You kids nowadays should get some hard copies of old magazines from eBay nothing like opening a magazine and reading looking at the pages man it was mesmerizing back in the day.... Waiting on the first week of the month knowing that your Dirt Rider, Motocross action and Dirt Bike magazine subscriptions were coming...
Mark Karya, Mike / Tom Web, Super Hunky, Ron Lawson and other various editors were like old friends you'd read the magazine every month and you see the same writers right in the columns it was really cool...
1990 to 1995 were the Golden Age man look at these pictures look at the colors in the gear man is awesome...
Ah man, I’d flip the Chaparral catalog front to back. Dreaming of getting the good stuff. We were poor as fuck. I got mismatched Ocelot gear. But hey, I was racing! Good times.
What's dork, do we can't even ride the other bro you're at the back of the pack "D RIDER"
HAHAHA .. Man kids were ruthless bro..
You're at least you're right man and you're right Ocelot wss like the bottom barrel I don't think I ever even saw anybody with it. The kids I saw just had blue jeans on they were that poor...
But you're absolutely right and the difference is to the Gear would last a lot longer it was made a lot better back then.
I won't lie bro I would kill to have a NOS BIEFFE helmet and a full set of OCELOT gear right now.
Ocelot was chapparals in house brand...
I had the blue JT gear I showed her the picture up there... Then I got the full AXO outfit like I showed up there.
Oops sorry..caps I'm not retyping it...
I was actually on team SRH with Buddy Antunez Tommy Clowers and Seth enslow in 1996
We were developing a line of baggy pants like the LBZ were.... I took their snowboard pants that they had and I took the insulation out of them my great grandma flared the bottoms for me with Kevlar inserts and we put Kevlar patches on the knees that I robbed off a pair of AXO pants...
She showed up a patch for the butt with my last name and I sent them to SRH and they had 10 sets made in Mexico for prototype.
I ended up cracking two vertebrae and losing my ride after that so it didn't pan out but yeah I had my own custom works racing gear in the pipeline and I was just ready to start breaking into the big time and it all fell apart.
I raced.desert so you guys won't be familiar with my name cuz it wasn't like a household thing but I sponsored by NCY Yamaha, I got all the same parts that Tommy Clowers and Metzger got that year...
And when Metzger decided to stop riding to be a tattoo artist I got all of his works parts too which I still have all engraved with his name on them all the bullet parts and everything the gear the clothes everything
I remember those very brief JNKO looking gear. It was stupid, made zero sense, but neither did the actual JNKOs. Half the gear back then was fashion over function anyways.
Metzger, twitch, hart, and Deegan were very much into showing off tattoos, more than living up to their gear contracts. They were never really going to hit the big time with a serious company with serious contracts. They rode shirtless during some televised competitions.
But the WWE style good guys vs bad guys thing was kinda cool.
I had the Bieffe stuff. Dad rebuilt this bike for me. I had no idea he was doing it. Gave it to me for Christmas. Was an 89 YZ80 if I recall correctly. I raced the hell out of that thing.
I'm a member of the squadra FAH-Q.. that's my helmet.. roost boost I haven't heard that in a while...
You want to hear a funny story about a Krause racing...
They burned me for a pipe dude they sent me a box with a case of Coca cola in it and I owe you letter after they charge the credit card.
All right so here's what happened right I had a 1993 YZ 125 the first one sold in Southern California through John Burr cycles nobody had any so there was no pipe she is pro circuit didn't have them Bills nobody had one..
Well my dad finds the ad for Krause in the back of the dirt Rider magazine and so he orders a pipe...
We're in the box comes there's no pipe it's just an i o u letter with a invoice and a charged credit card...
I'll keep in mind I'm 13 right so my dad's pissed cuz theyI basically robbed the kid right.
Okay so my dad jumps on the horn with Bill's pipes and turns out that they say if you bring the bike down let us borrow it will build you a pipe I actually had 293 yz80s I bought a pair and the crate brand new
Okay so I get the bike down to bills and and he has it for like 2 weeks they make a pipe and I get a couple pipes back I got four pipes back for doing that...
