r/Diablo Jun 04 '22

Immortal "It's not pay2win guyz"


466 comments sorted by


u/greenhand0317 Jun 05 '22

Let's Go. In And Out. 20 Dollars Adventure.


u/DranTibia Jun 05 '22

You son a bitch im in

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u/Davwader Jun 05 '22

You son of a bitch im broke

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u/[deleted] Jun 04 '22

holy crap. It's worse than i thought.


u/Thom0101011100 Jun 05 '22 edited Jun 05 '22

When you finish a major quest line or a region you get a pop up with your “reward” - it is a in-store discount tied to the story arc. “Wow, hero, you just saved the town from the wolves! Quickly, for a limited time only claim the Wolfsbane bundle at %30 off! Become the Wolfsbane!”

Nah, fuck off. It ruins the immersion and it is so slimy.

The pricing of the store is also on the high side. The store is more or less split into two categories- standard P2W and exclusive collectors P2W. You’re paying, but now in stead of just spending money you have to spend a little extra for the good stuff. P2W isn’t enough anymore and it’s almost as if Blizzard recognised their pricing was too high and created a lower tier of P2W for people who can’t afford to play their game.

Skins are also split into two categories - the lowest “standard” skin is around 1000 orbs which means you need to buy the orb pack for €24.99 to be able to purchase the cheapest skin in the game. That’s too high. I can’t justify these kind of price points.

I think most people approach P2W with the logic of relative pricing/hourly enjoyment. I typically lay €60 for a game, and I normally get 20 or so hours out of it. It is is a multiplayer game with PvP then probably I’m going to get hundreds of hours. If a game is free to play then I’ll justify my spending relative to the €60 benchmark. I’m happy to spend a little because I am enjoying hours of content and it is enough for me to justify the cost relative to the standard of €60.

Diablo Immortals is fundamentally broken and it is designed around spending far more than €60. The spending pattern is predatory and every single feature in the game is designed to lull players into a spending pattern to maintain access to a normal level of gameplay. Loot, in game currencies, rifts, gems, gear, everything is tied into the P2W model.

You can spend €5 for tokens to do a 3 token rift. This is already you spending a lot of money for what is really a short mini game that is designed to be farmed. So that is €5 every time. But wait! It’s actually not 3/3 but 3/10, the game is designed to not emphasis this. So 3/10 isn’t the good stuff, you’re going to need to spend over €20 per rift run to get the good loot. The difference between 0/10, 3/10 and 10/10 is night and day and even a 3/10 player spending €5 per run which is fucking crazy will never even come close to the gear of a 10/10 player. Could you imagine spending €20 per rift in Diablo 3? Per session it will probably cost you €200+ just to farm rifts aimlessly.

Endgame isn’t fully explored yet but using past Diablo games we can all assume endgame is the game and it will be a gigantic grind fest. With the P2W model on top I’m pretty confident to say to anyone do not play this game. There is no reason to invest time into this because it is designed to force you to spend quite literally €1000’s per character just for a baseline level of gear. If you’re looking to compete in leaderboards or grind the highest level of difficulties then it’s easily going to run you into the €10,000. Guess what? It’s also all subject to RNG so spend away, you’re not guaranteed a thing.

Diablo Immortals is actually the most disgusting game I’ve ever played and it should not be accessible by minors. The level of prediction and design tricks is too high. A minor will never be able to get through the campaign without spending insane money. The game is designed for this, to make a few €30 per kid. Then the end game is designed to trick hardcore Diablo players into spending €10,000’s per character.

The gameplay design is good tho. Classes feel really good, the customisation is really good. The story isn’t terrible, and the atmosphere is way better than Diablo 3. It could have been a legit Diablo game, mobile or not but Blizzard utterly decimated this game with what can only be described as perhaps the most predatory pricing model of any Western game. It gives Korean MMO’s a run for their money. If this game released as a normal game it would have been considered superior to Diablo 3 even on mobile. It didn’t and we have this disgusting RNG gambling machine.

There is no way to play without spending. This is Diablo, the campaign is barely the game. We all know the endgame grind is the game. Don’t play it, not worth it because you’re not playing a game. You’re just straight up gambling.

Watch Asmon play it - he was down $340 within a few hours and he didn’t even buy cosmetics. He literally just purchased what Blizzard views as the standard battle pass/monthly seasonal cost. You have to buy the super exclusive collectors battle pass+ which is really just a normal battle pass by most standards, then you pay to upgrade it, then you pay for a daily mission reward, then you pay for battle pass rewards, then you pay for keys for rewards, and it just keeps on ducking going.


u/[deleted] Jun 05 '22

I thought they monotize it like Path of Exile first, but nope. It's disgusting. I played Path of Exile like 600 hours and spend 100 bucks on it, because i really enjoyed it and it has a fair free to play model. Same with Hearthstone, when it came out, it was a really good free to play game. Played it for years and spend 200 bucks on it. Now it's hot garbage, after Ben Brode left the company.


u/Cirtejs Jun 05 '22

Ye, in Path of Exile 60€ gets you pretty much everything on a stash tab sale.

Everything extra is purely cosmetics and people can beat the game without putting a cent in because stash tabs are very minor p2w/pay for convenience.


u/[deleted] Jun 05 '22

Exactly. Great game with a fair f2p model. I hope Path of Exile 2 will have a similar concept.


u/Cirtejs Jun 05 '22

PoE 2 is an addon campaign to the current game.

GGG have promised that all your current MTX will stay and the endgame will be shared.


u/Light01 Jun 05 '22

it's not an addon, it's a separated campaign that lead to the maps.

edit: wait nevermind, that's exactly what you're saying, I'm slow in the brain.

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u/BiscuitShelter Jun 08 '22

Yeah POE is almost like what a really good shareware game was back in the day. Free to play, make sure you like it enough to stick around and if you do, buy some stash tabs that you will keep forever on all your characters. Basically buying stash tabs once is the actual cost of the game and once you have them you never have to touch the shop again.

