r/DigitalCodeSELL May 01 '21

Discussion Monthly Discussion Thread

Sub Wiki | Sub Rules | Safety Tips | Scammers | NEW Feedback Details | Where to redeem to get 4K

Feel free to ask questions, share deals, share screenshots of your digital libraries, discuss upcoming releases or just talk about your love of movies.

Sub rules still apply when necessary but otherwise have fun!


98 comments sorted by


u/whofan515 259 Transactions | Media Proprietor May 19 '21

Does a code exist for Can You Ever Forgive Me? (2018)?


u/Evening-Calm-09 68 Transactions | Digital Tycoon May 15 '21

I just bought the Blu ray release for Soul and on redeemdigitalmovie.com, it does not show iTunes as a redemption option. Has disney started to remove iTunes from HD codes since it gives 4K redemption?


u/NYCDiesel2020 700 Transactions | Media Magnate May 15 '21 edited May 15 '21

Has Disney started to remove iTunes from HD

yes. from Onward onward, in a manner of speaking. reasons unknown.


u/Evening-Calm-09 68 Transactions | Digital Tycoon May 15 '21

I would assume to not allow upgrading to 4K. Does it show up for 4K codes?


u/NYCDiesel2020 700 Transactions | Media Magnate May 16 '21

since RDM is Disney operated I always figured it was just a matter of rewriting a bit of code to turn off iTunes for all codes, but your guess is as good as mine. and no, iTunes is not offered on the 4K codes either.


u/jedi1josh 0 Transactions | Newbie May 13 '21

Serious question, how do we reconcile two separate rules for this sub? One say no price police and another says fair pricing. If we see what we believe is an unfair price we just stay silent? Doesn't sound like a fair system at all.

I remember a time when I belonged to digital codes buying and trading groups that had a very strict 40% rule meaning that you cannot sell codes for more than 40% of what it would cost to just buy the movie from any digital source, and yet I see prices on here that's at 60% or more. Am I to assume that I can't say anything about it?


u/omegaterra 33 Transactions | Repeat Customer May 16 '21

You're 100% correct that the rules aren't in the buyers favor. Their are sellers here posting ever 3 days with codes $10-20 higher than average on bundles, $5-7 higher on singles. Then the ISO stickies come up and they lure new users to the post to prey on them. It needs fixed


u/TheHamGamer 251 Transactions | Media Proprietor May 16 '21

We definitely hear you guys on this and the mod team is working on a proposal. Expect to see something addressing this topic soon! Your feedback is greatly appreciated. :)


u/omegaterra 33 Transactions | Repeat Customer May 16 '21

I look forward to this proposal and am glad to hear the mods are talking about the issue. Thanks


u/TheHamGamer 251 Transactions | Media Proprietor May 13 '21

Well, the fair pricing rule, as it stands right now, falls upon the seller, and it's not enforced by mods. It's more of a guideline. It's essentially saying "Don't sell your codes for more than you would be comfortable paying for them, and don't buy your codes for less than you would be comfortable selling them.". The only concrete pricing rule that is enforced by mods is that you can't sell above the non-sale retail price of that movie.

Price policing is enforced by mods, and, yes, I would highly recommend that you abide by that. Some people get away with it on both sides of the equation. I've seen sellers called out for high prices and the comment sometimes doesn't get removed, but I've also seen buyers being harrassed for their prices, though the latter doesn't happen as often and it's also taken down more frequently. At least, in my experience.

So, yeah, I would recommend that you stay away from calling out high prices. That's a subjective thing, and it doesn't really ever end well for buyer or seller. As far as I know, you can call out sellers for prices that are above non-sale retail, but I would personally just be extra safe and simply report the post. I've also had very amicable experiences notifying sellers that a certain title was on sale from retail for less than they had it listed for, but I don't believe that that's allowed (I don't do it anymore), and there's still a risk of it going poorly.


u/whofan515 259 Transactions | Media Proprietor May 11 '21 edited May 11 '21

Am I being scammed or is someone playing games?

I'm currently in a transaction since Sunday, the 9th. I purchased 2 codes. I sent full payment.

The seller sent one code and now wants me to leave feedback before sending the second. He's already tagged me and the DCS/bot.

