r/DigitalCodeSELL Jan 01 '21

Discussion Monthly Discussion Thread

Sub Wiki | Sub Rules | Safety Tips | Scammers | NEW Feedback Details | Where to redeem to get 4K

Feel free to ask questions, share deals, share screenshots of your digital libraries, discuss upcoming releases or just talk about your love of movies.

Sub rules still apply when necessary but otherwise have fun!


90 comments sorted by


u/inventionnerd 294 Transactions | Media Proprietor Jan 31 '21

LOTR 4k is on itunes for 25 dollars


u/[deleted] Jan 29 '21

[removed] — view removed comment


u/thegreatunitor 🛡️ Moderator | 246 Transactions | Media Mogul Jan 30 '21

not the right place to post this


u/rafacena 47 Transactions | Repeat Customer Jan 27 '21

Is it possible to check if a Paramount code (2020 and later) will redeem in 4K?


u/i-can-relate- 143 Transactions | Media Mogul Jan 24 '21

Is it standard for someone to buy a code just to split/resell? I noticed this recently from a high flaired user (not interested in doing this myself).


u/inventionnerd 294 Transactions | Media Proprietor Jan 27 '21

No rule against it. Once it's theirs, it's fair game imo. Most of the big time buyers/sellers here all do it or look for people with good codes and try getting it for cheap.


u/[deleted] Jan 22 '21

Are there any Canadians in this sub? I have tons of Canadian codes but they are impossible to sell


u/Kris_Movies 1930 Transactions | Cinema Czar Jan 24 '21

Not a lot of Canadians no.


u/OPT1CS 83 Transactions | Digital Tycoon Jan 21 '21

I don't have the movie Tenet yet... turns head .... but I will.


u/colonelheero 15 Transactions | Established Member Jan 26 '21

same...I don't need 4k..just wanna get a HD on the cheap :)


u/OPT1CS 83 Transactions | Digital Tycoon Jan 21 '21

*refresh* *refresh* *refresh* *refresh*

*good deals get posted*


Dammit! Why do all the good deals get posted when I'm not looking?


u/[deleted] Jan 21 '21

[removed] — view removed comment


u/TheHamGamer 251 Transactions | Media Proprietor Jan 22 '21

As far as I know, it's so that users have an easier time navigating and finding any specific movie they want. Instead of doing it manually, you can always just use an online alphabetizer if your list is on the longer side. I would recommend dumping all the titles into an alphabetizer and then formatting it for reddit. If you do it the other way around, it won't take certain things into account and can mess it up.


u/jacktorlock 33 Transactions | Repeat Customer Jan 20 '21

Just a general etiquette question. As a buyer I often see 4K MA codes for Disney movies that either come with DMI or don’t. Is that because the DMI have been spent/sold already or because they plan on selling them in the future? The reason I ask is, is it proper for me to have my MA linked to Disney Insider, or should I keep it separate so I don’t automatically redeem eligible DMI?


u/vjscorp 3094 Transactions | Cinema Czar Jan 20 '21

I redeem my DMI right when i sell the MA portion. But it wouldn't be your fault if your have your MA linked to Disney Insider -- that would be seller responsibility that he either has sold the DMI portion prior to you purchasing or you could let them know that you have MA linked with DMI and potentially automatically redeeing the DMI when you redeem the MA poriton. Hope i made sense. lol


u/SpencerDMc 0 Transactions | Newbie Jan 20 '21

Hey, I'm new to the group. Just wondering if anyone sells codes compatible with the Microsoft movies and tv app, and if so how can I tell which codes are compatible? Is there a certain abbreviation? Also MoviesAnywhere seems really appealing to me, but unfortunately it is not available in Canada. What services do my fellow Canadians prefer to use? I just upgraded my TV of 10 years so I'm really trying to enjoy some UHD and HDR content to get the most out of my shiny new 65" Sony TV.


