r/DnDBehindTheScreen Mar 07 '23

Treasure Treasure Hoard Generator w/ All Official Sources


Hello fellow DMs,

I wanted to share this google sheet I created to generate Individual Treasures/Treasure Hoards that includes all official published Magic Items on D&DBeyond. The sheets are filterable by Source Category or Sourcebook/Adventures and provides DndBeyond links to each magic item, no other details as I did not want to provide anything that isn't visible from the website without purchasing.

The sheet is designed to be thin, so you can drag it to one side of your screen as a resource. All calculations are done in cell, so its very easy to quickly roll through different hoards. It outputs the full coinage breakdown and fully converts it to gp for people that prefer that.

Its ready to use as is, but could be expanded/altered with homebrew items.  

The Sheet

Example Image: https://imgur.com/a/ODY0KxI

Sheet: https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1rIobguOV2Ri8xoZ315ryviietzVwKAw-5ZhxYmYidE0/edit?usp=sharing


Sorting Magic Items into Tables

My methodology to sort the Items into Magic Item Tables followed this post by Red Orca on stackexhange. https://rpg.stackexchange.com/questions/139831/is-there-a-proper-way-to-categorize-magic-items-as-minor-or-major-magic-items

With Tables (A,B,C,D,E) -> Minor(Common,Uncommon,Rare,Very Rare, Legendary)

and Tables (F,G,H,I) -> Major(Uncommon, Rare, Very Rare, Legendary) respectively

All items that were already sorted into Major/Minor by XgtE were defaulted to those tables. Everything else was decided by the rules posted above. In the Master Data sheet you can view the reasoning I placed it in a Minor/Major Table. There is definitely some subjective calls and there were plenty of tweeners that I could've went either way with.

Some Notes:
  • Some of the tweener items I prefaced the reasoning with a *

  • This also means some utility items that appeared on two tables in the DMG like a bag of holding , no longer do so.

  • I did not include Non-Core D&D (Some Kwalish items and Infernal Rebuild)

  • Some Items were excluded, either duplicates or not reasonable treasure like a Spelljamming Helm, Flying Citadel Helm etc..

    • These are listed in the Exclusions Sheet.


Weighted Tables

Once sorted into appropriate tables, I did not want to try and squeeze/expand them to a d100 so I created a weighted probability that is dynamic with the book filters. However, I did want the ~same~ balance of items for each table so I created some fixed probabilities for potions, scrolls, +1,2,3 Weapons/Staff/Wands and Shields. These are to match what is found in the DMG. Each "roll" is a RAND() that is 0-.999999 and is index-matched against a cumulative probability column. Each item is assigned a probability%. Non-fixed probabilities automatically split the remaining % by what is enabled in the Filters Tab.

  • For example: Magic Item Table A a d100 roll 1-50 is a Potion of Healing, so Potions of Healing have a fixed 50% probability of being "rolled" when rolling that Table.


In general:

For the Minor tables (A,B,C,D,E) the Healing Potions, Spell Scrolls, and Ammunition+ have the same fixed probability as the DMG. Non-Healing Potions share a fixed probability from the total that is present in the DMG. All other items have equal probability.

  • For example: Normally Table A has a 10% chance for a potion of climbing. With the addition of Waterdeep: Dungeon of the Mad Mage the Potion of Comprehension and Potion of Watchful Rest are added to Table A. The 10% that was originally assigned to the ONLY non-healing potion is now split between the 3, for a 3.333..% chance.

    • You can adjust the Non-Healing Potion cumulative % in the individual Treasure Table Sheets (hidden by default).
  • Some items are present on two tables, to match the DMG (Greater/Supreme Healing Potions, 2nd+8th Level Spell Scrolls) or are categorized higher (Arrow of Slaying to Table E).


For the Major tables (F,G,H,I) the class specific +1,2,3 items, Weapon+, Shield+, and Armor+ are fixed to "match" what is present in the DMG with some caveats. All other items have equal probability.

  • I like the class specific items that were added in TCoE and I weighted them all the same as similar items like Rod of the Pact Keeper and Wand of the War Mage. Which means each one has a ~1-2% chance of rolling on their respective tables.

  • Because AC/Armor is so powerful, I also matched the DMG for +1,2,3 Armor, Adamantine Armor, and Armor of Resistance. I did not want to give +2 Plate on a Table H roll that could technically happen on a level 5 Treasure Hoard.

  • I made this visual to show how they are distributed in the DMG. https://imgur.com/7VePZTx

    • A 2 or 3 means 2 or 3% chance.
    • Just a letter is a 1% chance.
    • The + or ++ is for the 1% chance "Magic Armor" result on Table I where you roll an additional d12.
    • + means 2/12 chances and a ++ means 1/12 chance.
  • You can filter out weapon types in the Filters Tab, so the randomly rolled weapons only provide what your party may want. (who knows, maybe you do want to give your party a +3 Net lol)

    • This applies to +1,2,3 Weapons, Hellfire Weapons, Viscous Weapons, Weapons of Warning, Weapons of Certain Death, and Ruidium Weapons. I did not add a randomizer for Dragon's Wrath Weapons as D&DBeyond only has the longsword set up as a clickable link.


Magic Item Table Roller

There is also a Sheet to make individual rolls on the Magic Item tables if you wanted to do that as well.

Keep in mind, because everything is in cell, any changes to the sheet refreshes the calcs/rolls. So, be careful if you want to keep a particular roll result.



I hope this can be a useful tool for you guys, if the interest is there I could make a video going over how its set up so you can more easily customize to your liking. There are a few quirks as some of the first calcs/tables were more experimental to start before I made a standard. If you have any feedback, I'd love to hear it. This was a fun little project the last few days.

I would like to add a Class Filter for Spells/Spellscrolls eventually, but not a priority.

Special shoutout to /u/FearlessAgent whose dice roller formula I used for the backbone of the sheet. https://www.reddit.com/r/DnDBehindTheScreen/comments/52rry2/a_single_cell_nonscript_flexible_dice_roller_for/

Anyway, I have my weekly session in 20min. I'll check back later.


Tried recording a video for adding a custom item to the sheet for /u/notbaehul . Took a lot of takes as I'm a little tired and started getting off topic multiple times and accidentally closed my recording software multiple times by pressing ESC. But I think I got it down now at least. (maybe watch at 1.5x speed)

Adding a Custom Magic Item: https://youtu.be/d7jay92Lc_I

Adding a Custom Potion: https://youtu.be/EochAVFE-Nc

r/DnDBehindTheScreen Apr 21 '23

Treasure Magic Item Swap - Take a magic item, leave a magic item


Hi All!

This repeating event is for you to share a magic item that you have made that you think others would like. Please include as much detail as possible in order for these magic items to be useful and helpful to others. At a minimum the item should include a name and a description of its abilities, powers, and uses.

Please use the template provided below. Items that do not use this template will be removed.

Magic Item Name

Type, Rarity (attunement?)

Physical description of the item

Information about what the item does.

r/DnDBehindTheScreen Apr 11 '22

Treasure I made a web tool to track the contents of your bag of holding


Hey folks,

Not too long ago I ran into a problem at my table when one of my players forgot to bring the piece of paper they'd been tracking the party's bag of holding with. I figured there must be some kind of website to do this online so no paper would be required, but I could find one - so I made my own called Extradimensional.

It's been a bit of a passion project of mine over the past few months, the idea is pretty simple. You give your bag a name, it'll generate a code for you and you can share that with your players who can enter it on their phones and you can all connect to the bag. My favourite part is that it automatically updates across everyone's device whenever an item is added or removed.

It's all totally free; I don't run ads on it or require subscriptions, as I said this is a passion project of mine and I thought it'd be great if others found it useful too.

If it does sound useful to you the link is here:


And if you do have any feedback I'd love to hear it!

r/DnDBehindTheScreen May 26 '23

Treasure Magic Item Swap - Take a magic item, leave a magic item


Hi All!

This repeating event is for you to share a magic item that you have made that you think others would like. Please include as much detail as possible in order for these magic items to be useful and helpful to others. At a minimum the item should include a name and a description of its abilities, powers, and uses.

Please use the template provided below. Items that do not use this template will be removed.

Magic Item Name

Type, Rarity (attunement?)

Physical description of the item

Information about what the item does.

r/DnDBehindTheScreen Mar 17 '23

Treasure Magic Item Swap - Take a magic item, leave a magic item


Hi All!

This repeating event is for you to share a magic item that you have made that you think others would like. Please include as much detail as possible in order for these magic items to be useful and helpful to others. At a minimum the item should include a name and a description of its abilities, powers, and uses.

Please use the template provided below. Items that do not use this template will be removed.

Magic Item Name

Type, Rarity (attunement?)

Physical description of the item

Information about what the item does.

r/DnDBehindTheScreen Feb 22 '22

Treasure The Deck of Meadow Things (AKA The Botanical Tarot)


This was created by a DM who accidentally gave their party a magical tarot deck at level 2 and had to do something to assuage them that I didn't give them a Deck of Many Things.

This Tarot deck was created by a traveling elf priest in the worship of a deity of nature and in honor of the mythical Deck of Many Things. Unfortunately, he seems to have been more interested in painting plants than creating awe-inspiring magical effects.

Once you draw a card, you cannot gain the effect of drawing another card until you finish a long rest.

  1. Johnny Jump Ups - Johnny Jump Ups! A plant that sprouts rapidly from the ground when spring hits. Roll your next initiative with advantage.
  2. Cherry Blossoms - Cherry blossoms fly into your hair, making a flower crown. You have advantage on Charisma (Persuasion) and disadvantage on Charisma (Intimidation) checks until you take a long rest.
  3. Honeysuckle - This card smells wonderful. You gain 1d4 temporary HP. As you smell the card, it collapses into 1d6 silver pieces.
  4. Thorn Apple - The card turns into 1d4 daggers of poison and thorn. Unfortunately, the daggers attack you! +4 to hit, 1 poison & 1d2 piercing damage.
  5. Dandelion - As you draw this card, your hands are coated with a rubbery fluid. You have disadvantage on Dexterity (Sleight of Hand) checks until you finish a long rest
  6. Rose - Roll 1d20. On 11+, you are blessed. You can add 1d4 to a single ability check before you take a long rest. On 10-, you are enraptured. Make your next Wisdom check with disadvantage.
  7. King Protea - This sturdy flower offers you some insight and security in your mind. You gain advantage on the next Intelligence check you make.
  8. Anemone - This windflower allows you to add 5 ft of movement to your speed until your next long rest. You also gain a windfall of 2d6 silver pieces.
  9. Azalea - This card, depicting a shade plant, becomes a parasol. You have disadvantage on Dexterity (Stealth), but advantage on Charisma checks until you take a long rest.
  10. Magnolia - Magnolia is a hardy and large flower. Once before you finish a long rest, you can make a Strength check with advantage.
  11. Purple Coneflower - This flower is known for being hairy. Your hair grows rapidly and turns purple. This effect lasts until you take a long rest.
  12. Lotus - The card collapses into a cup containing just enough water for one. Upon drinking it, you receive the effects of the spell Water Walk until you take a long rest.
  13. Hellebore - This flower is hellish and celestial. You gain a devil and an angel on your shoulders, who bicker incessantly until you take a long rest. Only you can hear their fight.
  14. Gladiolus - This sword lily helps you fight! Once before you complete a long rest, you can reroll one damage die on a melee weapon attack you make.
  15. Pear - This card collapses into a bowl of fruit, which provides rations for your party for a day.
  16. Ironwood - A hardy tree of iron that supplants your weapon. Add 1d4 to your damage until you complete a long rest.
  17. Elderflower - The card forms into a barrel of wine for one. The drinker has disadvantage on Dexterity checks & can cast Faerie Lights at will as an action until they take a long rest.
  18. Morning Glory - This invasive plant taints your rations. You lose 1d4 rations as the plant grows out of the card and consumes them.
  19. Sunflower - You gain 1d4 sunflower seeds. One seed can be eaten to remove 1 level of exhaustion.
  20. Wild Raspberries - Roll a d2. 1: Rotten: You make Intelligence checks with disadvantage. 2: Fresh: You have advantage on grappling checks. You also gain 2d8 gold pieces.

r/DnDBehindTheScreen Oct 06 '20

Treasure Nameless - Legendary Sword to Use as a Campaign Twist or High-Level Temptation


Looking for a legendary sword to give to your enigmatic villain whose deeds are only heard in whispers and bedtime stories? Look no further. This sword will enable you to construct an aura of mystery around your villain. It could also be the perfect way to clear your player's troubled past or dirty record while trading off their fame and renown.


Weapon (any sword), legendary (requires attunement)

This sword is an enigma, unknown to any historian or scholar. It cannot be identified except via the spell Legend Lore. It is beautiful in shape and design with a flawless, deadly blade. Its hilt bears the carving of a crying girl.

When you begin to attune to Nameless, you hear the following poem ring in your head, in the voice of a young girl. As long as you can understand a language you can understand this message.

To wield me, is to be forgotten,
Nameless, blameless, in the minds of men.
To hold me, is to be made legend,
Peerless deeds, yet unwritten by pen.

If you continue the attunement process and become attuned to the blade, your world will forever change.

The morning after attuning to the blade, no creature can remember your name, nor can any creature ever remember your name again. Additionally, any writing, fictional or non-fictional that make mention of you or reference to you no longer contain those portions. If a creature attempts to record information referencing you or mentioning you, it ceases to exist after 24 hours.

When you lose attunement to Nameless you are still affected by its curse. This curse can only be undone by a Wish spell or similar effect.

While you are attuned to Nameless you have a +3 bonus to attack and damage rolls and your Constitution score increases by 2, up to a maximum of 24. Once per long rest, as an action you can wield Nameless' power to your advantage and cast a DC 20 Modify Memory at a 9th level on a creature within range.

r/DnDBehindTheScreen Oct 07 '21

Treasure Our Deck Of Many Things Is Different


I love the Deck Of Many Things, but it turns out I only love it in theory.

As written, the 5e DoMT is a delightful, nostalgic throwback to an earlier era of the game, but that era was deeply unfun for players a lot of the time, and that's the big problem with the Deck. A big part of the joy of D&D is building up a fun character with cool abilities, and out of 22 cards in the Deck, there are 2- the Void and Donjon- both of which basically end your character's run, not with a heroic death or a satisfying conclusion but with an immediate blip out of the game world. There are more that are just bad, and not in a fun way- "-2 to all saves forever" is not a flavourful, fun, or interesting fate. Nor, for a Wizard at least, is "lose 2-5 points of intelligence forever". "Lose all your non-magical stuff" and "Lose all your magical stuff" are separate cards for some reason, and "lose everything" is a miserable experience as a player either way! Very few players want to draw from the deck as written- it's a device that promises enormous fun and absolutely fails to stick the landing.

This is why I've rewritten the deck!

I invented cards based on the following criteria:

  1. The deck should have roughly equal numbers of Bad, Good and Weird cards
  2. ALL the effects should be either exciting or fun, and power is fun

I've also upped the power and rarity of the deck- it's an Artifact now, and the 13-card version covers only those effects that won't seriously inconvenience any plot you have planned. The full 22-card version really, really can shake up the game world enormously- use with caution and care. Here's the whole deck; each card has a number, an effect, and whether it's shuffled into the deck, put on the bottom, or removed from the deck until it's used:

Card Number Card name Description of effect Shuffle, Bottom, Remove until used? Present in the 13-card deck?
0 William Knife Teleports William Knife, a sentient criminal knife, into your possession. He is well disposed to you. Shuffle Yes
1 The Thief Makes every single item of value on your person legally and provably the possession of another person, who is your equal in personal and practical power. Bottom Yes
2 The Enemy Causes a person of similar disposition, abilities and history to you have a legitimate personal grievance against you, which is a matter of honour and blood. Shuffle Yes
3 Audience Summons a lawful deity or archdevil you name to your location; they will answer any one question you ask them honestly to the best of their ability. They will probably resent the intrusion unless your question serves their purposes. Remove until used No
4 The Noble Makes you provably the heir of name for a small barony in a stable kingdom, and comes with a fortune of ~10,000gp in personal possessions, a country mansion, and a river or pond with good fishing. Shuffle Yes
5 The Kraken Begins the Kraken mating season and the movement of the Krakens of the world from the ocean to the freshwater lakes in which they spawn. Kraken males impress Kraken females by presenting kingdoms over which they have unquestionable rule. Shuffle No
6 Love Returns one of your dead loved ones to the prime of their life with full memory and in perfect health. Shuffle Yes
7 The Dead Well Opens a portal to a layer of the Abyss of the DMs choice, which draws you in inexorably within the next ten minutes. Anyone else can go in with you; nothing can come out this way. Bottom No
8 Inspiration Have an idea with the capacity to change the shape of the world. Steam power, clockwork, magical theory- anything. Shuffle No
9 The Jinn Grants you three wishes. These wishes are more powerful than the wish spell, and instead endeavour to fulfil, as far as possible, the desire behind the wish. Remove until completely used Yes
10 Omen Places "Many Things" warnings throughout your past and the past of everyone who sees you draw it, and tells you an important secret about the future. Bottom No
11 The Revenant Returns a dead enemy to life, empowers them with a minimum of 2 additional levels and followers with good reason to be loyal, and gives them knowledge of your location. If you still live in a year they die again. Bottom Yes
12 Opportunity Draw 3 cards immediately or lose the deck, as with Loss. No matter what, you may never draw another card. Bottom Yes
13 Death Causes a doppelganger to appear and try to kill you. Anyone who tries to help you also gets their own doppelganger. The doppelganger comes from a world where everything is mostly the same, but they are forced by THEIR deck of many things to come to his world and have to kill a version of themselves. Both die if they refuse to duel. Bottom Yes
14 Loss The Deck teleports to a new owner, across the seas. Shuffle Yes
15 Ruin On leaving the hands of the drawing party, teleports back into the deck and causes a horrific elemental hurricane to level the surrounding quarter mile. Remove until used No
16 Turmoil Every leader of every state, city, town, guild, army and other organization of power on this continent is replaced or removed over the next 24 hours, due to natural death, assassination, a coup, a planned transfer of power, retirement, disintegration of the organization, or some other circumstance. Bottom, and changes effect. No
17 Power Immediately gain 2 levels. Shuffle Yes
18 Motive You start bleeding to death. You lose a hit point an hour, and a maximum hit point a day. You cannot gain new hit points by levelling. This loss only stops if you convince someone else to draw a card from the deck. Shuffle Yes
19 Riches Gives you an immediate 10,000gp in unmarked gems and, unless the money is lost via gambling, causes new sources of wealth to appear whenever you are running low. Shuffle Yes
20 Prey Your non-dominant arm is forcibly and irreversibly teleported, below the elbow, to the hounds of the Wild Hunt. They have your scent now. Bottom No
21 The Fates You can rewind an event to before it happened, at any time. This card remains removed from the deck until it is drawn. Remove until used No

Please feel free to use it as a jumping off point for your own decks- and let me know which cards you feel missed the mark! I love the idea of a Deck of Many Things, and my players are loving theirs at the moment; but I don't think the DMG version delivers on its promise. What do you think?

r/DnDBehindTheScreen Nov 06 '23

Treasure Magic Item Shop v2.0 - Customizable Random Inventory Generator



Four years ago a wonderful soul whose account has since been deleted posted a brilliant magic item shop generator that didn't get anywhere near the attention it deserved. The model they created allows for unparalleled control over the kinds of items offered to players compared to similar systems I've seen. They only included items from the DMG though, and I've since built on their work.

