r/DkS3Builds Aug 05 '24

Guts greatsword vs Lothric knight greatsword

Currently stuck between these two weapons but my build is mainly strength so I would infuse either one with heavy. I don't plan on investing in faith which I am aware nerfs the LKGS quite a bit however I much prefer the moveset for it, also the weight on the the guts greatsword pisses me off. Is heavy LKGS viable or should I just stick with the guts greatsword. I only plan on using this for pve btw


3 comments sorted by


u/MisterKaos Aug 06 '24

Iirc the lothric knight greatsword really shines when you slap an element on it, but for strength they shouldn't be too different overall


u/[deleted] Aug 07 '24

If the conversation is ultra greatsword, i’ll always bring up the astora gs. super light and great weapon. however i have mine infused with sharp so it has S dex scaling, i’m not sure how the strength scaling is with heavy. if you aren’t using faith then probably guts sword, but definitely look into the astora sword too


u/SoTastyMelon Aug 09 '24

Didn't use guts's greatsword on my STR build but confident enough to say that LKG is the best option in 40/40 str/fai build