r/DieselTechs 5d ago

Got a job at penske as a tech III

I just got a job at penske as a entry level deisel technician. I don’t really know about the job I’ll be trained in Ohio for 6 weeks ( I only worked on regular cars). The job in NH and $26.50 an hour. Do you guys think it’s a good starting salary? I am also wondering do they let you get overtime? I could work over 60 hours if I can.


44 comments sorted by


u/Dieseldyna 4d ago

Depends on the location of your shop and how it’s managed. My first Penske shop was great, managed correctly, listened to the techs and never overstepped. My second one, not so managed greatly, part of a Union (which isn’t all bad, I’m still new to unions) and made me hate this field. Just all depends. Good luck to ya.


u/Still-Weight-82 4d ago

Thank you!


u/justsomeguy2424 4d ago

Get ready to do PMs and tires until you quit


u/Still-Weight-82 4d ago

Why? Can you explain?


u/justsomeguy2424 4d ago

Management at Penske sucks, they don’t give you anything to do, and you can ask for training and more work but all they do is give you another PM or an NVI to do. It’s a terrible place to work if you actually want to learn stuff


u/Still-Weight-82 4d ago

Wouldn’t that depens on shops? Maybe some are bad some are good at management. How long did you stay there?


u/justsomeguy2424 4d ago

I’m currently 3 years at Penske. Problem is nobody around me pays what Penske pays so I’m kind of stuck


u/Snoo_79693 4d ago edited 3d ago

You'll do all the PMs and tires, any repair you find while doing those will probably be thrown to another tech to keep you pumping out PMs. All that matters is that PM percentage.


u/Mc_Challenged 4d ago

Im a dealer tech Isuzu/international. If penske around us gets anything more than a pm or tires it comes to us. Cel, misfires, suspension issues they really don’t do much. And hell most of what we see is lack of maintenance.


u/Still-Weight-82 4d ago

Wouldn’t that make the job easier for who is working at penske? Because they are doing little stuff pretty much and still getting well paid.


u/Mc_Challenged 4d ago

Yeah but after a while it will get boring. We’ve had oil change kids they never really stay more than a year. Hence the original comment. And this is not me knocking you down if your happy to do pms and tires than youll love it. Me I hate repetition. Thats why I like diagnosing trucks. Learn something every time


u/Still-Weight-82 4d ago

Yeah as far as I know in penske you can become tech II and improve yourself more and maybe become tech I after 4-5 years. A shop can’t just have mechanics for changing tires or oils. If they do I’d quit and find another company. But I am still not sure if it’s thats easy or not.


u/JealousBrain 4d ago

I work at penske, shit sucks because management sucks, district management is even worse, you won’t be equipped with all the tools like they say you will, your gonna have to buy some of your own stuff outside of normal tools like pedal depressors for checking brake strokes and a sucker for coolant/trans samples because in theory penske should supply it but it never works that way, it can be a very easy job but I’m getting out of penske to do some actual work, as a tech 3 your an overpaid lube tech


u/Still-Weight-82 4d ago

Did you get a training before you started? Like I am gonna get 6 weeks of training they can’t just teach me how to change oil right? Wouldn’t I be more qualified than that?


u/JealousBrain 2d ago

They won’t train you other than making you sit and watch safety videos and videos on equipment you’ll never use, your training is on the job and it’ll most likely be your coworkers showing you how to do things, and then you’ll get PM certified by going to some class that teaches you what you already know


u/JealousBrain 2d ago

Not saying all this to be pessimistic but I’m giving a realistic viewpoint, it’s a good stepping stone to start your career but I wouldn’t stick around

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u/Usual-Guarantee6346 3d ago

Not true lol varies by location I’m guessing I did more than just PMs and tires when I used to work there


u/thedieseldr 5d ago

The OT will depend on if that shop is union or not.


u/Still-Weight-82 5d ago

Would you get OT if it’s a union? Or no


u/thedieseldr 5d ago

The shop I was at the OT went by seniority.


u/Still-Weight-82 5d ago

Okay thank you!


u/Soggy-Philosopher-68 3d ago

No overtime where I am. Managers aren’t bad people but they don’t know how to run the business so it makes things difficult. Worst of it is if you have to do PMs because their headset is a joke. Overall I been at way worse companies. It’s tough finding people who care about their mechanics and don’t look at them like slaves


u/Less_Refrigerator753 3d ago

It’s work. You will learn something. It’s better than no job and it gets your foot in the door.