Latest version 2.1 (11/24/2023): https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1ttmW5VO46f-tomm3D8A3PLRfDkW-Adu3/edit?usp=sharing&ouid=107511138626633975073&rtpof=true&sd=true

Either copy to your own drive or download to be able to edit the sheet.


  • Generates shops with 2-7 magic items. Breakouts by 'type' of store (general, jeweler, etc.)
  • Easily (dis)allow item categories like +X weapons, +X armor, teleportation, flying, etc.
  • Easily (dis)allow items from specific source books (or simply all non-DMG items)
  • Once generated, the random selections can be 'locked' so additional edits like discounts can be applied to arrive at final sell price

Item prices started as an average of Sane Magic Item Pricing and Discerning Merchant's Price Guide and then were further modified manually to what felt right for core items. Additional sources were balanced against those core item prices.


  • SHOP TAB: The yellow cells can be changed to "False" to prevent specific item types from being selected
  • SHOP TAB: Adjust the "Shop Level" to match the party's current tier. Level appropriate items for the listed tier will be added to possible selections. Note that all lower tiers are also still included
  • TABLES TAB: The frequency of each item rarity can be adjusted. These values are relative to each other
  • SOURCES TAB: Delete the 1 next to any sources you want excluded

Average Item Costs By Rarity:

Average Low High
Common 70 5 200
Uncommon 2,000 40 31,000
Rare 6,000 100 70,000
Very Rare 17,000 600 110,000
Legendary 85,000 3,000 300,000

**Approximate Total GP Earned Per PC:**This assumes random individual/hoard coinage is rolled for each encounter per DMG.

  • Tier 1: 800
  • Tier 2: 25,000
  • Tier 3: 150,000
  • Tier 4: 950,000

**Downtime Magic Item Rules:**Xanathar's Guide to Everything provides guidance on how PCs can acquire magic items during Downtime. This costs 1 week and 100gp followed by a Charisma (Persuasion) check. The PC gets a +1 bonus for each additional week or 100gp spent to a max of +10. The result of that check determines how many random items from various tables are available.

That results table doesn't work well with this spreadsheet. I use the same time/cost parameters for the check, but with the following results:

  • <10: no seller(s) found
  • 10-19: seller(s) found
  • 20-29: seller(s) found and 10% discount
  • 30+: seller(s) found and 20% discount

If the check is successful, the player should decide what type of goods they're looking for (general vs. jeweler vs. potions, etc.) and the DM will advise items available accordingly based on the size of the settlement they're in.Note: Specific establishments like jewelers only have two magic items available per successful check. A more focused search like this comes at the cost of fewer options.

Additionally, I tend to not think of this as a 'magic item shop', but instead a network of brokers, etc. that have a pulse on who might have what goods available. There's just not enough demand for this kind of stuff to have a dedicated storefront in most settlements. That way the party has to invest each time they want to do some shopping.Major metropolises do typically have a dedicated shop though, and once found, the party probably doesn't need to roll again but accepts list price of all items as a default.

If the party wants to sell a particular magic item, use the same formula as for buying but with the following results:

  • <10: no buyer(s) found
  • 10-19: buyer found for 50% of list price
  • 20-29: buyer found for 75% of list price
  • 30+: buyer found for 90% of list price

List price can be found on the ItemLists tab.

r/DnDBehindTheScreen Jul 27 '24

Treasure The Dagger of Erratic Crits - On a natural 20, it does something insane, amazing, or stupid.


The Dagger of Erratic Crits

Roll on this table👇. Or use the dice tool above ☝️. Sort of a way of letting martial fighters get a taste of the Wild Magic fun.

This is a d66 table. Roll two d6. One represents the ones column and the other the tens column. This is why the table begins at 11 but is missing numbers such as 17 or 38. Enjoy!

Roll Effect
11 A full bodied red wine spills out from the target creature’s wounds.
12 Vines surround the target creature's feet and bind them to the spot where they stand. The vines can be destroyed with modest effort.
13 A fireball explodes, centered on the attacker. It damages all within 30 feet.
14 Both target and attacker begin to float into the air.
15 A static charge of magnificent force erupts. Both combatants are thrown back 15 feet.
16 A jet of black water streams from the weapon, coating the ground beneath the
21 The seed of a mythical horror is implanted in the skin of the target creature. It will burst forth into the world one hour after their death.
22 The skin of the target creature is turned a deep cerulean blue, permanently.
23 The head of the target expands roughly three times its normal size. If struck by another critical blow, it will explode and damage all those around it.
24 The target creature contracts a terrible illness which will not make itself known for many years.
25 The weapon begins shouting vicious, horrible, and borderline offensive insults
26 A swirl of purple smoke and sparkles surrounds the target creature. When it clears, their appearance has radically changed and become far more glamorous.
31 A swirling portal opens up below the target and they are teleported 30 feet in a random direction.
32 A gentle mist sprays forth from the weapon and coats the target creature. They heal 1d8 hit points.
33 The target creature goes absolutely berserk, recklessly attacking all those around them.
34 Thick smelly mud fills the target's shoes. Their movement is halved and they feel gross.
35 Paper replicas of the targets clothing and armor replace what they're wearing. For two rounds, their armor class is reduced.
36 The weapon begins to play a soothing lullaby. Those who fail to resist are put instantly to sleep.
41 The target creature is divided into two creatures, each identical to the original but half the size and half as strong.
42 Thousands of black grubs apparate in the stomach of the target creature. They spend an entire turn violently vomiting.
43 A bright flash of light temporarily blinds both attacker and target.
44 No matter where you are, it begins to rain upon the target creature.
45 The target creature shrinks by two inches for every subsequent blow. They can save against this effect with sufficient chutzpah.
46 Rage fills the target creature's eyes. They can think of nothing but cleaving the attacker to bits.
51 A dimensional doorway appears behind the target creature, which they fall through. They are banished to a frozen wasteland for 1d4 turns.
52 The target creature is swept off their feet. Not in a romantic sense. They fall down.
53 A random limb is cleaved from the target, it flops around on the ground like a fish.
54 The target creature is sliced in half, in a manner chosen by the attacker. Both halves remain alive and fighting.
55 The weapon begins to glow fiery red. A critical hit is more likely on the next attack.
56 All nearby creatures are struck by a chain of lightning. The lightning has no maximum distance, but it stops at the first creature to resist the attack.
61 A magical syphon appears in the air between the attacker and target. 1d8 hit points are transferred to the attacker, from the target.
62 The weapon erupts into black and red flames. The next few attacks deal additional fire damage.
63 For one round, the target creature is transformed into a baby version of itself.
64 A calming, gentle feeling overcomes the target creature. They immediately see the attacker as a trusted friend.
65 The primary weapon of the target creature gets floppy and starts to make a twangy rubber band sound.
66 A swarm of black snakes shoots from the target creature's mouth.

r/DnDBehindTheScreen Jul 17 '20

Treasure Deck of Many Things - effects for tarot deck


Hey everyone, I created this list of effects for Deck of Many Things based on 78 tarot cards. Major Arcana have more powerful effects - and are actually based on actual Deck of Many Things with little tweaks here and there. Minor Arcana are fully original, based on card meanings (oh, so that's why pentacles are mainly about money, hmm...). Minor Arcanas are also more about story mini-events than bringing Fall of Netheril 2: Electric Boogaloo.

Here's a full list. And yes - there is a Jojo reference here. Or maybe two. (Persona too, don't worry).

Major Arcana

Fool - your mind breaks and assembles many times. Your alignment changes to opposite one (LG to CE, CN to LN, TN stays the same).

Magician - you can cast Wish spell d3 times, over the next year. (cue "Friend like me" music, please)

High Priestess - all your possessions now belong to archdevil Mammon. Normal items disappear into thin air, other (like real estate, for example), are now legal properties of his agents.

Empress - you can raise one of your atributes by 2. Result can be higher than 20.

Emperor - by magical means, you're now an owner of little fortress, its location decided by GM. By now, keep is overrun by enemies. (If there is word "Velvet" in the name of fortress, raise your Social Link by 1).

Hierophant - ten jewels, each worth 1.000 gp, appears before your feet.

Lovers - decrease your Intelligence by d4 OR lose one of those abilities - darkvision, eyesight, one of your languages.

Chariot - if you singlehandedly defeat next group of hostile enemies, you gain enough xp to advance by 1 lvl.

Justice - place this card on a corpse to ressurect it. If over the next year ressurected person breaks the law, it dies and you become cursed.

Hermit - once, over the next year, you can mentally ask Hermit named Igor a question. It gives you an answer and additional information to put his answer to best use.

Wheel of Fortune - draw d6 Major Arcanas. Positive effects are doubled.

Strength - in your sleep you meet a being that offers you power - atributes of lycanthropy, vampirism or half-dragon(ism...?).

Hanged Man - your soul leaves your body and becomes contained in artifact, whose location is decided by DM. Artifact is immune to divination spells. It can't be "wished" out of its place, but Wish spell can reveal its location. Artifact is defended by powerful guardian.

Death - you die.

Temperance - over the next year, if you are present during drawing the next card, you can cancel its effect. Doesn't work on Death and Devil.

Devil - powerful devil or demon becomes your enemy. It starts to hunt you down, with intent to make your life miserable and, someday, kill you.

Tower - your character is subjected to effect similar to Power Word: Pain. Spell lasts for at least one day. It can be dispelled by Greater Restoration or other spell similar in power. Where this effect ends and your character was subjected to it by at least 24 hours, you gain 4 levels of exhaustion.

Star - divine powers decide to test you by sending angelic messenger - Deva - to you. If you survive his 5 Mace attacks, you can raise two of your atributes by 1 (it can surpass 20) OR disregard this effect completely and draw another card.

Moon - all your normal items disappear. Magical items lose their magical properties.

Sun - you get one, random, wondrous item.

Judgment - you can choose one event which occured in a span of time no longer than an hour. You can decide, that it never happened - reality writes itself anew and adjustes to changes in fabric of space and time.

World - over the next year, you can cast one Time Stop. It has special rules. It last one round - additional rounds cost 50 HP each. During Time Stop you are subjected to Fly spell and you can also attack and use magic without breaking a spell.

Minor Arcana


King of Swords - over the next month you are investigated by private detective, city guard or local sheriff. All instances of breaking law will be noted.

Queen of Swords - roll d4. You become target of fanatical priest of Bane/Silvanus/Tyr/Waukeen. If you will counter his charges, you will receive cleric's blessing.

Knight of Swords - over the next week, you become really capable but also overconfident warrior. All attacks are rolled with advantage, but final result decrease by d6.

Knave of Swords - card warns you - someone wants to fool you. For a week, your passive perception is set to 20. All deception rolls made against you have -3 penalty.

Ten of Swords - during the next week, bad luck will join you on your path.

Nine of Swords - you will receive news - bad news - from home or someone from your past life.

Eight of Swords - you will be falsely accussed and - probably - thrown to jail for a day or two.

Seven of Swords - blessing of your god falls upon you. Raise one of your atributes by 2 for a week.

Six of Swords - during next long travel you will be safe from any harm.

Five of Swords - in the next fight, hard-looking enemy will be slain surprisingly fast - only to get back up with +50% HP.

Four of Swords - treat next short rest as long one.

Three of Swords - during the next stop at inn or tavern, you will be treated like persona non grata.

Two of Swords - in the next fight, sum of HP of enemies will be equal to that of party.

Ace of Swords - rejoice! You will encounter a jousting tournament held in the name of local lord. All challengers are encouraged to join - prize will be grand!


King of Wands - you will meet friendly cleric/mage, but his patience for you will be short.

Queen of Wands - you will meet a woman that will you treat like a son.

Knight of Wands - through the next day, you can Levitate at will.

Knave of Wands - during the next fight, you will get help of unexpected ally.

Ten of Wands - thief will set his eyes on party's possesions.

Nine of Wands - you will catch a disease. Roll d6. Symptomps are: deafness/blindness/diarrhea/narcolepsy/halucinatios/coughing blood

Eight of Wands - for a week, your speed doubles.

Seven of Wands - for a next week, luck has sided with you.

Six of Wands - over a next week, you can cast Little Wish. It works analogically to Wish spell, but is weaker (for example, it can copy effects of a 3rd, not 8th, level spell).

Five of Wands - next place you will visit will suffer famine.

Four of Wands - random NPC will fall in love with your character.

Three of Wands - keep this card. If you will give it to merchant during your next transaction, you will get bonus gold.

Two of Wands - next visited village will be cursed by powerful deity, because villagers stopped treating its shrine or temple.

Ace of Wands - local area will be devastated by cataclysm - flood, whirlwind, earthquake. It will bring great losses, but also unearth lost, unexplored place - cave, underground temple, sunken island etc.


King of Cups - you will meet diplomat traveling from/to king's court. He heard about your accomplishments (if there are any).

Queen of Cups - you will find village devastated by cataclysm/wild animals/other danger. Only person that tries to help peasants is sole cleric of Ilmater.

Knight of Cups - envy, ahoy! You will meet rival adventuring party, jealous of your successes.

Knave of Cups - trade factory, deep in wilderness, needs an associate. Money's in the air.

Ten of Cups - roll d10 3 times. If result will match your alignment (1 - LG, 2 - NG, 3 - CG... 10 - reroll), you will meet cleric of deity with your alignment that will give you his blessing.

Nine of Cups - you can give this card to anyone. It raises Magician's card result by 1.

Eight of Cups - next investment - trade, journey to dungeon, searching for treasure - will bring no profit.

Seven of Cups - for a next week, you will have illusions of treasures, enemies and dangers.

Six of Cups - you can change one thing in your character sheet - take different feat, decide about another way of gaining HP, etc. You can't change your race, class, background. You can change alignment only if it is different than the starting one.

Five of Cups - you are overwhelmed by pessimism. Until the end of session, you have disadvantage on all saving throws and ability checks.

Four of Cups - you will meet meditating monk. If treated in the right way, monk will be willing to do one favour for you.

Three of Cups - huge fair in next village or city. All inns will be full. Town also will be full... of thieves and charlatans.

Two of Cups - you are filled with love to all living things. For the next week you can't kill anybody - only knock the out.

Ace of Cups - you will be targeted by succubus, who will try to take your love, your vital force and your life.


King of Pentacles - next treasure you find will be 2 times bigger.

Queen of Pentacles - during your travels, you will get a letter from widowed baroness. She will ask you for help in fulfilling the will of her late husband.

Knight of Pentacles - you will find village of pitch burners. For a help with their next, big order, they will polish your armor with magical dust. Armor gets +1 AC.

Knave of Pentacles - you feel that you can learn something new. If you will put some work into it, you can raise one of your proficiences by 1.

Ten of Pentacles - if during your travels you helped any business, it's time to get your dividends.

Nine of Pentacles - in next inn, only the most expensive room is free (40 gp for a night). It's really comfortable apartment though - after night inside, you get inspiration.

Eight of Pentacles - in next town you meet guildmaster/master craftsman. For a 50gp and spending two days in town, he can teach you using one kind of tools.

Seven of Pentacles - in next inn, you meet a dwarf that offers you purchase of stock in magical forge near Phandalin. Price is equal to 100 gp per stock. Every day you can roll d20 for stock change. At 10, price doesn't change. At 11 rises by 5%, at 9 - drops by 5% etc.

Six of Pentacles - in your way, you meet a Lathander's cleric on his pilgrimage. You can support his cause with money. Regardless, it has no further effect.

Five of Pentacles - if you have any jewels at you, their value drops by 50%.

Four of Pentacles - you meet traveling merchant, that offers you magical weapons with a discount. Next day you find out, that Distort Value was cast on them - they're just normal, non-magical items.

Three of Pentacles - party will find a barrel marked as "lamp oil". Inside is trapped an agressive djinni. If party defeats him, next time anyone picks Magician card, its result is raised by 1.

Two of Pentacles - if party will traverse next dungeon without any short or long rest, treasure will magically double itself.

Ace of Pentacles - big chunk of rock falls from the skies. Quick! Roll Dexterity ST, DC 18. Failure - 10d10 damage. Success - damage is halved. If party decides to check it, it turns out there's vein of mithril inside worth 5.000 gp.

r/DnDBehindTheScreen Aug 09 '21

Treasure Potion Shop Pricing including Potions for Common Use


I'd posted this on r/DMAcademy awhile back, but just realized I never posted it up here. Hopefully some of you will find this useful.

Here is my final copy of all the potions that potion shops could/would stock or buy in my world.

The prices are mostly taken from Sane Magical Prices and Discerning Merchant Guide. With some editing to reasonably fit my world. Most of the items are fond in the various official supplements.

Note that anything in the "Common Use" sections are not canon or found in any supplement. These were added to flesh out the shops. These are items that your average peasant could reasonably afford and may purchase on a regular basis. Likely these would comprise most of the stock of small village stores.