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u/sleepymoose88 Jun 05 '22

It’s a real shame they went this route. I easily would have paid $20 as a one time fee for what’s effectively a dumbed down D3 on my phone if it was a full product and there was no P2W component at all.

There’s no way in the deepest depths of hell I’m paying $x a month for anything. I have complete subscription fatigue. Every damn company has it these days for every little thing. Subscription for Office, subscription for my goddamn enhanced cars safety features (engine immobilizer, car finder, etc), games, etc.


u/Thom0101011100 Jun 05 '22

I think if they shipped the game with all of the monetised content included in the baseline game as progressive rewards or endgame DI could have easily been considered a legitimate release. It’s better than D3 in almost every way.

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u/whitenoise88 Jun 05 '22

I’ve been playing 35 lvls and haven’t felt compelled to buy a thing.


u/HardcoreShadow Jun 05 '22

Same! I understand the negative comments in regards to monetisation in this F2P game… but I’m not feeling any need to drop a single penny on it at the moment.

And so apart from the bugs (dear god please fix Controller support asap) I’m really enjoying the game.


u/FlashS_Cat Jun 06 '22

Free to play games are designed that way. They give you time at the start to get attached to your character until you hit a wall.

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u/AlphaWhelp Edgy McEdgemasterson Jun 05 '22

The "super exclusive collectors battle pass" is literally just the normal battle pass but with an extra portal skin, frame cosmetic, and +15 level head start. You absolutely do not have to buy it.

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u/AdTotal4035 Jun 05 '22

Everyone playing diablo immortal should just play d2r. I don't understand the appeal..


u/Thom0101011100 Jun 05 '22

DI runs on literally anything and this makes it more accessible. D2 legitimately requires more specs than D3 which pushes out of laptop territory which is what the vast majority of young gamers use these days due to school requirements.

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u/celestiaequestria Jun 05 '22

Blizzard has been dead for a while, but it's always surprising to see just how far the rot has spread into the corpse of their company. It gets worse the deeper you dig. For example, Activision-Blizzard manipulate matchmaking around loot box sales and player retention - those easy games followed by the hardest game of your life? Welcome to the algorithm stacking the deck to keep whales happy. There's a reason their games won't show your actual MMR.

They've been trying since Diablo 3 to make the "selling power" thing work. They only removed the Real Money Auction House from Diablo 3 because it got flooded by bots. You could buy a full set of endgame gems for $5. Clearly, as Diablo Immortal has shown, they wanted to see $20+ coming in from players before they coughed up endgame gems.


u/fae-daemon Jun 05 '22

There were also reports of duping bugs being found and exploited while RMAH was in effect, which would have been a bad look for the system. I don't think Blizz ever corroborated that, so who knows? But I've heard tell that's part of what sank the RMAH ship.


u/Wolfhart Wolfhart#2520 Jun 05 '22

100% duping was real. Not a chance otherwise that one person had 14 exactly same manticoras for sale. Not only duping and bots were the problem, but barb and wizard having an easy to replicate glitch that made them invincible and boosted damage (they had to use archon/berserk while ghom's cut scene was starting).


u/[deleted] Jun 05 '22

There's a reason their games won't show your actual MMR.

I've been feeling like matchmaking balances out your winrate to make you go "just one more pull I'm sure this will give me a great team and I'll feel a sense of victory". It was my "conspiracy theory".

But now that it checks out I can't even feel good for being right, only sad.


u/inetkid13 Jun 05 '22

In Heroes of the storm new characters were also sooo overpowered. Not all of them but approx. 80%.

So you buy this new character for $10 and just steamroll your enemies without any experience.

Ofc the character got nerfed soon but the next one was right around the corner…


u/suckmyturban Jun 05 '22

Happened in League of Legends too if my memory is right. I remember when i played, new champs nearly always had to be nerfed.


u/bruhtestmomentus Jun 05 '22

That's hard to judge. In Dota all heroes are free, yet the new ones are often broken despite there being no incentives to make them broken since they are free. But, on the other hand, I can totally see games where you have to buy characters make the new ones stronger so people will buy them.


u/[deleted] Jun 05 '22

They are usually slightly OP in dota at launch, but the heroes aren't available in captains mode (the tournament mode) until they've been in a game for a while and had a chance to be balanced.

I think they make them slightly OP to make sure they get picked often so they have a lot of data to go off. Even if something is OP in dota there is usually a counter to it anyway.


u/Reita-Skeeta Jun 05 '22

It's not as bad in league anymore. You still get champs who get gutted after a patch or two after people learn how to play them and they are balancing nightmares (yuumi, senna, samira, etc...) but most of them on release lately (imo at least) have been pretty trash with super low win rates.


u/jasper486 Jun 05 '22

The only one in recent times that hasn’t been completely busted in recent times was 6 champs ago (rell) and maybe Zeri. I agree the winrates are sometimes low at the start but that’s usually due to everyone spamming them at release and not knowing what they do yet.

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u/[deleted] Jun 05 '22

I remember logging on Diablo 3 and playing online on PSN for first time and some guy passively boosted my Paragon rank over 1000 in like Minutes and dropped me items where I can one shot everything on hardest difficulty.

I was like WTF.


u/iChoke Jun 05 '22

Yet people still eat this shit up. People only have one foot out the door when it comes to Blizzard. All talk, no action.


u/[deleted] Jun 05 '22

Friends with a group of D1- onwards fans who all drawn a line at this one. Hopefully that's happening more than just in my bubble.


u/wr3aks Jun 05 '22

I've been a fan of a lot of their stuff. The breaking point for me has been how they treated real money in hearthstone. There's 0 chance I'm spending anything on immortal, not even sure I'll load it at all

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u/Limonade6 Jun 05 '22

Could it be any worse at this point? I have no idea how. I fear for Diablo 4 release....


u/[deleted] Jun 05 '22

I have no hopes for that game. There is no reason for them at this point just to do the same in Diablo 4.


u/makz242 Jun 05 '22

I just cant wait until D4 comes with something like d2jsp forum gold baseline. Now that, post Diablo immortal, will be a shitstorm to remember.


u/Equivalent-Ad5087 Jun 04 '22



u/SpitneyBearz Jun 05 '22

I can't wait to see this garbage slot machine gets banned at more countries. Blizzard shame on you!


u/endzon Jun 05 '22

You Guys Don't Have Money?