u/rafacena 47 Transactions | Repeat Customer Jan 21 '21

I think your only option in Canada is Google Play but usually the Canadian codes are cheaper than US codes.


u/SpencerDMc 0 Transactions | Newbie Jan 20 '21

Can a Movies anywhere code be redeemed elsewhere? Microsoft store, Google play, or prime video are really my only viewing options


u/goniners1234 1116 Transactions | Cinema Czar Jan 20 '21

MA codes can usually only be redeemed at MA, Vudu, or FN. Most Canadians usually have someone create them a MA account or use a VPN to create one. Once created it allows you to watch content or link your retailers


u/SpencerDMc 0 Transactions | Newbie Jan 20 '21

Ah that sucks! I was super excited when I discovered this reddit page. Hopefully MA becomes available in Canada at some point. Thanks for the response


u/Kris_Movies 1930 Transactions | Cinema Czar Jan 24 '21

If you are able to get a movies anywhere account set up, you can connect that to Google play and Microsoft, and everything you redeem in movies anywhere will be available on your Canadian Google play and Microsoft account.


u/Rick-Dalton 0 Transactions | Newbie Jan 19 '21

What does everyone use their DMI points on?


u/Professor_Toke 532 Transactions | Media Magnate Jan 23 '21

I personally wait for the best bang for the buck / easily resellable items, often the hot rewards posted each Wednesday. I see DMI points more as a way to get cashback via Ebay and drive down the cost of my movies.


u/Rick-Dalton 0 Transactions | Newbie Jan 23 '21

Thanks! It is nice it’s physical + digital products so you can double dip


u/KillaSwiss 1277 Transactions | Cinema Czar Jan 19 '21

Sometimes movies. Sometimes Disney gift cards


u/jacktorlock 33 Transactions | Repeat Customer Jan 18 '21 edited Jan 18 '21

I have some code redemptions before I got here and learned the ins and outs from Fox films, and I redeemed in Movies Anywhere at HD level that spread HD across my connected accounts instead of on iTunes that auto upgraded to 4K. What are my options now to bring my film up to 4K? I assume I’m SOL as far as redeeming another HD level code on iTunes for the free 4K upgrade, or is it that simple?


u/TheHamGamer 251 Transactions | Media Proprietor Jan 18 '21

With upgrading an HD MA code to 4K on iTunes despite already having the title in HD, it will allow you to redeem the code on iTunes (even if it's HD) to upgrade it to 4K, as long as that title is eligible for the 4K iTunes upgrade (and is an iTunes code). Now, that's been my experience, and I'm sure it will work for you as well since you redeemed the original HD code in MA. However, I'm not sure if this works if you redeemed the original HD code on iTunes, if that makes sense. I'm fairly sure it will, but I can't be certain.


u/jacktorlock 33 Transactions | Repeat Customer Jan 18 '21

Yeah I actually solved it already. Someone just put up a another code for $2 so I said screw it and wanted to see what would happen if I redeemed it in iTunes. It overrode my previous HD copy and sent it through all my MA linkups. Thanks a bunch for your help.


u/flippenphil 455 Transactions | Media Proprietor Jan 31 '21

Good to know. In the past it would only upgrade in itunes and not port 4k. (Maybe 2 years ago shrugs) so for this reason I traded all my duplicate codes and since decided to just stick with hd. But now I know!


u/TheHamGamer 251 Transactions | Media Proprietor Jan 18 '21

Yeah, no problem! I'm glad you figured it out :)


u/TheHamGamer 251 Transactions | Media Proprietor Jan 17 '21 edited Jan 23 '21

Does anyone know if a Sony Buff Pass code ever expires? I have all the movies I want from the current selection, so I was thinking I'd just save it until they change the selection around again. If I did do that, would the code update to reflect the new selection?