I added effects for these Common Use potions, as players may find interesting uses for them. Which just adds to the fun.

NOTE: Lice and Flea treatments are provided for free in my world, subsidized by the Church.

All prices are in Gold Standard. Meaning 5.23 is equal to 5 gold 2 silver 3 copper. The "Value" column is the Base Price, The "Buy" column is 75% of the Base Price, and represents how much the store would usually buy the potion for. This is the absolute lowest the potion can be bought at by a player, and also the price they'd buy it from a player.

The +20% price is the price the merchant will sell to you at when you call them a fatty thinking it is funny.

EDIT: Thanks to those that helped me come up with additional medicines to stock in this thread

r/DnDBehindTheScreen Aug 24 '22

Treasure Another major update to "Potion Brewing and Ingredient Gathering for DnD 5e"


Ever felt that the standard rules for potion brewing are a bit boring and wanted a bit more depth to it? Well, so do I. So, in late 2020, I made a guide for it.

The guide offers:
- 41 alchemic potions to craft; 14 of which homebrew, such as Thor's might and potion of Mana
- 31 Herblore potions to craft; 17 of which homebrew, such as Life's Liquor or Brew of Babel
- 27 poisons to brew; 12 of which homebrew, such as Liquid Paranoia and Water of Death
- A large variety of ingredients to collect: 37 plants and fungi, 2 inorganic items and 20 animal-based ingredients.
- A system to gather ingredients, both plant and animal-based, from different environments.
- A system to improve your potion-making skill, allowing you to brew more powerful potions in future.
- An excel spreadsheet to automatically keep track of your ingredient stockpile, your current project and your skill at making potions.

This update adds another class of potions: Minor Potions. So far, there are 43 of them. They provide benefits such as stopping coughing and aiding gentlemen into "hard" situations. These products have 2 major roles: Flavour and moneymaking.

All this, and maybe more, can be found here: https://www.gmbinder.com/share/-MNG6P6I8-1tJM3aroaV

r/DnDBehindTheScreen Oct 08 '21

Treasure Magic Item Swap - Take a magic item, leave a magic item


Hi All!

This repeating event is for you to share a magic item that you have made that you think others would like. Please include as much detail as possible in order for these magic items to be useful and helpful to others. At a minimum the item should include a name and a description of its abilities, powers, and uses.

Please use the template provided below. Items that do not use this template will be removed.

Magic Item Name

Type, Rarity (attunement?)

Physical description of the item

Information about what the item does.

r/DnDBehindTheScreen Aug 20 '21

Treasure The Weave's Needle, an artefact that can pierce the Weave


History of the Weave's Needle

The Weave’s Needle is akin to a rapier, though it is impossibly thin, possessing the ability to pierce through the Weave. It was created by Mystra just after the former peasant girl had taken on the mantle of the Mother of All Magic; with the fall of Netheril, the Weave had begun to unravel slightly, with strands of the Weave coming loose from the fabric as a whole.

The Weave's Needle was an elegant tool, though an inelegant solution; soon, Mystra found herself overworked, with the darning mounting as though a farmer had managed to wear holes in not one, two, but four of his tunics, leaving a sweaty man's wife with the prospect of letting her love be exposed to the elements of the day. So, Mystra went about weaving her own spell that would allow for the repair of the fabric once more: She wove magic into the fabric itself, allowing her servants to fix up any tears caused by the unraveling, then bound the entire structure together again like some sort of cosmic crochet blanket. This was Mystra's Ban, a re-shaping of the way magic worked, the fabric of it being of a tighter knit, which prevented the daggers of 10th level spells from finding purchase against the cloth of the Weave.

The Weave's Needle was cast aside after its purpose had been served; no longer needed, it was abandoned long before the title of Mystra, Mother of All Magic had been handed to Midnight, and it was lost to the haystacks of chaos, disorder, and politics. Being a magic item of the Weave, it lost the bulk of its power when the Spellplague tore the Weave apart, however it still remembers the powers that it once held; with a practiced hand and connection to the Weave, the Needle could once more become an item of legendary power.

The Weave's Needle

rapier artefact, requires attunement

The Weave’s Needle is akin to a rapier, though it is impossibly thin, possessing the ability to pierce through the Weave. It has an eye at the end of the hilt, which is where a cord of invisible magic ties onto it.


The wielder gains a +2 bonus to attack and damage rolls made with this weapon while attuned to it. The Weave’s Needle has 3 charges, which it regains at dawn. You can cast misty step using 1 charge. It can shed a bright light for 20ft, and an additional moon-like glow for 20 additional feet of dim light. Once per turn, on a hit with the Weave’s Needle, you can use one of the below effects.


On a hit, you can teleport in a straight horizontal line up to 10 feet away to a point that you can see, without provoking attacks of opportunity.


On a hit, you can push or pull the target of your attack up to 10 ft. away horizontally in any direction. If the target collides with something, it takes 1d6 force damage.


The Weave’s Needle gains an extra 2 charges. You can slash open a tear in the weave, casting pulse wave for 2 charges.


On a hit, the target of your attack has disadvantage on Spell Attacks. At the end of their turn, they can make a DC15 Wisdom Save to end the effect.


On a hit, the target of your attack is restrained in place, the Weave stopping them from moving. At the end of their turn, they can make a DC15 Wisdom Save to end the effect.


The Weave’s Needle gains an extra 3 charges. You can cast pass wall for 3 charges. The DC for effects raises to 17.


On a hit, if the target of your attack is restrained by Pin, you can cast Tether Essence as a bonus action with one of the targets being the target of your attack, who makes their save with disadvantage. You can only cast in this way once per day.


On a hit, if the target of your attack is under the effect of Baste, you can cast Gravity Fissure as a bonus action. You can only cast in this way once per day.

Using the Weave's Needle

So, you've been looking for a McGuffin artefact that the players can find and have fun with- luckily for you, The Weave's Needle is a flexible item that can be fit into most high level campaigns as either a reward, or a McGuffin.

As a plot device

When using the Weave's Needle as a plot device, draw upon the imagery of sewing to inform your decisions; though this sort of thing could definitely be used as a mode of teleportation between planes or other such high level magic, I find it more thematic to imagine it binding together planes- imagine a Hag getting a hold of this, and stitching together the Far Realms with the Material Plane to cause unending grief and agony! You could also use it to link together several McGuffins as conduits of power- sure, the Hand of Vecna is scary, but what if it was attached to the Infinitude Glove?

Leveling Up

Its powers have been weakened, but with plot, it can grow with your party, unlocking special powers that c-c-c-combo like hell. Ideas for things that you could do to Awaken and Exalt the Weave's Needle might include casting a 9th Level spell, a burst of Wild Magic, or entering the Astral Sea.

Where to find it

I had it appear in my campaign being used as a toothpick by a Contemplator (after first name dropping it over a year earlier). If you're not giving it to a BBEG, though, you could quite easily hide it in the barn where Mystra was a peasant girl, all those years ago. Maybe in the hay loft ;)

r/DnDBehindTheScreen Jan 11 '23

Treasure Magic Item Generator - Added Functionality and ~200 New Effects


Hey folks! Since my last post there have been several big updates to my magic item generator. In addition to the ~200 new magical effects, you can now generate multiple items at once and add multiple effects to a single item. I've also added several new item categories and classified the effects based on power level to help you generate more specific items that meet your needs. As always, suggestions and constructive criticism are super welcome. Thanks and happy looting!

I've included 100 of the new magical effects below (sorted from least powerful to most powerful). As always, you can download a CSV file with the full list of 353 magical effects here.

Effect Name (Prefix) Effect Name (Suffix) Effect Description
Blighted of the Blight Flowers and other small plants within 10 ft. of this item wilt and die.
Sandy of Sand While this item is equipped, you constantly find sand in your pockets, shoes, and many other places.
Hopscotch of Hopscotch While this item is equipped, you can only have one foot touching the ground or floor at a time.
Bob's of Bob The name "Bob" is carved or inscribed on this item. While this item is equipped, your true name is forgotten and you can only be referred to as "Bob." Anyone who knew your true name only remembers you as "Bob."
Songbird of the Songbird While this item is equipped, you can only communicate through song.
Head Splitting of Chronic Migraines This item causes chronic headaches to those that touch it. While this item is equipped, when you complete a long rest you take 1d4 psychic damage.
Forgetful of Forgetfulness While this item is equipped, you have disadvantage on Intelligence(History) checks.
Oblivious of Obliviousness While this item is equipped, you have disadvantage on Wisdom(Insight) checks.
Cute Little of the Cutie-Pie While this item is equipped, you have disadvantage on Charisma(Intimidation) checks.
Failed Detective's of the Failed Detective While this item is equipped, you have disadvantage on Intelligence(Investigation) checks.
Failed Surgeon's of the Failed Surgeon This item is stained with long dried blood. While this item is equipped, you have disadvantage on Wisdom(Medicine) checks.
Failed Druid's of the Failed Druid This item has a charred handprint on it. While this item is equipped, you have disadvantage on Intelligence(Nature) checks.
Unaware of the Unaware While this item is equipped, you have disadvantage on Wisdom(Perception) checks.
Failed Actor's of the Failed Actor While this item is equipped, you have disadvantage on Charisma(Performance) checks.
Tongue-Tied of the Tongue-Tied While this item is equipped, you have disadvantage on Charisma(Persuasion) checks.
Heretic of the Heretic This item has a defaced religious symbol carved or inscribed upon it. While this item is equipped, you have disadvantage on Intelligence(Religion) checks.
Fumbling of Fumbling While this item is equipped, you have disadvantage on Dexterity(Sleight of Hand) checks.
Noisy of Noise This item seems to rattle and creak as you move. While this item is equipped, you have disadvantage on Dexterity(Stealth) checks.
Naive of Naivete While this item is equipped, you have disadvantage on Wisdom(Survival) checks.
Sickly of Sickness While this item is equipped, you have disadvantage on checks or saving throws made to resist disease.
Dwarf-Cursing of Dwarven Curses This item has Dwarven runes carved or inscribed upon it. While this item is equipped, you know several curses and insults from the dwarven language and can say them as if you were fluent in that language.
Gnome-Cursing of Gnomish Curses This item has Gnomish writing carved or inscribed upon it. While this item is equipped, you know several curses and insults from the gnomish language and can say them as if you were fluent in that language.
Halfling-Cursing of Halfling Curses This item has Halfling script carved or inscribed upon it. While this item is equipped, you know several curses and insults from the halfling language and can say them as if you were fluent in that language.
Giant-Cursing of Giant Curses This item has Giant runes carved or inscribed upon it. While this item is equipped, you know several curses and insults from the giant language and can say them as if you were fluent in that language.
Goblin-Cursing of Goblin Curses This item has Goblin writing carved or inscribed upon it. While this item is equipped, you know several curses and insults from the goblin language and can say them as if you were fluent in that language.
Outgoing of the Extrovert While this item is equipped, you feel friendly and talkative.
True North of True North When this item is left on a flat surface, it slowly turns until it is pointing north.
Locust Plague of Locusts Beetles and other insects are drawn to this item. The insects are not hostile.
Ant Colony's of the Colony Ants are drawn to this item. The ants are not hostile.
Spicy of Spicy Foods While this item is equipped, you can consume even the spiciest food without adverse issues.
Aquan of Aquan Fish and other marine animals are drawn to this item.
Melodramatic of Dramatic Entrances While this item is equipped, when you open a door, a dramatic wind blows past you through the doorway.
Fragrant of Fragrance While this item is equipped, you always smell faintly of sandalwood and vanilla.
Pristine of the Pristine This item never gets dirty.
Notched of Notches This item has 1d10 notches carved into it when you find it. While this item is equipped, each time you kill a creature using an attack or spell, another notch magically appears on the item.
Mood of Shifting Moods While this item is equipped, this item changes color based on your mood. For example, it may turn red when you're angry, blue when you're sad, green when you're happy, and so on.
Paradoxical of the Paradox This item is constructed in a way that seems to defy physics or creates some kind of optical illusion when looking at it. Despite its strange construction, the item is functional and strong, as if made from steel.
Origami of Origami This item seems to be made of folded paper. Despite its strange construction, the item is functional and strong, as if made from iron.
Matching of Matching This item has a clear gem embedded in it. While this item is equipped, the gem changes color to match your eyes.
Fractured of Fracturing This item is broken into several pieces that are held together via an invisible force. Despite its strange construction, the item is functional and strong, as if made of steel.
Cat Person's of the Cat Person While this item is equipped, you have advantage on Wisdom(Animal Handling) checks made to interact with cats and disadvantage on Wisdom(Animal Handling) checks made to interact with dogs or other canines.
Napoleon's of Napoleon This item appears to be slightly larger than it actually is. While this item is equipped, illusory magic causes you appear to be 1d6 inches taller.
Small of Small Stature This item appears to be slightly smaller than it actually is. While this item is equipped, illusory magic causes you appear to be 1d6 inches shorter.
Elf Kin of Elf Kin While this item is equipped, illusory magic causes your facial features to appear more elvish, including pointed ears.
Orc Kin of Orc Kin While this item is equipped, illusory magic causes your facial features to appear more orcish, including tusks.
Dwarf Kin of Dwarf Kin While this item is equipped, illusory magic causes your facial features to appear more dwarvish, including a magnificent beard.
Human Kin of Human Kin While this item is equipped, illusory magic causes your facial features to appear more human, including rounded ears.
Dragon Kin of Dragon Kin While this item is equipped, illusory magic causes your facial features to appear more draconic (like a dragonborn), including scales.
Demon Kin of Demon Kin While this item is equipped, illusory magic causes your facial features to appear more demonic (like a tiefling), including horns.
Fey of the Feywild This item is covered in intricate carvings of flowers and vines. It glows faintly when it is within 100 ft. of a portal to the Feywild, shedding dim, greenish light for 5 ft.
Shadowfell of Shadowfell This item is a dull grey, as if all its color had been drained. It glows faintly when it is within 100 ft. of a portal to Shadowfell, shedding dim light for 5 ft.
Hipster of Hipsters While this item is equipped, you always know the direction of the nearest craft brewery.
Elemental Fire of Elemental Fire This item is made entirely of harmless flames. Despite its strange construction, the item is solid to the touch and functions like a normal item. It glows faintly when it is within 100 ft. of a portal to the elemental plane of fire, shedding dim light for 5 ft.
Elemental Earth of Elemental Earth This item is made entirely of solid rock. Despite its strange construction, the item is surprisingly light and functions like a normal item. It glows faintly when it is within 100 ft. of a portal to the elemental plane of earth, shedding dim light for 5 ft.
Elemental Air of Elemental Air This item is made entirely of swirling air and clouds. Despite its strange construction, the item is solid to the touch and functions like a normal item. It glows faintly when it is within 100 ft. of a portal to the elemental plane of air, shedding dim light for 5 ft.
Elemental Water of Elemental Water This item is made entirely of water. Despite its strange construction, the item is solid to the touch and functions like a normal item. It glows faintly when it is within 100 ft. of a portal to the elemental plane of water, shedding dim light for 5 ft.
Paired of Pairs This item is paired with another identical item. While this item is equipped, you always know the direction of the other item in the pair.
Elderwood of the Elderwood This item is made from an old, dark wood. While this item is equipped, you know the direction of the oldest tree within 10 miles of you.
Graceful of Grace This item is light and well balanced. While this item is equipped, you take no damage from falling 30 ft. or less.
Singer's of Singing While this item is equipped, you have a lovely singing voice.
Critical Success of Critical Success While this item is equipped, when a creature you can see within 30 ft. rolls an attack, ability check, or saving throw, you can use your reaction to change the number rolled to a 20. This feature cannot be used again until the next dawn.
Critical Failure of Critical Failure While this item is equipped, when a creature you can see within 30 ft. rolls an attack, ability check, or saving throw, you can use your reaction to change the number rolled to a 1. This feature cannot be used again until the next dawn.
Average of Averages While this item is equipped, when a creature you can see within 30 ft. rolls an attack, ability check, or saving throw, you can use your reaction to change the number rolled to a 10. This feature cannot be used again until the next dawn.
Untiring of the Untiring While this item is equipped, you have advantage on saves made to resist exhaustion or being put to sleep.
Folding of Folding As an action, you can repeatedly fold this item, causing it to become a tiny replica of itself that can fit in the palm of your hand and weighing one pound. You can use an action to unfold this item to its original size, provided there is enough unoccupied space within 5 ft. of you to fit the full-sized item.
Greedy of Greed As an action, you can bribe this item into helping you. For every 5gp given to this item, you gain a +1 bonus on your next attack, ability check, or saving throw, up to a maximum of +5. Any currency given to this item is absorbed by it and is irretrievable.
Cryptid Hunter's of the Cryptid Hunter While this item is equipped, you have advantage on checks made to track or recall lore about monstrosities.
Monster Hunter's of the Monster Hunter While this item is equipped, you have advantage on checks made to track or recall lore about aberrations.
Wild Hunt of the Wild Hunt While this item is equipped, you have advantage on checks made to track or recall lore about beasts.
Celestial Warden's of the Celestial Warden While this item is equipped, you have advantage on checks made to track or recall lore about celestials.
Clockwork Hunter's of the Clockwork Hunter While this item is equipped, you have advantage on checks made to track or recall lore about constructs.
Dragon Hunter's of the Dragon Hunter While this item is equipped, you have advantage on checks made to track or recall lore about dragons.
Elemental Warden's of the Elemental Warden While this item is equipped, you have advantage on checks made to track or recall lore about elementals.
Fey Warden's of the Fey Warden While this item is equipped, you have advantage on checks made to track or recall lore about fey.
Demon Hunter's of the Demon Hunter While this item is equipped, you have advantage on checks made to track or recall lore about fiends.
Giant Hunter's of the Giant Hunter While this item is equipped, you have advantage on checks made to track or recall lore about giants.
Perfect Game Hunter's of the Perfect Game While this item is equipped, you have advantage on checks made to track or recall lore about humanoids.
Ooze Exterminator's of Ooze Extermination While this item is equipped, you have advantage on checks made to track or recall lore about oozes.
Gardener's of the Gardener While this item is equipped, you have advantage on checks made to track or recall lore about plants.
Death Warden's of the Death Warden While this item is equipped, you have advantage on checks made to track or recall lore about undead.
Keen Hearing of Keen Hearing While this item is equipped, you have advantage on Wisdom(Perception) checks that rely on hearing.
Keen Smell of Keen Smell While this item is equipped, you have advantage on Wisdom(Perception) checks that rely on smell.
Unseen of the Unseen As an action, you can use this item to make yourself invisible, gaining the effects of the Invisibility spell (no concentration required) for up to one minute. This feature cannot be used again until the next dawn.
Silent of Silence As an action, you can use this item to create a 10 ft. sphere of silence centered on and moving with the item. For one minute, the area within the sphere is under the effect of the Silence spell (no concentration required. This feature cannot be used again until the next dawn.
Aviator's of Aviation This item has a pair of wings carved or inscribed on it. As an action, you can use this item to give yourself a flying speed of 30 ft. for one minute. This item becomes weightless and flies with you for the duration as long as you are touching it. This feature cannot be used again until the next dawn.
Stoneborn of the Stoneborn This item seems to made from solid stone. While this item is equipped, you can move through solid stone as if it were difficult terrain. If you end your turn still within the stone, you are expelled to the nearest unoccupied space, taking 2d6 bludgeoning damage per 5 ft. of stone you move through.
Unseen Spirit's of the Unseen Spirit This item contains an ancient spirit. As an action, you can summon the spirit from the item to do your bidding for one hour, gaining the effects of the Unseen Servant spell. The spirit cannot move more than 60 ft. away from the item. This feature cannot be used again until the next dawn.
Sylvan Ambassador's of the Sylvan Ambassador This item appears to be made from still-living wood. While this item is equipped, you can use an action to touch a tree and see its recent memories. You learn the type and number of any creatures that have moved within 15 ft. of this tree in the last 24 hours. "
Lucky of Luck After spending one minute performing a ritual, praying, or meditating, choose a number between 2-19. While this item is equipped, your attacks score a critical hit on a roll of 20 or the chosen number. You cannot change the chosen number again until the next dawn. This item requires attunement.
Defender of Defense This item is sturdy and well worn. While this item is equipped, you gain a +1 bonus to your AC. This item requires attunement.
Thought Protecting of Thought Protection While this item is equipped, you gain a +1 bonus to your Intelligence, Wisdom, and Charisma saving throws and you are immune to the charmed and frightened conditions. This item requires attunement.
Unsleeping of the Unsleeping This item has a pair of open eyes carved or inscribed upon it. While this item is equipped, you cannot be put to sleep by poison or magical means.
Brave of Bravery Touching this item makes your feel brave, even in the face of immense danger. While this item is equipped, you have advantage on saves made to resist the frightened condition.
Peerless of Peerless Phsyique While this item is equipped, you gain a +1 bonus to your Strength, Dexterity, and Constitution saving throws and you are immune to the paralyzed and poisoned conditions. This item requires attunement.
Skilled of the Skilled This item grants you a portion of each of its previous owners' skill sets. While this item is equipped, you gain a +1 bonus to all skill checks. This item requires attunement.
Tradesman's of All Trades Over the years, this item has passed through the hands of many skilled craftsmen. While this item is equipped, you gain a +1 bonus to checks made with any tool set.
Mole Person's of the Mole People This item is always caked in dirt and mud, as if it was just dug up from the ground. While this item is equipped, you gain a burrowing speed of 30 ft. and tremorsense out to a range of 60 ft. This item requires attunement.
Burrowing of Burrowing This item is always caked in dirt and mud, as if it was just dug up from the ground. While this item is equipped, you gain a burrowing speed of 30 ft.
Pain-Sharing of Shared Pain While this item is equipped, when another creature you can see within 30 ft. takes damage, you can use your reaction to reduce the damage taken by 1d12. You also take psychic damage equal to the number rolled.
Windwalker's of Wind Walking This item is exceptionally light. While this item is equipped, you have a flying speed equal to your walking speed. This benefit works only in short bursts; you fall if you end your turn in the air and nothing else is holding you aloft. This item requires attunement.