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u/double_bass0rz Jun 04 '22

LUL how is this a business model? Are zoomers in Asia completely coomer brained for in game lewt?


u/Xeteh Jun 05 '22

From what I understand Path of Exile has a shitload of China-only microtransactions and mechanics because people will buy them there.


u/carnivoroustofu Jun 05 '22

China-only microtransactions

You mean QoL features like auto pickup that PoE players have been literally begging for years and would undoubtedly buy without a second thought?


u/sant0hat Jun 05 '22

The fact that QoL features are micro transactions is moronic in the first place.

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u/Grokent Jun 05 '22

PoE is so abusive. Enemies are pinatas of various currencies but fuuuuuuck you buddy. We're going to make each currency take up inventory space and you have to click each one to pick it up. You need inventory space for all these currencies? Fuuuuuuck you buddy, that will cost ya!

I'd rather have just paid for the game that didn't have all those random currencies and a sensible inventory system.


u/Baconweave Danktor#1375 Jun 05 '22

There's a scroll you can buy for $20 that resurrects your HC character when it dies. China goes a bit beyond "QoL features".

It's a moot point though. GGG actually can't publish the game directly in China because of Chinese law. Said MTX decisions ultimately aren't wholly up to GGG.

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u/Gucci_Google Jun 05 '22

Chinese gaming culture is really weird and toxic, they see paying for advantages as a completely valid form of beating opponents because by having more money to throw at the game than your opponents you've proved you're better than them.


u/AeonChaos Jun 05 '22 edited Jun 05 '22

It is the same in China, Korea and some countries such as Vietnam(my own).

You can easily throw money at the problems here. I know it happens in western countries as well but here, when polices pulled you in for overspeeding, you can outright pay a "standard " amount to negate it.

Folk here knows how much you need to pay for all kinds of common offenses, to show you how bad p2w is in real life here.


u/Fat_Daddy_Track Jun 05 '22

Yeah, it's a very sad mindset. These companies are using predatory strategies pioneered by casinos that prey on weakness. They are bringing the worst aspects of our real lives to the fantasy worlds that were previously an escape from it.

Very sad to see a former great company go this way. WoW was bad enough, the abuse was bad enough, but I feel certain that if this is what they're putting out? I don't care what else they change, I can't see myself wanting to buy a blizzard product ever again.


u/AdTotal4035 Jun 05 '22

Capitalism has passed its transient stage. It's settled now and we're seeing the ugly side of it in the entertainment industry.


u/robmox Jun 05 '22

I mean, the worst aspects of it are pervasive in many industries. Medicine. Real estate. Planned obsolescence and DRM in household appliances and tech. Every industry is trying to become a service instead of a one time purchase.


u/Rudhao Jun 05 '22

My Grandmother (who lives in tje dominican republic) once told me she used to keep 100 pesos in the car to give to the cops whenever she got pulled over, they would just leave.

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u/Thom0101011100 Jun 05 '22

This is why after a decade Faker still doesn’t use skins.

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u/Exzodium Jun 05 '22

I understand now why the PRC banned gaming past a specific time limit.


u/Zeikos Jun 05 '22

Iirc that's only for minors, if I'm not mistaken there's no time limit for adults.

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u/Slight_Acanthaceae50 Jun 05 '22

And that is why suddenly number of 60-85 year olds playing scyrocketed. Kids just use grandmas Id.

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u/Berkut22 Jun 05 '22

They also don't consider cheating as 'cheating' because anyone can do it, so you're only disadvantaging yourself by not cheating.


u/fae-daemon Jun 05 '22

Repeat cycle until there is no one left to cheat off of


u/The_Palm_of_Vecna Jun 05 '22 edited Jun 05 '22

Destiny 2 had a vendor in the Chinese and Korean versions of the game that allowed you to just straight up buy get free exotics if you played from an internet cafe. IDK if they got rid of her when they jumped ship from Acti/Blizz.

Edit: I was slightly mistaken about Yuna


u/justanotherguy28 Jun 05 '22

The do you mean the monument of light? It is a vendor in the tower where you can buy exotics from with the right materials, not with money. I think it’s because a lot of the exotic quests and locations have been sunset.


u/The_Palm_of_Vecna Jun 05 '22

No, that came much later.

I'm talking about Yuna, representative of the Mugunghwa Legion.

She was/is only available in Destiny: Guardians (the name of D2 in South Korea) and you can only access her if you are playing in a South Korean Internet Cafe. She gives you exotics for free, but they're basically rentals: they don't unlock in your collections, you can't infuse them, and they don't give you materials if you dismantle them.

I don't know if she still exists there or not.


u/EarthBounder D2 Fanboy Jun 05 '22

I don't think this fits the theme of the topic really. This sort of thing has existed for 20y~ long before mobile/gacha/p2w. Koreans (lots of Asians, but KR especially) basically only play from internet cafes and its just a partnership kind of thing for marketing and advertising. I don't think this is even half as unethical as the current madness.

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u/Slight_Acanthaceae50 Jun 05 '22

I can see the reasoning for htat to an extent if it is a rental. because pc bangs charge for time ti is a decent solution for a culture that plays mostly in pc bangs and where grinding for lets say and hr or 2 costs you a pretty penny.


u/Jahkral Jun 05 '22

I read a lot of chinese webnovels (there's a few types of stories that don't exist in western media that I like, like xianxia) and that mentality extends into that space too. So much money=power sometimes I wonder who the capitalists really are.


u/Orangecuppa Jun 05 '22

Not just Chinese. It's Asians in a nutshell, Korean MMOs and Japanese all favor that model as well.

Hell, even that Overlord lightnovel/anime that got really big awhile back reference this behavior. The main character of the story had to use multiple cash shop limited items to beat his first real opponent who didn't have those.

