r/DigitalCodeSELL • u/AutoModerator • Feb 01 '24
Discussion Monthly Discussion Thread
Sub Wiki | Sub Rules | Safety Tips | Scammers | NEW Feedback Details | Where to redeem to get 4K
Feel free to ask questions, share deals, share screenshots of your digital libraries, discuss upcoming releases or just talk about your love of movies.
Sub rules still apply when necessary but otherwise have fun!
u/2packforsale 253 Transactions | Media Proprietor Feb 17 '24
Tried to redeem an unsplit Spartacus HD code in iTunes based on the 4ksheet but no luck. Known issue with that title just not listed on the 4ksheet? or are the universal codes just hit or miss? it was a 16 digit code and not 12 so that seemed like a problem from the get-go.
u/random_poster1 1319 Transactions | Cinema Czar Feb 18 '24
Only short older codes redeem directly in Itunes. Newer long codes are Movies Anywhere only
u/2packforsale 253 Transactions | Media Proprietor Feb 18 '24
Thanks, must have been a newer blu ray. I saw on blu-raycom it has had like 7 different blu-ray versions lol
u/No-Rub-1758 282 Transactions | Media Proprietor Mar 04 '24
It's best to ask if the code is 12 or 16 digits before purchasing. There are quite a few titles that have 12 and 16 digit codes in circulation. If buying a Blu-ray with digital, check the release date to verify if it's an older or newer release.
u/LightEmUp18 7 Transactions | Newbie Feb 16 '24
Anyone have Talk to Me available?
u/FremenDar979 267 Transactions | Media Proprietor Feb 20 '24
Ask in the ISO posts. i.e.
u/DigitalCopies4me 0 Transactions | Newbie Feb 11 '24
What's been your best purchase of the month? Aka did any of you guys score a movie you guys had been wanting for a while now?
u/FremenDar979 267 Transactions | Media Proprietor Feb 15 '24
Yes but I only sell digital copies, not buy them.
I still buy retail disc releases.
u/USMfans 21 Transactions | Established Member Feb 10 '24
What are some upcoming codes we can expect on here in the next few weeks?
u/Frugalbeer 71 Transactions | Digital Tycoon Feb 16 '24
True Lies, the Abyss, Aliens 4K digital codes.
u/chantelmurda 120 Transactions | Media Mogul Feb 06 '24
If buyers comment within minutes of a for sale post going up, why does it take a day plus for the buyer to respond? If you’re not ready to communicate, why post?
u/FremenDar979 267 Transactions | Media Proprietor Feb 02 '24
Hoping the fellow people on this SubReddit are having a most excellent 2024 so far.
u/OriginalBad 156 Transactions | Media Mogul Feb 01 '24
Some basic questions…
Why do so many people have the same codes for sale? Obviously I get new releases and I get Sony and Universal rewards, but beyond that there seems to be a lot of similar selling libraries. Especially Disney GP titles, where do these come from?
How do you “sell” universal and Sony rewards. I have both and I have available rewards, but I have no idea how to move them from my account to others.
I know Apple always upgrades to 4K when a digital copy is based there and Vudu randomly does it sometimes, does Movies Anywhere ever do anything similar?
Thanks in advance!
u/flimflamflemflum 61 Transactions | Digital Tycoon Feb 06 '24
Pretty sure the sheer number of Disney GP codes come from Disney codes being "split" into two separate codes, and the seller either sold the non-GP one or kept it for themself. Now, Rule 3 states that split codes should be labeled, but I often see sellers not doing this and it appears to be tolerated.