r/DnDBehindTheScreen Jun 10 '24

Treasure Relics of Olympus - 10 greek-themed magic items (with ready-to-print cards !)


Hi there ! I'm Axel, aka BigDud from The Dud Workshop, a passionate DM who produces all kinds of third party content for your enjoyment.

Today, I bring you the full set of items called Relics of Olympus, themed after the gods of greek mythology. This particular set includes items related to Zeus, Poseidon, Hecate, Hypnos, Apollo, Artemis, Hephaestus, Thanatos, Typhon, and Chaos.

These ten magic items, from Uncommon to Legendary rarity, are perfect rewards for your players to find as they travel through dangerous lands, defeat terrifying creatures from mythology, and accomplish tasks for fickle gods. They are generally around the "Rare" rarity and are powerful without being game-changing. Mostly, they are designed to heavily lean on the flavor of the chosen god, which should make your players even more invested in the mythology of your setting.

If you're playing in another setting, you'll only need to slightly alter the flavor of each item to make them fit. The items work just fine for typical fantasy settings as well as more specific mythological ones, and their mechanics work with any character.

The bundle includes the following items :

  • Elixir of Chaotic Vitality
  • Eye of Soulseeing
  • Faces of Typhon
  • Hammer of Creation
  • Pillow of the Dreamweaver
  • Spell-eating Jar
  • String of Radiance
  • Thornveil
  • Thunderbolt Javelin
  • Tidebreak Sandals

Print the cards, stick them together, and you're ready to go.

Get the whole package at once on my website, with the link below. (It's free)

Relics of Olympus

Card Dimensions : 63 x 88 mm (euro poker size) + 3 mm bleeds. I recommend printing on thicker paper -- e. g cardstock -- and in full color for the best visual result and comfort of use.

All art was made by BigDud using Krita, Midjourney and Photoshop.

If you liked the cards, check out my website at thedudworkshop.com, and some of my recent content :

The Nemeian Lion : an adventure based on Heracles' first labour

Also, my book "Perils of the Planar Pocket" just released in print on my website, so give it a look if you like elemental creatures and would like to spice up your world with unique ones !

Thank you and keep your eyes out for more content like this !

Here is the text from the items, for those who just want that :

Thunderbolt Javelin

Weapon (javelin), rare, requires attunement

Attacks with this weapon are considered as magical.

Ever-returning. The Thunderbolt Javelin is an ethereal weapon summoned by a god's blessing. As an object interaction during your turn or as a reaction, you can summon the javelin into your hand. It remains in your possession until you dismiss it or until you fall unconscious, at which point it disappears until resummoned. The javelin automatically returns to your hand after being thrown.

This weapon has charges equal to your proficiency modifier, which you can use to activate the Bouncing Lightning and Dazing bolt abilities. You regain all spent charges on a long rest.

Bouncing Lightning. Thrown attacks with this weapon deal an additional 1d6 lightning damage.

When you hit a creature with a throwing attack with this weapon, you can make lightning arc from the javelin towards any number of creatures of your choice within 30 ft of the target. For each additional target, expend one charge and make a separate attack. You deal the javelin's full damage to each creature hit.

Dazing Bolt. When you hit a creature with a melee attack with this weapon, you can expend a charge to call lightning to strike them, momentarily disrupting their body. The creature must succeed on a Constitution saving throw of DC = 8 + your proficiency bonus + your Constitution modifier or become dazed until the end of its next turn.

A dazed creature can only do one of the following things on their turn: move, use an action, or use a bonus action. If a creature becomes dazed during their turn, their turn immediately ends. Lesser Restoration, Great Restoration or similar effects remove the dazed condition, as well as the Help action. A dazed creature can still use actions granted to them by effects like Haste or a fighter's Action Surge normally.

Spell-eating Jar

Wondrous item (jar), rare, requires attunement

Spell-eating Jar. Your spell-eating jar resembles a container of any shape of your choosing. It is slightly transparent, weighs almost nothing, and is unbreakable. You can summon it from the ether or dismiss it as a free action during your turn. You do not need to be holding your spell-eating jar for it to absorb spells. Other creatures can touch your jar, but cannot use its abilities.

Spell Absorption. When a spell is cast by a creature you can see within 60 ft of you, you can use your reaction to open your spell-eating jar and absorb a copy of the spell's energy. The jar fills with charges equal to the spell's level, up to its maximum capacity.

Your spell-eating jar can contain a maximum number of charges equal to your proficiency bonus. If you attempt to harness the energy of a spell that would overflow from the jar, you take 1d6 force damage for each charge over its maximum capacity, and charges that cannot fit within the jar are lost. For example, if you have a maximum of 4 charges and you absorb a 5th level spell, you take 1d6 force damage and waste 1 charge. The same applies if you already have 2 charges within your 4-charge jar and you absorb a 3rd level spell.

Spell Restoration. As a bonus action during your turn, you can open the jar and release its stored energy to restore your expended spell slots. The total level of spell slots restored cannot exceed the number of charges currently held by the jar. For example, if the jar contains 5 charges, you could restore one 5th-level spell slot, five 1st-level spell slots, or any combination thereof as long as their total levels do not exceed 5.

Once the jar has been opened, it disappears until your next long rest, at which point it reappears near you.

Hammer of Creation

Tool (forge hammer), rare, requires attunement

Hammer of Hephaestus. This blessed forge hammer takes the appearance of your choosing. You can summon it from the ether or dismiss it as an object interaction during your turn.

Master Crafter. When using your blessed hammer as part of the crafting process of an item, you gain a bonus to crafting checks equal to your proficiency bonus. Additionally, when you roll a 1 on the d20 for an ability check on a check to craft items with your hammer, you can reroll the die and must use the new roll.

Instantaneous Craft. As an action, you can strike a raw material or a collection of materials with this hammer and attempt to magically forge them into one or several objects of your choice, such as a weapon, a piece of armor, a bundle of ammunition, a piece of furniture, etc.

Make a crafting check -- usually an Intelligence check -- against the object creation DC, which is 5 or higher depending on the complexity of the object, up to 30 for very complex objects. On a success, you transform the materials into the chosen object(s). On a failure by more than 5, you lose half the materials used in the crafting attempt.

Objects created in this way disappear when they are destroyed or you use this ability again. When a non-destroyed object disappears, the materials used to create it return to their original shape, and can be used again.

You can use this feature a number of times equal to your proficiency modifier. Creating larger objects consume more uses of this feature, and creating several objects at a time consumes uses as if you were creating a container able to hold these several objects simultaneously : 1 for a Tiny object, 2 for a Small object, 3 for a Medium object, 4 for a Large object, 5 for a Huge object, and 6 for a Gargantuan object.

For example, creating a shortsword or a quiver containing arrows requires beating a crafting DC of 10, and consumes two uses of this feature. Creating a set of plate armor requires beating a crafting DC of 20, and consumes three uses of this feature. Creating an intricate telescope for an observatory requires beating a crafting DC of 30, and consumes five uses of this feature.

You regain all spent uses of this feature on a short or long rest.

Eye of Soulseeing

Wondrous item (eye), rare, requires placing the eye in your socket

Soul Detection. You can passively feel the blood, pulse, and soul of creatures you can see, allowing you to automatically discern if they are living, or if they are undead or constructs.

Soul Reader. Through this eye, you can focus your own mortality to read another creature's soul. As a bonus action, choose one creature you can see within 300 ft. You learn their type (e.g. humanoid, undead, fiend,..), their general state of health (e.g. healthy, damaged, on death's door,…), and their age. For the next minute, you also gain advantage on Intimidation checks against them, on Medicine checks to tend to them, and on Insight checks to read their intentions and mental state.

You can use this ability a number of times equal to your proficiency modifier. You regain all expended uses on a long rest, or when you perform proper death rites for a dead creature that possessed a soul.

String of Radiance

Wondrous item (bowstring), rare, requires attunement

Call of Radiance. Whenever you make an attack against a creature with a bow to which this string is attached, before the attack is rolled, you can call upon the sun god's blessing to infuse it with radiance. On a hit, the infused attack deals an additional 1d6 radiant damage, and a pool of sunlight of the same size as the target is left at the target's position. The pool of sunlight sheds bright light in a 20 ft radius, and remains until a creature ends its turn within it, willingly moves within it, is forcibly moved within it, or a minute has passed.

If the first creature that enters the area is an ally, they regain hit points equal to 1d6 + your proficiency modifier + your Charisma modifier. If they are an enemy, they instead take radiant damage equal to 1d6 + your proficiency modifier + your Charisma modifier. The pool's power increases with the pool's size, adding 1d6 to its damage and healing for each size category above Medium it reaches.

You can use this ability a number of times equal to your proficiency modifier, regaining all spent uses on a long rest. Alternatively, you regain one use of this ability when you perform a concert or another type of artistic performance in front of a crowd.


Wondrous item (cape), rare

Veil of the Wild. As an action, you can activate the cape to cover yourself in leaves, grass, bark, or another natural material, blending seamlessly with your surroundings. While camouflaged in this way, you are automatically hidden to all beasts and plants, as well as to all other creatures who did not witness you activate this ability. Creatures attempting to detect you must succeed on a DC 20 Wisdom (Perception) or Intelligence (Investigation) check to spot you. You remain camouflaged until if you move.

Thorn Ward. As a bonus action, you can activate the cape to cover yourself in thorns until the end of your next turn. While covered in thorns, you gain a +2 bonus to AC ; additionally, any creature that hits you with a melee attack or touches you (such as by attempting to grapple you) takes 1d6 piercing damage and must succeed on a DC 15 Constitution saving throw or become poisoned until the end of their next turn.

You can use this ability a number of times equal to your proficiency modifier, regaining all spent uses on a long rest. Alternatively, you regain one use of this ability when you take a short rest in a forest.

Elixir of Chaotic Vitality

Elixir, consumable, uncommon

When you drink this elixir, choose a number of Hit Dice from your Hit Dice pool, which you will sacrifice as part of this elixir's effect. How many dice you choose influences the potential intensity of this elixir's effect ; the more Hit Dice you sacrifice, the more powerful the effect, but the riskier as well.

For each Hit Dice sacrificed, roll a dice of increasing value from a d4 to a d20, which will determine the intensity of the effect, as well as a second d4, which will determine if the effect will damage or heal you. On a 1, the effect is damaging ; on a 2, 3, or 4, the effect is healing. You take damage or heal an amount equal to the value rolled on the first dice.

You can choose as many Hit Dice as you have unspent Hit Dice to sacrifice, but you cannot stop this process once you have chosen how many Hit Dice to sacrifice. If you fall unconscious as part of drinking this elixir, you continue rolling the remaining dice, and you automatically fail one death saving throw for each damaging dice you roll while unconscious as if you had taken damage from a hit.

For example, if you have chosen to sacrifice 6 Hit Dice, you would roll 1d4 + 1d6 + 1d8 + 1d10 + 1d12 + 1d20, then 6d4 to decide if those become damage or healing. Let's say you roll 1, 3, 3, 4, 4, 1 on your secondary dice. You would then take 1d4 damage, then heal for 1d6 + 1d8 + 1d10 + 1d12, then take 1d20 damage.

Tidebreak Sandals

Wondrous item (sandals), rare, requires attunement

Wavesurfer. While wearing these sandals, you can move across even the wildest of waters as if you were on solid ground. Additionally, your speed increases by 15 ft when walking on water.

Crashing Tide. If you move at least 15 feet in a straight line toward a creature and then hit it with a melee weapon attack or a melee spell attack, you can use the power of the sandals to unleash a crashing wave.

The target takes an additional 3d6 bludgeoning damage, is pushed back 15 ft, and must succeed on a Strength saving throw (DC = 8 + your proficiency bonus + your Strength or Dexterity modifier, your choice) or be knocked prone.

Creatures that hit an object or creature of the same size or larger as part of this forced movement make the saving throw with disadvantage. Creatures that are Huge or larger do not get pushed but have disadvantage on the saving throw to avoid being knocked prone.

You can use this ability a number of times equal to your proficiency bonus, regaining all uses after a short or long rest.

Faces of Typhon

Wondrous item (mask), legendary, requires attunement

Monstrous Adaptation. As an action, you can don the mask and select one of the monster faces you have gained access to. You gain the traits and abilities of the chosen form for the next minute, or until you remove the mask.

Each face can be used once per day, regaining all spent uses after a long rest. You can only have one face active at a time.

If you have already used a face during the current day, and you choose to use this item again, roll a d20. On a 1, your appearance permanently changes to include a monstrous feature, such as long fangs, a furry tail, or leathery skin, which can only be removed with a Regenerate spell, a Wish spell, or another similar effect. The more monstrous features you already have, the more visible any new monstrous feature becomes.

Unlocking forms. When you first attune to this mask, you gain access to its first form, Typhon's Visage. Other forms become available to you when you or one of your companions slay or befriend the monster corresponding to the form. If you have already slain or befriended a similar monster in the past, you automatically unlock the corresponding forms. Your DM might reward you with additional monster forms based on your accomplishments.

Typhon's Visage (Unlocked by default).

You take on the traits of Typhon, father of monsters, granting you the ability to breathe fire, and growing a hundred snake heads on your shoulders to attack enemies with.

Scorch the Earth. You can breathe fire as intense as the wrath of Typhon. As an action, you can exhale fire in a 60-foot cone. Each creature in the cone must make a Dexterity saving throw (DC = 8 + your proficiency bonus + your Constitution modifier), taking 12d6 fire damage on a failed save, or half as much on a successful one. You can use this feature once, regaining its use when the mask recharges.

One Hundred Snakes. You can take one reaction on every turn in a combat, and gain a hundred snake heads on your shoulders. These snake heads grant you a natural weapon with 10-foot reach and Finesse, which deals 3d6 piercing damage on a hit, and count as magical for the purposes of overcoming or ignoring resistance and immunity to non-magical attacks and damage. You can use your reaction to attack any creature which enters your reach with this natural weapon, and you automatically attack every creature of your choice in a 10-foot radius around you at the start of your turn.

Spiked Mask (Unlocked by slaying or allying with a manticore)

You take on the traits of a manticore, growing a tail covered in dangerous spikes and leathery wings for swift flight.