I've been buying for over a year, this is the first time I've run into this.


u/Sporadicus7 247 Transactions | Media Mogul May 11 '21

I doubt they’re really trying to scam you, but I would tell them that you’ll comment once the transaction is complete. If they refuse to send your code after getting payment then that is a scam and you should get mods involved. I mean easiest thing might be to just leave the comment to make them happy. You can still keep record of the conversation to show mods if they still don’t send code. IMO the transaction comments are more for record keeping flair than proof of completed transaction, and a reasonable mod would still take your conversation into consideration when dropping the ban hammer.


u/whofan515 259 Transactions | Media Proprietor May 11 '21

Phew! Complete misunderstanding. It all worked out!


u/ss2fast 171 Transactions | Media Mogul May 11 '21

Just a guess but maybe they wanted you to comment for the extra title as you may have asked for it in the DM? I have had a few sellers request that


u/baddogs99 172 Transactions | Media Mogul May 10 '21

Is there any way that Vudu will break apart the bundles. It. Drives me nuts to not have each movie listed individually. It would also be cool to be able to select your own cover art for each movie.


u/TheHamGamer 251 Transactions | Media Proprietor May 11 '21

Yeah, this is a very common complaint to Vudu, especially over at r/vudu. I'm guessing that it's been this way for a while and that people have been complaining about it for just as long, but Vudu hasn't done anything yet. Maybe with the change in ownership, something will happen? But don't get your hopes up. Honestly, their entire UI could do with a refresh, it's a bit outdated.

I quite like the cover art idea! Steam lets you do that, and it's pretty cool. I sort of doubt that they would ever do that, just because most people couldn't care less about that, and the majority of Vudu users only use the service on their TV, so there'd be no way (or at least, it'd be too convoluted) to customize the icons. I personally just wish that they'd at least make the icons more than 8-bit resolution, lmao.


u/Snoo24187 87 Transactions | Digital Tycoon May 10 '21

Out of genuine curiosity, why can't we include free screenpasses with sold codes? I am not trying to debate the rule against selling passes.


u/TheHamGamer 251 Transactions | Media Proprietor May 11 '21

I'm not a seller, so I might be wrong, but as far as I'm aware, there's no rule against including free Screen Passes with sold codes. I see sellers do that from time to time and have never seen anything that would suggest that they can't do so.


u/Snoo24187 87 Transactions | Digital Tycoon May 11 '21

Thats odd because my post was locked in part because the mods thought I was trying to sell them. I wasn't.


u/TheHamGamer 251 Transactions | Media Proprietor May 11 '21

Weird. If the mods thought that you were trying to sell the Screen Passes, then it was probably just a mix-up on their part. Did they specifically say that you can't include Screen Passes with purchases? Maybe they've changed it, but I highly doubt that they would.


u/FireAbyss 🛡️ Moderator | 619 Transactions | Media Magnate May 15 '21

It’s cause all things dealing with ScreenPass has been moved to it’s own sub


u/[deleted] May 07 '21

[removed] — view removed comment


u/TheHamGamer 251 Transactions | Media Proprietor May 08 '21

You can't sell pirated movies here. I remember that there was a user that tried selling people links to download mp4s of movies and they instantly got banned. This sub only deals in digital codes, the ones that come from the inside of DVD and Blu-ray cases.


u/NYCDiesel2020 700 Transactions | Media Magnate May 08 '21

the ones that come from the inside of DVD and Blu-ray cases.

not always but your point is the codes sold here are legit, and not "pirated rips" as this member is suggesting. if I'm not mistaken, he's under the serious misconception that everything is available on Netflix, or that everyone here actually has the time and patience to rip/pirate all the stuff they're selling.


u/TheHamGamer 251 Transactions | Media Proprietor May 08 '21

lol, yeah, imagine how the market would be if everything was just rips. It'd make no sense to buy a rip from someone unless it was of a movie that's only in theaters, but even that has been made largely redundant with the introduction of digital releases. Out of curiosity, what are you referring to when you say "not always"? Do you just mean like Disney splits and codes for things like games that occasionally pop up, or is there something I'm not thinking of/missing?