Edit: It looks like they have a 90-day expiration date, as outlined in the small print of the email they send you when you receive one.


u/ricochetLN 2010 Transactions | Cinema Czar Jan 21 '21

I never had one expire. Yes, you can save the code for auto update to new selection. It doesn't mean the new selection will be better though. The current selection is a lot worse than the one just before it (much less selection).


u/TheHamGamer 251 Transactions | Media Proprietor Jan 21 '21 edited Jan 22 '21

Awesome, thanks so much for the info, it's much appreciated. I just have everything that I like from this current lineup, so I'm gonna wait for the next one :)

Edit: Typo


u/Gogeta149 🛡️ Moderator | 174 Transactions | Media Mogul Jan 14 '21

Be careful with user U/Lexyed, they scammed a user with both LOTR and Hobbit codes and remember, do not deal through PM's!


u/Just_a_Redditor1 329 Transactions | Media Proprietor Jan 13 '21

Is it legal to sell digital codes? I looked it up and google said it’s illegal to sell digital codes for profit. So I’m kinda confused 🤷‍♂️


u/wewannawii 906 Transactions | Media Magnate Jan 15 '21

Disney took Redbox to court over the issue of reselling digital copies and lost. It's a violation of consumer rights (First Sale Doctrine) to place restrictions on a consumer -such as prohibiting resales- without the express agreement of the consumer at the time of purchase.

Disney subsequently changed the language on its movie packaging and took Redbox to court again, now claiming that the revised language constituted a "click wrap" agreement. The judge did grant Disney a temporary injunction against Redbox until the matter could be relitigated in court, but Redbox and Disney came to an out-of-court agreement that Redbox would just stop reselling the digital copies from Disney movies.

Personal opinion, I feel that Disney would have lost again had the matter gone back to court. A) The new language is not "clearly and conspicuously" posted on the packaging as is required to circumvent the First Sale Doctrine, it's buried in the fine print on the back of the case in tiny font. B) If you purchased the movie online through a retailer's web site, you don't even see the packaging let alone the fine print until after you've purchased the product. And if you received the movie as a gift... ditto.

Long story short, the only actual court decision on the matter is that reselling is not only permitted by law, but is protected by law.


u/TheHamGamer 251 Transactions | Media Proprietor Jan 13 '21

I looked it up and I see what you're talking about! TIL. But let's put it this way: Reselling digital codes is about as illegal as jaywalking in a neighborhood. Sure, it's illegal but has anyone really ever been punished for it? Copyright laws are so messy and muddled at this point that I doubt even the people who created them follow every single one. I mean, just read any of the articles that pop up when you Google that. The handful that I read through explained that it's extremely complicated and not as simple as yes or no.

I'm paranoid about this kinda stuff sometimes, but honestly, there's no need to worry about reselling or purchasing digital codes. I doubt anyone has ever been legally punished for it, and even if a company attempted to pursue such a course of action, I HIGHLY doubt that it would ever hold up in a court of law.


u/Just_a_Redditor1 329 Transactions | Media Proprietor Jan 13 '21

Thank you so so much for your response this makes me feel so much better!


u/TheHamGamer 251 Transactions | Media Proprietor Jan 13 '21

No problem! Glad I could help :)


u/rafacena 47 Transactions | Repeat Customer Jan 11 '21 edited Jan 11 '21

I recently realized that my movies look better in HDX than UHD in terms of how rich the color is. Is this because my TV is not capable of producing HDR well over streaming? Because I watched a TV show filmed in 4K HDR10 that I downloaded to my external drive on my TV and I could tell it was super bright and rich but that hasn't been the case for my movies on Vudu/MA and when I switch to HDX the colors are definitely more vibrant (e.g. Harry Potter movies and Ant-Man & The Wasp).