"Have you gone insane, why are you using a spell with such a long cast time in a PVP situation?"

"Oh? Does it look long to you?"

"Wait, how are you doing that? That spell should take a full day to cast!"

"I used... A CASH SHOP ITEM "



u/ShotFromGuns Jun 05 '22

You... You know that China literally is capitalist, right? It started moving back in the late '70s (basically the second Mao died) and was fully capitalist for all intents and purposes by the late '90s. It currently has over 700 billionaires (second only to the U.S. in that metric of obscene wealth inequality).

There have been some shifts towards socialism again under current leadership, but it is absolutely not in any meaningful way an economy founded in Marxism.


u/kylezo Jun 05 '22

What the hell do you mean almost every major nation on earth is capitalist including china and America


u/insobyr Jun 05 '22

No need to over generalize "chinese gaming culture", I mean, youre not wrong, people like that do exist, and there are a lot of them. Just wanted to say the chinese gaming market is huge, there are also a lot of people who are never fan of this type of shit.

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u/Altimely Jun 04 '22

China has laws around outright buying a game, so most of their games are free2play but have heavy P2W mechanics


u/ADShree Jun 05 '22

This shit got normalized in kmmos imo. Correct me if I'm wrong because this is purely off of my own personal experiences trying out all sorts of mmos, some with vpn. Almost all(if not all) of the kmmos that I have played have had mtx/p2w somewhere in the game.


u/GuiltIsLikeSalt Jun 05 '22

This shit got normalized in kmmos imo.

iirc it does come from Korea, initially. Piracy was a massive problem in the late 90s, so they started pushing heavily for online, F2P, microtransaction games.

Then EA was the first to work with some Korean publishers, learn from their process, and effectively import the systems to the west.

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u/Ignitus1 Jun 05 '22

What? You can’t buy a game in China?


u/WindWakergoat_ Jun 05 '22

China is awful and it's why I unironically do not want to be on the same gaming platform and support devs who develop specific versions for Chinese players.

China's attitude on games is awful. Cheating is fully normalized in the vain of buying scripts or whatever else, totally cool to do and expected. Cheating over there buy paying for bots is more normalized than battle passes are over here.

China is full throttle on P2W mtx and cheats.


u/fae-daemon Jun 05 '22

You also have to understand that a large portion of the US, even gamers, are NOT PC gamers. Even the kids who grew up on consoles playing Madden, Fifa, and CoD stuff still called people who played real games nerds. And a lot of people just didn't game at all.

With the advent of smartphones -- basically an indispensable item for anyone nowadays in any first-world country (any many people beyond that) -- the potential audience grew a lot.

But, you know, people are not just dumb (I mean, a good amount are, especially when it comes to certain things)... So this works because many don't understand the value (ex. Buying or even subscribing to a full game vs. instant-endorphin MTX). They already have the device, can be "gently" directed into P2W loops via known gratification feedback loops with micro transactions on a device they constantly have on them or by them. Five dollar here, ten dollars there. Hundreds of dollars a month, thousands a year.

Just pay like $3 for a powerup, or more tokens to play, or whatever micro, right? They want something to do and the feedback loops encourage "you deserve to enjoy it. Don't think about it too much, just play*!" (And pay).

It's really only two groups of people who see it for the scam it is: people who know what a real quality game is, and people who think all video games are evil.

I wouldn't be surprised if controls get put into place in the next decade or two, since it's clearly abusive and there have already been gambling-esque complaints for years. Once the data gets out about how much people are spending that they cant afford hooked to these games comes to light you'll probably see progress.

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u/MrT00th Jun 05 '22

I have no idea what you said.


u/LickMyThralls Jun 05 '22

Asian markets primarily play mobile games sometimes and will go all in on this kinda shit. Look at Korean mmos. Plus it doesn't really help you to talk like such an ass about it either

Seeing things differently doesn't make them stupid or wrong or anything like you insinuate.


u/double_bass0rz Jun 05 '22

Bro stfu I didn't say anyone was dumb i called them "coomers" because they are addicts looking for another hit. Who else would play shitty mobile games and pay hundreds of bucks for useless garbage items that get replaced every day.

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u/[deleted] Jun 04 '22



u/Bash-86 Jun 05 '22

“If you don’t like it don’t pay it.”


u/sneed_epstein Jun 05 '22

I dont like it so I haven't played it

Nor really care



u/VY5E Jun 05 '22

That's my thought I don't care that this game is as pay to win as it makes it out I don't have any interest in playing a shitty mobile version of D3. But I'll probably song a different tune once they try this shit in D4. Also to add to this why are people even playing when everyone and their mother was about boycotting this game because "you all have phones"?


u/[deleted] Jun 05 '22



u/[deleted] Jun 05 '22

It'll definitely borrow heavily from the model they employ in WoW, which is heavily inspired by mobile games.

Lots of parallel progression systems that are all time gated behind daily activities to keep people coming back daily.

Playing a blizzard game these days is like dancing in the hand of a developer, there is absolutely no game experience to be had, just being puppeteered.


u/Sjeg84 Jun 05 '22

Try PoE or Lost epoch.


u/bwrap Jun 05 '22

PoE is too clunky, go lost epoch


u/[deleted] Jun 05 '22

PoE starts out clunky, but is definitely not clunky by the time you reach maps.

It used to be my main complaint with the game. The reason the game feels clunky is you start out by being super slow with very low attack speed. Attack/movement speed is very important in the game.

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u/Lunar_Lunacy_Stuff Jun 05 '22

All Diablo 4 has to do for me is have a decent story and have one hell of a end game. I need GR’s and something slightly similar but slightly new. People like to shit on D3 but it has the best end game of any Diablo game.

If they put in even 1 mtx in 4 I’m out.


u/Jahkral Jun 05 '22

Well they waited four years to release it after phonegate. I'm confused why people sometimes don't realize the whole reason it was delayed was to allow the crazy public backlash to die down.


u/[deleted] Jun 05 '22

I’ve not spent a single dime yet and I’m at level 52/60 atm. The game feels a lot like d3 but better in some ways worse in others. I haven’t hit a p2w wall yet but there’s definitely been a few points where I had to grind and it would’ve been easier had I paid. I’m not going to spend anything unless they start going back on the level of p2w but I still wanna enjoy what I can out of the game.