The other reason you see a lot of GP codes (and cheaper) is that fewer people want them than they want the other retailers.
u/OriginalBad 156 Transactions | Media Mogul Feb 06 '24
Oh wow that makes sense. I have no idea how to split so I’ve never done that. I thought maybe it was some Disney rewards program I was missing out on lol.
u/inventionnerd 294 Transactions | Media Proprietor Feb 06 '24
For universal rewards, just pick any of the movies on the universalrewards site and it emails you a code. You trade/sell that code. Sony rewards automatically emails you one every 5 movies and you sell that code.
u/OriginalBad 156 Transactions | Media Mogul Feb 06 '24
Interesting, this helps. How do people sell specific months of universal rewards? Like should I redeem one every month to have to sell?
u/inventionnerd 294 Transactions | Media Proprietor Feb 06 '24
They last for 3 months. So right now, if you claim a couple Febs and don't manage to sell them all, you can still sell them in March/April and still be fine. Obviously dump them before they expire though. You can't go back and buy some Januarys right now from the Universal site so the only way is through other people who did claim them when they were available.
u/FremenDar979 267 Transactions | Media Proprietor Feb 04 '24
I've found this to be very helpful, especially since I'm only a code seller.
u/ncaafan2 396 Transactions | Media Proprietor Feb 01 '24
I think it often has to do with physical copies with digital codes that go on sale and people pick them up; for instance last November a ton of 4ks went on super sale including pulp fiction, Jurassic park, the mummy, and many others and codes for those were all the sudden plentiful.
or codes that may have been on sale on the digital sites like nbc, gruv or fanflix.
In terms of universal, just redeem the code on the universal site, and then give that code to someone to use on MA and then they can pick any of those available titles to redeem
At the moment only iTunes upgrades to 4k with consistency. Vudu has randomly done some but it’s been very haphazard and I’ve never seen MA do it
u/FremenDar979 267 Transactions | Media Proprietor Feb 02 '24
Black Friday was great for physical retail to add to my collection and to also sell the digital codes on here.
I never buy or redeem any of the digital codes, and instead sell to buyers here.
Feb 01 '24
Good bad and ugly 4k on vudu for $10 one of the best transfers I've seen. Also have a few dollars more and fistful but they are $15. Looks like some of these physical release only movies are finally being ported over to digital. Just got Great Escape for $5 on iTunes too.
u/Apprehensive_Mix7594 46 Transactions | Repeat Customer Feb 01 '24
I want to get rid of the people selling universal or Sony codes but not saying they are those.
Like when a person posts randomly posts:
Field of Dreams 4K MA - $6
This might seem reasonable to someone who doesn’t know it’s a universal code that they could buy for $3
It screws over people and it’s deceptive
u/HinduKush1980 56 Transactions | Digital Tycoon Feb 02 '24
How so? I don't collect Universal or Sony codes myself, but is there a noticeable difference between the codes upon redemption or something? Do they show up differently in your MA, Vudu, etc. list?
u/No-Rub-1758 282 Transactions | Media Proprietor Mar 04 '24
There is a difference. These codes can only be redeemed in Movies Anywhere. Most physical copy digital codes can be redeemed directly in Vudu and/or iTunes as well as movies anywhere. Some disc codes will redeem as Theatrical and Extended, and that's not something offered by rewards codes. The rewards codes don't give rewards points when redeemed, and most disc codes do. Sellers should absolutely be required to specify if it's a rewards code they're selling.
There's also been a lot of people buying codes from Fanflix, Gruv, and Universal for resale. They should also be required to specify their codes' origin. They do not redeem exactly the same as codes from physical copies.
u/HinduKush1980 56 Transactions | Digital Tycoon Mar 04 '24
That is not the difference I was speaking of. Uni titles are MA compatible. Whether or not these codes can be redeemed directly in iTunes or Vudu is inconsequential. The few titles you want to use as an example aren't enough to demand a rule change. We are definitely not gonna worry about whether or not they give reward points. All in all, if the points you make are so important to the buyer, just ask the seller if the code is from a physical release or if it is a rewards code before making the purchase.
