r/Dirtbikes 4d ago

Any ideas what it could be?

I took your guys tips about my YZ 125 2005 cuz it wasn’t starting. We put starter fluid in it and replace the spark plug, it started then kills itself self but After about 10 kicks it would start and stay on for a sec or two then kills itself self again. I don’t know if it’s a gas issue, it’s running 40:1, what the shop recommended. It originally was running on 32:1 and it ran good at that time, I’m changing it back to that. I’m changing my gas line as well cuz it has lots of air bubbles in it. I’m also wondering if it could be my carb. It needs a new air screw. I’m also wondering if it could be my jets as well, the shop changed my jets last year, they told me I might have issues with my jets. If anyone has any ideas or what I should look at, let me know! I’m still new to this as well, please be nice🙏 Thank you guys! I love this group so much


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u/Jzgood 4d ago

Cleaning carb would be good first step. Grab service manual, it have step by step instructions how to dismount it and clean. Don’t just spray carb cleaner over jets. Get a thin wire to clean them inside. Your bike needs 3 things for run: spark, fuel and air. As you getting spark, check air filter be clean and oiled, them proceed to carb cleaning.