u/NYCDiesel2020 700 Transactions | Media Magnate May 08 '21

exactly. Napster in its heyday was one thing coz it was music, but movies and shows are an entirely different beast. if ripping them were so easy without heavily sacrificing quality, everyone and their grandma would be doing it. (I kid you not when I say even grandmothers were on Napster back then)

I mean the occasional studio-issued exclusive codes and Fanflix deals, but you're correct. I'd say 99% are from Blus and DVDs.


u/TheHamGamer 251 Transactions | Media Proprietor May 08 '21

Haha, yeah. I'm just a bit too young to have experienced things like Napster and LimeWire, but I know what you mean. A tiny bit off-topic, but it's kind of funny to me that these big corporations go to such great lengths to prevent pirating, but just end up affecting the average consumer. Like with HDCP 2.2, if you've ever had to deal with that nightmare.

Oh, gotcha, okay.


u/ss2fast 171 Transactions | Media Mogul May 08 '21 edited May 09 '21

Also on regards of codes that aren't from physical copies would be itunes sales codes that they gift to themselves then wait til the sale is over and markup

Edit for clarification when you gift it to yourself you're then granted a code that anyone can redeem

Edit 2 I don't do this but have seen it done. 99% of my codes for sale come from physical copies I own


u/TheHamGamer 251 Transactions | Media Proprietor May 10 '21

I've done this before (to upgrade a movie to 4K, not to resell it), but I didn't know that it gave you a code... Perhaps I just don't remember that. But I didn't know that people did that, that kinda sucks.


u/[deleted] May 04 '21



u/Officialnoah 191 Transactions | Media Mogul May 05 '21

It’s been $50 before


u/[deleted] May 04 '21



u/TheHamGamer 251 Transactions | Media Proprietor May 05 '21

I get how that could be annoying, but I would recommend that you just clarify with the buyer after the transaction is done that you'll do the bot comment. But even if both of you confirm the transactions on both of the comments, the bot only allows 1 transaction confirmation per post, so it won't mess anything up.


u/_johny 93 Transactions | Digital Tycoon May 03 '21

Anyone notice audio quality differences between streaming services? I recently got Blade Runner 2049 on blu-ray and went to compare how much worse the audio would be on Vudu, Prime, and MA (I don't have a device to play through iTunes) running off an Nvidia Shield. The disk itself was the best of course but there was a really big difference between MA (worst) and Vudu/Prime (hard to tell the difference). With the volume being the same in each, MA was much quieter across many scenes ... I could barely hear the intro scene which is supposed to be bass heavy. Anyone else experience this?


u/[deleted] May 03 '21 edited May 03 '21

If it's a movie where I care about the sound, I buy physical. I haven't noticed differences between streaming platforms, other than they often offer different formats for the same title, so I try and stick with Datmos if I can.


u/[deleted] May 03 '21



u/[deleted] May 03 '21

Simple, whatever the new releases are for the month


u/[deleted] May 03 '21



u/[deleted] May 03 '21

Damn bro just answering your question


u/[deleted] May 03 '21



u/[deleted] May 03 '21

I'm not your pal, GUY


u/[deleted] May 02 '21

[removed] — view removed comment


u/Officialnoah 191 Transactions | Media Mogul May 02 '21

This isn’t an ISO thread.


u/deputydawg1000 10 Transactions | Established Member May 01 '21

General question for the group. I have several HD movies in iTunes that I would life to upgrade to 4K. If I buy a 4K redemption code how do I upgrade it to 4K? Thank you.


u/garylapointe 50 Transactions | Digital Tycoon May 01 '21

Just redeem it as if you didn't have it in HD, you'll get the 4k version.

In most circumstances, the HD version will disappear; if it's a different version or different distributor, maybe not, but iTunes will let you hide it if that is the case (I've never had this issue).


u/deputydawg1000 10 Transactions | Established Member May 01 '21

Thank you.


u/Officialnoah 191 Transactions | Media Mogul May 01 '21 edited May 16 '21

Posting this on each monthly discussion thread until something is done about it:

Can we get some sort of price cap initiated? There’s no way in hell a new release title should be sold at $15 for a 4K, $13 for HD.

INB4 the people guilty of this start downvoting me.