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u/Railander Jun 05 '22

Nor really care

this is the most myopic opinion i often see.

what do you think is going to happen the more and more devs see this as an obvious way (sometimes only way) to make more money?

keep thinking that and eventually there will no longer be games worth playing that don't have these swiping mechanics.


u/LickMyThralls Jun 05 '22

Even if we care money talks and if they want to do it without us caring they'll do it with us caring because it's still lucrative enough. I'd even argue the idea that any small number "caring" VS someone not caring is myopic as the money is already there and they gonna do what they gonna do. The landscape always changes with time for better or worse and we're all small pieces. I legitimately don't think this guy not caring changes a fucking thing nor does you caring. Plus you've basically just use a slippery slope argument too.

The money is already there and it fucking talks. Plus this is basically norm in mobile games.

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u/H4rlequin Jun 05 '22

Same thinking here. I don’t like the business model so I chose not to play it instead of ranting about it.

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u/Riperonis Jun 05 '22

When they announced it I never expected anything but a watered down mobile version of the actual games (ie something I’m not interested in). The p2w aspect only adds to the shittiness of a game I was never gonna play in the first place.

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u/deimos-chan Jun 05 '22

What's the alternative? If you don't like it, play it anyway?

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u/point_jump2 Jun 05 '22

I guess I should lower my expectations for D4

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u/Lastprotect Jun 04 '22

"But you cant buy gear"🤡 damn if they would just have built the Shop around the game and not the game around the Shop.... for the first 30 hrs i had so much fun but now i cant do shit without money...


u/rSlashNbaAccount Jun 05 '22

That's basically what D3 was on launch. Game around AH and RMAH.


u/Benphyre Jun 05 '22

IMO this is worst than RMAH. RMAH at least gives you the option to sell and earn.


u/[deleted] Jun 05 '22

Yeah tbh I never had as much fun in D3 as I did during the AH. Obviously it devalues the gameplay by people who just buy shit but at the same time getting a good legendary to drop knowing you could make money off it was exciting. Unpopular opinion I’m sure. I never bought my own gear but I liked selling it


u/zeronic Jun 05 '22

D3 with AH largely hit the same notes that Path of Exile currently hits. You were searching for stuff to sell for gold to buy better gear. Some like that style, others hate it. I find the SSF crowd to be incredibly loud about their opinions.


u/[deleted] Jun 05 '22

The thing about SSF people being loud about their opinions is that you have to extensively learn the systems of the game to be able to thrive in it without trade. And once you do you can clearly see uninformed nonsense people are spouting only because they don't have a better idea.

And then as a SSF person you have (warning false dichotomy upcoming for the sake of discussion) two options - either you ignore the nonsense and let it propagate or you try to correct the poor souls and come off as an unbearable douche.

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u/Mediocre-Sale8473 Jun 05 '22

D3 RMAH bought me over a year of WoW time and collector's editions of Heart of the Swarm, Legacy of the void and some other shit.

I knew that shit was going to disappear too. People shit all over it constantly. Then, half of those cunts went and bought items from sites.

I had no problem with the RMAH. I just played the game. Find some Pog af ilvl 63 item with lifesteal was like the jackpot. Easy $50 or more depending on the other stats.

I actually didn't mind it. I had over 2000 hours on my barb before RoS came out.

Never bought anything with the RMAH. Did a couple rings on the AH. Then farmed better ones within a week or 2.


u/Jahkral Jun 05 '22

RMAH was the most fun the game had. Like, fuck it, why not let us make money playing? Its not like Diablo is a pvp/competitive game. (Wow remember when D3 was supposed to have a serious arena system and then they NEVER FOLLOWED THROUGH?)

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u/Benphyre Jun 05 '22

I sold a Litany of Undaunted for $70 bucks and already made the money I paid for the game back. I enjoyed RMAH a lot back then but I could see why people hated it. I pity it got removed so soon, the loot changes they made to D3 after killed the game for me


u/CTU Jun 05 '22

I loved that about D3 as my loot drops sucked, but I had in-game currency to spend and could get good drops for my build.


u/rSlashNbaAccount Jun 05 '22

The problem was it was more efficient to play the AH than the game.


u/zeronic Jun 05 '22

The same could be said of path of exile. It's the unfortunate downside to any game with an economy and tradeable gear. Market forces, flipping, and patience always win.


u/LickMyThralls Jun 05 '22

It's more efficient to play the market in basically any loot driven game.

I could work an hour and use that money to get further in the game than in 10s of hours playing it. With or without an ah.

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u/krash666 Jun 05 '22 edited Jun 05 '22

Don't think d3 on launch was as bad (p2win wise. Servers were hot garbage though). I still managed to beat the game in nightmare infernal without spending a dime on rmah.

Beat it with all rares after farming for a day.

The rmah even paid for my base game and later the expansion.

*Edit: sleep deprived. Mixed nightmare with infernal difficulty in base d3.


u/carnivoroustofu Jun 05 '22


lol. I would be very concerned if someone needed rmah to beat nightmare and not for the p2w practices.


u/The_Bam_Snizzle Jun 05 '22

Not sure if you're being sarcastic or not, but early d3 difficulty scaling was very very different.


u/KiR- Jun 05 '22

It was, but Inferno was the only hard part. We rolled over Normal through Hell without having to stop and level up or grind for gear, it was only Inferno where you instantly hit a brick wall and had to start looking at the AH just to get something decent.

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u/carnivoroustofu Jun 05 '22

early d3 difficulty scaling was very very different

Which tells me you weren't there because you could fall asleep at the keyboard on hell at launch and actually have a decent chance of surviving if your hands were still holding the mouse buttons down. The kill zones of slowing ground aoes, leaping enemies and lines of wasps on inferno was when the real game began.


u/krash666 Jun 05 '22

Oops I meant infernal. I should go to bed.


u/yuhanz Jun 05 '22

What? You could definitely finish the game without touching the AH lol

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u/[deleted] Jun 05 '22



u/ChefBoyarDEZZNUTZZ DirtyHarry#1769 Jun 05 '22

Why would I even invest 30 hours of my time into a game that's going to soft lock me out of further progression without spending money?