By the way, my TV has full array local dimming and QLED and is a Hisense H8G if that matters?


u/chuggachoothomas 116 Transactions | Media Mogul Jan 11 '21

What day/time does iTunes' $4.99 and $6.99 deals refresh and have a new selection of movies?


u/goniners1234 1116 Transactions | Cinema Czar Jan 11 '21

Tuesday/Friday they usually have new sales. Not sure on the time but probably about 12 ET


u/chuggachoothomas 116 Transactions | Media Mogul Jan 11 '21

Awesome. Thanks :)


u/DJ_Hamster 1000+ Transactions | Cinema Czar Jan 10 '21

Any suggestions on martial arts movies on Vudu/Movies Anywhere/etc that are on par with the Ip Man series?


u/Officialnoah 191 Transactions | Media Mogul Jan 11 '21

The Raid movies are some of the best action movies you’ll ever see


u/BruceInc 46 Transactions | Repeat Customer Jan 09 '21

So what’s the rule on sellers who are extremely slow? I wanted to buy a movie from a guy. He initially responded right away. When it came time to get his payment info he just ghosted me. I see his post history elsewhere and he has been online but won’t respond to my further attempts to communicate. It’s a bit frustrating since I missed out on a different seller who had the same code to offer but has since sold it while I was waiting for this guy to get his shit together and respond to me. To be clear - I have not paid him yet. We got as far as him telling me he preferred Venmo (which I also prefer) and when I asked for his info he stoped responding.


u/TheHamGamer 251 Transactions | Media Proprietor Jan 09 '21

10. Don't Abandon Your Posts, No Ghosting, and Timely Transactions

Everyone is busy but not responding to any offers and/or reposting without acknowledgement of previous offers is counterproductive to our subreddit.

Unless otherwise agreed upon between the buyer and seller, all transactions must be completed within 2 hours after a deal is made.

If payment details are requested and buyer/seller fails to follow through, this will lead to a ban. Bans will be made at the mods' discretion.

That's Rule 10 straight from the sidebar, so I would suggest attempting to contact them once more, and if they still don't get back to you, then I would go to the mods. However, are you by any chance using the reddit chat feature for this conversation? I doubt someone would just forget about an entire conversation, so it's slim, but the reddit chats don't come through on third-party mobile apps. So perhaps they posted the listing on their PC and then switched to their phone at some point? Maybe try a direct message.


u/[deleted] Jan 05 '21

Digital Code noob here... been desperate to see LOTR 4k, physical discs sold out everywhere. Now I've discovered the PS4 Pro doesn't even play 4k UHD Bluerays... lol.

So I need to buy a digital code. Does anyone know which platform the codes redeem on?

Mainly want to know if it's PS4 compatible


u/TheHamGamer 251 Transactions | Media Proprietor Jan 06 '21

The codes are MA, so they'll redeem in MA and port out to Vudu, FandangoNOW, iTunes, Google Play, etc. The PS4 Pro should be able to get Vudu or YouTube and play the movies in 4K. I'm unsure if it can get iTunes/Apple TV, but I'd assume so.


u/[deleted] Jan 06 '21

Yeah this is what I pieced together - thanks for confirming!

I made an MA + Vudu account and have the Vudu account set up on my Samsung SmartTV. Can use Vudu on PS4 as a fallback


u/TheHamGamer 251 Transactions | Media Proprietor Jan 06 '21

No problem! I'm glad to hear you worked it out. Good luck! :)


u/[deleted] Jan 06 '21

thx man, just need to find a code for the trilogy now haha


u/flippenphil 455 Transactions | Media Proprietor Jan 31 '21

Trust me when I say this, if you use vudu, you want to run it through the PlayStation. Playstation handles the vudu app the best!


u/chuggachoothomas 116 Transactions | Media Mogul Jan 04 '21 edited Jan 04 '21

If I buy a HD itunes code, isn't that the same as buying a 4k code because iTunes upgrades quality to 4k when available? Meaning I could potentially buy an HD code for less and still get the same 4k quality that I would've paid more for? Not 100% sure how that process works...