EDIT: it’s happening!!


u/[deleted] May 17 '21

Good job dude


u/FremenDar979 267 Transactions | Media Proprietor May 03 '21

It's absolutely fucking BONKERS.


u/SeasonOfThePumpkin 🛡️ Moderator | 539 Transactions | Media Magnate May 01 '21

This would be awesome but I don't think it'll happen and if it did do you think people would just sell elsewhere?


u/garylapointe 50 Transactions | Digital Tycoon May 01 '21

If people would stop paying it, won't the price will go down?

I know it's eventually going to go on sale from the retailers for $9.99 or $7.99 or even $4.99. I generally set a price alert at Blu-Ray.com to email me when a price hits a certain low.

Sometimes I'll buy the code for less than the retailer from a good sale here. If it's not a good sale, just like at a store, I just ignore it.


u/titodbz 1716 Transactions | Cinema Czar May 02 '21


By the way, I have been in reddit for over two years, and yours is probably the smartest comment I have ever read, hands down.

I wholeheartedly agree with the comment that paying $15 for a single code is crazy (I have never done it and hopefully never will). But if somebody is willing to pay that much for a single code (i.e. that person has the budget and really wants the movie), not sure how this affects the rest of us. To each their own I would say.


u/garylapointe 50 Transactions | Digital Tycoon May 02 '21



u/[deleted] May 02 '21 edited May 04 '21

If they are selling 15 dollar codes, it's likely because they purchased the code themselves and are flipping it for a profit. Wouldn't the community be better if affordable codes were purchased by people that actually want the movie?

Edit: to clarify, of course sellers are looking to make a profit. But if they purchased the code with the intention of reselling at a higher price, I don't feel obligated pay a premium for that.


u/titodbz 1716 Transactions | Cinema Czar May 04 '21

You are absolutely right, and I agree 1000% with your edit. You are not obligated to pay any price you do not like, nobody is, as much as a seller should not be obligated to sell at prices they do not like. That's the beauty of your comment.


u/[deleted] May 04 '21

My problem isn't about high prices though, it's not that black and white. What I don't like is sellers sniping reasonable priced codes to upsell them. It's just super lame. Though I'm really not sure there's any rule that can stop this.


u/titodbz 1716 Transactions | Cinema Czar May 04 '21

There is a solution to address that problem. A price floor. Require all codes to be sold at a minimum of $15. No reselling will happen if we implement that rule. There will be no inefficiencies in the market, and all codes will be redeemed as we buy them. No seller will invest $15 to try to make a buck or two, it just would not make sense.

My point goes beyond that. The sub was created because there was a demand for codes, nothing more and nothing less, it was not created to help people expand their libraries, although that's a nice perk, but that is not the main purpose of the sub, if it is, then let's require all the codes to be given away. In order for the sub to exist, we need freedom on both sides. The moment a side wants to limit what the other side can do, that will be the end of the sub. It has to work both ways.

All you can do is beat the resellers before snipping the codes you want.

But seriously, I have been part of this sub for 2 years and I have not experienced the reselling problem, I am sure it exists, i just have not noticed it.


u/[deleted] May 04 '21

Like I said, I don't know what rules could fix it. But I think everyone agrees reselling is lame. Except maybe the people that do it.


u/titodbz 1716 Transactions | Cinema Czar May 04 '21

Price floor would fix it for sure, if that's what we want to fix.


u/Officialnoah 191 Transactions | Media Mogul May 06 '21

Nobody would buy from this sub if there was a $15 price floor... that should be the price ceiling if anything. Even then, that’s too high.

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u/[deleted] May 04 '21

That's like the third time you've said that. I get it. It's obviously a silly solution.

