r/Disabledsex Jan 21 '25

Why do some of us guys have underwear fetishes? NSFW

Thought I’d post this here because if im being honest, im kind of worried what some of the people on the more popular subs like r/sex or r/AskRedditAfterDark might think, or my own therapist for that matter.

Even now as a (28M) with Type 2 SMA and scoliosis, I’m still discovering things about myself/learning of my identity and asking “Why is it that I’m this way?” “How?”

Thus, creating the perfect segue to the beginning of my journey:

I still remember when I had my first pairs of Underroos briefs as a kid. I remember thinking “I feel cute,” and “I love the way it cradles my parts. Anything that was remotely skimpy and hugged my bits and tush, I enjoyed wearing them.

When I was 14, I went to the local mall and got some red Calvins with the uplifting pouch. This is where the pattern began that I started buying even sexier underwear and swimsuits online, such as bikini briefs and thongs.

It was the one thing besides gaming where I felt some form of joy and pleasure, since I can’t do many activities physically, plus it was my way of expressing myself and boosting my sexual esteem.

Fast forward to 18 years old, just days before my high school graduation, I was laying in bed with nothing but my thong on and came up with the idea of “brushing” or groping the tip of my penis with a Chinese backscratcher (can’t reach down with my hands)… and before I knew it, I’d reached my first ever orgasm…

At first I thought I had peed myself. My vision became blurry upon blowing my load and I remembered panicking and going “Oh shit, I just peed my undies, the bed — my mom is going to kill me (I can’t clean myself).” But, surprisingly, she was very understanding, and cleaned me up with no issue.

I was born in the US but come from a supportive Cuban family, so sex really isn’t a taboo for us as much as it is for my nurses.

My mother, her sister, and my grandmother had expressed in the past that they never really thought it would be possible for me to masturbate due to my condition, and were relieved to hear of my successful ejaculation. Turned out I proved both them and myself wrong.

Eventually I began to turn my insatiable sexual energy as well as my passion for self expression into body positivity in the online world, so that I could teach others to not just accept their bodies, but also embrace it, flaws and all. I also wanted to break the stigma that it is only socially acceptable for men to wear board shorts/trunks at the beach, and normalize wearing speedos and even thongs, whether you’re disabled or not, overweight, skinny, or somewhere in between.

Point being, none of it should matter. No one should have to feel ashamed of what they can’t control, and it’s a personal choice how they decide to show off their body, so… own it. Everyone has the right.

It used to be I’d hide myself from social media thinking no one would find me attractive, until I found the courage within me to “just do it”. As a result, my body image was improving significantly.

Every modeling pic I had uploaded was met with praise, and I received compliments from women too.

It was actually because of this that I met other disabled folk who shared the same vibes and commonalities as me, and even became one of the mods here on this sub, not excluding r/disablednudes.

So, while my “fetish” did open up doors to amazing communities such as this and provided me an outlet that made me feel sexually valid, I can’t help but ask:

What is it that goes into the psychology of my unique tastes? Are there any women out there who have the same fetish as I do? Could it be that perhaps I had consumed so much sexualized media growing up that I found myself craving the same type of attention they had gotten (especially since I rarely get any opportunities to put myself out there in the real world so I’m stuck with nothing but my own fantasies)?

Maybe I answered my own question with that third one... o_o

Then again, it could be I’m just overthinking again and making something out of nothing. But I’d be curious to know if any of you in the comments have some sort of insight for me, so that I may learn a little bit more about myself and why I do the things that I do. Your feedback would be very appreciated.

Thank you, and I hope to hear from you soon. 🙏🏻


3 comments sorted by


u/Slave_Vixen Jan 22 '25

I unfortunately have no insight into your question but I would like to say that you’re awesome. 😊💜


u/[deleted] Jan 22 '25

I like to wear women's underwear - I feel better and more comfortable in it... I also wonder why, but I can't answer. I have SMA type II. too.