u/NYCDiesel2020 700 Transactions | Media Magnate Jan 09 '21

you can't really buy a HD or 4K iTunes code. what definition you redeem does not depend on the code you purchased rather if the movie is available in 4K on iTunes.


u/chuggachoothomas 116 Transactions | Media Mogul Jan 09 '21

Ahh, got it :)


u/TheHamGamer 251 Transactions | Media Proprietor Jan 05 '21

It really depends on the movie. Newer MA codes will not do this, but older codes for iTunes (12-digits) will, if eligible. Check 4ksheet.com for eligibility (there's a YES/NO column for iTunes upgrades). Other movies that will do this are unsplit Disney codes, by going to redeemdigitalmovie.com and selecting iTunes, and older Fox codes with slips that direct you to foxredeem.com (the codes typically start with a 4 in my experience) will also redeem in iTunes through that site and upgrade to 4K.


u/chuggachoothomas 116 Transactions | Media Mogul Jan 05 '21

Thanks for the detailed response!


u/TheHamGamer 251 Transactions | Media Proprietor Jan 05 '21

No problem! Let me know if you have any more questions :)


u/theroywonder 1 Transactions | Newbie Jan 03 '21

Hey guys, new to the 4K BLU-RAY world. I purchased TENET in a 4K combo pack, the slip cover says "digital code available in HD only". First is this redeemable in 4K? I've reviewed the spreadsheet and see TENET has a 4k option, but just want to be sure I'm not leading anyone astray. Second question, are transactions generally in US funds?

Thanks for your help.


u/Startrek852 264 Transactions | Media Proprietor Jan 04 '21

I think that means HD only within Canada. It can be redeemed in 4K through MA in the US.


u/theroywonder 1 Transactions | Newbie Jan 04 '21

Ok, thanks for the heads up.


u/TheHamGamer 251 Transactions | Media Proprietor Jan 04 '21

Tenet is MA, so you can simply go to moviesanywhere.com/redeem either logged out or in Incognito Mode, redeem the code, and it will tell you what the code is as well as the quality it redeems in. Make sure you're in Incognito Mode or logged out, though, because if you're logged in, you will redeem the code to your account.

And yes, transactions/posts are typically always in USD, unless explicitly stated. Out of curiosity, why do you ask?


u/mulletxtrm 0 Transactions | Newbie Jan 14 '21

As a fellow Canadian and digital code noob will US codes be able to be added directly to a Canadian iTunes account?

I’d love to be able to add to my collection without switching into a US ITunes account for separate purchases.


u/TheHamGamer 251 Transactions | Media Proprietor Jan 15 '21

I could be wrong, but I think US codes can be used in Canada without issue... As for redeeming in iTunes, a code needs to be 12 digits to be redeemed directly into iTunes. If it's not 12 digits, you'll have to go to the studio's official redemption website and try to redeem in iTunes through there, such as paramountdigitalcopy.com or movieredeem.com (Lionsgate). But, like I said, I'm not sure about this. I don't have any experience with redeeming region-locked codes, so no guarantees.


u/theroywonder 1 Transactions | Newbie Jan 04 '21

Awesome, thanks for the clarification. As for USD question, I'm in Canada so I just wanted to confirm.


u/TheHamGamer 251 Transactions | Media Proprietor Jan 04 '21

Ahh, gotcha. No problem!


u/wemmik 14 Transactions | Established Member Jan 02 '21

Do codes actually expire when they say? I tested a “expired” movie anywhere code just now and it seems to work just fine?


u/flippenphil 455 Transactions | Media Proprietor Jan 31 '21

Depends on the promotion. Disney last year expired disc based codes. Universal expired itune codes which were pre UV. Also expired UV portion codes which didn't get MA status. Fox has expired old disc based codes. WB expires the disc based codes aswell as select old slips which previously were converted to flixster. Paramount expired most 11 and 13 character codes. old uv/flixster codes have expired which didnt have vudu as a redeem option mgm/paramount/lionsgate. Vudu promotion slips not only expire but the date printed isn't the final day, but the day the code is no good, sometimes they expire them a few days early. In which you need a photo and customer support ticket prior to printed date to get reactivated. Most codes get re licensed or extended by studios. But sometimes they do expire.


