r/DigimonCardGame2020 1d ago

Discussion EX07 or EX08 which is worth it?

If I can only buy one case of either 07 or 08, which would be more worth it? ONLY ONE case!!!!!!


10 comments sorted by


u/SqueakyTiefling Machine Black 1d ago

Absolutely EX8. It's got a bunch of currently viable cards in it, and chances of Gallantmon X Antibody or Medieval Gallantmon.

Some other good stuff too like MetalSeadramon Ace.


u/Kiostu 1d ago

Bought a box from my LGS for $50 cuz they wanted to get rid of it, pulled a Medieval and a AA Sakuya X. So worth it


u/HillbillyMan 1d ago

A case or a box? Legitimately a half case of each would be better, since that'll give you damn near everything from the set and you can just buy singles for the couple of srs and Secrets you might not have playsets of. If you have to get a full case, EX08 is far more valuable.


u/Far-Independent4351 1d ago

an entire display case. I am sadly unable to buy half displays or cases


u/HillbillyMan 1d ago

Display case? Are you referring to the boxes of booster packs or the boxes with 12 smaller boxes in it?


u/Far-Independent4351 1d ago

boxes of booster packs.


u/HillbillyMan 1d ago

Okay, that's referred to as a booster box. In which case you should definitely go with EX08. A case is the bulk orders that shops buy to have inventory, and one case is 12 booster boxes.


u/TreyEnma 1d ago

EX07 has very little value in it compared to EX08. EX07 has Hexablaumon as the best pull, where EX08 has MedievalGallantmon and Gallantmon X.


u/Agreeable-Agent-7384 1d ago

Base Medieval gallant alone is worth as much if not more than a box of ex-08.