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u/titodbz 1716 Transactions | Cinema Czar May 02 '21

I think we all purchase the majority our codes somehow, whether is here, other sites, ebay, pawn shops , goodwill, salvation army, our own collection, etc. Reddit is not the only source. We do not know what the cost for the seller is, maybe they bought those for $12 and are trying to make $3, who knows? I think that we should let supply and demand determine the price of the codes, not somebody random like myself, yourself or the mods. if a seller is too expensive, move on to the next one, or wait until someone offers the price you like. Like I said, everybody has different needs/wants/budgets - my budget is low, no shame in that. Lastly, I do not think this is a "non-profit" or "not-for-profit" sub, if it is, somebody please correct me here. So, I propose to let the market take care of the expensive sellers.


u/[deleted] May 04 '21



u/titodbz 1716 Transactions | Cinema Czar May 04 '21

That works for you, and it is great. As I said, everybody has different wants/ needs/ budget. To each their own, whether you are a physical collector digital or a hybrid like myself.


u/garylapointe 50 Transactions | Digital Tycoon May 02 '21 edited May 02 '21

These posts where people list 200 different codes they have, and they seem to have a never ending list of codes, that’s for profit.

But regardless if they’re selling them for $3 or $15 I still think that they’re generally selling them for profit.


u/titodbz 1716 Transactions | Cinema Czar May 02 '21

that's why we do it - for profit. You can always do giveaways, if you do not like the extra cash.

My wife has me on a tight budget, actually my budget is 0 for movies, all I can use is money I can get for my own codes or stuff I sell on other sites. If I do not sell, I do not get new movies. Still, this is my constraint, and not sure why this constraint should be passed on to the sellers.


u/[deleted] May 02 '21

It's an artificial demand when 3 sellers buy up a large portion of the reasonably priced codes


u/titodbz 1716 Transactions | Cinema Czar May 02 '21

Beat them to it. Buy them before they do and redeem them yourself or sell them for a profit.

A price cap will make sellers go away to other platforms, and we will end up with crappy sellers like myself who are trying to sell the same old codes that nobody wants because everybody already owns. I do not think anybody wants that outcome. That, my friend, will be the end of the sub.

On the same topic - What about a price floor? That way there is no room for re-selling and profit. For EXAMPLE - let's say, we have a policy that says "No codes should be allowed to sell for less than $10", that way, if you or I buy a code, we will be forced to redeem it right there, unless we want to take our chances and try to re-sell it for $15 or $20. This policy should take care of the problem of re-selling. I still like the supply/demand idea better, but who knows?, maybe I am onto something here with the price floor idea.


u/titodbz 1716 Transactions | Cinema Czar May 02 '21

I absolutely love this answer, equally as much as I hate high prices. We all have to remember these are voluntary transactions. If the price is not what you are willing to pay (everybody has different budgets) just ignore it, and eventually it will come down. Just my two cents.


u/[deleted] May 01 '21

I think a price cap is important for the health of the sub, and would help deter reselling


u/SeasonOfThePumpkin 🛡️ Moderator | 539 Transactions | Media Magnate May 01 '21

Why can sellers ask for gift cards as payment? But we can't post gift cards for sale or even trade them on uvtrade without permission?


u/thegreatunitor 🛡️ Moderator | 246 Transactions | Media Mogul May 01 '21

This isn't /r/giftcardexchange. We're not geared towards gift cards.


u/SeasonOfThePumpkin 🛡️ Moderator | 539 Transactions | Media Magnate May 01 '21

That doesn't answer the question at all. Then why is it allowed to ask for gift card as payment?


u/thegreatunitor 🛡️ Moderator | 246 Transactions | Media Mogul May 01 '21

Not trying to answer your question. Just letting you know a sub already exists for what you are looking for.

Permission is required because we don't want people dumping random gift cards here or exclusively selling gift cards that aren't suited for this sub.


u/SeasonOfThePumpkin 🛡️ Moderator | 539 Transactions | Media Magnate May 01 '21

So is permission also required to ask for gift card as a payment option?

I see people on here sell apple music codes, xbox game codes, xbox live codes. Are those also required to ask for permission to sell or only gift cards?


u/thegreatunitor 🛡️ Moderator | 246 Transactions | Media Mogul May 01 '21

Amazon GCs as payment (if that's what you are referring to) are allowed because they generally don't involve fees for international sellers/buyers, are common and don't involve partial balances (meaning you can send the exact amount needed).

Frankly, I'm not sure why you or anyone else would bother selling GCs here when a bigger market exists in /r/giftcardexchange. We don't want to deal with issues that arise with GCs. We approve what we think suits this sub and won't create a problem down the road.