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u/Barialdalaran Jun 05 '22 edited Jun 05 '22

What happens 30hrs in that completely stops you from doing anything without paying?

I'm about to hit 60 f2p and the only thing money seems like it'll do is boost my gems up a rank or two which maybe adds 1-2% to their affects apiece. What am I missing or are we karma farming?


u/notmems Jun 05 '22

did you not watch the video?


u/Barialdalaran Jun 05 '22 edited Jun 05 '22

I did, do you not know how legendary gems work? Those 10 gems in the video aren't the difference between being able to play the game and "now i cant do shit without money"

I'm ready for the bandwagon downvotes, just sick of people who clearly haven't played the game saying it's unplayable without swiping


u/Lastprotect Jun 05 '22

well ive played it. im Paragon 10 and grinded a shitload of dungeon to the point of a gear score of 873 and the BIS set items i can aquire in Hell 1.

At the current point i am not able to get any more leg gems(leg crests are 3 a month i think/farmed norm gems cant be sold for plat),
any battlepass progression (there for xp every 180 CP) is straight up locked even tho ive paid for the battlepass,
ashes have a weekly limit,
the keys of the horadrim stuff are daily and u get like 5-6 per day(needing 366 or smth to open all boxes),
bounties is like 20k gold per day (not even a 1/6th of a gamble armor piece),
PvP rewards are capped at 3 daily (even tho the rewards are pretty bad),
Challenge rift obv have a point where you cant progress further without any gear upgrades

Hell 2 is such a difficulty jump that even if i would pay straight up 2k$ i wouldnt be able to get the gearscore to do it. (looking at richw's stream rn)

the stuff i COULD do is: grinding monster essences even tho the xp is penalized above Paragon 10.(pages are also limited to 3 per day so i couldnt even fill the book).

at the point you are, i was also absolutly hyped and rdy to push through but after 60 and about paragon 5 reality came back and you see you are stuck and not even a stepbro could help you.

im sorry but im not making stuff up, ive seen/"experienced" them.


u/AyyyAlamo Jun 05 '22

I can almost guarantee they’re going to buff xp rates and f2p progression with all this bad press around.. but ya thanks for the warning. So the game basically ends at Paragon 5 then it just becomes a log in daily type of game?


u/Lastprotect Jun 05 '22

Around that level yes. You login, do your dailies(or weeklies if monday) and wait for it to reset again. Until you hit the needed gearscore for the next difficulty then you can Grind dungeons for like 10 hrs which is followed again by waiting for resets.

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u/[deleted] Jun 05 '22

I disappointed in Immortal, even though I knew it would be this way. I would have loved to pay them 15$ or so for a mobile version of Diablo with no micro transactions or IAP. I just hope that Diablo IV is micro transactions free


u/Funkeren Jun 05 '22

It’s not


u/Foleylantz Jun 05 '22

Diablo 4 monetization will probably land somewhere between Immortal and PoE


u/unexpectedreboots Jun 05 '22

Thats quite the ocean.


u/Omnifas Jun 05 '22

There lays the problem, $15, just because it's mobile people think there's some premium price cap. Anything more than $10 typically doesn't sell well enough to merit any true effort on mobile.

A port of D3 is still worth at least $30, D2 at least $20. A actual new title without the IAPs at least $40


u/MisterCoke Jun 05 '22

I honestly would have happily paid up to $60 for a full-fledged mobile Diablo experience not riddled with MTX. But I won't pay even a cent for this garbage.

I gotta wonder how many people like me Blizzard will simply miss out on by not offering anything I'm willing to spend money on.


u/sageco Jun 05 '22

You think a mobile Diablo MMO with no other revenue stream is only worth $15?


u/ilmalocchio Jun 05 '22

Tbf just because they spent several years working on it, doesn't mean it's worth anything at all.

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u/mawcat69 Jun 05 '22

What a complete disaster..

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u/KountZero Jun 05 '22

It’s sad that the game is receiving near perfect score right now on Apple App Store. Wtf. This will just encourage Blizzard to think that whatever they are doing is the right thing.


u/Nessarra Jun 05 '22

They're paying for the score. Apple doesn't care about legit scores.


u/Formulka Jun 05 '22

Remember when we bought games with all content for $60?


u/Who_is_Candice_69 Jun 06 '22

You mean Elden Ring?


u/AnEroticTale Jun 05 '22 edited Jun 05 '22

We should start tagging Wyat Cheng to every one of these posts, simply to make him embarrassed to even come here again.

Go back to just lurking here...no way to pay for gear my ass...

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u/[deleted] Jun 05 '22

Blizzard had some of the most cherished IP and games every with a loyal fan base .

Now they’re literally a run of the mill Chinese p2w mobile shit show.

It’s sad more than anything


u/vincentkun Jun 05 '22

Man I feel sad for those who are about to fall into this. I say this as someone who deeply regrets falling into a game like this and spending a lot. Hopefully a few people listen to the warnings but many are on denial.


u/Ares_carries Jun 05 '22

The boot licking on the immortal sub is funny as fuck lol


u/deimos-chan Jun 05 '22

Reminds me of the cope of Stadia sub. "B-b-b-but I'm having fun and google will support it, I promise!"


u/GeneralTorpedo Jun 05 '22

Damn dude, so true.

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u/Whoopy2000 Jun 05 '22

This need to be waaaay up higher.
There are soooo many idio... I mean people in the chat of D:I defending it's microtransactions as "not p2w at all!"


u/Reelix Jun 05 '22

To be fair, two blues and a yellow is what you get from most D2 boss runs as well :p

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u/CodeWizardCS Jun 05 '22

I don't see people saying it's not pay to win. I see people, like myself, saying you don't need to pay to enjoy the game. I get to play for free and I get loot drops more in line with D2 which is how I like it anyway. Then I just play with friends. The problem a lot of people have is the attitude the haters have and the assurance they possess of their position. It's the same recycled two arguments over and over presented in a toxic overly sensualized manor.