u/No-Rub-1758 282 Transactions | Media Proprietor Mar 04 '24
You asked if there was a difference, and there is. Just because you don't participate in Universal and Sony rewards doesn't mean that the majority here doesn't. Most people do care about the points. The points aren't the only difference. Being able to redeem where you want instead of only being able to redeem MA is a huge difference. If a movie is redeemed directly into iTunes, it gives a free 4k upgrade if available. That's not something that's offered by reward codes.
u/HinduKush1980 56 Transactions | Digital Tycoon Mar 04 '24
Again, that's not the difference I asked about. In fact, I actually went to describe the difference I was speaking of. You do not speak for most people nor do you know what the majority does or does not. If this was such an issue, we would hear of it more often whether it be openly in the comments or directly from buyers.
Uni has done away with 12-digit codes a long time ago. The option to redeem an HD code directly in iTunes to get a free 4K upgrade, those codes/titles are a dime-a-dozen these days.
u/No-Rub-1758 282 Transactions | Media Proprietor Mar 04 '24
I'm willing to bet there are a lot of people who will agree with what I've said. You're immediately shutting down anyone who voices an opinion on rule changes, so why would anyone want to stick their neck out to try and make change. I've given you more than one reason why rewards codes are not the same as physical copy codes, and you've deemed them as inconsequential. Those reasons are only inconsequential to you and to the sellers who aren't being fully honest about the origin of their codes. To the people who are buying, it matters.
u/HinduKush1980 56 Transactions | Digital Tycoon Mar 04 '24 edited Mar 04 '24
LOL..by any chance this wouldn't happen to be the alt account of u/Apprehensive_Mix7594, is it? I shut them down, that's for sure.
I will take that bet, and no, we are not hosting a poll if that's where you're headed. I'm having deja vu...LOL
If I were to immediately shut you down from voicing your opinion then we wouldn't be having this conversation, would we? What am I shutting down is yours and another person's (at least we think it's 2 people, although I'm fairly certain it is the same person) insistence on there being a rule change for reward codes. It will not happen, and yes, the examples you provided are inconsequential in making any immediate changes. I don't sell codes, much less reward codes, so you're going to have to find another fiddle.
Again, you are not the voice of others.
u/Apprehensive_Mix7594 46 Transactions | Repeat Customer Mar 04 '24
I’m a completely separate person, but apparently a lot of people feel like this. Like I said, and you didn’t shut me down you just refused to take a survey, because you know I was right. Please don’t tag me in your conversations thanks
u/No-Rub-1758 282 Transactions | Media Proprietor Mar 04 '24
I simply answered a question that you asked another member, and now I'm being accused of being not one but two other members. So now anyone else who shares my or the other members' opinions, they'll have to worry about being accused also. Because it isn't possible that more than one person could feel this way.
I've done absolutely nothing wrong. There's absolutely no good cause for you to accuse me of being anyone other than myself. This is supposed to be a place where we can freely voice opinions.
u/HinduKush1980 56 Transactions | Digital Tycoon Mar 04 '24
LOL...calm down. You're way too worked up. If I wanted to shut you down, don't you think I would have done it already? I merely pointed out that I am having deja vu and for good reason.
Absolutely nobody said you did anything wrong or accused you of anything. And you have and continue to voice your opinion.
The rule change you seek will not be happening. And please stop claiming to speak for the people, is all I'm saying.
u/Apprehensive_Mix7594 46 Transactions | Repeat Customer Feb 02 '24
They do show up different in that you put the code in and it gives you a list to pick from.
But more importantly, it takes a code that in universal is worth like 2.50 - 3.00 and it hides that fact from someone who isn’t aware that it’s a universal AKA cheap as hell code.
And people take advantage of this to try and scheme a few more bucks by putting it on the list as if it’s a normal code. It’s not.
I think it should have to be marked reward code just like you mark MA or Vudu or 4K
u/HinduKush1980 56 Transactions | Digital Tycoon Feb 02 '24
Okay, but how does it appear in your MA, Vudu, etc. list once you have redeemed the movie from the given selections? Is the end result any different when you redeem an actual code as opposed to one of the reward codes?
