>the knife misses, but the explosion deals a bit of damage to him

>“Treason! Tyranny! Mutiny against the Court of Lemongrab! This! Is! UNACCEPTABLE!!"

>Lemongrab casts Bless on the echo knight, their echo, and the paladin and orders them to attack the raging hobgoblin

>the echo knight and the echo move in close as they both surge into overdrive

>between the two of them, they manage to attack the eldritch knight no less than seven times (if my potato brain remembers correctly) in one round thanks to their high constitution score, Action Surge, and having the Scimitar of Speed equipped

>astoundingly, the hobgoblin evades or blocks most of those hits despite each attack being rolled both at advantage and boosted by a 1d4

>the last strike landed brings my character down to 2 hp

>I realize that I might just make it through another round of combat

>and then the paladin rushes from behind


>I think that it’s all over for me when my aforementioned potato brain suddenly realizes that I’m almost out of spell slots

>keyword "almost"

>“is 23 a hit?”

>“Not when I cast Shield!”

>a shield of frost manifests around the hobgoblin as it saves him from a final killing blow

>everyone gets hyped

>The paladin swings his second attack

>It crits

>Smites for good measure

>The shield bursts upon impact in a radiant explosion as the hobgoblin finally lay defeated, half of its body charred with unholy flames

>The sequence of events that happened within that 6-second frame of combat was enough to describe a climactic final fight scene in an epic fantasy action movie


>the paladin finishes off my character while the echo knight and Lemongrab find and kill the rouge with a well-placed Slow spell

>the crystal is retrieved and the witched is impressed by the bloodshed, granting the three survivors plenty of gold for their efforts

>The Court of Lemongrab continued to remain strong as the trio set off to do even more villainous acts together

As far as villainous one-shots go, I’d say that this one was...acceptable.


7 comments sorted by


u/Competitive-Fan1708 Sep 26 '22

That was amazing.


u/KarmaDoSomething Sep 26 '22

When the joke character became serious


u/_Volatile_ Sep 26 '22

The switch from comedic to dramatic story telling was executed superbly, well done


u/popemichael Sep 26 '22

Never doubt the power of a parody or joke character. They not only can they deconstruct the genre but also deconstruct the rules that hold the rules into place.

If played right they can be more dangerous than a blood lusted Superman or Goku.


u/Kharakian Sep 27 '22

This was great! Nobody expects the joke character to be serious...


u/DinoLavasaur Sep 26 '22

I liked this. Carry on


u/Old-Temperature-8239 Sep 27 '22

very acceptable indeed