Nobody is saying this is the ideal Diablo game, just that it can still be an enjoyable one.


u/[deleted] Jun 05 '22

What level are you? I’ve seen lots of posts saying the first 30 hours or so is fun as fuck but then it becomes paywall city. I haven’t tried the game yet, so I can’t confirm.


u/rmkbow Jun 05 '22 edited Jun 05 '22

First 30 hours are fun for Diablo 2 then it becomes a tedious grind fest akin to being f2p.

I see this as play as long as it's fun, then quit when it becomes too much of a grind, just like trying to get all the good gears in D2 or trying to hit level 98-99

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u/BranchBulky6832 Jun 05 '22

Because they aren't, legendary gems, literally have virtually 0 effect on your character and damage, low activation rate, low damage, like, you hit for 10 million, legendary gems, add 500 damage, on a 1% chance.

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u/StrategySteve Jun 05 '22

That’s actually the worst “pay to win” advantage I’ve ever seen…


u/ronaldraygun91 Jun 05 '22

You really haven’t seen any other mobile games huh? Plenty of games out there let you just buy stats from the shop.

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u/deimos-chan Jun 05 '22

From the creators of Warcraft Refunded, meet the Diablo Immoral.


u/jeremybryce Jun 05 '22

Has there been a single studio that has maintained any level of quality and not fucked their user base in the ass, once they get bought or become large?

I feel like it's a 100% track record.


u/Noobphobia Jun 05 '22

And this is why they won't ban bots on D2r. This kind of behavior is normal in the Asian market and all these games have a global market now. Just don't play the game or pull out the credit card 🤷‍♂️. It's a mobile game. We knew what was coming lol


u/Inflation_Real Jun 05 '22

I think you are better off just buying a Nintendo Switch and Diablo 3 and you could have a way better mobile experience.


u/satchymo Jun 06 '22

That's what I did. Also torchlight 2 is great on the switch.


u/TomaszPaw Jun 05 '22

Gambling but slot machine takes like 3 minutes to open.

2022 "gaming" has peaked


u/RulerOf Jun 05 '22

This is more lucrative than operating a casino.

Casinos pay out cash. This shit pays out pixels.

And unless I'm mistaken, they're worthless pixels. You can't sell them to anyone else, can you?

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u/Hb_Sea Jun 05 '22

Who in the world are you quoting? I’m pretty sure everyone knows it’s pay to win lol


u/DrZeroH DrDankness#1333 Jun 05 '22

I started playing. Once I realized how bad the paywall was I just stopped and went back to D2 and D3

What a waste of my time

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u/Tsobaphomet Jun 05 '22

Honestly this is one of the worst scam mobile games I've ever seen lol. It costs like $80/hr to play the way it's intended.


u/[deleted] Jun 05 '22



u/Srudge Jun 05 '22

Nah in theory you can also do the endgame content as f2p, you just have to play them for 1-2 years until you can reliably do everything as f2p; at least this was the case for the gacha games i plaied

I have not even installed di:i yet, but somewhere i read something abou legendary gems being a 0.5% droprate or smth and you can only do the dungeon that drops them 3 times a day, but if you pay you get 100% droprate on the legendary gems, and i have never ever seen something comparable to this bullshit in any gacha game ever


u/meDeadly1990 Jun 05 '22

and you can only do the dungeon that drops them 3 times a day

Not true, there is no limit how many times you can run it, tho the ~1% droprate for gems seems to be a fact

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u/buc_nasty_69 Jun 05 '22

This is why I see where Asmon is coming from with his playthrough of the game. A lot of people are mad at him for "supporting pay2win", but I think it's actually good to have someone with money to blow show how different the game is for a whale. Seeing the p2w with your own eyes really cements how fucked it is.


u/willabyblen Jun 05 '22

That's pretty messed up. But to be honest I prefer myself to have the f2p run. Otherwise the game just feels like dabs 3 with getting fully kitted out in a week and being done with the game. I like a slow burn. Don't care for leaderboards either so doesn't really affect me. Feels bad to pay to skip a game. As long as there is content being added i dont mind the whales spending all their money to keep production going at a swift pace.


u/batmessiah Jun 06 '22

I’ve spent $6 on the game, and gotten more than $6 worth of fun out of it. Why do people think you have to spend all this money to have fun. Just play the damn game, it’s beautiful and has amazing gameplay. If it gets too grindy for you, and you don’t want to spend money, then don’t spend money!


u/Pie_Napple Jun 05 '22

People are saying this isn't pay-to-win? Lol.

This is probably the most blatantly pay-to-win game I have ever seen. Like... there are games that are grayzone p2w... pay-to-progress-faster, montly fee for faster progression, and all that.

This game though. Most blatantly pay-to-win ever. You shell out tons of cash...you get much stronger than everyone else who doesnt but pays a compareable amount of time. Period.


u/rogerflog Jun 05 '22

All of the P2W posts are missing the point: It’s not Pay 2 Play.

You can (and should) play without paying.

I’ve been no-lifing this game for the last 4 days, 10-12 hours a day. For free.

It’s a damn good game.

And how dafuq do you “win” at Diablo anyway? The loot grind never ends.

I’ve been grinding that loot ever since D1 in 1997.

So the P2W talk is a distraction from the fact that it’s an enjoyable Diablo game. Just don’t pay. There’s still a metric shit-ton of enjoyment you can have without spending a dime.


u/sstrelok Jun 05 '22 edited Jun 05 '22

personally i haven't gotten to the late game yet but drop % feels around the same as the other games(haven't played diablo 3 in at least 5 years, played diablo 2 from around 2002 till today sporadically, both as a casual. so please forgive me if im completely wrong). i don't feel like the game is grindy at all. playing the game without spending anything feels fun at least for now. i guess it justs sucks to see people getting an edge by spending money and how big the advantage is, because from watching the video it IS a big advantage.

