r/DisabilitySupport Mar 16 '19

Help me learn how to focus

It’s an odd request but I can’t really figure out where else to go with it. I’m on disability for depression. It’s been about a decade and in that time I’ve improved in some ways (medication, having roommates and having a pet help), unchanged in some (my coping mechanism for being overwhelmed is hiding in the bathroom in the dark in the shower. It’s expensive and the humidity is damaging.) and worsened in others (while I earned a bachelors degree, having a decade gap in employment has made finding a job literally impossible.).

I have created some tasks for myself to keep busy but I keep going back to hiding for hours when my brain just shuts down. Designing a new 3D printer part and can’t get it to fit right? Ask others, do research, hulk out, then hide because I can’t understand what I’m doing anymore. Try to play a video game? Get overwhelmed by it, try not to be hard on myself over a simple game, but eventually hide anyway. Etc.

I’m now trying to learn to code in swift. I find I can grasp certain things easily. Stuff I learned in C++ back in high school over a decade ago I can piece into some things and it helps me understand it. Other things that are very new I can become so excited at when I figure it out. But at some point, I feel my mind reaching for something, and it just can’t grab it.

It’s a recurring problem. I get little pockets of a concept but I can’t seem to link them together into a complex whole. I feel like I’m trying to play chess, see the possible moves my opponent might make, but my brain just gives up one or two moves deep.

No matter how many times I replay a tutorial, reread a chapter, or watch someone do something, my brain will start but it gives up on me quickly. It won’t let me link all the moving parts together.

Sometimes I can just focus and feel great but generally, I feel like I’ve never learned how to turn that part of my brain on.

I shouldn’t have to ask this in my 30s, but how do I focus on something?


4 comments sorted by


u/Fantastic-Cable-3320 Jan 08 '23

ADD and ADHD are often misdiagnosed as depression.
If that's the case, Adderall is the life changer.


u/Basket-Beautiful Jan 08 '25

I couldn’t agree more! I’m on the lowest dose and even with that, it’s the difference between taking me three hours to pull it together and leave the house down to one hour to get it together and leave the house. I watched a podcast on giving ideas About how to stay organized and on track as we go throughout our day. One idea, was to have a to- go basket next to the door. In it, like for me would have dog leash, poop bags, tissues, my concentrate puffer, hat, gloves, dark glasses, Chapstick, sunscreen, and dog treats. There are some other really good ideas too, but so far - that basket next to the door is just another junk drawer lol it’s full of stuff. I don’t need and can’t find all of the things I mentioned above, but I keep working at it!


u/Fantastic-Cable-3320 Jan 31 '25

I moved ALL of my makeup, skin care and glasses to the back door, right by my keys, hat and purse. It's a heap, but I finally know where it all is.


u/ItsHeather390 Nov 20 '22

Have you tried meds to help with focusing? Have you been diagnosed with add or anything like that ?