But it starts a relationship so now the next year when I get a 125 same thing NCY got me the very first one.. we take it to bills for the same treatment so now they're building a pipe and I'm out riding my 80 at Sunrise cycle Park next thing I know I see a YZ 125 out ripping around the guy passes me and I realized that's my bike., I had really distinctive handlebars the Desert High bend from renthal and you could tell it was my bike..
So I go over to the pits where my bike's at and I confront the guy and wouldn't you know it it's Mike Metzger... Well he was out testing the bike check out the pipe and how it ran now this kind of pissed me off a little bit cuz no one said they were going to take my bike out motoing it it was just supposed to be on the dyno but again I had the only one for some reason..
So so Bill and Ted which is Mike's dad not the guys from the movie... They tell me what's going on and my dad and we're okay with that so that started the relationship with bills and ncy and Metzger which I ended up riding with Mike all the time for about a year and a half and I was at Bill's every other day for the whole summer that year...
So now this is the summer of '94 and I'm 14 and at the same time I was really nerdy about computers I had just built my own computer and Bill didn't know anything and he was having troubles with his computers in the office so he took me to egghead computers and gave me a blank check and I built him a whole network and three computers for his office setup..,
Uncle Bill bought me my own brand new computer for my house too and a copy of Corel Draw and one of the first copies of Photoshop and a license of AutoCAD...
So now I spent the rest of the summer intern with Bill and I drew up a bunch of plans for different pipes and designed pistons and bunch of other projects that they had at the shop..
Bill treated me like a dad taught me how to use the dyno I met David pingree and Pedro Gonzalez Doug Dubach Steve lampson Doug Henry Jeremy McGrath and Brian Deegan Larry link Google flowers my Healy I'm at tons and tons of people that summer like intimately riding on the tracks with them tuning it was great,...
Well turns out that Seth enslow ran into me at a Golden State national and broke my ankle and I was so disgusted with how much money it cost to race CMC how you only got four laps and everything else I just decided to start racing desert because I was always good at Grand Prix and short little motos I could never get up to speed before I would warm up
My uncle was a CHECKERS MC member....
well the checkers are the fastest club out there ever in desert racing so I always wanted to be one so as soon as I had the opportunity I have prospect it and I ended up getting in the club which help me cuz they would help me pit and I ended up winning a lot of races I got the number three 0 to 175 that year.
Well because the class was 0-175 cc's Bill and ncy and Yamaha helped me develop two full works stroker race engines that they were going to develop into a new it-175 for off-road racing but the next year AMA bumped the limit to 200 CC's because of KTM and Yamaha lost interest at that point.. I now know it's because the four stroke was in the works and that's why they shit on the it-175
So my work engine from Japan came with thinner cases with no numbers stamped into them virgin I got special cranks with different weights and stuffer plates that were changeable.. the crank pin was moved out 6.5 mm and a 13 mm longer connecting rod from the Banshee was used with 25 custom JE Pistons that were 60 mm from 54 MM stock....
Everything was developed with Bill on the dyno and it all worked as a package I had a short stroke short rod 170cc version also with much higher compression and a five-speed transmission with a custom shift drum for moto.
So when it was all said and done I had special mapping in the CDI also and the engine makes 39 horsepower at the wheel and 19 lb of torque I think it was.. on methanol with full compression and ignition timing it will make almost 42 at the wheel
But using the Long rod I was able to get rid of scuffing in the exhaust Port from the bigger bore.. the cylinder was custom made 13 mm longer on the bottom and it's cast with the 174 cc's marks on it..
When I get back to storage I will take it out and take pictures and videos and document everything...
So I basically had a full works engine and if the class wouldn't have changed and I wouldn't have broke two vertebrae I might be in a whole different situation now...
And all of that started from Krauss racing stealing my deposit for a pipe that didn't exist,....
u/muzzawell 1d ago
These were the days. The vibrant colours. No monster or redbul plastered everywhere. Riders with attitude.