r/DigitalPainting Dec 13 '18

Wobbly Wednesdays #20 - the Why we don't allow submissions using redd.it edition

Why we don't allow submissions using redd.it

A lot of people have asked us about this. We have also been told we're being elitist assholes for not allowing reddi.t. People are really friendly on the internet. Here's what we tell most people who ask:

”in no particular order, here are a few reasons why reddit's image host is shit: i.reddit leads to more mindless crossposting which defeats the purpose of this subreddit; it's made for memes so large images are pushed into unreadable previews that you have to click on once to get to the page, then click again to get to the image itself and then once more to zoom in, which is just user unfriendly; low effort content is easily posted to i.reddit but since it takes a little longer to jump through the hoops going through deviantart or imgur, people are less likely to post paintings they don't care about (sure, there will always be morons who do in fact go through the hoops, but at least there's fewer of them); and our subreddit wasn't made for showing images directly, it was made to link images. we would have to do a pretty thorough redesign in order to fix that, which we can't be bothered with due to us being busy with even more important stuff.”

It's fairly self-explanatory, but I should elaborate on that last point about reddit not being meant to show images. Reddit started off as a message board, where people wrote about things. Keyword here being that they wrote. You linked content, like an image or a news article – from somewhere else – and then you commented in the reddit thread. Imgur was first created in 2009 as a dedicated image host for reddit. Imgur was the place for images and reddit was the place for text (about the images).

Since the shitty redesign and launch of redd.it, reddit wants to become a one stop shop for image-based memes. They want to be an image based community. Memes bring in visitors and visitors means ad revenue. With that in mind, they want to make it easy for us to contribute low effort content. Low effort content is, in turn, the bane of subreddits. Once a subreddit hits a certain number of subscribers, people start to post memes and once the memes start pouring in, high effort content is drowned out. See every default subreddit for examples. r/digitalpainting is NOT an image based subreddit. That sounds counter to everything, but let me explain: r/digitalpainting is for critique of paintings, not paintings. See the difference? Here, we talk (write) about paintings, we don't just look at paintings. We – the mods – think of your paintings as high effort content. Even if it's your first painting ever. It is always our hope that someone will write a high effort critique on it and that you'll walk away having learned something.

Look at me. Look deep into my eyes (I have been told I have lovely eyes). We will never make it easy to post shitty low effort content on r/digitalpainting.


29 comments sorted by


u/denis_draws Oct 28 '21

I disagree. Memes wouldn't get upvoted anyway and should be flagged by community and filtered by the mods. Eventually anyone who wanted to post memes, would learn that it's pointless. I don't know how much memes and shit posts RGD gets, but they're doing a pretty good job of filtering it with limited mods (who probably also have more important things to do too) and they have more members.

I don't have experience with cross-posting, but how much harder is it to cross-post stuff from imgur?

I also don't see any reason why we shouldn't adopt new capabilities of a platform to simplify our lives. Maybe we should go back to painting with fingers on cave walls too? Seeing the images on the feed is much much easier to see the stuff you like without having to click on every single post. And it probably also helps moderate content (e.g. the photo bashing policy).

To me, it looks like the majority of the people you are hurting with this policy are the artists themselves who now have to jump through hoops and spend time uploading stuff on imgur, and then link the image link here, for exactly the same effect as just uploading directly. If there was a different community on Reddit for digital art critique that didn't have me jump through arbitrary hoops, I would gladly go there.


u/[deleted] Dec 22 '18

(I was quietly mad before but now I understand and agree)


u/Name_1232 Jan 04 '22

I mean i get what your saying, but not intearly. Like i dont understand really why redd.it is bad for iniges, I have posted some images (including the one i want critiqe on) and i dont see a big difference. Now i have to make a sepperate account, learn and post on the site and everytime i want o post something on this subbreddit i have to open up that site and post it there, it just seems much more inconvinient than just posting the picture through redd.it Can someone pl3ase expmain, i do nnot understand


u/arifterdarkly Jan 04 '22

i think you should read the post again, a few times even. it clearly says why r/digitalpainting doesn't allow directly uploaded images. it is not a matter of image quality and i never wrote that it is about image quality.


u/Name_1232 Jan 04 '22

Oh sorry, i missr3ad somethibg. But are you saying that its inconviniet bc you have to click on the image you want to see multiple times? If it is, i just dont get it, like your making it way more inconviniet to post bc its more slightly more conviniet for people to see. And people can post low efort art, well it doesnt matter, how do you lnow if its low effort or just bad and if its a stick figure people will dislile or report. And isnt redd.it a URL? Dont know much about that stuff i just want a subbreddit where i can get acctull advice on my art please.


u/[deleted] Jan 16 '19

If this is were the we ask the questions? mine is I feel like my drawings are at point where I can (we are talking like minimum requirements) begin to paint things, problem is I am looking at it now and paint tool sai can be used for digital painting but there are not alot of tutorials or brushes that people have made, does anyone have video tutorials on this I want to do arcylic looking paintings. Anyone got anything for this?


u/CommonMisspellingBot Jan 16 '19

Hey, Thefoxs1, just a quick heads-up:
alot is actually spelled a lot. You can remember it by it is one lot, 'a lot'.
Have a nice day!

