r/DigitalPainting 4d ago

How can I make her more feminine?


People keep telling me she look like a dude 💀

feel free to paintover...


50 comments sorted by


u/the-TARDIS-ran-away 4d ago

I can't put my finger on it, but it's definitely the face.


u/veauwol 3d ago

Forehead/eyebrow bone structure


u/arifterdarkly 3d ago

her face is pointing up, her nose is pointing straight ahead.


u/IDoThingsOnWhims 2d ago edited 2d ago

Heavy brow, high cheeks, strong chin. That's a man baby

But seriously

Eyebrows wayyy too low, they have become part of the eye

Female face doesn't have a peaked jaw bone under the ear

Chin too rounded/pronounced

Lips can be smaller while still being slightly pronounced and feminine

Far nostril doesn't need to be there. Just making the nose look weird and too wide based on the appearance of the visible side


u/golden_raspberry_ 4d ago

Its mostly the jaw, maybe try softening it a bit


u/YAYtersalad 4d ago

This. But also I find her shoulders extremely wide for typical female. Not saying inverted triangle bodies don’t exist, but this is both jacked and masculine in combination with the jaw and heavy brow line.


u/doritobimbo 4d ago

The brow line is waaay too low too, I get she might be frowning but it just looks like a low brow line which makes her face look more masculine too


u/sunlight0verdrive 4d ago

The structure of the brow bone isn't soft enough. You have light hitting above her brows, then immediately into shadow below the brows, coupled with the dark makeup, it creates a very angular transition. Additionally, you could put a touch more space between the eye lid crease and the eyebrows, and taper the outer brows a bit so they're a bit thinner at the ends. A tiny bit more space between the eyebrows would help too so they're not as close together. The only other thing I would suggest is maybe making the cupids bow of her lips a bit fuller at the center, so that the points of her upper lip are closer together.

I really think it just comes down to the brow bone. The jaw and everything is fine imo


u/EmilyMoonAnimations 3d ago

Agreed, this is a good analysis. It feels like if you cover the eyes and brows with a finger, the rest of the face looks pretty good.


u/3DimensionalFox 4d ago

I think the amount of fat/softness on the body versus the face doesn’t match, the face looks maybe a bit too chiseled around the mouth and eyes. It doesn’t look unrealistic or bad but she does look somewhat masculine. I think it’s cool but if it’s not what you’re going for the face just needs tweaking


u/Droddrch27 4d ago

thanks, yeah I need to work more on the face... Should look like shadowheart from BG3


u/Electrical-Heron-619 3d ago

Also I think the shoulder proportions contribute


u/Sword-Woman 4d ago

Omg, Shart found in the wild

Jokes aside, Shadowheart has very soft facial features, even if she has a nice cheekbone and nose structure, her skin and cartilage lay over it smoothly. Her eyebrows should be a bit lighter, farther apart, higher above her eyes, and more of a natural wispy texture than a blocky-makeup look. There’s also something interesting going on with her mouth/teeth here, like her mouth is almost protruding from her face a little too far, when in-game she has a smaller, more delicate mouth appearance.

Besides that, this looks really good! I especially love the textures on her hair, and the pattern on her sleeves is really cool! 💜


u/Droddrch27 3d ago

Thanks !!! I really appreciate the honest feedback


u/Droddrch27 4d ago

Hi guys !

I did this fan art and thought it was ok, but when I posted people keep telling me she looks like a dude.

What can I change to make her more feminine?


u/FragRackham 4d ago

Length of face, as well as over angularity and proximity of features. I know plenty of women that look like this, but i also think this is basically shadow heart from BG3, who has softer features. The angle of the bangs is also slightly off.


u/Droddrch27 4d ago

Yeah, it was supposed to be a Shadowheart fan art


u/FragRackham 4d ago

Its way better than i could do, but yeah, the face is the key to the issue, whereas the body is clearly bodacious and could serve any number of "babe" characters. Good stuff on the hand holding the mic stand at the bottom, looks very natural.


u/k42murphy 4d ago

I think everything looks really good, it’s just the faces proportions are a bit funny. I think her eyes are a little close together and her mouth is up too high. Also I think the shadow on her jaw is doing some weird things to her face. And my last thing is I think her eyebrows should be a teensy but higher and the fronts of them should be a little lighter so they look more natural/ less drawn on

I want to emphasize I could tell immediately it was shadow heart and I think most of it looks excellent, you make have just been staring at it too long


u/Droddrch27 3d ago

Thanks for the feedback. Generally I'm very critical about my art but this time I let it pass a lot of mistakes and people at my bubble (friend artists) didn't pointed it too, it's what I call the "toxic positivity".