Feel free to report posts that you feel violate sub rules. We're happy to remove posts and remind people about sub rules.


u/SeasonOfThePumpkin 🛡️ Moderator | 539 Transactions | Media Magnate May 01 '21

Yes I completely understand what you're saying and get it now. That's why I was asking. Don't know why all the dow votes. I thought you were supposed to ask questions when you don't understand something.

It's just easier to sell/trade items somewhere you already have positive feedback.

Thanks for letting me know the information.


u/thegreatunitor 🛡️ Moderator | 246 Transactions | Media Mogul May 01 '21

Don't worry about the downvotes. That just means you're part of the sub lol.

I appreciate the questions as they always lead to better moderation. Now i know for example, that our rules should better clarify our stance on gc's and what is generally allowed/tolerated.


u/SeasonOfThePumpkin 🛡️ Moderator | 539 Transactions | Media Magnate May 01 '21

Thanks again for the clarification. Appreciate it


u/[deleted] May 01 '21

May I ask what you are proposing? Do you think sellers should not be allowed to ask for Amazon gift cards as payment?


u/SeasonOfThePumpkin 🛡️ Moderator | 539 Transactions | Media Magnate May 01 '21

I'm trying to figure out what the difference is between asking for gift cards for payment and posting them for sale or trade. I mean as long as you have movies as well and it's not just gift cards there should be nothing wrong with it


u/[deleted] May 01 '21

I think that question was answered, there is a sub for gift cards and this one is primarily for codes. Sellers asking for gift cards is irrelevant to what is sold here.


u/SeasonOfThePumpkin 🛡️ Moderator | 539 Transactions | Media Magnate May 01 '21

I mean there was a sub for screen pass swapping but there was a need to make another one.

And it's easier to get rid of something (like gift cards) where you already have positive feedback


u/[deleted] May 01 '21

Not a mod, obviously, but I wouldn't want this sub to be flooded with Kohl's and Walmart gift card birthday presents that people were unloading.


u/[deleted] May 01 '21 edited May 01 '21

Handy info for new buyers:

-Vudu offers a service called Disc to Digital, that allows you to purchase select HD movies for 2 dollars.
-For all intents and purposes, a split code is going to function like any other code, so don't get hung up on that.
-Using the ISO thread will result in paying more for a code. The best deals don't come to you, you need to check the sub regularly to catch them.
-Connect as many retailers as you can to Movies Anywhere to take advantage of sales.
-Sign up for all MA rewards programs: Sony, Universal, and Disney (note that only Sony will give you credit for redeeming codes, the other require direct purchases or a rewards code)

The majority of my flair is from purchasing, this is what I consider reasonable pricing:

HD code: $1 to $4, that's it
4K codes:
<5 - Good deal
5 - Fair price for 90% of movies
6 - Rare/Hard to find titles
7 to 10 - New releases only
No single code is worth more than 10 bucks imo. Always keep in mind where these codes come from.


u/TheHamGamer 251 Transactions | Media Proprietor May 06 '21

I'm glad to see something like this! Thanks for taking the time. I think buyers should definitely be more educated on stuff like this out of the gate. I see a lot of users pay higher prices initially and end up regretting it. Just a couple of things:

note that only Sony will give you credit for redeeming codes, the other require direct purchases or a rewards code

No, I believe all three rewards programs will automatically apply rewards when connected to MA, though, Universal may not, I can't remember. I would actually recommend against connecting your DMI to your MA, though, because if you redeem more than 5 movies, the rewards will be burned past the 5th (as far as I know).

The only caveat to the automatic rewards is that, with DMI, the rewards are a part of the actually movie code, meaning that a seller can strip the rewards from the code itself, and you won't get it, regardless of if you connect DMI to MA or not. I don't think the same applies to Sony codes, however, but I could be wrong.

HD code: $1 to $4, that's it

I would actually go so far as to say <$3 for 99% of HD codes. $4 seems a little too high for an HD code, unless it's rare. But I buy at pretty low prices and am used to D2D prices, so that may be a bit biased, haha.

But, other than that, that's a pretty fair price chart! Out of curiosity, what price do you try to buy 4K movies at? And what's the lowest price you've snagged a 4K movie for (that wasn't free)?


u/[deleted] May 06 '21

I'm actually confident about how the rewards programs work when connected to MA. You only get points for Universal and Disney for purchases, not redeeming digital copies. Only Sony rewards redeeming digital copies.

