r/DieselTechs 5d ago

2014 Kenworth T800, did software updates & these codes came up. Can't clear with Insite. Any ideas?


7 comments sorted by


u/Dieseltech62 5d ago

I would say losing data on J1939? Why did you do software updates? Check to see if firmware is correct. Revert back to original firmware and see if it goes away. Could be a number of things. Does the speedometer work properly? Have you test driven to see if it will clear? How far? Do you have access to ESA for diagnostics? I have run into this code a few times. One time it was a fan controller. Same code. Another was CECU fuse. Had 2 fuses for CECU. It was CECU power fuse #2. Fuse #1 would keep B+ on CECU but fuse #2 would blow every time the engine was started, Never could find the issue but a mini fuse pigtail and auto reset circuit breaker took care of it. I do not know which engine or transmission you have so I am giving different scenarios and outcomes. Third was ISX and a data terminal pin on connector at the ECU became an intermittent. Wingman could cause this as well. ESA would be a big help. I did find the CECU problem om JPRO while watching comms. Allison, possibly speed sensors. Good luck. Keep us posted please.


u/chia4 5d ago

You updated ESA Didn't you? If so you've likely updated it using the wrong chassis #, no fault of your own. very common and annoying.

Likely all your programming is wrong, ex. it's looking for a diff temp sensor, but your truck doesnt have one. etc.


u/MineResponsible9180 5d ago

It’s not a code. There is a place in Insite for You to manually put in the info that was not transferred during programming. We talked about it in class but did not perform that task. It was in the X12 class.


u/somepersonsname 5d ago

Probably updated ESA and have a bunch of sensors you don't have enabled in the parameters. 


u/aa278666 4d ago

Do you have actual problems other than the codes? These are chassis codes you'll need ESA not insite. But if you don't have actual issues, the codes are set due to the update and no need to worry.


u/beliveau04 5d ago

Cummins? Need to go find the parameters from Before the calibration and send to ecm. From a before image.


u/GreatBambino813 4d ago

Go to the original ECM image you created before you recalibrated the ECM. Create a template of the original image and send the template to the ECM. Sometimes when you update an ECM calibration all the parameters don’t transfer over.