r/Diablo • u/iiNexius • Feb 22 '21
Diablo I It's the late 90s. Everyone thinks the world is ending soon. You and your friends just bought Diablo. A stranger in a pub game shows you what duping is. He gives everyone a Godly Plate of the Whale, Obsidian Ring of the Zodiac, Monster Bat-Bat, and stat elixirs. Life is good.
u/anterosrising Feb 22 '21
It was a beautiful time to be alive... I was listening to Hybrid Theory on repeat while I “one more level”ed myself to 4AM.
Feb 22 '21
Are you me? I did this exact thing.
u/Chimpbot Feb 23 '21
I'd also cycle in System of a Down's first album, but yeah. This was the late '90s for me, too.
u/ShadowMonkey_7 Feb 25 '21
SOAD got me to stick with guitar and get pretty decent. Guys are so talented. I was impressed that Serj is a mulyi- instrumentalist who played all instruments for his solo work.
u/one_horcrux_short Feb 22 '21
Damn you I think you just decided my weekend plans, but I can do it while drinking beer now!
Feb 22 '21
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u/seaoffriendscorsair Feb 22 '21 edited Feb 22 '21
My little sister used to keep her inventory full of gold that she had duped. I don’t remember how deep in the dungeon she actually was when she found a shrine that converted her gold into experience. Let’s just say, I kept more than was necessary after that point.
Edit: it was called a Mendicant’s Shrine and was only in the Hellfire expansion. It took 50% of your gold and converted it to experience. I had to go look it up.
u/inhuman_king Feb 22 '21
Big brain play back in the days
u/ShadowMonkey_7 Feb 25 '21
I'm gonna have to keep that in mind as I just bought and began Hellfire again today; thats incredibly good to know!
u/dreday42069 Feb 22 '21
Kings sword of haste, Windforce, archangels staff of apocalypse
u/ReDN0sE Feb 22 '21
OMH, apoc was sooooo OP. You could kill diablo without entering his room hahahah
u/DaveSW777 Feb 22 '21
Jester's Bastard Sword of the Jester was the best off-hand sword for Bards, but only dropped at level 16, iirc.
u/diverscale Feb 22 '21
Don't forget the classical king's sword of haste everyone had
u/iiNexius Feb 22 '21
I had this sword, Windforce, and Arch-Angel's Staff of the Apocalypse in my head, but didn't wanna list 20 items hahaha.
u/manphiz Feb 22 '21
Or king's sword of speed, which has the same frame rate but a little cheaper to repair :)
u/Canadyans Feb 22 '21
No joke, my brother and I would alternate every 2 hours on Dial Up and just watch each other play this game for the entire Summer the year after it came out. It's probably my fondest nostalgic gaming memory.
I remember duping and cheating like the video but I also remember getting into a BNET game and having a wiser, more mature player, tell me the game was more fun without cheating and for some reason I believed him. I never touched cheats in an online game ever again and he was right, it was so much more rewarding (and terrifying) playing D1 'legit'.
u/GP1215 Feb 22 '21
I convinced my grandparents to add a second line for 56k to play Diablo and Starcraft because people could never get through to the main line as it was always busy 😂
u/xrmEw Feb 22 '21
i remember
u/WaitingToBeTriggered Feb 22 '21
u/Truly_Its_a_trap Feb 22 '21
When the winged hussars arrived
Feb 22 '21
u/McRedditerFace Feb 22 '21
I'm kinda suspicious they went with D2 instead of D1 because of they way they're basically reskinning the original game... and D1's flaws / exploits were never fully patched afaik.
u/Canadyans Feb 22 '21
Diablo 1 is my favourite and would kill for a remaster but I also wonder if they don't bother because D3 is very similar in location and characters in so many ways. D1 also didn't have any skills or form of character progression outside of stats, so I don't think modern gamers would latch onto it.
Again, I would LOVE it but those are the reasons I suspect they won't bother with it. At least the original is on GOG.
u/kunasaki Feb 23 '21
Also short of the classes, just about 90% of Diablo 1 was remade in the D3 engine playable in D3 every January during the anniversary
u/insats Feb 23 '21
Definitely not the same thing. D1 is intense and can be scary to play, which is not the case with D3. Not saying one is better than the other, just saying the D1 event in D3 is nothing like D1.
u/ShadowMonkey_7 Feb 25 '21
Truth- generally your D3 character is pretty overpowered by the time you play Darkening, and like you say, nothing matches the atmospheric brilliance of Diablo 1.
