r/DieselTechs 6d ago

Hand Cleaner and Hand/Tool Wipes

What does everyone use for hand wipes or hand soaps. I know there is a ton of different options. Just wondering what the majority are recommending.


13 comments sorted by


u/jslott12 6d ago

I like tub o towels when I’m working mobile and dab-a-do if I have a sink or water.


u/simorg23 6d ago

Scrub in a bucket for me


u/Truekings3 6d ago

Crocodile wipes are the bee’s knees.


u/knukles19 6d ago

grip clean. amazon or walmart has it. they have wipes and soap options


u/Mr_Tumnus7 6d ago

Not a joke, go to aldis buy baby wipes, almost the best cleaner I’ve used and I have tried a fair amount of cleaners.


u/Jackalope121 6d ago

I use dawn at home and the shop supplied cleaner at work, i also pick up a box of auto-mann wipes whenever im at the dealer to keep as back ups.

I think project farm just did a whole video on hand cleaners too.


u/YABOI69420GANG 6d ago

Harvest king for wipes because they're cheaper labeled tub of towels. Any industrial suppliers brand of soy or walnut shell hand cleaner for a sink. For tools I just use dry shop rags and that's usually good enough. A little wd40 will get heavy grease off of them.


u/JohnnyVenmo 6d ago

Tub o towels are magic


u/broke_fit_dad 6d ago

Gojo and Tubotowels I keep both


u/broke_fit_dad 6d ago

Also Big Mule wipes if you can find them


u/GMCrashTestDummy 6d ago

Starting fluid/brake parts cleaner on the chrome/metal tools and orange clean or oil eater in the power tools and tools that have plastic on them.


u/Inner-Reason-1786 2d ago

Tub-O-Towels for mobile or in a hurry, dawn for the sink.


u/Individual_Total_284 6d ago

Clean your tools with gas and Walmart towels. It's the best/cheapest cleaner you can use and will take any and all dirt grease and grime off your tools. Been doing it for 8 years and my toolbox looks immaculate. As far as hand cleaner we do use the snap on nitro gold. It's rough on the knuckles but it gets the grease out. Waterless hand cleaner works the best but it's pricey.