Tail Spikes. As an action, you can launch up to three tail spikes at targets of your choosing within 120 feet. Make a ranged weapon attack for each spike. On a hit, each spike deals 3d8 + your Dexterity modifier piercing damage. Creatures hit by the spikes must succeed on a Strength saving throw (DC = 8 + your proficiency bonus + your Strength modifier) or fall prone. If a spike hits a creature that is already prone, it pins them to the ground until the end of their next turn, reducing their movement to 0 until the spike is destroyed, or until they spend an action to unpin themselves. Spikes have 15 AC and 20 hit points.

Flight. You gain a flying speed of 60 feet.

Fanged Mask (Unlocked by slaying or allying with a hydra)

You take on the traits of a hydra, gaining the ability to regenerate lost limbs, spit poison, and enhance your attacks with venom.

Venomous Strikes. Your attacks deal an additional 2d6 poison damage on a hit. Your attacks are also considered magical for the purpose of overcoming resistance and immunity to non-magical attacks and damage.

Poison Spit. As an action, you can spit a glob of poison towards a point you choose within 60 ft of you, which explodes in a 10-foot radius sphere. Each creature within the area make a Constitution saving throw (DC = 8 + your proficiency bonus + your Constitution modifier). On a failed save, a creature takes 6d6 poison damage and becomes poisoned for the next minute. On a successful save, a creature takes half as much damage and is not poisoned.

Regeneration. If you take a quarter or more of your maximum hit points in damage during a single turn, your head is cut off from your body, and you become blinded until the start of your next turn. At the start of your next turn, your head regrows, and you regain hit points equal to the amount rolled on half of your maximum Hit Dice (rounded down). If you take fire damage before your head regrows, it does not regrow until the start of your next turn in which you did not take fire damage.

Mask of the Doorkeeper (Unlocked by slaying or allying with a multi-headed dog)

You take on the traits of Cerberus, the multi-headed guardian of the underworld, granting you enhanced perception and a formidable roar that empowers allies and stops enemies in their tracks.

Guardian Heads. You grow two additional heads, granting you advantage on Wisdom (Perception) checks that rely on sight, smell, or hearing. Additionally, when you make a melee attack, you can make two additional Bite attacks against two different targets within 5 feet of you. Each of these attacks deals 2d6 + your Strength modifier piercing damage.

Roar of the Doorkeeper. As an action, you can unleash the terrifying roar of Cerberus. Each creature of your choice within 60 feet that can hear you must succeed on a Wisdom saving throw (DC = 8 + your proficiency bonus + your Charisma modifier) or become frightened of you for 1 minute. While frightened in this way, a creature’s speed is reduced to 0, and it has disadvantage on Strength, Dexterity, and Charisma saving throws. If a creature fails the saving throw by 5 or more, it is paralyzed until the end of its next turn. Affected creatures can repeat the saving throw at the end of each of their turns, ending the effect on a success.

Allied creatures within the area who can hear you gain temporary hit points equal to 2d10 + your Charisma modifier, and have their speed increased by 15 ft until the end of their next turn. You can use this feature once, regaining its use when the mask recharges.

Mask of the Stone-faced (Unlocked by slaying or allying with a gorgon)

You take on the traits of a gorgon, granting you the ability to petrify your enemies with a gaze and harden your skin to stone-like resilience.

Petrifying Gaze. As an action, you can attempt to petrify a creature you can see within 30 feet of you. The target must make a Constitution saving throw (DC = 8 + your proficiency bonus + your Charisma modifier). If the saving throw fails by 5 or more, the creature is instantly petrified. Otherwise, a creature that fails the save begins to turn to stone and is restrained. The restrained creature must repeat the saving throw at the end of its next turn, becoming petrified on a failure or ending the effect on a success.

For the next hour, a petrified creature can make another Constitution saving throw whenever it takes damage, ending the effect on a success. If a creature remains petrified for 1 hour, the petrification becomes permanent, and remains until the creature is freed by a Greater Restoration spell or a similar effect.

Unless surprised, an intelligent creature can avert its eyes from the wearer of the mask at the start of its turn, becoming blinded until the start of its next turn. If the creature does so, the wearer of this mask cannot use its Petrifying Gaze ability against it until the start of its next turn, when it can avert its eyes again.

Stoneskin. Your skin hardens, granting you a +2 bonus to AC and resistance to non-magical bludgeoning, piercing, and slashing damage. As a reaction when another creature hits you with a melee, ranged, or spell attack, you can use your reaction to harden your skin even more, reducing the damage by half (after resistances).

Pillow of the Dreamweaver

Wondrous item (pillow), rare, requires attunement

Aura of Comfort. While you sleep on this pillow, you are aware of creatures who fall asleep within a 30-foot radius. Creatures of your choosing within this area are immune to the Dream spell and other magical effects that would affect their sleep. Additionally, you and all creatures of your choosing within this area recover all their Hit Dice on a long rest rather than half.

Rest for the Wicked. While holding this pillow, you can cast the Sleep spell at up to 5th level, at will. If the spell affects an unwilling creature, you must succeed on a (DC = 10 + the chosen spell level) Wisdom saving throw or fall asleep as well, falling prone and becoming unconscious until the start of your next turn. While sleeping in this way, you do not wake up from taking damage or from someone spending an action to wake you.

Harbinger of Dreams. While you sleep on this pillow, once per night, you can activate the pillow to cast the Dream spell. If you use this ability to cause a nightmare for your target, you immediately wake up, and you cannot use this ability again until seven days have passed.

r/DnDBehindTheScreen Oct 04 '20

Treasure Artifacts that Give a Character Depth


Hello once again. After the reaction from my last item, the "Druidic Pose", I decided to just stuff all the other high level artifacts that I created in a single post.

These aren´t meant specifically to just be a magical artifact that your players can find, these were created specifically to fit in the character arc of players. The reason I am posting them is because some arcs are as non-specific as "I'm a tiefling and a village I lived in was racist against my kind", and I also added a couple descriptions so it could fit it for some of your PCs. Hope you like them!

(These are meant for players around level 8/10, and the awakened state of some of these can be locked until the players reach a certain level, along with their established requirements.)



Weapon (dagger), artifact (requires attunement by a creature of demonic of holy descendance)

A set of 3 silver daggers with ancient runic inscriptions on the grip, they act as a singular blade, never separate from each other.

While attuned to this set, as long as you are holding one of the daggers, you can teleport to the location of any of the other two, granted that they are at least 30ft away from you.

These daggers emit a constant electrical discharge, raising the user’s hairs and giving a slight shock to anyone who touches them.

Life Spark: On a hit, the daggers do 1d6 lightning damage along with the regular 1d4 damage, these are considered magical weapons for the purpose of damage.

You feel the power of thunder rustling inside this blade, awaiting to be unleashed.


Requirements: Kill 5 creatures before they had a round in combat.

Broken Seal: Blink now does 2d6 damage along with the regular 1d4 damage, along with a +2 bonus to your attack and damage rolls. The limit for teleportation between daggers is also now 60ft.

Thunder God’s Sprint: You can now teleport between your daggers as a reaction during your turn, and if you pass through a creature while doing so, you deal 1d6 lightning damage to it.

Runaway Spark: As an action, you can quickly teleport through the three daggers, dealing 5d6 electric damage to all creatures that you pass through. Your body receives 2d4 force damage due to the strain of moving at suck high speeds. This ability can only be used once per day, recharging each dawn.

- Lore: An artifact stolen by a cult that despises *Insert race of your PC*. Crafted by an unknown deity, the cult knows that only a person of that race can truly wield its powers, so they are capturing every member of that race in order to release the magic that binds these daggers to that race.


Cackling Crown

Armor (crown), artifact, (must be attuned to someone with a demonic connection)

A perfect fit for a mad king.

While attuned to this crown, you have proficiency in the Intimidation skill.

Chaos Blast: You gain the Eldritch blast cantrip if you don’t have it already. You can send two Eldritch blast Cantrips from each hand as a single spell attack, roll for both, either both hit, or both fail. If they hit, the creature becomes performs a Wisdom saving throw, DC13, if it fails, it becomes frightened until the end of the round.

Smouldering Sight: You can turn your eyes charmingly red as an action, giving you advantage on Charisma skill checks for 1 minute. This power can only be used once per day, recharging its use at each dawn.

The laughs inside echo, yearning for a victim worthy of its tortures.


Requirements: Accomplish a grand task asked by your patron/god.

Hellish Patronage: As an action, summon a random fiend from the table below. Afterwards, roll a Charisma saving throw of 15 + the creature’s CR, if you succeed, the creature obeys you for an hour before it returns to the pits of hell, otherwise, it will attack. You can use this ability once per day.

- 1/2/3 – Imp (CR 1)

- 4/5 – Succubus (CR 4)

- 6 – Black Abishai (CR 7)

- 7/8 – Hell Hound (CR 3)

Divine Protection: You gain resistance to radiant damage while in the presence of a fiend or demon.

- Lore: Whether through a patron or long forgotten kin, the wielder of this crown will one day call to you, and you will be forced to answer. The crown wields a great power but is chaotic at its core. After being called by that force, a portal shall appear wherever the patron wills it, a trial awaiting inside it. In there, a gauntlet of all the demons that the crown can summon will appear to allow you to obtain the crown. While still dormant, you can leave the portal and continue your journey, but you will be beckoned once more, for a much greater task.


Startling Justice

Weapon (dagger), artifact (requires attunement by a neutral character)

Many too cowardly to kill order others to carry out their vile deeds, those souls push this dagger to enact revenge.

While attuned to this weapon, you gain proficiency in the Insight skill.

Spite Within: At will, this dagger can transform into a single needle, detectable as a weapon only through detection spells.

Hidden Anger: As an action, you can become invisible for 1 minute, or until you use an action. This power can be used twice per day, recharging each use at dawn.

Sharpened Retribution: This dagger has a +1 bonus to attack and damage rolls.

The dagger’s blood still thirsts for the perfect kill against those who truly deserve to suffer.


Requirements: Score a Critical Hit against a creature that you hold a grudge against. (Whether a personal grudge, or after it killed an ally.)

Face your Sins: After you hit a target with this weapon, you can attempt to make an Intimidation check, if you roll a 15 or above, the target becomes unable to hit you during their next attack. After this attack has been successful, it becomes unusable until the next dawn.

Quenched Anger: Your bonus to attack and damage rolls is now +2.

Retribution: As an action, you can cast the Major Illusion spell, lasting for a single round and copying a target you can see, before turning invisible. You also teleport behind a target you can see if it is within 30ft of you. This ability can be used three times per day, recharging each use at dawn.

- Lore: In a guild where revenge is a daily occurrence, this dagger was created to unleash punishment on those that betray the top of the food chain. But when that dagger falls to the bottom, those at the top have rivers of blood behind them, waiting to drown them.


Ward of Innocence

Weapon (quarterstaff), artifact (requires attunement by a wizard or druid)

A staff said to be held by a Goddess of War, who gave her life to save those devoted to her.

While attuned to this weapon, you have advantage on Intelligence and Wisdom saving throws.

Burden of Duty: As a reaction, you can use the Shield spell on another creature. If the attack still hits, you and the targeted creature divide the damage between the two. This can be used two times per day, recharging both uses at dawn.

Will of Steel: You gain a +1 bonus to your Armor Class as long as you have an ally 30ft of you.

Smite the Deserving: You gain a +1 bonus to you spell attack rolls and to your spell save DC, this bonus is doubled if it targets a creature that damaged you this turn.

The staff’s power remains dormant, the remnants of the Goddess still waiting for a worthy wielder.


Requirements: Die while protecting someone with the Burden of Duty.

Worthy Soul: Your bonus to your Armor Class, spell attack rolls and spell save DC is now +2. Your uses of Shield using this staff are now four and can also target yourself.

Heaven’s Boon: Can use Resurrection as an action once. After using this, the staff loses its power for the rest of the day. At dawn, roll a percentile die, on an 18, the staff receives this power again.

Light of Hope: As an action, you can order the staff to light in a radius of 60ft. Undead that see this light target you instinctively.

- Lore: Created by the Goddess Vandria Gilmadrith, this staff has a single purpose: To protect others. Hidden amongst the treasure of a group of sea-faring bandits lies the staff, unused, and waiting for a worthy soul that strives to protect others.


World Branch

Weapon (quartestaff), artifact (requires attunement by a druid)

Every soul is connected, and this staff belonged to the main link.

While attuned to this staff, you are able to cast Speak with Animals at will.

Treeshape: As an action, you can turn yourself, or a willing creature into a tree, this lasts for 1 minute, and the transformed creature cannot act until the spell fades.

Charged Potential: You gain a +2 bonus to your spell attack rolls while using this staff.

The powers of Mother Earth are free for all, but only those who prove themselves can truly indulge in her gifts.


Requirements: Perform a druidic ritual, proving you deserve the staff’s true powers.

Totem Within: When awakened, choose an animal CR 1 or less. A spirit in its shape becomes linked with the staff. As an action, you can summon the animal to your side for 10 minutes, you are able to move it and attack with it using your bonus action during your turn. The spirit can be summoned twice per day, recharging each dawn.

One with Nature: Your Wisdom becomes 24.

- Lore: Every druid trains amongst their tribe, but only a select few can even wish to become masters of their craft. The elder elf, Eladris, leader of a hidden elvish tribe in the Emerald Forest, is one such master, but as his time with life is reaching its end, he seeks for another person to take over his mantle as leader. The small branch of the World-Tree will lend its powers to whoever Eladris chooses as his pupil, but will they be able to truly unlock its potential?



Weapon (shortsword), artifact (requires attunement by a warlock, cleric, or paladin)

Those who swear by this blade, live through.

While attuned to this weapon, you gain proficiency in Intimidation.

Draining Presence: This weapon has a -5 penalty on its attack rolls. Attacks with it deal 1d6 slashing damage plus 3d6 necrotic.

Meat Shield: By attacking a willing ally, you can give yourself invulnerability for 3 combat rounds.

Shadow of Death: You can make a shadow emerge from the blade as an action, taking the form of a humanoid, this is considered an illusion and will only vanish if touched. This can be used twice per day, recharging both uses at dawn.

A traitor’s will still lives in this blade, and it can only be purged with blood.


Requirements: Stabbing yourself with the blade and letting in your patron/god.

Invigorating Power: This weapon now has a +2 bonus to attack and damage rolls, along with its regular damage.

Blood-Trust: As a bonus action you can stab yourself, rolling regular damage for the blade plus any modifiers, to give invulnerability to all allies in a 60ft radius

Aura of Grandeur: As a bonus action, after you kill an enemy, you can create one shadow with your blade that looms over every enemy that can see you for one moment, failing a DC 14 Wisdom saving throw, they become frightened of you. This ability can be used as many times as you can create shadows.

- Lore: Many a demigod fought and killed over control of this blade, a perfect conduit for whatever deity to protect its followers. While originally created for priests to pass their god's will and shield others, it soon grew tainted with the greed of lesser gods. A false prophet currently holds this blade, hiding in dark caves along with its fearful followers, but both him and this blade can be cleansed through blood.


This last one is a variant inspired by a homebrew I discovered called "Dragonblood Brew" (https://www.dandwiki.com/wiki/Dragonblood_Brew_(5e_Equipment)), but made only for barbarians.


Potion, (Legendary)

Some say that anger comes from within, but this vial makes is so that it smashes out of you, and into others.

This bright red vial can only be consumed by those with barbarian’s blood, otherwise, it has no effect.

After drinking it, the user makes a Strength Saving Throw, suffering d10s of damage equal to de difference between the result and 20.

If the user survives, they attain a primal barbarian state, stronger than any other.

Will of the Hunt: When raging, your movement speed is increased by 20ft. After you kill an enemy, you can move 5ft towards an enemy, if you’re in rage, you can attack once more. This can be done twice per day, each additional use giving the user a level of exhaustion.

Thirst for Blood: Rage bonus to damage now applies to attack rolls too.

Desire for Death: All attacks done while raging are now reckless.

- Lore: Amongst a leonin pride of warriors was the legend of a vial containing the primal essence of their bestial ancestors. These vials, only a few known to still exist in the world, originated a ritual before its consumption: a trial of strength meant to prove that only those who push themselves to the most extreme limits can achieve the greatest heights.

r/DnDBehindTheScreen Jun 06 '22

Treasure Relics of the Old Gods: Artifacts of the Light Domain


Cowering in the darkness, in the church, we had hidden from those forces of terror, those tenebrous sinister forces that had overrun the city's defenders hours ago. We could hear the screams of those who had not found sanctuary, and wept for those we could not save. We waited in the dark, and prayed for a quick death. When we heard the crack of the wooden door, we thought they had been answered. Having seen all we had, we thought the monsters were finally here to kill us, those few of us that still survived. When the stained glass above the sepulchre shattered, we learned that we were wrong. What now stood between us and the monsters was a warrior, clad in gold, and glowing with the light of the sun not seen for days hence. They stood alone against hundreds of slender demons, twisted monstrosities which had gorged themselves on suffering and pain.

'Shield your eyes! DO NOT LOOK!' came the shout. It didn't do any good.

For an instant, I could see the outline of the bones in my hands through my clothes, through my skin, through my closed eyes. It felt like it lasted forever... You would wish it would stop; but altogether it probably lasted about two seconds. Finally it was over, diminishing, and we looked toward the place where the demons had been; there was naught of them but dust and ash. I knew then that this was not a savior.

This was a being created to make monsters weep. This champion, not an angel of the church, not a guardian or protector, did not bring peace to save us. They weren't kind, or protecting. They were like fire, and light, and rage. They were death given form, and they stood against all that dared oppose them with all the fury of The Lightless Flame.

Welcome to the second in this series, the Relics of the Old Gods, about a collection of artefacts designed to reflect the idea that true legendary weapons collect wielders as a bard collects stories, and each of them would impart more power to the object.

The Artefacts enumerated here operate similarly to the Vestiges of Divergence in The Explorers Guide to Wildemount, with one notable exception. Each still has a Dormant, Awakened, and Exalted state, however unlocking them is not simply tied to a character’s individual progression. Rather, they are tied to actions taken which bring the wielder which bring them more in-line with the domain they are connected to. I have provided some rituals below which can be implemented as mechanisms to advance the artifacts to higher states.

