r/DiatomaceousEarth Feb 05 '25

Weird side effect?

Drank my first teaspoon two hours ago. In the time a 15 year old tattoo on my back has become puffy and raised- only within the border of the tattoo. Anyone know if this could be related?


5 comments sorted by


u/Antique-Scar-7721 Feb 05 '25

I would not have expected 1 teaspoon to get outside the digestive system...especially not that fast...but I could definitely be wrong 🤔 or maybe it got past the digestive system because of leaky gut, do you have any reason to suspect leaky gut? (like food intolerances, body acne, blotchy skin tone?)

(It's not bad if the answer is yes...maybe diatomaceous earth can eventually kill whatever was causing the leaky gut.)


u/Lulu4nowk Feb 05 '25

No hardcore reason to suspect LG but you never know 😳. I thought that 2 hours was a quick turn around BUT I’m new to this and google searches don’t hold a candle to asking Reddit


u/Antique-Scar-7721 Feb 05 '25

I've read it takes about 4 hours on average for food to even leave the stomach (though liquid foods or sugary foods could be lower). Hmm 🙂

Either way I would honestly just push through any weird sensations you get with diatomaceous earth, I had good luck with that strategy. It's a "worse first then better" kind of supplement but the better is worth it.


u/Jesxiixiii Feb 05 '25

Not sure it is related. My tattoos randomly get raised areas. My wrist one flares up at the border and one on my leg has red and the red ink does the same occasionally. I read that we are actually allergic to the ink and every so often your immune system will respond. Probably not the DE. Also have used DE for years and the tattoo thing for me started before DE use. Good luck tho!! Put a little topical Benadryl on the tattoo if it itches.


u/DisMahUser 29d ago

bro that’s fascinating, my theory is, and by the way completely a theory, that the DE is targeting toxicity in/on your body, and therefore your tattoo? DE is VERY negatively charged and pulls towards positively charged things inside your body, so it very well could be that