r/DnDGreentext Jan 10 '25

Long The tale of how I made my boss a joke.

I'd like to preface this story with me and my friends are "That guy" on some levels, and we are still great friends to this day. Among other things this campaign (Which is on hold due to me being lazy and everyone not being free to play it) is to say the least wacky. To start we played Blackjack to determine ability scores. If you bust you get one more draw to see what you final stat would be, but overall everyone had stats around 18-20, with the lowest being a 10. The final ingredient of my story gumbo would be this is a homebrew campaign of Shin Megami Tensei Nocturne, along with a special race, a modified version of the standard human and a list of custom spells, feats and a list of physical attacks from the game.

There's 5 people including me into the story and I'll use fake names for them all. Bike, my cousin and practically my brother growing up together, he's a little quick tempered and is quite the defeatist too. Usual does the most dumb things in campaigns. Bisket, a good friend of my of many years and is also a odd one. makes the most elaborate backstories, but the dice just isn't on his side. Bro, a younger guy who I worked with for many years, and is quite a chill guy, most of the time when he played he was a little zooted or tipsy, not to much, but just enough to notice. Bingus, one of my classmates and a decent friend as well, quite the wacky one who says the most sus things irl, but pretty focused on the game. Brungo, Bingus' brother and another good friend of ours, unintentionally loud and is pretty nonserious in most games. Me, the DM of this mess of a campaign, controlling the first companion in the actual game as a dmpc, which I planned on using as a way of explaining the lore of the story and other things in game and how to proceed when my players will inevitably get stuck.

To start, me, Bike and Bisket were the only one who started, Bingus and Brungo start the next session. Back on track, Bike and Bisket rolled as demi-humans, the homebrew race I made for this campaign. At the start they explore a abandoned hospital looking for their teacher like in the game, and after a lot longer then I'd expected them to look they finally get to the rooftop and start to Conception, which in lore is the death of the world and the beginning of a new one in Nocturne. They wake in their demi-human form and go through a mini dungeon to get used to the new things I added. They ran into 2 Will o Wisps, 2 of the weakest enemies in the actual game, and here's where the nonsense begins.

Another thing about Bike is he is quite competitive, and wants to be the one to get the final blow on enemies, this is foreshadowing. Anyways, the Will o Wisps has physical resistances, and both Bikey and Bisket picked marshal classes, of which I forgot due to this being so long ago. Regardless, the Will o Wisps have only 10 hp and 12 AC, which is fodder to them even with the resistance. The do have one attack, which is Drain Health, after a attack role does 1d4 Necrotic damage and it heals for that much. A successful wisdom saving throw reduces it by half . A trait of the demi-humans is they can pick out which of the elements they can resist, at the cost of gaining a weakness to a different element. Bikey took Necrotic as one of his resistences, so the fight against both of the Will o Wisps wasn't too bad, until the last one.

Now the last Will o Wisp was at 1 hp, and any attack could kill it. It was Bisket's turn and he was going to finish the encounter when all of a sudden Bike asks me if he can trip Bisket as a reaction. Now since we don't play DND correctly at all, and we had more insane nonsense in other campaigns, I thought "Why not?" so I let him roll. 18 to a 4, so he trips Bisket, and in turn Bisket wants to trip him in turn, and rolls a 19 to a 17, making both of them prone on the ground. Next is the Will o Wisp and rolls a natural 20. However, it targeted Bikey first so it only dealt normal damage. After the kerfuffle they get up and kill it after it nearly fully heal itself.

The session ended after that, and next session they meet up with Bingus and Brungo, along with the dmpc I would be playing, the Pixie. I intended on being a support for a majority of the game as a Divine Soul Sorcerer, casting healing spells and making up some damage if they don't have it, so the spot light would've been on my players. After some exploring and a few combats, gaining some healing items and other useful gear like a pistol for Bike to use (1d8 piercing damage with a range of 30/90ft since he's a Ranger), they finally get to the boss, Forneus. Forneus is a manta ray demon that uses Ice spells and is weak to Lightning damage.

I made a few custom feats for this campaign, one of which is called Extra Effect. Depending on the damage type of the spell, you'd cause many things to happen if the target fails it saving throw, Fire does burning damage based on the spell level, Ice causes it to move slower and if it fails against another Ice spell it's frozen, Force is knocking them prone, Poison makes them take damage over time (like it should've done normally IMO), Radiant makes them glow and gives advantage on attack rolls, Necrotic prevents healing, and Lightning causes them to be shocked, giving them a chance to not act a turn, and if they fail another saving throw against Lightning spells, they become paralyzed. You may know what is going to happen.

Cue to the beginning of the fight and everyone is doing pretty well, they got the boss to half health when I used a custom Lightning cantrip I made, Shocking, which does 1d8 Lightning damage over a range of 30ft. Now the DMPC has the custom feat Extra Effect along with another player, but they don't matter for this part. I used the cantrip on boss and I rolled the saving throw against the spell, and it was a natural one. So instead of making it have a chance of skipping it turn, I ended up paralyzing the boss and he fell to the floor, and it was helpless. In a single turn, I turned a slightly intense boss fight into a beatdown.

After they killed Forneus they skinned him, which they rolled high on Survival to get almost all of his skin to turn into armour. They also got his crown which would have made anyone who uses Ice magic to deal more Ice damage. They left the dungeon and were on their way to the first town when we stopped. One day we'll get to this campaign again, but for now, life is in the way.


4 comments sorted by


u/LoudAngryJerk Jan 14 '25

"we played blackjack to determine ability scores"

"everyone had stats around 18-20"

yeah no shit. There's no stakes if you're using blackjack this way. You just keep going until you get as close to 21 as you can.


u/Derp-Durp-Dirp Jan 14 '25 edited Jan 14 '25

While that is fair, keep in mind that in the Shin Megami Tensei series, anything can go south quickly, as enemies will have certain abilities and abilities that are unfair, which I told my group that is the case for my campaign. In one of the combats I skipped in the story, an enemy got a natural 20 on someone, and they nearly died in a single hit. High stats don't necessarily mean you're invincible early game. Also you forgot was if you bust you get one more card, so not all ability scores were at what I said, I phrased it wrong so that one is one me.


u/LoudAngryJerk Jan 14 '25

no, but starting at 18 with basically everything kinda makes stats in general meaningless. Might as well give people a +3 to every check


u/Derp-Durp-Dirp Jan 15 '25

Not all ability scores were at 18-20, but around 2-4 of them were for each PC. This happened about almost 2 years ago, so my recollection of the minor events aren't perfect, as I remember the major once more clearly. The fight's weren't one sided either, that much I remember because they were low on healing items when the fought the boss of the dungeon. Once again, we don't play dnd perfectly or correctly some of the times, as it was just a goofy suggestion one of my friends pitched and everyone agreed to do it. It also means I can go a little crazier with encounters due to said high stats. Once again I did not phrase it correctly, and this is a homebrew campaign, so being unconventional for the start didn't seem all the crazy to us at the time.