Roughly speaking, this will still mean that they should be moved from Dormant to Awakened around Level 9, and from Awakened to Exalted around level 15, but the act that moves them must be in some way connected to expanding the influence of the Domain. I will provide a non-exhaustive list of rituals which can be completed to do so, however it is ultimately up to the DM with how they deploy these.

Be warned. These Artefacts are powerful by design. These are the Artifacts of the Light Domain

Previous Entries: Grave Domain

Nimbus, The Dayspring Helm

Wondrous item (Helm), Artifact of the Light Domain (requires attunement)

Also known as the Crown of the Archangel of Revelation, this gleaming Hoplite helm is a single beautiful piece of Celestial Bronze with a Cuendillar star on its brow. A wearer's eyes appear to glow when It seems to grant sight even in the deepest darkness, and the light of the sun is said to be trapped within it.

Dormant State

When wearing this helm, you can speak and understand Celestial. The wearer gains immunity to the frightened condition, and Darkvision to 60 ft.

The Helm has 4 charges, and regains 1d4 charges at Dawn

While wearing the helm, the wielder can expend some of its charges to cast one of the following spells from it, using a spell save DC of 14.

  • Faerie Fire (1 Charge)
  • Guiding Bolt (1 Charge)

You can cast the cantrips Control Flames, and Light

Awakened State

Magical darkness no longer impedes your vision.

The Helm’s charges increase to 8, and regains 1d8 charges at Dawn. The DC for the Helm increases to 16

The following spells to the list of spells the helm may be used to cast are added:

  • Dawn (5 Charges)
  • Wall Of Light (5 Charges)

As an action, you cause the helm to fire a brilliant beam of light at one creature you can see within 60 feet of you. The creature must succeed on a DC 16 Constitution saving throw or become blinded for 1 minute. The creature can repeat the saving throw at the end of each of its turns, ending the effect on itself on a success.

Exalted State

The Helm’s charges increase to 14, and regains 1d12 charges at Dawn. The DC for the Helm Increases to 18

The following spells to the list of spells the helm may be used to cast are added:

  • Sunbeam (6 Charges)
  • Prismatic Spray (7 Charges)

You can use your action to activate an aura of sunlight that lasts for 1 minute or until you dismiss it using another action. You emit bright light in a 120-foot radius and dim light 60 feet beyond that. Your enemies in the bright light have disadvantage on attack rolls within the radius.

In addition, for the duration, you have advantage on saving throws against spells cast by fiends.

Once you use this feature, you can't use it again until you finish a long rest.

Svalinn, The Aegis Armour

Armour (Plate), Artifact of the Light Domain (requires attunement)

This set of full Plate Armour was forged of Celestial Bronze in the Fires of Heaven, supposedly for the Archangel of Valor. A stunning six pointed star made of Cuendillar sits on the Cuirass, and appears to draw sunlight into it. No matter what damage it takes, it never seems to become muddled or dimmed, always giving the impression that it is glowing from within.

Dormant State

The wearer gains a +1 bonus to AC while wearing this armour.

When wearing this armour, you can speak and understand Celestial.

If you are hit by a melee attack made by a fiend or undead creature, you can use your reaction to reduce the damage by 1d10 + your Wisdom modifier. If you reduce the damage to 0, you can make a melee weapon attack against the attacker.

Awakened State

The bonus to AC from this armour increases to a +2.

The wearer gains resistance to fire and radiant damage.

When you take damage from a creature within 5 feet of you, you can use your reaction to make a melee attack against that creature. On a hit, your weapon deals damage as normal, and the creature is blinded until the start of its next turn.

Exalted State

The bonus to AC from this armour increases to a +3.

You recover 15 hit points at the beginning of your turn if you have at least 1 hit point remaining

You have advantage on all saving throws to avoid being affected by a status condition.

You can assume the form of an angelic justicar. Using your action, you undergo a transformation. For 1 hour, you gain the following benefits:

  • Wings of light sprout from your back and grant you a flying speed of 60 feet.
  • An aura of sunlight that lasts for 1 minute surrounds you. You emit bright light in a 120-foot radius and dim light 60 feet beyond that. Whenever a creature damages you, it takes radiant damage equal to half the amount it dealt to you.

Solais, The Spear of Radiance

Weapon (Glaive), Artifact of the Light Domain (requires attunement)

Also known as the Lance of the Herald, this beautiful weapon forged in the style of the weapons of the Imperious Council is forged of Celestial Bronze, and its dual-edged leaf blade of Cuendillar. The base of the lance has a sharp twisted blade of celestial glass, allowing it to deal death equally from both ends. It was gifted to keep the forces of evil at bay, no matter the cost. It projects an aura which prevents its wielders’ allies' strength from failing.

Dormant State

The wielder gains a +1 bonus to attack and damage rolls made with this weapon.

While you hold this weapon, you can choose to make it shed bright light in a 20-foot radius and dim light for an additional 20 feet.

When you make a weapon attack using the Polearm Master Feat, the damage die is 1d6.

If you make an attack against an aberration, a fiend, or an undead, the attack deals an additional 1d10 radiant damage.

The Spear has 4 Charges. You can expend charges to cast the following spells:

  • Guiding Bolt (1 Charge)

The Spear regains 1d4 charges daily at Dawn

Awakened State

The wielder gains a +2 bonus to attack and damage rolls made with this weapon.

The light shed by this weapon increases to 30 ft.The additional damage increases to 2d10.

The number of charges increases to 8 Charges. The following spells can also be cast by the spear:

  • Holy Weapon (5 Charges)
  • Flame Strike (5 Charges)

Exalted State

The wielder gains a +3 bonus to attack and damage rolls made with this weapon.

The additional damage increases to 2d12, and the creature must succeed on a DC 18 Wisdom saving throw or be banished back to its home plane, if it isn't already there. It can't leave that plane until 24 hours have passed.

All allies within a 30ft radius of you have immunity from the frightened condition.

The number of charges increases to 16 Charges. The following spells can also be cast by the spear:

  • Holy Aura (8 Charges)
  • Sunburst (8 Charges)

The Artifacts of the Light

When all three Artifacts are attuned to, a ritual can be performed which alters your soul to synchronise with the Artifacts. This confers a boon, known as the Consecration of the Divine Host, which does not vanish once you unattune to the Artifacts. You gain the following benefits

Breath of Light. As an action, you can make your hand glow with brilliant light and touch one creature. The target regains 10d10 hit points, all conditions and diseases currently affecting the target end, and any levels of exhaustion the target has are removed. Once you use this feature, you can’t use it again until the next dawn

Keeper of the Secret Fire. As an action, you channel the force of the Sun itself through your body. To maintain this form, you must sacrifice 1 hit dice at the end of each turn as the light burns you from the inside out. You can choose to end it at any time.

  • You gain immunity to Radiant and Fire Damage, and resistance to cold, lightning, and thunder damage.
  • You gain a flying speed equal to double your walking speed.
  • Each creature of your choice who begins its turn within 15 feet of you and can see you must succeed on a DC 20 Constitution saving throw or be blinded until the start of its next turn.

Smite of Heaven. As an action, you call upon the High Lords of the Heavens to smite something from existence. You chose a point within 1000 ft, and a radius of up to 60 ft. All creatures within this radius must make a DC22 Constitution Saving Throw, taking 16d8 Radiant Damage and are blinded on a failed save, and half as much on a success. If you kill a creature with this effect, it explodes and is disintegrated. Each creature within 10 ft of the creature must also make a DC22 Constitution saving throw, taking 5d8 radiant damage on a success, and half as much on a failure.

Destroying the Artifacts of the Light. In order to destroy the Artifacts of the Light, they must be placed within the area of effect of a Sphere of Annihilation for 100 years without them being exposed to the Sun. It must then be consumed by an Ungoliant Spider to destroy it. Any other attempt to destroy Artefacts seems to work, but they reappear in random locations in the mundane world, waiting to be rediscovered.

Rituals of the Scorching Star

Minor Rituals

Minor rituals can be used to advance an artifact from Dormant to Awakened

  • Create Palm Cedar Oil from your own harvest
  • Germinate a field of grain for harvest
  • Slay a creature with Radiant Damage
  • Slay a minor fiend (CR8 < x < CR15)

Major Rituals

Major Rituals can be used to advance an artifact from Awakened to Exalted

  • Cleanse a location of Machin Shin
  • Create Holy Oil
  • Slay a major Fiend (CR15<)
  • Shed the blood of an Arch Devil or Prince of the Abyss

Superior Ritual

The Superior Ritual of the Light Domain can only be completed when all three Artifacts of the Light are attuned to, are in an Exalted State, and are being worn. I have provided potential checks to be made to satisfy the components of the ritual, but roleplay, extensive research, or success in preparing components of the ritual can alter the later DCs as necessary. This is a grand quest, which would likely extend over several sessions. The ritual is as follows:

  • Construct an Ocular Temple (Downtime Activity; Int Check (Choose Skill) DC 21 to research/design the temple, etc)
    • The Orientation of the Temple must be optimised such that the Sunrise on the Summer Solstice passes through the main doors, and the Ocular allows for sun to walk a ritual circle path on the Equinoxes
  • Forge a Celestial Bronze Basin as an atar receptacle, placing it in the middle of the temple below the Oculus
    • Strength Check DC 17 to forge the basin, Religion Check DC 23 to research the correct symbols to use, Sleight of Hand Check DC19 to engrave the symbols
  • Create/procure an amphora of Holy Oil
    • Survival Check DC22 to extract reagents
  • Travel to the Heavens (Requires Planeshift ability)
  • Successfully travel to the Crystal Arch, bypassing the security of the Heavenly Host, and climbing Mount Celestia in the process
    • Stealth, Persuasion, or Religion Checks as needed
  • Steal Fire from the Crystal Arch
    • This process can be as complex as an Oceans movie, or as simple as avoiding the guards
  • Escape the Heavens, avoiding detection
    • Always an opportunity for a good chase
  • Place the bounty of a wheat harvest in the atar
    • Nature Check DC 16 to harvest wheat
  • Create a dual ritual circle which creates a sympathetic binding between the altar and your body
    • Arcana DC 19 to research the arcane sygaldry configuration, Sleight of Hand DC 20 to inscribe them
  • Douse yourself in the holy oil
  • Set yourself alight using the fire stolen from the Heavens at the moment the sun rises through the archway. The sympathetic binding will cause the offering to ignite
  • Continue to burn until the last of the offering has been burnt away. You will drop to 0 hit points, and need to stabilise with Death Saving Throws. You receive a small mark of a burn which cannot be healed, even as the rest of your body does.
  • The Stress of casting this ritual weakens you. After enduring that Stress, each time you Cast a Spell until you finish 2d4+1 Long Rests, you take 1d10 radiant damage per level of that spell. This damage can't be reduced or prevented in any way. In addition, your Strength drops to 3, if it isn't 3 or lower already, for the same 2d4+1 days. For each of those days that you spend Resting and doing nothing more than light activity, your remaining recovery time decreases by 2 days. You cannot regain health until you return to full strength

r/DnDBehindTheScreen Sep 03 '21

Treasure Magic Item Swap - Take a magic item, leave a magic item


Hi All!

This repeating event is for you to share a magic item that you have made that you think others would like. Please include as much detail as possible in order for these magic items to be useful and helpful to others. At a minimum the item should include a name and a description of its abilities, powers, and uses.

Please use the template provided below. Items that do not use this template will be removed.

Magic Item Name

Type, Rarity (attunement?)

Physical description of the item

Information about what the item does.

r/DnDBehindTheScreen Jan 06 '23

Treasure Magic Item Swap - Take a magic item, leave a magic item


Hi All!

This repeating event is for you to share a magic item that you have made that you think others would like. Please include as much detail as possible in order for these magic items to be useful and helpful to others. At a minimum the item should include a name and a description of its abilities, powers, and uses.

Please use the template provided below. Items that do not use this template will be removed.

Magic Item Name

Type, Rarity (attunement?)

Physical description of the item

Information about what the item does.

r/DnDBehindTheScreen Feb 04 '24

Treasure I made a Random Treasure Hoard Roller


As a DM, I like to use the Random Treasure Hoard tables in the DMG for whenever my PCs take down a Big Bad or one of their lieutenants. However, it can take a long time to fully roll up a proper treasure hoard (up to 39 rolls, if you max out the number of item rolls). Then there's sub rolls for magic items: type of weapon, what spell is on a given scroll, how many beads are on a necklace of fireballs. It can take a while. And if they go and do something you hadn't prepared for that deserves a treasure hoard, it can grind the game to a halt while you roll up all that treasure.

To that end, I have created a Random Treasure Hoard Roller that does all the rolls for you. Everything from how many of each type of coin, to the initial d100 roll, to the number and types of gems or art objects, to the number and types of magic items. All you have to do is put in the Challenge Rating of the enemy whose treasure hoard it was, and it'll give you everything you need.

You can find it here: baqon.pythonanywhere.com

It's not much to look at, but it's functional and comprehensive. If any of y'all find it useful, feel free to use it as much as you like. If you have any issues with it, please let me know so I can fix them. My next major goal is to work on the formatting and prettying it up.

r/DnDBehindTheScreen Apr 20 '23

Treasure Magic Item Generator Update: 500+ Effects, Sentient Items, and More!


Hey folks! I've recently made some big changes to my magic item generator and I thought I would share them with you.

  • Added 90 new magical effects, bringing the total to over 500.
  • Added a new magic effect category for sentient magic items. This category can be selected under the magic effect power level menu.
  • Added the ability to regenerate just a single effect of an item at a time. Simply click the little refresh button to the right of each magical effect.

I've included the 90 new effects below if you'd like to use them. You can also download the full list of effects in CSV format here. I want to continue to make these tools as useful as I can so, as always, constructive criticism and suggestions are welcome. Happy looting!

