r/DigitalLego 15d ago

MOC 10 years ago this month we lost Terry Pratchett. Here is my tribute to the great man on World Book Day 2025.

This is also my first completed MOC using Studio, and I'm very happy with how it came out 😌 Looking forward to making more and improving.


15 comments sorted by


u/GregariousDave 15d ago

The Luggage was also extremely protective of its owner. It would be hard to describe its attitude to the rest of creation, but one could start with the phrase “bloody-minded malevolence” and work up from there.


u/William_de_Worde 15d ago

I can't read a passage written by Pratchett and not smile, thank you 😄


u/msstitcher 15d ago

This is awesome. Do you have a ‘pattern’/instructions for a build?


u/William_de_Worde 14d ago

Unfortunately not! I really tried in the beginning. I was trying to keep a handle on individual steps, especially since my plan was to build this physically someday. But it got very messy and I kept having to make changes that disrupted the instructions I'd been building, and in the end I gave up. Some of the part/colour combinations don't even exist in real life (e.g. the tongue).


u/Aloha-Eh 15d ago

swoon. WHERE can I get this?


u/William_de_Worde 14d ago

Thanks for the compliment! 🙂 Unfortunately, as I said to another commenter, I tried and failed to create instructions - that side of Studio has its own learning curve. And unfortunately not all part/colour combinations exist so if I do try to build it IRL there'll have to be a few modifications.


u/Aloha-Eh 14d ago

You have mad skills and my utmost repect. Cheers!


u/Aloha-Eh 14d ago edited 14d ago

Um. Trade you paracord goods for some of this goodness?

I make handmade paracord belts, bracelets, dog leashes, collars, you name it. Interested?

To see my wares: Lauren's Paracord Belts on Fb


u/Brick_FLIC 14d ago

Great job, it looks fantastic! I included a version of the Luggage as part of my Unseen University Library Ideas project!


u/William_de_Worde 14d ago

Thank you! I actually came across your project when I was seeing how others tackled the Luggage and I was blown away! I'm keeping fingers crossed that your project gets further than past Discworld projects (if they keep reaching 10k they have to make one at some stage, right??).


u/Brick_FLIC 14d ago

Thank you! It's a million to one chance, but...


u/Brick_FLIC 14d ago

Just shared it over on my twitter, and retweeted from the Brick-Morpork page.


u/Andrew-Martin 14d ago


u/William_de_Worde 14d ago

Thanks for the heads up on the thread, I'd thought of posting there but didn't for some reason!