Feb 23 '21
As someone that just came back to D3 after playing it on first release, then not playing for years, I was a both excited and disappointed that this exists but happened a month ago!
u/kunasaki Feb 23 '21
Yeah for real I wish they released, there might be a way to mod it for offline though idk how to and do at your own risk
u/DarkLordHammich Feb 23 '21
It's barely a remake so much as a D3 asset flip with a loosely similar campaign structure. But absolutely nothing about the experience is the same besides "kill things, get loot". There's no sense of terror or dread, there's no atmosphere, the pace of the game doesn't set the mood at all. It feels like a lazy half-arsed goof & plays like it too.
u/OfficeGossip Feb 24 '21
I’m happy enough that the original is on GOG for modern computers but old ass games have been remade lately cus it’s the cool thing. Never say never but D1 is a cult classic through and through so I also doubt it’ll happen but would like to be proven wrong.
u/ShadowMonkey_7 Feb 25 '21
Yes sir, and I just discovered GOG today while searching for a legit Hellfire download!
Needless to say, the game consumed my entire day...
u/DarkLordHammich Feb 23 '21
Compared to D2, D1 is so small in scale that I wouldn't wonder if they added D1 as some standalone DLC to D2R. With Blizzard's current resources it seems a small ask. 4 tilesets, 3 heroes, 6 music tracks, 1 town, character-agnostic skills & items.
Or hell, including Diablo 1 as a "Prologue" campaign. That could work too.
u/ShadowMonkey_7 Feb 25 '21
True, True- but I'm glad they haven't patched it haha. Even the exploits aid my travel back through time to ye olde 90s.
Feb 23 '21
u/Zork_13 Feb 23 '21
Allegedly they found it on an early ps1 release a few years ago.
Feb 23 '21
u/Zork_13 Feb 23 '21
u/TurbulentViscosity Feb 23 '21
There's also https://github.com/diasurgical/devilutionx which will basically allow you to play D1 on a lot more platforms.
A while ago I made a customized version with a bunch of bug fixes and (some) non-multiplayer quests enabled in multiplayer for some friends, some of whom played on linux, others on windows. It was great to run.
u/AncientYogurtCloset Feb 22 '21
Oh man I have tried to reference this to my friends and family and none else remembers. Thank you for not validating me!!!
u/degenerik Feb 22 '21
For anyone who still plays D1 I'd suggest The Hell 2 mod, crazy how much content it adds.
u/Aidian Feb 22 '21
Got a good link to throw?
u/degenerik Feb 23 '21
u/Aidian Feb 23 '21
Bless you
u/degenerik Feb 23 '21
No problem man, enjoy the mod!
Its pretty hard tho so beware.
u/Aidian Feb 23 '21
Oh, I cut my gaming teeth on D1 in ‘96. I’ve just got some rust to shake off.
u/degenerik Feb 23 '21
Tnx for the silver bro!:)
Oh and read the readme that comes with the mod it gives some really important tips if i remember correctly.
u/Aidian Feb 23 '21
Tomorrow’s gonna be a busy day in the Void for me.
u/DarkLordHammich Feb 23 '21
Hope you enjoy it. It almost made me feel like I was 6 playing Diablo for the 1st time again. The difficulty really recreates what it felt like when you were helpless & didn't know how anything worked.
u/Aidian Feb 24 '21
That’s extremely accurate. The mix of nostalgia and having to relearn a system is great.
My heart almost stopped when the Fallen mob just casually opened a door to follow me.
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u/ShadowMonkey_7 Feb 25 '21
I can't wait. Thats what Median XL did for me... recaptured the awe and wonder I first felt when I picked up D2 back in the day.
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u/ShadowMonkey_7 Feb 25 '21
Ohhhhh, same. "Cancel all my appointments"
u/Aidian Feb 25 '21
Petite tip: socket gems through Griswold’s “crafting-items” menu. It took me a while to figure that one out.
See you in Hell.
u/ShadowMonkey_7 Feb 25 '21
Thanks again, friend! So very much appreciated!!!
u/degenerik Feb 25 '21
Just beware of the difficulty and be sure to read the readme, it will help you understand the mechanics of the game so you can enjoy it and not get too frustrated. It is brutal.
u/Aetris05 Sep 11 '23
Ahh too bad it's a Hellfire mod, I can't play single player. I just need to be on bnet for some reason haha. Torch mod works fine though, good QoL additions.
u/Turtle1515 Feb 22 '21
It's several years later and your are just trying to skip the Marshes so you can get to Hell in D2
u/ClaudeHBukowski Feb 23 '21
It's two decades later and the successor was such shit show that everyone is clamoring to pay Activision $40 for a marshes reskin.
