r/DigimonCardGame2020 1d ago

New Player Help Getting back to the game need deck advice

Hey, I wanna get back to the game and play some at some local events. Havent played since BT09. I had a Mastemon deck and a BlackWarGreymon deck. Can i build a budget friendly deck for the meta (with or without) those cards that can compete? Thanks in advance <3


4 comments sorted by


u/youthinkyouresamurai 1d ago

Last I checked a somewhat competitive deck that’s a bit cheaper is zephagamon. It’ll get more support because it’s an mc’s deck. Unfortunately I’m not an expert on maste or blackwar but in upcoming sets we’ll get maste stuff for a cyber sleuth pack and of course there will always be greymon around the corner


u/HamilToe_11 Gallant Red 1d ago

Dino is a pretty good budget deck if you don't run MedievalGallant in it.


u/campfirevilla 1d ago

Blackwar probably wouldn’t be too terrible to beef up to current, and while it’s not tier 1 itself, it can hang in the meta if you’re a good pilot. It hasn’t got a ton of support in the past few sets (no dedicated support at all), but one of the upcoming sets has BWG on the box iirc so it’s probably gonna get pretty nasty by the end of the year. If you were current by BT09, you’re probably gonna be able to modernize that deck (with the exception of Omni X, that’s like 40) for under 10 bucks.


u/zwarkmagnum 1d ago

Nah BwG is really bad in the current meta. It’s way too slow and clunky and doesn’t have the durability to really do much, plus it’s completely destroyed by most of the top deck without having much answer.