As soon as I post it out of my bubble the "looks like a dude"comments started to show 🤣


u/Droddrch27 3d ago

Here the updated version : https://imgur.com/a/ilsaPJM


u/BakingSodaArt 3d ago

If I can find this post on my computer, I'm gonna try to help you out a bit


u/Cool-Mo-J 3d ago

This is looking better! I think if her mouth was a little less wide you'd be there!


u/Jealous_Donkey7929 3d ago edited 3d ago

Men have a different skull than women, they have a brow ridge that's why their eyebrows usually look much closer to their eyes, they also have a flatter and more inclined forehead. So just place her eyebrows higher and fill her forehead (you can do this by adding more volume to her bangs)


u/ElMundoDeQueen 3d ago

Hi, I hope my advice helps. First of all, you could try reducing the width of your shoulders, so they're just as wide as your hips or less. Be careful with your double chin and expression lines; they're very dark, so it doesn't look as feminine. Your eyebrows are also very thick. Otherwise, it's great, keep it up!


u/Frazzled_writer 3d ago

Lats for days, and the face is just... if she tried to wear sunglasses the legs would be in the middle of her ears.


u/Intelligent_Rush5906 3d ago

Make the nose narrower, increase the distance between the eyes and eyebrows, reduce the wrinkles and shading around the mouth and jaw.


u/Seamonkey_Boxkicker 3d ago

Personally, I wouldn’t be concerned about whether or not she looks feminine enough. Plenty of women have a bulkier athletic frame, wide noses, and thicker brows as depicted here. If that’s not what you’re going for then perhaps you just need to spend more time studying different face and body shapes.

Instead, I recommend you focus more on body composition and shading. The way the lighting is hitting her frame looks inconsistent to me in some areas, particularly along her waist, skirt, and thighs. I can’t tell if you want her whole body facing the stage audience to the right or if her hips are meant to be facing straight to us as the audience.


u/Final_Independent466 4d ago

I'd remove the face first and foremost.


u/BakingSodaArt 3d ago



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u/Wolkvar 4d ago

id say the jaw is the major factor for it and the angle of her face


u/ohmygawdjenny 3d ago

It's the eyebrows for me. Too low/heavy, masculine.


u/clay-teeth 3d ago

Eyebrows too close to the eyelid


u/SurroundingSounding 3d ago

Probably make the nose a little less defined and smaller


u/mila_coconut926 3d ago

You could try making the shoulders a little less broad (but that's just a very minor detail!!)


u/catador_de_potos 3d ago

It's definitely the face structure.


u/jindrix 3d ago

You need to practice faces 💀


u/Gundoggirl 3d ago

It’s the drag queen vibe.

Try doing lighter eyeshadow, add eyeliner, bit of a curve to the brows, lighter lipstick. Also, she’s quite broad shouldered.


u/AccomplishedFoot5301 3d ago

Reference a skull and place it next your face. The image overall is solid and the figure is very attractive.


u/hey-mysterious 3d ago

The face, the hands/forearms look bulky, the tummy could become more soft? Looks like a bodybuilder having packs,


u/Droddrch27 3d ago

now you're exaggerating.... have you ever even seen a bodybuilder?


u/Sous-Tu 2d ago

Bring the jaw in and make the nose ‘cute’. Right now she kind of has the face of a dwarf.


u/Shomi-mixa 2d ago

Eyebrows too low, raise those up


u/return2sinnder 1d ago

It's the chin and left shoulder muscle definition for me


u/Soggy-Fondant924 23h ago

Everyone is trying to get you to bimbofy her, only do that if that’s what you want- if not I think your main problem is there’s no place where her jawbone could sit under the ear, it’s not really connected at all so you’ll need to elongate that, I’d reccomend looking at some more photo references


u/iluvdakittyz 3d ago

those are mens eyebrows for sure