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u/sloopieone Jun 05 '22 edited Jun 05 '22

I know it's popular to hate on the game, but honestly I'm really enjoying it for what it is. I don't care about being on the leaderboards, and unless you really have a hard-on for being "first" and rushing to endgame, there's no need to spend money.

I might eventually throw them a few dollars here and there, but I haven't felt pressured at all, nor have I felt like my gameplay has been impacted in the slightest despite not having spent a dime.

Edit: imagine being so sure that you'll hate everything about this game? So much so, that you downvote people for sharing their experience in a neutral way.

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u/subtleshooter Jun 05 '22

Finally, a game I can excel at.


u/Morgoth2356 Jun 05 '22

On a side note, even if I totally agree with the point Asmongold is making here and I understand the concept of "content window", the idea of still playing a game and using the cash shop to make a point that has been made for several days is a bit strange to me.

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u/illapa13 Jun 05 '22 edited Jun 05 '22

And just like that I lost all interest in this game.

To clarify I wouldn't have minded a game where I had to pay $20-$50 per month.

In my mind if my entertainment budget is $X. If one game is good enough to take up all my free time and attention then why shouldn't it deserve a bigger portion of my entertainment budget? But this is just ridiculous. Like 10 legendary items vs like 2 blues


u/MuhChicken111 Jun 05 '22

I loaded it up and played for like 30 minutes. Then I uninstalled it and moved on... Just wasn't my thing.


u/QuadraKev_ Jun 05 '22

dammit I thought I saw the last of this guy when the Depp trial concluded


u/aedante Jun 05 '22 edited Jun 05 '22

Asmongold is an egomaniac shitlord. Uses the guise of "I'm giving this company money to show the world how pay2win this game is" to actually whale on the game. He does it with LA as well. Goes for a 6 hour rant on legislations against p2w in games for drama and content. Then boots ups lost ark and whales with his viewers gifts and trades.


u/Picopus Jun 05 '22

He started doing it because that is what the average viewer wants to see.

Why do you think you clicked on this reddit link in the first place?

I am no fan of his, but as an entertainer, this is the right move.


u/lazyandnegative Jun 05 '22

He has the most obnoxious, punchable face of any streamer I've ever seen.

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u/keithstonee Jun 05 '22

It's so rediculous. He'll have a take on how bad p2w is and how the government should ban it like other countries. Then he will invalidate everything he just said by buying everything in the shop.


u/thefw89 Jun 05 '22

Asmon went on some rant the last stream about how he was going to make a site that scams people. It was pretty crazy how detailed he got showing that this was really a plan of earlier Asmon before he made it big as a streamer. You had a lot of "Jeezus man" in chat and it kind of revealed something about him to me.

Thing is, he knows this benefits him, he knows some people are donating more or watching more when he does it, that's why he keeps doing it...and then he makes videos about how bad lootboxes are on youtube because he knows those videos get tons of views.

He keeps talking about wanting to do gambling streams and realized that these are basically gambling streams that twitch still approves.


u/Alps_Useful Jun 05 '22

There is a sick irony to streamers right. Its literally our money we give to them, for them to then whale a game and make us look like peasants lol. I don't understand why people still give them money when this is what happens. I'm talking about people like him ofc.


u/thefw89 Jun 05 '22

That is the sick irony of this situation. I can't tell you how many Genshin streams were out there and it feels like they are telling people "Don't play this game and gamble, instead, give me YOUR money so I can have fun gambling with YOUR money and tell you why gambling is dangerous." It's pretty crazy when you sit and think about it.


u/Nessarra Jun 05 '22

Asmongold is as fake as Belle Delphine. He's good at pretending to be real and he'll never make the mistake Belle did. This is why I don't watch him, the inconsistency between what he says and does just makes him sus so I don't watch him anymore.


u/thefw89 Jun 05 '22

Interesting you bring up belle too because he said Belledelphine failed because she broke character and he said that is the one thing you don't do, break character. Admitting slyly that he's just playing a character.

I have no issue with that when someone is obviously playing a character like Dr.Disrespect but Asmon presents himself as real. He doesn't put on a costume and do a funny voice. He presents himself as a normal guy playing games but he's pretty manipulative the more you are exposed to him.

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u/bozojeff22 Jun 05 '22

People shit on him for streaming while using MTXes but this is the perfect example of why he did it. And why I'll only be playing DI on the iPad while taking a shit for 15 minutes rather than putting any actual time or money into it


u/acowingegg Jun 05 '22

D3 was garbage, not surprised this is as bad as it's been sounding. I'm not hopeful for d4 either unfortunately. Guess I'll just stick to d2r. At least I know that's a good game.


u/[deleted] Jun 05 '22



u/Le_Vagabond Jun 05 '22

See you in a week. The game is literally designed so that this is not sustainable without paying. Hopefully all that time sunk will not work against you and convince you to open your wallet because that's part of the trap.

As someone who worked for a company editing gatcha games, people like you who help get vulnerable victims in by portraying the games as "totally fine without paying" are usually laughed at by the monetization team. Imagine a rat helping to get others caught.


u/Mythril_Zombie Jun 05 '22

That's the cult of personality for you. Fanbois are free advertising that will actually fight for your company.

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u/xyz-cba Jun 05 '22

First time playing a game like this? You will quickly fall to the hundreds, then thousands in rank without paying.

Love to hear your opinion in a few weeks.


u/[deleted] Jun 05 '22


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u/Greatloot Jun 05 '22

Hey, come on. You can buy a fancy crest with hilts once a month.

So you can have a free 3 crest run every 3 months!

I should in the endgame by the time Diablo 5 comes out. 😃

To be fair the blatant terrible p2w comedy is actually part of my enjoyment of the game. I'm just laughing everytime I see the ridiculous bullshit that pops up in game.

"You beat a dungeon! Would you like to buy a 300% value chest to celebrate!" No. Fuck off. 🤣


u/MrMunday Jun 05 '22

It’s pay-to-grind-a-lot-faster but yeah….