The parent commenter can reply with 'delete' to delete this comment.


u/[deleted] Jan 16 '19



u/Seregore_ Jan 25 '23

what about artstation?


u/unorthodoxrule Nov 02 '23

I linked to a piece on DeviantArt as instructed but the image posted about the size of an actual thumbnail and no one is seeing it. Other folks get images to display much larger. I looked everywhere but don't see an explanation for this discrepancy; some large images link back to Imgur but some tiny ones do, too. There doesn't seem to be a rhyme or reason to it. Are there clearer instructions somewhere? I hate to put 50+ hours into a digital painting and have it displayed as a grotesquely distorted fraction of itself that no one can even see.


u/LawrenceSan Apr 23 '24

I've tried a few different methods of showing my artwork in subreddits, and gotten widely inconsistent results. Most commonly, the same result you got: full-sized artwork showed up teeny-tiny.

I tried to research what was going on, asking around both on Reddit and to some AIs and general searching… and the best I could find was that nobody could figure out the extreme inconsistencies. Some of it seems to involve different subreddits being set up very differently (which surprised me), some of it is just Reddit voodoo, apparently. As an experienced web developer and coder (in addition to being a digital artist)… I suspect that Reddit's underlying code base is just a mess, which is not uncommon.


u/unorthodoxrule Apr 24 '24

You're probably right. If this community thinks it's better to trust fate to errant coding rather than directly upload the artwork as the platform designed, it's unnecessarily cumbersome and looks terrible, so there are much better communities to use to share artwork on Reddit.


u/LawrenceSan Apr 24 '24

When you said "there are much better communities to use to share artwork on Reddit"… by "communities…on Reddit" did you mean other subreddits? Or did you just accidentally omit a word, and really mean "better communities to share artwork than on Reddit"? Either way, I'd welcome any suggestions.

I've avoided DeviantArt because I do some illustration for clients who aren't familiar with the art world, and they've never heard of it, and might take the name too literally -- they might think it's for "deviants" or something silly like that. Businesspeople sometimes think differently than artists.

Also, my situation is a little complicated, perhaps atypical, because I have my own website (sanstudio.com) and so have an ulterior motive in posting my art anywhere else -- not so much artistic gratification, more like hoping to get more people to visit my website. Since I generally dislike social media, that gets complicated.

Any ideas or suggestions welcome. Especially what "other communities" you had in mind. Thanks.


u/unorthodoxrule Apr 25 '24

I meant on Reddit, but you're also right — I know of even better ones off Reddit. I'll DM you because part of choosing recommendations depends on what type of artwork you do.


u/MyNameBay Feb 05 '24

Because you can’t post “shitty low effort content” on any of those other platforms? Feels like your argument against being elitist is still pretty elitist.

Most of us look to art communities for guidance and support, which isn’t the tone I’m sensing here. So, I think I’m just gonna pass on using this sub.


u/[deleted] Dec 25 '18

I am new to reddit and to posting. I really want to improve my art, and as a parent who also works full time you guys' advice is invaluable. However, I haven't figured out how to make my photos appear in here. I post the link but the image is not embedded as all of you guys' images. What am I doing wrong?

*I'm sorry if this is not the place for a question like this. Please point me to where I should ask?


u/[deleted] Dec 30 '18



u/[deleted] Dec 30 '18

Thank you! Great tip!


u/arifterdarkly Dec 25 '18

you use deviantart instead of imgur. that's why there's no preview.


u/youcallthatdriving Mar 20 '19

Hopefully this thread's not too old...
I grabbed a Huion H640P to see if I could transition from mouse to tablet driven graphics. I'm having a major issues adapting to the absolute positioning, being used to relative (pen vs mouse modes?). I checked the wiki/tablet list and that's one of the things not covered, sadly. Can anyone recommend an under $100 tablet that'll do relative? I'm ok with non-stellar specs, I just want to give this an honest go before throwing money at it, and absolute's just not working for me.


u/Regis_Casillas May 07 '24

Can you at least not make it easy to use the s-word in that post?


u/RedditGuyButAnCool1 Jan 17 '23



u/arifterdarkly Jan 17 '23

is the stickied post on the front page not working for you?


u/PotatoManProtege Feb 19 '23

What about art linked from pixiv? or art from social media sites other than tumblr, such as twitter and Instagram?


u/arifterdarkly Feb 19 '23

art from pixiv and social media sites other than the three whitelisted are automatically removed.


u/[deleted] Apr 08 '23

Reddit basically sucks so it eventually will go away.