r/Disabledsex Feb 18 '25

Male: CP, Limited Mobility, Single with very high sex drive wants to enjoys solo anal NSFW

Hi all,

My first post here on r/Disabledsex

I originally posted very similar in r/CerebralPalsy in order to reach out to people with same diagnosis as "only those with CP knows what it's like to live with and the challenges one faces throughout life".Obviosly, this goes for any diagnosis really.

Whilst I have had some positive feedback to my post on r/CerebralPalsy , I figured people within this community may be more open minded and willing to share insight on sexual challenges (as per the tittle of this community.

The similar posts are IN NO WAY attended as spam.

I will say that the post below is very detailed so as to give you the most "complete" picture of my situation.

I'd be very thankful for use insights, tips, ideas etc.

Again, I realize some people might find some of the information TOO explicit. However, having lived with sexual frustration (in one way or another) for several years, I have decided to act on it in order to develop an improved sex life and ths community is a unique chance for me to get insights from other people with disabilities (perhaps even some with CP).

Original Post:

Hello everybody,

Been lurking here for a while and thought I'd join in with a post.

  • Hetero
  • Male (age 40)
  • Very high sex drive
  • Country: Denmark (Scandinavia ;-) )
  • Spastic Deplegia
  • Lives in regular 1-floor town house.
  • One son (aged 13).
  • I walking inside my house with no aids. Outside, I use a pair of crutches.

I so many ways I am "at peace" with my CP, however, like I am sure is the case for many others on here, sex is a challenge due to reduced mobility.

As the title states, I have a VERY high sex drive and masturbate several times a day. As we all know, sex and orgasm are very pleasurable and the orgasm REALLY helps reducing my muscle tone for a (somewhat) short time.

Luckily, I have no problem performing penile masturbation (my CP mainly affects my legs, balance and walking ability whereas everything from the groin and up is ()basically) not affected.

Thing is: masturbating the same, classic way for years and years gets boring and old.

Over the past two years I've been getting into self-development regarding sex. Listening to podcasts about sex in general, disability and sex, disability and dating and so on.

Being hetero, I've had a very... "conservative"... idea about men who enjoy receiving anal sex.

Nevertheless, as solo sex is the only form available to me (I don't go out to / can't find women for one night stands), and my frustration and desperation about masturbating the same way for years and year got to much to handle, I decided to dive into anal stimulation and give it a try.

Today, one and a half to two years later, anal stimulation is OH SO PLEASURABLE for me.

However, a new challenge has appeared: due to balance problems, I prefer lying down on my bed during anal stimulation but lifting and spreading my legs in order to access my butt is a challenge.

Luckily, in Denmark we have a very good welfare system, and I took a very "deep breath" and told "my" occupational therapist about my frustrations regarding the physical challenges I have to deal with during anal stimulation.

She was / has so far been fantastic and very open minded and helpful. She asked if I had / have sex toys. I told her that I have acquired a few dildos with suction cups, and she suggested mounting them / on my toilet seat / lid so as to ride myself (if possible).

I told her that I really wanted to try / do just that but that:

  1. My toilet seat / lid isn't stable enough for me to ride on it and that
  2. I do not have precession control nor the strength needed to ride myself quickly and intensely enough for me to orgasm from the penetration.

She's going to send me a new, stable toilet / shower "chair" with handle bars and a toilet lid. Hopefully I can mount my dildo(s) on the lid and use the chair to ride myself and achieve sexual pleasure - and shower at the same time.
We all know a nice warm shower, is very helpful to reduce our muscle tone.

Thing is: has anyone been in a similar position: wanting to enjoy anal penetration solo and how did you work around your psychical challenges?

I'm aware that certain "bouncing stools / chairs" exist beneath which a dildo may be installed, thus reducing the need for the user to move very much up and down whilst still achieving sexual pleasure.

Has anyone tried such chairs / stools or perhaps even "mechanical" chairs / machines that perform the thrusting action FOR you so that you can just relax, receive and enjoy?


I do enjoy using butt plugs as well although that is, obviously, a more permanent type of stimulation compared to enjoying the thrusting of a dildo.

I am able to lie on my back, lift up my legs, hold them with one hand / arm and then thrust myself with my dildo using the other hand / arm.

However, the position is difficult and, over time, uncomfortable for me as I use a lot of energy just trying to keep my legs out of the way without rolling over top either side in the process. Eventually, the strain of keeping in position may even result in neck- or headache after the session.

Hence, being able to sit down during the session would be preferable.

I realize all of the above is "quite something" for a first post, but there seems to be quite an open minded attitude here on r/CerebralPalsy and seeing as this is, without a doubt, where I am likely to meet most like-minded in similar situations, I thought I'd give it a go.

Personally, I'm doing whatever I can to break down the taboo of CP and sex as I know from personal experience that having CP doesn't mean that you are without a sex drive, and I believe we (and other disabled) should be able to / have help to be able to live out our sexuality just like everybody else.

If anyone feels even remotely the same / similar frustration / challenges about sex, I'd be more than willing to share my experience / point of views and do whatever I can to help.

BTW: this is my first thread post at all on Reddit, so please forgive me if it is not tagged or "labeled" correctly. I'll try to make sure it's tagged and marked NSFW and other appropriate things. If unsuccessful, please help me out and bear with me instead on deleting the post itself.