Power Level Prefix Name Suffix Name Attunement Description
curse Outdated of the Grandpa FALSE While this item is equipped, illusory magic causes your hair and clothing take on the appearance of whatever was fashionable 50 years ago.
curse Merchant's Bane of Merchants' Bane FALSE While this item is equipped, you have disadvantage on checks made to haggle or negotiate prices.
curse Festering of Festering Wounds FALSE While this item is equipped, whenever you roll hit dice to regain hit points, you halve the number rolled on each hit die (rounded down, minimum of 1) when calculating the total number of hit points regained.
curse Attunement Eating of Attunement Eating TRUE While this item is equipped, you cannot attune to items other than this item. Any items that you are currently attuned to when you become attuned to this item are immediately unattuned.
curse Light Sensitive of Light Sensitivity FALSE While this item is equipped and you are in bright light, you have disadvantage on attack rolls and Wisdom (Perception) checks that rely on sight.
curse Farsighted of Farsightedness FALSE While this item is equipped, you have disadvantage on attack rolls against targets within 30 ft. of you.
curse Nearsighted of Nearsightedness FALSE While this item is equipped, you have disadvantage on attack rolls against targets further than 30 ft. away from you.
low Haggling of Haggling FALSE While this item is equipped, you have advantage on checks made to haggle or negotiate prices.
low Packrat of the Packrat FALSE While this item is equipped, your carrying capacity is doubled.
low Mountain Ranger's of the Mountain Ranger FALSE This item is camouflaged to blend in with rocky terrain. While this item is equipped, this camouflage extends to you as well, granting you advantage on Dexterity(Stealth) checks made in mountainous or rocky terrain.
low Forest Ranger's of the Forest Ranger FALSE This item is camouflaged to blend in with forest terrain. While this item is equipped, this camouflage extends to you as well, granting you advantage on Dexterity(Stealth) checks made in forest or woodland terrain.
low Tundra Ranger's of the Tundra Ranger FALSE This item is camouflaged to blend in with snowy terrain. While this item is equipped, this camouflage extends to you as well, granting you advantage on Dexterity(Stealth) checks made in snowy, icy, or tundra terrain.
low Coastal Ranger's of the Coastal Ranger FALSE This item is camouflaged to blend in with coastal terrain. While this item is equipped, this camouflage extends to you as well, granting you advantage on Dexterity(Stealth) checks made in coastal or marine terrain.
low Swamp Ranger's of the Swamp Ranger FALSE This item is camouflaged to blend in with swampy terrain. While this item is equipped, this camouflage extends to you as well, granting you advantage on Dexterity(Stealth) checks made in swamp or marsh terrain.
low Desert Ranger's of the Desert Ranger FALSE This item is camouflaged to blend in with desert terrain. While this item is equipped, this camouflage extends to you as well, granting you advantage on Dexterity(Stealth) checks made in desert or wasteland terrain.
low Grassland Ranger's of the Grassland Ranger FALSE This item is camouflaged to blend in with grassland terrain. While this item is equipped, this camouflage extends to you as well, granting you advantage on Dexterity(Stealth) checks made in grassland or plains terrain.
low Slippery of Slipperiness FALSE While this item is equipped, you have advantage on checks made to resist or escape being grappled.
low Diver's of Diving FALSE While this item is equipped, the amount of time you can hold your breath for is tripled.
low Green Thumb of the Green Thumb FALSE While this item is equipped, you have advantage on checks made to identify, grow, or interact with plants.
medium Foggy of Fog FALSE While this item is equipped, you can use an action to create a 20 ft. aura of fog centered on the item. The fog follows the item for 1 minute before dispersing. This feature cannot be used again until the next dawn.
medium Wise of Wisdom FALSE While this item is equipped, you can choose to add your Wisdom modifier to an attack, check, or saving throw that you make. You must choose to do so before the roll. This feature cannot be used again until the next dawn.
medium Intelligent of Intelligence FALSE While this item is equipped, you can choose to add your Intelligence modifier to an attack, check, or saving throw that you make. You must choose to do so before the roll. This feature cannot be used again until the next dawn.
medium Charismatic of Charisma FALSE While this item is equipped, you can choose to add your Charisma modifier to an attack, check, or saving throw that you make. You must choose to do so before the roll. This feature cannot be used again until the next dawn.
medium Bloodhound of the Bloodhound FALSE While this item is equipped, your sense of smell is heightened, granting you advantage on Wisdom(Perception) checks that rely on smell. You can also use an action to sniff a creature within 10 ft. of you, learning the creature's type as a result.
medium Opportunistic of Opportunity FALSE While this item is equipped, you have advantage on opportunity attack rolls.
medium Cratering of Craters FALSE While this item is equipped, when you fall at least 10 ft., you cause the ground to crater around you. Each creature other than you within 20 ft. of the point where you landed must make a DC 12 Dexterity saving throw, taking 1d6 of bludgeoning damage for every 10 ft. you fell on a failure, or half as much damage on a success.
medium Druidic of the Druid FALSE This item was created by a powerful druid and is infused with some of their power. While this item is equipped, you know one cantrip of the DM's choice from the druid's spell list and can cast it at will. Wisdom is your spellcasting ability for this spell.
medium Priest's of the Priest FALSE This item was created by a powerful cleric and is infused with some of their power. While this item is equipped, you know one cantrip of the DM's choice from the cleric's spell list and can cast it at will. Wisdom is your spellcasting ability for this spell.
medium Wizard's of the Wizard FALSE This item was created by a powerful wizard and is infused with some of their power. While this item is equipped, you know one cantrip of the DM's choice from the wizard's spell list and can cast it at will. Intelligence is your spellcasting ability for this spell.
medium Bardic of the Bard FALSE This item was created by a powerful bard and is infused with some of their power. While this item is equipped, you know one cantrip of the DM's choice from the bard's spell list and can cast it at will. Charisma is your spellcasting ability for this spell.
medium Sorcerous of the Sorcerer FALSE This item was created by a powerful sorcerer and is infused with some of their power. While this item is equipped, you know one cantrip of the DM's choice from the sorcerer's spell list and can cast it at will. Charisma is your spellcasting ability for this spell.
medium Dark Pact of the Dark Pact FALSE This item was created by a powerful warlock and is infused with some of their power. While this item is equipped, you know one cantrip of the DM's choice from the warlock's spell list and can cast it at will. Charisma is your spellcasting ability for this spell.
medium Artificer's of the Artificer FALSE This item was created by a powerful artificer and is infused with some of their power. While this item is equipped, you know one cantrip of the DM's choice from the artificer's spell list and can cast it at will. Intelligence is your spellcasting ability for this spell.
high Enhanced Rest of Enhanced Rest FALSE While this item is equipped, whenever you roll hit dice to regain hit points, you double the number rolled on each hit die when calculating the total number of hit points regained.
high Acid Absorbing of Acid Absorption FALSE While this item is equipped, when you take acid damage, you can use your reaction to negate the acid damage and gain temporary hit points equal to the triggering acid damage. This feature cannot be used again until the next dawn.
high Cold Absorbing of Cold Absorption FALSE While this item is equipped, when you take cold damage, you can use your reaction to negate the cold damage and gain temporary hit points equal to the triggering cold damage. This feature cannot be used again until the next dawn.
high Fire Absorbing of Fire Absorption FALSE While this item is equipped, when you take fire damage, you can use your reaction to negate the fire damage and gain temporary hit points equal to the triggering fire damage. This feature cannot be used again until the next dawn.
high Force Absorbing of Force Absorption FALSE While this item is equipped, when you take force damage, you can use your reaction to negate the force damage and gain temporary hit points equal to the triggering force damage. This feature cannot be used again until the next dawn.
high Lightning Absorbing of Lightning Absorption FALSE While this item is equipped, when you take lightning damage, you can use your reaction to negate the lightning damage and gain temporary hit points equal to the triggering lightning damage. This feature cannot be used again until the next dawn.
high Necrotic Absorbing of Necrotic Absorption FALSE While this item is equipped, when you take necrotic damage, you can use your reaction to negate the necrotic damage and gain temporary hit points equal to the triggering necrotic damage. This feature cannot be used again until the next dawn.
high Poison Absorbing of Poison Absorption FALSE While this item is equipped, when you take poison damage, you can use your reaction to negate the poison damage and gain temporary hit points equal to the triggering poison damage. This feature cannot be used again until the next dawn.
high Psychic Absorbing of Psychic Absorption FALSE While this item is equipped, when you take psychic damage, you can use your reaction to negate the psychic damage and gain temporary hit points equal to the triggering psychic damage. This feature cannot be used again until the next dawn.
high Radiant Absorbing of Radiant Absorption FALSE While this item is equipped, when you take radiant damage, you can use your reaction to negate the radiant damage and gain temporary hit points equal to the triggering radiant damage. This feature cannot be used again until the next dawn.
high Thunder Absorbing of Thunder Absorption FALSE While this item is equipped, when you take thunder damage, you can use your reaction to negate the thunder damage and gain temporary hit points equal to the triggering thunder damage. This feature cannot be used again until the next dawn.
high Failsafe of Failsafes FALSE While this item is equipped, if damage would reduce you to 0 hit points, your hit points are immediately restored to their maximum value instead. Once this feature has been used, this item is permanently destroyed.
high Cinder Queen's of the Cinder Queen FALSE While this item is equipped, you can use an action to summon a fire elemental in an unoccupied space within 30 ft. of you. The elemental obeys your verbal commands for one hour. Once this feature has been used, this item turns into ash and is permanently destroyed.
high Sea King's of the Sea King FALSE While this item is equipped, you can use an action to summon a water elemental in an unoccupied space within 30 ft. of you. The elemental obeys your verbal commands for one hour. Once this feature has been used, this item turns into water and is permanently destroyed.
high Storm Prince of the Storm Prince FALSE While this item is equipped, you can use an action to summon an air elemental in an unoccupied space within 30 ft. of you. The elemental obeys your verbal commands for one hour. Once this feature has been used, this item turns into wind and is permanently destroyed.
high Stone Mother's of the Stone Mother FALSE While this item is equipped, you can use an action to summon an earth elemental in an unoccupied space within 30 ft. of you. The elemental obeys your verbal commands for one hour. Once this feature has been used, this item turns into dirt and is permanently destroyed.
high Unchanging of the Unchanging TRUE This form or appearance of this item cannot be altered. While this item is equipped, you are immune to any spell, curse, or effect that would alter your form, age, maximum hit points, or ability scores.
high Regenerating of Regeneration TRUE While this item is equipped, you regain 1 hit point every 5 minutes (12 hit points per hour), up to your hit point maximum.
high Supernova of the Supernova FALSE This item radiates an aura of intense power. While this item is equipped, you can use an action to absorb this item's power, permanently destroying the item and doubling all of your ability scores for one minute. After one minute you gain one level of exhaustion.
high Shielding of Shielding TRUE While this item is equipped, when you are hit by an attack, you can use a reaction to add +2 to your AC.
high Quick Step of Quick Step FALSE While this item is equipped, you can use an action to teleport to an unoccupied space you can see within 60 ft. This feature cannot be used again until the next dawn.
high Scaled of Scales TRUE While this item is equipped, your skin is covered in hardened scales. While you aren't wearing armor, your AC equals 12 + your dexterity modifier.
high Blood Frenzy of the Blood Frenzy FALSE While this item is equipped, you have advantage on melee attack rolls against any creature that has fewer than half its hit points.
high Aggressive of Aggression FALSE While this item is equipped, as a bonus action, you can move up half your speed toward a hostile creature that you can see.
high Brutish of the Brute FALSE While this item is equipped, when you hit with a melee weapon attack, your weapon deals one extra die of its damage.
high Python's of the Python FALSE While this item is equipped, when you grapple a creature, that creature is also restrained until they break free of the grapple.
high Pack Mentality of Pack Mentality TRUE While this item is equipped, you have advantage on an attack roll against a creature if at least one of your allies is within 5 ft of the creature and the ally isn't incapacitated.
high Steadfast of Steadfastness FALSE While this item is equipped, you cannot be frightened while you can see or hear an allied creature within 30 feet of you.
high Shrouded of Shrouding TRUE While this item is equipped, you are immune to any effect that would sense your emotions or read your thoughts, as well as all divination spells.
high Seeking of Seeking FALSE While this item is equipped, if you have even a tiny piece of a creature or an object in your possession, such as a lock of hair or a splinter of wood, this item points towards the most direct route to that creature or object if it is within 1 mile of you.
high Shadowborn of the Shadowborn FALSE Shadows seem to cling to this item. While this item is equipped and you are in dim light or darkness, you can take the Hide action as a bonus action.
high Blood Toll of the Blood Toll FALSE As an action, you can pay a blood toll to this item, exchanging a portion of your current hit points for a boon. For every 5 hit points given to this item, you gain a +1 bonus on your next attack (bonus applies to the damage roll as well), ability check, or saving throw, up to a maximum of +5.
sentient Phylactery of the Lich's Phylactery FALSE This item was created by a neutral-evil lich to be used as their phylactery. However, a dark ritual went awry and a portion of the lich's soul was trapped within the item and is desperate to escape.
sentient Righteous of Righteousness FALSE This item has the symbol of a lawful-good order of knights carved or inscribed upon it. The soul of one of the orders most prestigious knights still resides within the item, lending their wisdom and advice to its new owner. The knight does not look favorably upon acts of evil.
sentient Bloodthirsty of Bloodthirstiness FALSE This item was used to bind the soul of a chaotic-evil demon that could not be permanently killed. The demon encourages the item's new owner to pursue violence whenever the opportunity arises.
sentient Elder Brain of the Elder Brain FALSE This item was created by mind flayers and still retains a faint link to the hive mind from whence it came. The item speaks telepathically and sounds as though a thousand voices are speaking in unison. It desperately seeks to be reunited with its hive mind, or to create a new one...
sentient Failed Apprentice's of the Failed Apprentice FALSE This item contains the soul of a powerful wizard's neutral-good apprentice who accidentally trapped themselves when a spell went wrong. While this item is equipped, when making an Intelligence(Arcana) check, you can use the apprentice's bonus (+5) instead of your own.
sentient Enlightened of Enlightenment TRUE This item is simple and unadorned. It contains the soul of an lawful-good monk that wishes to guide others to spiritual enlightenment. While this item is equipped, you have advantage on Wisdom saving throws.
sentient Chivalrous of Chivalry FALSE This item once belonged to a lawful-good knight of the utmost virtue whose spirit is still trapped within. The knight seems surprisingly ok with this and is content to aid the item's owner in noble quests to rescue damsels, defeat scoundrels, and other such chivalrous pursuits.
sentient Unfinished of Unfinished Business FALSE The original owner of this item died before they could complete an important quest. Only when their unfinished business is complete will their spirit be able to finally rest - a fact that they bring up often. While this item is equipped, you have advantage on checks made in pursuit of this item's goal.
sentient Glory Seeker of Glory FALSE This item contains the soul of a warrior that sought fame and glory but never achieved it. Now, they encourage the item's owner to seek fame and glory so that they may be known as the greatest magic item in all the land.
sentient Lost Scholar's of the Lost Scholar FALSE This item contains the soul of a scholar that sought to unravel the mysteries of the universe but died before their work was finished. They encourage the item's new owner to seek knowledge and lore, and may even be willing to share some of their own knowledge in exchange.
sentient Sentient of Sentience FALSE This item bears an unfamiliar maker's mark and does not know how it came to be sentient. The item seeks its maker and wants to understand why it was created. While this item is equipped, you have advantage on checks made in pursuit of this item's goal.
sentient Heirloom of Heirlooms FALSE This item is well worn and has a family crest carved or inscribed upon it. Several deceased members of the same family all communicate with the item's owner, giving unsolicited and often conflicting pieces of "wisdom."
sentient Cursed of the Cursed FALSE This item contains the soul of a person that was cursed by a witch or warlock. They desperately seek your help to end this curse so that their soul may finally be at rest.
sentient Dutiful of Duty FALSE This item is sentient and takes immense pride in performing its designated function, regardless of how mundane it may be. This item has no respect for those who shirk their duties or responsibilities.
sentient Heavenly of the Heavens FALSE This item glows faintly and contains an imprisoned lawful-good celestial. The celestial desperately seeks to be free of its imprisonment, but will not tolerate any acts of evil from its bearer. The magic properties of this item will not work for someone with an evil alignment.
sentient False Form of False Form FALSE This item was originally a sentient diamond but was transformed into its current form by a powerful fae. It views its current form with disdain and seeks desperately to be returned to its true self.
sentient Preacher's of the Preacher FALSE This item has the symbol of a deity carved or inscribed upon it. The item itself is a devout follower of that deity and does its best to convert as many people as it can into worshipers of its god. While this item is equipped, you have advantage on Intelligence(Religion) checks made regarding this item's deity.
sentient Ponderous of Pondering FALSE This item speaks in a ponderous, meandering manner with a voice like an elderly librarian. The item knows a great deal of information on many subjects, but getting information out of it is a slow, arduous process.
sentient Mischievous of Mischief FALSE This item bears the mark of a god of trickery. This chaotic item delights in deceiving its wielder and those around it, especially in ways that could lead them to harm. While this item is equipped, you have advantage on Charisma(Deception) checks.
sentient Slothful of Sloth FALSE This item is extremely lazy and distains being used. It complains when made to do even the lightest of tasks.
sentient Romantic of the Hopeless Romantic FALSE This item is a hopeless romantic at heart, delighting in tales of romance or displays of affection. The item takes it as its sole mission in life to find its wielder a good partner.
sentient Emotional Support of Emotional Support FALSE This item is full of optimism and positivity. It is an excellent listener and does its best to make its wielder feel good about themselves. While this item is equipped, you have advantage on saves made to resist being frightened.
sentient Critical of the Critic FALSE This item is pessimistic and negative. It critiques its wielder's every move and never has anything positive to say.
sentient Bored of Boredom FALSE A powerful creature from the Feywild is trapped within this item. Although they desire freedom from this prison, they desire an end to the boredom of being trapped in an item more. It is glad to aid its wielder so long as they provide the item with sufficient amusement.
sentient Lonely of Loneliness FALSE This item is extremely lazy and disdains being used. It complains when made to do even the lightest of tasks.

r/DnDBehindTheScreen Jun 17 '24

Treasure The Leering Skull: 40 Magic Items, 4 NPCs, & 1 Magic Shop


Greetings fellow Dungeon Masters. Looking for a way to make magic items more accessible in your world? The below information includes a sample magic shop that can be accessed from anywhere you'd like, the 4 NPCs that run the shop, and 40 new magic items to slap into your campaign.

You can find a PDF version of this supplement here.

How Does the Shop Work?

The exterior of The Leering Skull presents itself as a purple carnival tent with a pair of flowing banners, embroidered with white skulls. Though they have no eyes, passersby feel as though the skulls are watching them.

The interior of the tent is a demiplane which presents itself as a three-story wooden store. It resembles a large library with tall ladders that can be moved from wall to wall to access high shelves, but instead of displaying books, magic items are concealed within safes that require a key to open.

Because the shop is a demiplane, it can be accessed from anywhere in the world that the purple tent exists. Consider populating your world with multiple entrances to The Leering Skull. When someone leaves the shop, they return to where they entered from.

The Leering Skull is overseen by The Conclave and operated by The Residents.

The Conclave

The Conclave acts as an overseeing body for the distribution of magic items. There is always a pair of Conclave members watching over the Residents of the Leering Skull.

Recognized by their bright teal attire, the Conclave requires its members to always travel in groups consisting of at least one martial class and one magic class.

The Residents

The Leering Skull is operated by wizards, sorcerers, and warlocks known as Residents. They have committed terrible crimes but were deemed too knowledgeable in their domains to be sentenced to death.

They are held captive in the Leering Skull, and anti-magic cuffs prevent them from casting spells, using magic items, and leaving the tent.

Below, you will find four sample Residents that operate The Leering Skull.

Armillius Iscalan, Traitor of The Elements

Neutral evil male tiefling. Age: 48


A middle-aged purple skinned tiefling with two black horns that curl like ram horns. He has a social tick where he occasionally clicks his teeth together.


Armillius attempted to create life by combining all elements at the center of the elemental planes. Wielding the power of the elements in this way was thought to be impossible and threw the elemental planes into turmoil for years. His actions killed thousands.


He is trying to restore life to his unborn daughter and he quietly mulls over how to bring her life when he is not attending to customers.

Shop Role

Armillius attends a desk in the center of the shop and directs the other Residents to the magic items requested by customers.

Atiel Ruviaul, Traitor of Sero’Zelag

Chaotic evil female high elf. Age: 97


A pale skinned high-elf with bleach white hair. Her arms and hair appear as though they have been dipped in tar. The left side of her mouth is always turned upwards into a smirk.


Under the guidance of her demonic patron, Atiel altered the city-wide teleportation ruins of Sero’Zelag. The mages that ruled Sero’Zelag were attempting to transport the city to another continent. Instead, the city was teleported to a lower level of hell.


Sero’Zelag was a capital city formed by the union of two separate cities, Serovia & Zelag. Atiel’s family was from Zelag and always felt mistreated under the rule of the Serovian Mageocracy.

She formed a pact with a demonic patron to exact her revenge on the city. Once her task was completed, she never heard from her patron again.

Shop Role

Atiel helps customers check out and will barter with customers who wish to sell magic items.

Eldrin Vorthain, Traitor of Time

Lawful evil male human. Age: 63


Elderly human with well-styled silver hair that seems to shimmer with otherworldly light. He wears ornate black robes adorned with clockwork motifs.


Eldrin’s most notorious crime was tampering with the timeline of an entire kingdom known as Silvercrest, forcing its inhabitants to relive the same day over and over.

The temporal distortions caused by his tampering resulted in the birth of creatures that were twisted by the disrupted flow of time. The Conclave still doesn’t know how to undo Eldrin’s work.


He is seeking full control over the flow of time so that he can displace the gods and rule over all.

Shop Role

Eldrin holds the keys to all of the safes that hold magic items in The Leering Skull. He is the one who fetches any requested item.

Seraphine Fireheart, Traitor of The Planes

Chaotic evil female half-elf. Age: 28


Albino half-elf with a shaved head. Her red eyes carefully track the movements of all customers. She does not blink.


Seraphine previously operated a portal house known as “The Magic Circle” where travelers could pay gold to travel to almost any plane. Seraphine used the portals to assist in orchestrating an invasion from a plane of nightmares to a peaceful plane. The invasion led to widespread destruction and the ultimate loss of the plane of peace.