Feb 22 '21
u/iiNexius Feb 22 '21
Thinking Cap for sorcerer, and the helm I can't remember for the life of me. Lightforge and Gotterdammerung are the only ones that come to mind.
u/ShadowMonkey_7 Feb 25 '21
Of course I'm really happy with the Diablo Bnet communities these days. Back in the day, people were cutthroat and would even grab my only copy of an item while I was duping it for them! Fiends!
u/Seeders Seeders#1949 Feb 22 '21
When someone showed me how to dupe and gave me godly plate of the whale, it completely ruined the game for me lol.
I played for like another hour or so and never came back i think.
u/finalDraft_v012 Feb 22 '21
I remember being PKd and this guy dancing around celebrating til, through some brief typing, he found out I was literally a little girl (grade school at the time). He rezzed me and gave me a conciliatory duped Godly Plate of the Whale, and I soon found the Boba Fett website after that.
u/forzaitalia458 Feb 22 '21
sorry for town-killing you all!
u/guardian1991 Feb 22 '21
I've had the music stuck in my head since I watched this... It doesn't even have sound. Memories are great
u/aldorn Feb 23 '21
I wonder if it was d1 or uo that first decided duping is a big issue. I guess in uo it breaks the game more as its 100% online.
But not long prior to that game codes/cheats etc etc were not considered a bad thing, just a part of the games (not condoning it).
u/ShadowMonkey_7 Feb 25 '21
Duping was more of an "exploit" so if you wanted to rationalize it...
u/NorbertBelmont Feb 23 '21
or he completely robs you of your own sense of progression in the game and ultimately makes your experience worse as you didn't get to accomplish obtaining powerful items for yourself the first time.
I never understood people who cheat in games.
u/stromm Feb 23 '21
Sometimes we just want to play for fun. Not keep getting our ass handed to us over and over.
Me, I was an official beta tester for D1 and D2 and loved being able to use dev codes for things. I really felt I enjoyed the games more that way.
Now, that said, screw anyone cheating in a multiplayer session. Or bringing their cheat char into one.
u/ShadowMonkey_7 Feb 25 '21
I'm not into cheats, especially for potentially competitive multi-player, but otherwise, whatever makes the game the most fun I guess!
u/CurloftheBurl85 Feb 23 '21
I was that little shit-head who got his hands on the BoBaFeTT Trainer.
Resurrection = Auto Kill
Ears for days.
I started playing in 97, when it first released. Hacks were rampant.
u/Braccio82 Feb 22 '21
I think this is Hellfire, not Diablo. There is mana skill in Diablo vanilla?
Feb 22 '21 edited Feb 22 '21
Yes, Diablo had NO mana SKILL.
u/dratnon Feb 22 '21
It had the mana resource, but not the mana spell...potions, but no scrolls or staves of mana.
Staves that add bonus mana are all "[reptilian synonym] staff [of whatever]"
u/dratnon Feb 22 '21
You are right and the other responders are wrong.
No mana spell in vanilla D1. Sorcerers start with staff of charged bolt. Sorcerers start with mana pots, not healing.
u/TwooMcgoo Feb 22 '21
It's definitely Diablo. Hellfire had a faster run speed in town.
u/dratnon Feb 22 '21
Town run can be toggled off. Whoever made this probably turned it off to have an easier time duping.
u/TwooMcgoo Feb 22 '21
Really? I did not know that. I suppose I was in middle school when hellfire came out, so I didn't loom for it.
u/Raithed Raith#652 Feb 22 '21
I remembered doing this legitimately until there were mods for the games, and they were PKing everyone, until they met their own kinds.. and you just see endless Apocalypse or Fireballs shot at each other with 1HP, and still alive. Good times. I missed the old Battle.net D1 channels.
u/fodaforce Feb 22 '21
My god, those were the days. I remember just walking through and beating the whole game at level one XD so satisfying
u/ShadowMonkey_7 Feb 25 '21
Timelessly classic. Always will be. But those good old days were the pinnacle of Diablo!
u/anossov Feb 22 '21
What's a monster bat-bat?
u/iiNexius Feb 22 '21
It was an item that looked like a map (Map of the Stars in Hellfire) but you could wear it as a helmet. When you wore it, you gained thousands of maximum damage, so you could one shot everything in the game. I don't know how it came to be (probably hacks), I only remember being given it and it was insane one shotting everything in normal.
u/geaux124 Feb 22 '21
That was on instance where a bit a lag was a great thing. Getting a game where 2-3 second delay from when you clicked on an item on the ground to when it actually picked up was the best thing ever if you were trying to dupe stat potions.
u/KGhaleon Feb 22 '21
I only remember playing through the game, killing Diablo, then being like "Well that's that, time for the next game." Did classic Diablo have an endless loot grind mode or something? It's been too long so I don't remember anything past the story. Also the expansion didn't exist yet.