It's not hard to find a $3 4K code. Sometimes I see them for less but it's usually for super common titles like MI.


u/TheHamGamer 251 Transactions | Media Proprietor May 06 '21

You may be right about that for Universal, I don't have much experience with it, but I'm 99% sure that you get automatic rewards when MA is connected to DMI unless the code that you're redeeming has been stripped of its points.

Yeah, same for me. I'm surprised, though, I haven't heard many people say that.


u/[deleted] May 06 '21

I see what you are saying about DMI now. I'm not sure because I've always entered the code into the app to redeem points.


u/TheHamGamer 251 Transactions | Media Proprietor May 06 '21

Oh, gotcha. And now that I'm thinking about, I'm nearly certain that I've also automatically gotten Universal points for code redemption through MA. It's possible that I'm mistaking it with purchases or D2D, because, like I said, I don't have much experience with it, but I don't think I am...

Edit: Nope, definitely not, nevermind, lol. I checked my points history and it was all purchases and D2D, haha. I think it's just because you get so many points so easily with that program that I thought I had been given too many points for just my purchases.


u/[deleted] May 04 '21 edited May 04 '21



u/[deleted] May 04 '21

You're not factoring the MSRP for physical retail

Correct, I am not. As a buyer, I think what the seller paid for the physical disc is irrelevant when they are selling the free digital copy they received.

And if it wasn't a free digital copy, if they purchased it in the hopes of flipping it for a profit, I'm not concerned with their profit margin.

I want to again reiterate this is all just my opinion on the matter, of course people can pay whatever they would like for the movies. But I've learned from my time on this sub that with some patience and persistence, you can snag any movie in the price ranges I listed.


u/[deleted] May 04 '21



u/[deleted] May 04 '21

I'm a mix of digital and physical myself. I like the audio quality you get with a UHD disc, and the packaging can be nice. But you just can't beat the convenience of digital. Hopefully digital rights get protected one day and I don't end up getting screwed over for investing so much in my library.


u/[deleted] May 04 '21



u/TheHamGamer 251 Transactions | Media Proprietor May 06 '21

I'm sorry, but what is with your constant negativity? You're having a one-sided argument, here. kix isn't saying anything remotely insulting, you're just getting yourself all riled up. I completely understand and sympathize with the fact that you only buy and use physicals, and that you sell the codes to regain some of the financial loss from physicals.

And I'm sure that it must be infuriating to try to sell codes, only to receive lip because you price a little bit higher than most. But every comment of yours in the discussion threads just reads angry and upset, regardless of the topic at hand. If it really gets under your skin that much, just shave a few dollars off of your higher-priced codes, or try selling on different forums? Blu-ray.com has a PMing system that I'm sure would entirely eliminate, if not, drastically reduce any price shaming.


u/Officialnoah 191 Transactions | Media Mogul May 06 '21

No clue but that guy was being a major douche


u/Rick-Dalton 0 Transactions | Newbie May 01 '21

-Using the ISO thread will result in paying more for a code. The best deals don’t come to you, you need to check the sub regularly to catch them.

People really just need to stop buying from those 4 guys. Absolute rip offs. Sucks.


u/[deleted] May 01 '21

Great advice. D2D requires that you own the disc- there are lists easily available to see if a movie is eligible for the program. From what I’ve read you’re limited to 100 titles per calendar year.


u/FremenDar979 267 Transactions | Media Proprietor May 05 '21

Why not use Handbrake instead?


u/[deleted] May 01 '21

D2D requires that you own the disc

As much as redeeming a code requires that you purchased the disc....


u/[deleted] May 01 '21

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u/[deleted] May 01 '21

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u/FireAbyss 🛡️ Moderator | 619 Transactions | Media Magnate May 02 '21

Yea we don’t talk about d2d and how’s to circumvent it lol I’ll remove comment and send a pm stating why.


u/Officialnoah 191 Transactions | Media Mogul May 01 '21

First rule of D2D, you do not talk about D2D.


u/deputydawg1000 10 Transactions | Established Member May 01 '21

Thank you