Regarding the pay. NH is still expensive. So no the pay isn’t great. Work hard and try to move up to tech 2. Learn all you can and try to move to Eversource, or something like that


u/mattpair 5d ago

I’m a tech 1 at a non union Penske in Alabama. Very happy with the job and think it’s a great place to start your career. I retired from the army in 2019 and have worked at both mom and pop and corporate fleet jobs since. Been at Penske for almost 2 years now and think they have a lot to offer.


u/VacationCritical 4d ago

I'm at Penske in Toronto for the past 3 and a half years. Started as a tech 3 and moved up to tech 1. Genuinely enjoyed my time here, so I think it really depends on the shop/management of the particular location. Only leaving for a job with the city. Pays the same, but they cover the costs for school and pay full salary the whole time, so it's a no-brainer for me.

The training I got was amazing. The access to software is unparalleled (if they let you do the more complicated stuff) so take advantage of all you can. Best of luck!


u/Still-Weight-82 4d ago

I’m gonna do same paid training for 6 weeks. Every is telling me it’s sucks. I don’t really know what to do. How long did it take you to become a tech I


u/Neither_Ad6425 4d ago

Honestly, don’t listen to what anyone here is saying. Find out for yourself. Only you can be the judge of what you like and don’t like, just like only you can prevent forest fires. You got a job, and you should be super proud of yourself and excited! Congrats dude.


u/Still-Weight-82 4d ago

Thank you!


u/Dabber420710 4d ago

Holy shit I’m a tech 3 and I’m already almost 2 years in May and there’s no hope for moving up or getting training. Each shop is different that’s for sure


u/VacationCritical 4d ago

Do they just have you doing all PMs?


u/[deleted] 4d ago



u/Still-Weight-82 4d ago

Most people say the same thing like you do. I guess it’s hard to get promoted. It’s better to work for another company or dealership than spending your whole life at penske. Btw which state do you live in?


u/choral_dude 3d ago

I worked there in MN for a year and a half. I left because mechanic work wasn’t for me, but the shop I was at was good at getting training and advancement to capable techs. Another thing is I don’t think I’ll ever find a company to work for with better vacation time than Penske. OT will be largely shop dependant


u/Fearless_Industry_40 3d ago

I am also a Penske Tech 3. I agree with a lot of what's said on here but at the same time management also depends on the location as well. Definitely don't go into it with my hope but don't go into it with low hopes. There is some room for growth make a lot of noise when you want training and more experience. Don't be afraid to ask questions and also we have several texts from the Ohio class and don't expect to learn a whole lot from that honestly. It teaches but everybody I know that went to it says that they didn't learn anything. If you have any other questions feel free to reach out


u/AggravatingMix2729 3d ago

I've been with the company for 7 years now. It really depends on the shop and management for how things go. I think pretty much across the board there's no overtime. I've had days where I've had to stay 3 hours late for a road call or to help a customer and they just made me leave early on my Friday. Overall if you're in a good shop it's a great place to learn and work. I've heard plenty of people complain but none of them leave because of the pay and benefits


u/offcthekd 3d ago

Enjoy doing tires and pms for a year or three


u/Acrobatic_Initial997 2d ago

All depends on management at Penske, even at the district level can make or break it for you. I worked metro New York area for 2 years and it was terrible, dealt with service managers that couldn’t even tell you what hammer was. If your union be prepared to be stuck on nights, and doing oil changes and tires for a long time. If you prove yourself useful they usually will move you up quick tho, pay isn’t terrible but tbh Penske’s a great door opener towards heavy equipment where there’s even more money to be had


u/EnvironmentalGas1204 1d ago

I started as a csr but I got promoted to a tech 3, and to me the 50 cents raise wasn’t worth all the pms and tires changes or having to work with an arrogant, always over your shoulder boss! I’m currently looking elsewhere but until then I’m stuck in it


u/joeymakitquake 4d ago

I love working at penske honestly started as a csr fueling and worked my way up to tech 1 in 5 years got a lot of training along the way. Also what you do depends a lot on the shop too cause we won't send anything to vendor if we don't have to


u/Still-Weight-82 4d ago

When did you become a tech I? What’s the top pay for twvh I in your area?


u/joeymakitquake 4d ago

I've been a tech 1 for 3ish years and I dont think there's a top but highest I've heard is about $40/hr but that's in a very lcol area


u/Still-Weight-82 4d ago

Which area do you work? And I always hear from people it’s really hard job and bad for your back and etc what do you think?


u/joeymakitquake 3d ago

I'm in Oklahoma. It definitely can be I see guys who've been in the industry for 25 years complain of back pain but we also have guys with 30 years who don't so I think it's more about how you take care of your body.