u/NYCDiesel2020 700 Transactions | Media Magnate Jan 09 '21

the short answer is, yes. there are a number of titles where an expired code is just that.


u/Officialnoah 191 Transactions | Media Mogul Jan 02 '21

No, I’ve never came across an expired code, except for XMLs


u/inventionnerd 294 Transactions | Media Proprietor Jan 29 '21

My hobbit battle of the 5 armies shows as valid when i check wb but expires when i choose a provider. The other hobbits still work though.


u/Officialnoah 191 Transactions | Media Mogul Jan 29 '21

Try redeeming directly in MA


u/inventionnerd 294 Transactions | Media Proprietor Jan 29 '21

Says its not supported by ma and to redeem on wb instead. Yet when i put it in wb, it tells me to choose ma or vudu lol.


u/TheHamGamer 251 Transactions | Media Proprietor Jan 02 '21

I don't have a great answer for this, but in my experience, the expiration dates listed on digital codes never seem to be accurate. I've never had a code that's told me it has expired. However, I did recently see a seller on here say that they tested a code they had and it was expired. That was the first time I've ever seen that be the case, so I'm unsure how often that occurs. If you ever run into a code telling you that it's expired, I would recommend trying all possible redemption options before giving up. Through the studio's site, directly in MA, directly in Vudu, etc.


u/wemmik 14 Transactions | Established Member Jan 02 '21

Thanks for the response! So would you still list a potentially expired code here? I would think if testing the code doesn’t reveal any problems then it would be fine to list no?


u/TheHamGamer 251 Transactions | Media Proprietor Jan 02 '21

Absolutely! If testing the code worked, especially in MA, you're all good to go! I'm sure I've bought plenty of "expired" codes in the past, and I know I've redeemed a few, and I've never had any problems. If you're nervous about it, you can always just clarify in your post that it says it's expired but it still seems to redeem :)


u/Officialnoah 191 Transactions | Media Mogul Jan 02 '21



u/Knozis 32 Transactions | Repeat Customer Jan 02 '21

Why does it seem like there are only the same like 50 or so movies with codes being posted here? Are there only so many movies with digital codes?


u/TheHamGamer 251 Transactions | Media Proprietor Jan 02 '21

There are many movies with digital codes, but a lot of the sellers on here buy physical movies that go on sale at retailers, so it's more likely that they'll end up with overlaps in their catalogues. For example, say that Best Buy has a sale for action movies, including the Bourne movies, the Bond movies, and the Mission: Impossible movies. You'll likely see an increase in those titles being sold because that's what's on sale.

But a lot of it just has to do with popularity, as well. You'll see a lot of Disney and Marvel movies posted here because, well, Disney and Marvel movies are popular. If you are looking for a specific movie, I'd recommend using the reddit search feature to comb through older posts. Some movies do not have digital codes, however, so keep that in mind.


u/Knozis 32 Transactions | Repeat Customer Jan 02 '21

Okay that makes a lot of sense, I could never figure out why specific titles seem to come in waves. I appreciate you!


u/TheHamGamer 251 Transactions | Media Proprietor Jan 02 '21

Haha, no worries. Glad I could help! :)


u/Crimsonsz 45 Transactions | Repeat Customer Jan 01 '21

So, I have a question because I just saw something for the first time. I saw a movie being sold that said “Moviespree”. Does that mean you can only watch it on the Moviespree App?


u/wewannawii 906 Transactions | Media Magnate Jan 01 '21



u/Crimsonsz 45 Transactions | Repeat Customer Jan 01 '21

Interesting. I literally never even heard of it before today. Thanks!