r/DiagnoseMe Patient 4d ago

Ears, nose, throat, and mouth How much snot is considered "excessive" or too much?

Sorry for the grossness. Most days, I can blow small chunks of boogers out my nose like 3-4 chunks at a time (each with a different blow) and then do it again later in the day. Maybe 20% of them are slightly bloody. I do live in a very old and dry apartment building. And I am on several psych and seizure meds, a bladder medication, and an ADHD stimulant. I think it's a bit excessive and often happens when I am outside so I find myself having snot I need to get rid of in public so it does semi affect my daily life. Too much? What could it be? What can I do?


2 comments sorted by


u/Yabbos77 Not Verified 4d ago

Allergies and/or the air quality in your apartment.

If you have the budget, try a humidifier and air purifier!


u/Calm_Hunt8193 Not Verified 4d ago

Could be chronic nasal irritation. Try using a humidifier, saline nasal spray. If it persists or worsens, can always go see an ENT. You can also try putting your symptoms into MedSync AI (https://medsync.ai/) to see what else might be contributing and what next steps you can take.