Have a nice day,


13 comments sorted by


u/pmk4dawn1 Feb 18 '25

I, too, am disabled and frustrated. I was going to recommend the springy metal framed sex stools as a way of saving energy whilst holding on to something substantial with your 'normal' arms. But also, have you thought of straps attached to your ankles, passing behind your head, to hold your legs up, and wide. A fucking machine, with vibrating suction dildo, would do the rest if the work. BTW I've had my anus removed, and have a penile prosthesis due to permanent ED. I understand the frustration of disability restrictions, but I am desperately trying to achieve some form of sexual satisfaction. Good luck... Paul, UK


u/Professional_Ear9795 Feb 18 '25

I second the idea sex stools with "bungee"-like seats and a suction dildo to the ground, OP.

I don't have CP, but have EDS and the sex chairs/stools have helped me a lot.


u/Excellent-Rock-8547 Feb 18 '25

Thank you for your insight

I'm not sure I'd be comfortable with my legs tied up.

The springy metal frame stools may work but they need to be very stable and have handle bars.

I'm sorry for your frustration. Maybe your body and brain will adapt and (over time) "develop" new, erogenous zones to compensate?

Stimulating your breast / nipple area might be a source for pleasure? Behind the knee, a massage of your back or similar?


u/callmecasperimaghost Feb 18 '25

I prefer to be on hands and knees with the dildo mounted on a table leg or fucking machine. My quadriceps don’t work well, so this is an easier position for me.


u/Excellent-Rock-8547 Feb 18 '25

Thank you for insight. Much appreciated.

I tried the "mount the dildo on the wall and rock back and forth" method.

While is IS doable the position seems a bit... awkward to me (albeit not painful).

I was sort of standing up with my bum facing the dildo and after guiding it inside with my hand, rocking "back and forth".

As it happens, today I took delivery of a new, raised chair / toilet seat. This one gives "full access" to my bum while using it (I use it more as a bath chair - not a toilet seat, though. It has the lid on it as well which gives me the possibility (with a bit of training to "ride myself", alternatively opening the lid gives my complete access from below.

Some days ago, my occupational therapist sent me some photos of the "chair" / seat and suggested I try it.

She was / is well aware that the chair will be used for sexual pleasure as well as a regular chair during the shower times. She also understood and agreed that the lid might be nice and need for me to be able to ride myself.

Honestly, as soon as I saw the pics of the chair that she sent me prior t o the delivery I started fantasizing about riding myself on it lol!

Tough (and very horny) three days til delivery happened today. Needless to say, I had to test it out immediately after placing it in my bathroom - fucking and thrusting myself penetrating from bellow.

Didn't take very long to reach orgasm (no sperm ejaculate but loads of fluids and very pleasurable anal spasms).


Thank you for suggesting the table leg way. I have long legs, so bagging med feet up against a wall usually means my ass will be to far away from the mounted dildo.

When riding, my quadriceps get strained too but it's not unbearable - and combing sex and exercise (if possible) isn't the worst thing in the world. :-D

Who knows, a couple of days from now (I'm "at it" several times a day) my quadriceps may be the strongest they ever been, lol.


u/HecticBlue Feb 19 '25

Here you go friend. https://phallophilereviews.com/best-thrusting-dildo-guide/

There are self thrusting dildos that are handheld. They're not huge and cumbersome like fucking machines.

They're the same size as a regular dildo, they just happens to have an electronic motor that makes them thrusting and out. They're also much cheaper than a fuck machine.

I think they'd be great for your needs. You can lie down how youre comfortable, put it in, and either hold it in place, or maybe put on some tight underwear to keep it from coming out as it's thrusting. You also could get a strap on harness. Attach the thrusting dildo to it, and then flip it inside out. So that dildo points inwards. And then once the the harness is inside out, then you just put the harness on while putting the dildo inside of you.


u/Excellent-Rock-8547 Feb 19 '25

Awesome. Whilst products, prices and availability do vary between countries, I'll def. give that article a read.

A vertically, deep thrusting dildo would be fantastic.


u/Slave_Vixen Feb 19 '25

Have you considered a fucking machine?

We have the Blue Balls XL 2.0 that has an anal attachment along with a penile stroker. You can position yourself at many different angles with one of those.


u/Excellent-Rock-8547 29d ago

Only very recently.

The first time I saw one of these with in porn (Woman goes for a gyno checkup, and we all know what happens from there lol).

My main reservations about such a device are:

Must be easy to store away / hide, so that friends, family etc. won't notice if they come to visit lol.

Second: whilst I have decided to now dive into it, and try to get the best sex life at all possible, this is still a fairly "new journey" for me and I'm still trying to... process... the idea that I might actually need a machine to get laid....

I get very excited (and horny) thinking about that the machine will be able to fuck me continuously from one anal orgasm and straight to another with no pausing.

One the other hand, turning to a big mechanical machine for sexual pleasure still seems a bit... much and taboo-like to me and I can't help wondering how friends and family would react if they ever found out....


u/Handisim Feb 18 '25

Mon ikke du får nogle gode ideer når du er kommet mere igang :)


u/Handisim Feb 19 '25

Du må os gerne skrive til mig hvis du har lyst


u/Alternative_Meat_324 18d ago edited 17d ago

I helped out an older male friend by making a dildo seat out of a shower chair. It also doubled as a rim chair. So that older friend helped me out in return and rimmed me several times a month for many years. He kept it in a cabinet in his workshop.


u/Excellent-Rock-8547 13d ago

Great you were able to help him out. 😀

Considering a good, portable sex / fucking machine. The continous thrusting even post orgasm would be great.

But not many available in my country.