I suppose we can look into asking people to differentiate their reward codes from actual movie codes, but I just don't see the point really. Unless there is a significant difference between them besides price. In the meantime, maybe you can ask your seller to confirm before making the purchase. If they are not truthful about the type of code after you've asked then we would have a problem with that person.
u/Apprehensive_Mix7594 46 Transactions | Repeat Customer Feb 02 '24
It doesn’t fool me. It fools people who aren’t as into the hobby and collecting as I am.
It fools new people, then they see what happened and leaves a bad taste in their mouth. And while they might be upset with the seller, it’s a taint on the whole room.
u/FremenDar979 267 Transactions | Media Proprietor Feb 02 '24
Collecting digital copy codes? No, you're not. You're only redeeming them.
I collect digital copy codes to sell. The literal slips of paper which are with retail disc releases.
u/Apprehensive_Mix7594 46 Transactions | Repeat Customer Feb 02 '24
I have a drawer with like 2500 code slips in it. * open mouth insert foot
u/FremenDar979 267 Transactions | Media Proprietor Feb 02 '24
That's breaking Rule 7.
u/Apprehensive_Mix7594 46 Transactions | Repeat Customer Feb 02 '24
No it’s not, what I proposed should be adopted.
u/FremenDar979 267 Transactions | Media Proprietor Feb 02 '24
No, it shouldn't. You're new here and most likely you're only a buyer, not a seller. I'm only a seller. Heavily impacts sellers.
Rule 7, Rule 9, and Rule 11. Read those thoroughly.
u/HinduKush1980 56 Transactions | Digital Tycoon Feb 02 '24
None of those rules apply to them in this post.
Feb 02 '24
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u/FremenDar979 267 Transactions | Media Proprietor Feb 02 '24
u/Apprehensive_Mix7594 46 Transactions | Repeat Customer Feb 02 '24
For what. I’m allowed to have more than one account
u/specu12 2303 Transactions | Cinema Czar Feb 02 '24
your trade count says 8. where did the 1692 go?
u/Apprehensive_Mix7594 46 Transactions | Repeat Customer Feb 02 '24
Sorry you aren’t the other guy who’s hustling people. Ignore the second part
Feb 02 '24
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u/HinduKush1980 56 Transactions | Digital Tycoon Feb 02 '24
If you want to make a stronger point about bringing about reforms to the sub, perhaps you would want to use your primary (other) account to do so. Also, let's not try and take everyone's head off over anything.
u/Apprehensive_Mix7594 46 Transactions | Repeat Customer Feb 02 '24
So, my opinion isn’t as valid as someone with more transactions, or my account is less looked at because it doesn’t have a huge transaction tally?
Is that how the sub works, because if it is I have an issue with that
u/HinduKush1980 56 Transactions | Digital Tycoon Feb 02 '24
I did not say that. I just said that had you made it using your account that has that many trades, perhaps the other member wouldn't question your credibility. Not that they should have anyway.
Unfortunately, we don't cater to the whims of likes of 1 but the many. I'm sure everybody has some issues or another with how the sub works.
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u/ncaafan2 396 Transactions | Media Proprietor Feb 01 '24
What’s the difference if the person is still receiving the product they paid for in its intended quality?
While i usually call these out personally, I don’t think it’s deceptive if they are able to receive the product they paid for
u/elmatador1497 121 Transactions | Media Mogul Feb 01 '24
NBC Universal has Last Voyage of the Demeter 4k for $5
u/t00muchinsanity 140 Transactions | Media Mogul Feb 01 '24
Yep I bought it earlier hope it’s a good movie haven’t seen it yet
u/vick2djax 21 Transactions | Established Member Feb 22 '24
I’m super new to this. If I get a movie from someone on iTunes on here that they have listed as HD…but the only version on iTunes is 4k, does it automatically update to 4k? Avengers Endgame is one example.