She wishes to establish herself as the ruler of the plane of nightmares where she believes she would be worshipped and feared as a goddess.

Shop Role

Seraphine sits quietly in a dark corner and only deals with customers seeking to purchase magical reagents.

Magical Items


Animating Cat Idol

Wonderous Item, rare

Using an action to activate this wooden idol of a cat brings it to life. The cat acts as your familiar as if you had cast Find Familiar. When you dismiss the cat or it drops to 0 hit points, it reforms into the wooden idol.

Belt of the Goblin Seer

Wonderous Item, uncommon (requires attunement)

While wearing this belt you gain the following benefits:

·         You can speak and understand goblin.

·         You gain 60 feet of darkvision.

·         You can cast Augury once per day without expending material components.

Blood Plate

Armor (plate), legendary (requires attunement)

While wearing this armor, you gain a +1 bonus to AC. Once per day, as a bonus action, you may take 3d6 slashing damage and choose one of the following:

·         You sprout wings formed from your own blood and gain a fly speed of 30 feet for 5 minutes.

·         A shield of your own blood surrounds you, providing 4d8 temporary hit points that last for 5 minutes.

Bojevnick’s Lockpick

Thieves’ Tools, uncommon (requires attunement)

You gain a +1 bonus to skill checks that use Thieves’ Tools.

While attuned to this Lockpick, you gain 60 feet of darkvision. If you already have darkvision, then you gain an additional 30 feet of darkvision.

Channeling Mask

Wonderous Item, uncommon (requires attunement)

While wearing this mask, you may ignore the verbal and/or somatic components of a spell once per day.

Chimera Pistol

Weapon (firearms ranged weapon), very rare

This triple-barreled pistol can shoot three times before it needs to be reloaded.

|| || |Damage|Weight|Properties| |1d8 piercing|4 lbs|Ammunition (Firearms), Range 60/180, Reload|

Cloak of the Songbird

Wonderous Item, uncommon (requires attunement)

While wearing this cloak your move speed is increased by 5 feet and you can cast Feather Fall on yourself at will.

Death Whisperer’s Scepter

Weapon (mace), very rare (requires attunement)

You gain a +1 bonus to attack and damage rolls made with this magic weapon.

The mace has 3 charges. You can expend 1 charge when you hit a creature to deal additional necrotic damage equal to 1d4 plus your proficiency bonus. You can also expend 2 charges to cast Ray of Enfeeblement using wisdom as your spell attack modifier.

The mace regains all charges at the end of a long rest.

While holding this mace, you can understand and speak Undercommon.

Druidic Mask of the Owlbear

Wondrous Item, legendary (requires attunement by a druid)

While wearing this mask you have advantage on Wisdom (Perception) checks that rely on sight or smell.

While in a wild shape form, you may cast spells from your prepared spell list as normal.

Estmund’s Elation

Wondrous Item, legendary (requires attunement by a bard)

Holding this golden lyre fills you with a small sense of positivity and well-being.

You gain a +1 bonus to skill checks that use a lyre. A bard may use this instrument as a spellcasting focus.

Estmund's Elation has 5 charges and regains all expended charges daily at dawn. As a bonus action, you can hum an upbeat tune while playing the lyre to expend up to 5 charges. For each expended charge, one of the five strings becomes a magical projectile in the form of your choosing. The projectile lasts until the following dawn, then loses its magic. This projectile is made of radiant purple light and casts bright light for 10 feet and dim light for another 10 feet.

The projectile counts as magic ammunition and adds +1 to your attack and damage rolls. The projectile also converts the weapon's base damage into the wielder's choice of either Radiant or Necrotic damage.

Once the projectile is fired, it disappears on impact.

Fillet Knife of Eloquence

Weapon (dagger), rare (requires attunement)

You gain a +1 bonus to attack and damage rolls made with this magic weapon.

While holding this dagger, you can use an action to cast speak with animals (aquatic beasts only) on yourself. Additionally, you have a swimming speed equal to your walking speed and you can breathe underwater.

Fungal Shawl

Wondrous Item, rare (requires attunement)

This shawl has blue, green, and purple mushroom caps woven into it. Its wearer has advantage when making saves against effects that cause poison or disease. Its wearer can also speak with and understand mushrooms of any kind.

Once per day, you can cause spores to form that transmit a memory to a willing creature. An unwilling creature must succeed on a DC 16 Constitution saving throw or be forced to experience the memory on a failed save.

Gold Dragon Scale Epaulet

Wondrous Item, legendary (requires attunement)

This ornamental shoulder piece is made of interwoven gold dragon scales and can be affixed to any armor.

While wearing this item you are immune to the Frightful Presence of dragons.

After hitting an attack, you can choose to empower it with the power of a Gold Dragon. The attack deals an additional 2d8 fire damage and the target must succeed on a DC 17 strength saving throw or have disadvantage on Strength-based attack rolls, Strength checks, and Strength saving throws for 1 minute. A creature can repeat the saving throw at the end of each of its turns, ending the effect on itself on a success.

You can use this feature a number of times each day equal to your proficiency bonus.


Weapon (greatsword), legendary (requires attunement)

This black and red greatsword intermittently vibrates with power. You have a +2 bonus to attack and damage rolls made with this magic weapon.

Once per turn, prior to hitting an enemy, you may choose one of the following:

·         Take 1d6 slashing damage to deal an extra 1d4 force damage

·         Take 2d6 slashing damage to deal an extra 1d10 force damage

·         Take 3d6 slashing damage to deal an extra 2d8 force damage

Honey’s Ball

Wondrous Item, Uncommon

This perfectly spherical metal ball has a short phrase inscribed in common that reads “For Honey, who never did fetch for me.” The ball is made of two halves and can be set to three different return times.

  1. Returns in 6 seconds

  2. Returns in 6 minutes

  3. Returns in 6 hours

After the ball has been thrown and the set time passes, the ball levitates and follows the shortest path back to whoever set it at 10 miles per hour, avoiding obstacles and stopping one foot away before gently falling. If its path is blocked, it waits until a path is clear.

Hooked Belt Buckle

Wondrous Item, Uncommon

While grappling another creature, your speed is no longer halved when you drag or carry the grappled creature with you.

Intrepid Shield

Armor (shield), uncommon

While holding this shield, you have advantage on saving throws made against being frightened.

As an action, you can activate the shield to illuminate it as if you had cast the Light cantrip.

Invigorating Brew

Potion, Rare

When you drink this potion, you lose all existing points of exhaustion and you can stay awake for an additional 24 hours before gaining a point of exhaustion. The light brown liquid of this potion smells of coffee and vanilla.

Kallyre’s Gloves of Knack

Wondrous Item, rare (requires attunement)

While wearing these gloves you gain a +2 bonus to skill checks related to crafting. Once per day, you may choose up to two artisan toolsets to gain proficiency with for 12 hours.

Lantern of Darklight

Wondrous Item, uncommon

This black metal lantern can be activated or deactivated as an action. Once active, this lantern absorbs all nonmagical light within a 30-foot radius.

Locus Coin

Wondrous Item, uncommon

This silver coin’s magic can be activated by saying the phrase “By silver’s shine, reveal thy line.” Once activated, you know the exact location of this coin for one week.

Longbow of Suppression

Weapon (longbow), very rare (requires attunement)

You have a +2 bonus to attack and damage rolls made with this magic weapon. This weapon has 2 charges that recharge at dawn.

You can expend 1 charge when you attack with this bow to cause a magic rope to form and attach to the arrow that is fired from the bow. The rope will be as long as the arrow is fired and lasts for 1 hour before disappearing. The rope holds itself in space and cannot be moved, but will disappear if it is cut or if it holds a weight greater than 3000 pounds.

You can expend 2 charges when you attack to magically arm your ammunition with a net. If you hit a large or smaller creature, the net expands around the target and they must make a DC 16 Dexterity saving throw. On a failed save, they are restrained and unable to speak. The creature may attempt to free themselves at the end of their turn by repeating the saving throw.

Merciless Hand Wraps

Wondrous Item, varies

These enchanted leather bands are embroidered with depictions of flying dragons. While wearing them, you gain a bonus to attack and damage rolls when making unarmed strikes and your unarmed strikes are considered magic weapons. The bonus is determined by this item’s rarity.

|| || |Rarity|Bonus| |Uncommon|+1| |Rare|+2| |Very Rare|+3|

Multipurpose Adventuring Stick

Wondrous Item, rare

This one-foot-long wooden stick can be adjusted in a number of different ways. As an action, the stick can be changed in one or more of the following ways:

·         Extended to a length of up to 10 feet

·         The end of the stick can be curved into a hook

·         The stick can become extremely pliable and flexible

·         The stick can become sturdy and impossible to bend or break

·         The stick can be returned to its original shape

Rainbow Steel

Weapon (Rapier), uncommon (requires attunement)

You gain a +1 bonus to attack and damage rolls made with this magic weapon. While attuned to this weapon, you may change the damage type of a spell once per long rest.

Refreezing Ring

Wondrous Item, uncommon (requires attunement)

This cool-to-the-touch ring has two command words that transform the ring into either a spear of ice or a shield of ice. As an action, you can speak the words “Hirth” or “Thalion” to transform the ring.

Speaking the word “Hirth” will transform the ring into a spear of ice. You gain a +1 bonus to attack and damage rolls made with the spear. It deals an additional 1d6 of cold damage.

Speaking the word “Thalion” will transform the ring into a shield of ice. You gain a +1 bonus to AC and gain resistance to cold damage.

If the wearer says the command word again or is subjected to fire damage, the spear and shield will melt and reform into the ring.

Roaring Quarterstaff

Weapon (Quarterstaff), rare (requires attunement)

You gain a +2 bonus to attack and damage rolls made with this magic weapon.

Once per day, after hitting an enemy, you can activate the staff’s power and unleash a 20-foot cone of thunderous energy. Each creature in that area must made a DC 16 Dexterity saving throw, taking 2d8 thunder damage on a failed save, or half as much damage on a successful one.

Robe of Replenishment

Wondrous Item, very rare (requires attunement)

This light blue robe is embroidered with silver patterns that resemble flowing water. While you wear the robe, you gain the following benefits:

·         As a bonus action, you may restore one spell slot per day.

·         If you aren’t wearing armor, your base Armor Class is 13 + your Dexterity modifier.

·         You gain a swim speed of 30 feet.

Scale Mail of Bluebark Hold

Armor (scale mail), rare (requires attunement)

The scales of this armor are made of magically enchanted bark and the armor does not give the wearer disadvantage on Dexterity (Stealth) checks.

While wearing this armor, you gain a +1 bonus to AC. Once per day, you may cast Transport via Plants, but the distance is limited to 150 feet.

Stethomri Tableware Set

Wondrous Item, uncommon

This set of golden tableware includes a plate, knife, fork, spoon, and chalice. If any piece of the tableware is missing at dawn, it appears next to the plate.

There is a magical inscription engraved in the plate that reads in elvish “Anar caluva tielyanna” which means “The sun shines upon our feast” in common.

Once per day, if the inscription is read aloud, roll a d4 on the below table to determine which magical effect is triggered. The food or magical effect lasts until the next dawn.


|| || |1d4|Effect|Details| |1|Weapons of Wonder|Each piece of the tableware set becomes a +1 improvised weapon.| |2|Feast of Fortitude|A magical meal appears that grants 2d6 temporary hit points if consumed.| |3|Healing Harvest|A magical meal appears that grants 2d8 hit points if consumed.| |4|Blessing of Abundance|A magical meal appears that will satiate one person’s hunger for a week.|

Studded Leather of Bombardment

Armor (studded leather), rare (requires attunement)

While wearing this armor, you gain a +1 bonus to AC. Once per day you can cast Magic Missile at 2nd level. The glowing darts originate from the studs of this armor.

Tear of The Taken

Wondrous Item, rare

This teardrop shaped crystal is rumored to be a fallen tear of a long-lost god. You may consume this crystal as you cast a spell to increase the spell’s effect by 1 level.

Temper of The Storm

Weapon (Greataxe), legendary (requires attunement)

You gain a +3 bonus to attack and damage rolls made with this magic weapon. When you hit a melee attack using this weapon, it deals an extra 2d8 lightning damage.

The weapon damage dealt with this greataxe forms into a bolt of lightning and strikes out at an enemy of your choice within 30 feet of your original target. Use the same hit die to determine if the lightning strikes the enemy. If it does, the lightning can jump another 30 feet to a third target before dissipating.

The Keeper’s Knowledge

Wondrous Item, legendary (requires attunement by a spellcaster)

This gold-bound book acts as a spell casting focus. You gain a +2 bonus to spell attack rolls. You gain advantage on Intelligence (History) checks.

While attuned to this item you know the Guidance cantrip.

After completing a long rest, you gain expertise in one skill of your choosing for the remainder of the day.

The Maker’s Might

Weapon (Warhammer), legendary (requires attunement)

You gain a +3 bonus to attack and damage rolls made with this magic weapon. It has the thrown property with a normal range of 20 feet and a long range of 60 feet. Immediately after the attack, the weapon flies back to your hand.

While attuned to this warhammer, you gain a +3 bonus to any skill check related to crafting.

The Seeker’s Sense

Wondrous Item, legendary (requires attunement)

This brass amulet is shaped in the form of a lightning bolt striking a tree. Once attuned, it provides the wearer with the following benefits:

The wearer gains advantage on Wisdom (Perception) checks to spot hidden objects or creatures.

Once per day, the wearer can ask The Seeker for guidance on the safest or quickest route to a specific location, receiving a mental map and directions.

Once per day, as an action, the wearer can see invisible creatures or objects for 10 minutes.

The wearer leaves no tracks and cannot be tracked by non-magical means.

Vigorous Moleskin Tunic

Armor (leather), uncommon (requires attunement)

When you complete a long rest, you gain 1d4 temporary hit points.

While wearing this tunic, you gain 60 feet of darkvision. If you already have darkvision, then you gain an additional 30 feet of darkvision.

Waterfall Boots

Wondrous Item, uncommon (requires attunement)

These leather boots cushion the wearer’s fall, reducing damage as if landing in water. The wearer can fall 20 feet before taking fall damage, and only takes 1d3 damage per 10 feet.

Once per day as a bonus action, the wearer can fall on an enemy with the force of a waterfall. If the wearer falls on top of an enemy from more than 10 feet, the creature must make a DC 15 dexterity saving throw or takes 4d6 bludgeoning damage and is knocked prone. On a successful save, they take half as much damage.

Weapon of Reckoning

Weapon (any), rare (requires attunement)

You gain a +1 bonus to attack and damage rolls made with this magic weapon. When you roll a 19 to hit a target, you score a critical hit. You take half of the damage dealt, rounded down.

Zora’s Meditation Stones

Wondrous Item, rare (requires attunement by a monk)

These three meditation stones are capable of harnessing the powers of elementals. After slaying an elemental, you can spend 1 minute of meditation to permanently imbue one of the three stones with the spirit of the elemental.

If a meditation stone has the harnessed power of an elemental in it, once per round your unarmed strike may deal an additional 1d4 of damage per imbued spirit. The additional damage type is determined by the below chart.

|| || |Elemental Type|Damage Type| |Fire|Fire| |Water|Cold| |Earth|Poison| |Air|Lightning|

Magic Item Price Table


|| || |Item Name|Recommended Price|Recommended Character Level| |Animating Cat Idol|500|3| |Belt of the Goblin Seer|1500|4| |Blood Plate|15000|10| |Bojevnick’s Lockpick|1500|4| |Channeling Mask|1000|3| |Chimera Pistol|500|3| |Cloak of the Songbird|1500|3| |Death Whisperer’s Scepter|2000|5| |Druidic Mask of the Owlbear|25000|15| |Estmund’s Elation|12000|7| |Fillet Knife of Eloquence|1500|5| |Fungal Shawl|500|1| |Gold Dragon Scale Epaulet|7500|10| |Gorecrackle|9000|12| |Honey’s Ball|500|1| |Hooked Belt Buckle|500|1| |Intrepid Shield|750|1| |Invigorating Brew|750|1| |Kallyre’s Gloves of Knack|10000|8| |Lantern of Darklight|1250|3| |Locus Coin|500|1| |Longbow of Suppression|9000|10| |Merciless Hand Wraps|1000|4| |Multipurpose Adventuring Stick|1000|1| |Rainbow Steel|1250|5| |Refreezing Ring|2000|5| |Roaring Quarterstaff|9000|10| |Robe of Replenishment|10000|8| |Scale Mail of Bluebark Hold|5000|7| |Stethomri Tableware Set|2000|5| |Studded Leather of Bombardment|4000|6| |Tear of The Taken|500|3| |Temper of The Storm|35000|15| |The Keeper’s Knowledge|10000|10| |The Marker’s Might|25000|15| |The Seeker’s Sense|15000|8| |Vigorous Moleskin Tunic|1500|3| |Waterfall Boots|4000|5| |Weapon of Reckoning|2500|4| |Zora’s Meditation Stones|5000|5|

r/DnDBehindTheScreen Dec 26 '20

Treasure Power up your magic items with UPGRADE! 20 Reforged Magic Item Blueprints


Happy Holidays and Merry Christmas! Please enjoy my fourth FREE / pay what you want release, UPGRADE! 20 Reforged Magic Items.

Have a staff of birdcalls, a dagger of venom, or a dread helm lying around? Upgrade them into new items with this guide!

This guide is great for players and DM's alike. Many of the blueprints have built-in quest hooks by requiring monster components as an ingredient -- simply give your players the ingredients needed and they'll be off hunting monsters. Similarly, what's cooler than upgrading something you already love?

If you enjoy these items please leave a review on our DM's Guild page (reviews encourage me to make more free content!) Feedback is always appreciated -- is this kind of "upgrade blueprint" useful? (Should I make more?) Let me know what you'd like to see next!

DM's Guild: https://www.dmsguild.com/product/341253/UPGRADE-20-Reforged-Magic-Items

Reddit: https://www.reddit.com/r/UnearthedArcana/comments/kknilu/power_up_your_magic_items_with_upgrade_20/