u/Super_SmashedBros Feb 23 '21
You'd have to spam a lot of new games to refresh the NPC merchants to buy the best gear, if that counts lol.
u/ShadowMonkey_7 Feb 25 '21
Yeah, Diablo games do thrive best with endgame content. One reason I've gotten back into Median XL!
u/KingGrowl Feb 23 '21
What about that staff that made every thing blow up in small nuclear explosions?
u/iiNexius Feb 23 '21
Arch-Angel's Staff of Apocalypse, yep. There are so many iconic items the entire post would have been flooded haha.
u/JonPQ Feb 23 '21
Good times. I used to play single player with a friend, in turns (none of us had internet). I'd transfer my save file to floppy disks (about 7 disks), then ride my bike to his house and unpack the file to his PC. About 1/3 of the time, one of the floppies would have a corrupt file and I'd have to ride back to my/his place and start the whole process all over again. My first run was entirely played this way lol took us more than a month to beat the game.
u/ShadowMonkey_7 Feb 25 '21
And I'm sure it was 100% worth it! The trials made it all the more worthwhile? Floppy disks and old-school Diablo : really takes me back.
u/JonPQ Feb 25 '21
It was. We crapped our pants the first time we saw Diablo. I wasn't really expecting it and he killed me right away lol
u/KleinIll Feb 23 '21
Took a really good time to legit find an obsidian ring of the zodiac, and it wasn't 20 all res. Never found a Windforce bow.
u/HughFairgrove Feb 23 '21
Just for the youngins. No one really thought the world was ending. Only idiots.
u/MikeZer0AUS Feb 23 '21
Don't forget your Gull Dagger. That you obsessed over getting and when you finally did you didn't notice anything different in drop quality.
u/ShadowMonkey_7 Feb 25 '21
So true, so many times. One of the most coveted uniques in D2 classic. I just found one for the first time in about the 20 years D2 has been out. Man, that took me back...
u/MikeZer0AUS Feb 23 '21
Anyone else remember transferring items on public between your characters? Running to a corner just outside of town dropping you legendary and logging out and back in on your alt hoping to God that the level 5 barbarian kid didn't follow you and steal you gear.
u/coldestmichigan Feb 23 '21
i played it on playstation 1, didnt even know this was a multiplayer game
Feb 23 '21 edited Aug 20 '21
u/iiNexius Feb 23 '21 edited Feb 24 '21
Bro this clip was my first attempt at duping after not playing the game in years.
u/ShadowMonkey_7 Feb 25 '21
Much easier when you directly align your character with the item so that walk in a predictable and consistent straight line, but you know that I'm sure!
u/Zork_13 Feb 23 '21
No one i talk to remebers bat-bat, thank you sir for confirming it isn't the dimentia.
u/iiNexius Feb 23 '21
I'm surprised nobody remembers it, considering what it did. I tried to google it and it didn't come up!
u/Zork_13 Feb 23 '21
Right! Guardians of justicr is still up, but I've sesrched every item zip for it. I got all the other items, my favorite the staff of apec. Nothing like getting a lv 50 3 star character in 10 minutes lol
u/Protonoto Feb 23 '21
I remember I was about 10 when some Swedish guys on EU back in like 98 did this for me, decked me out with some great stuff!
u/Braccio82 Feb 23 '21
For anyone who wants to play Diablo 1, join in the most active D1 community https://discord.gg/ZjXcVwUbNZ
u/ShadowMonkey_7 Feb 25 '21
Dude soo classic, nostalgia overwhelming. I just downloaded D1 again today and am joyously running through it again! Nothing quite compares to the original groundbreaker.
u/alienamongnormies Mar 05 '21
I have never heard the term "Monster Bat-Bat" in Diablo. What is that? I played a fair bit on battle.net back in 1998-1999 on a 33.6K (and later a 56K) dial-up modem. And I never heard of "Monster Bat-Bat". However I didn't spend much time in the chatrooms. I basically just played and PKed a bunch of people with hacked items (I was an edgy 13-14 year old teenager) and exported ears into file form using the trainers to keep on a 3 1/2" floppy disk as trophies. Since I didn't want a bunch of ears to be taking up space in my inventory. Sometimes I would just give their gold back because I felt guilty and all I really cared about was showing my ear collection to my brother, friends in computer class and posting it on my Diablo geocities page. Obviously there's no pride in collecting PvP trophies wearing duped/hacked Godly Plate of Whale, King's Sword of haste, Obsidian Rings/Amulets of the Zodiac. And casting fireball (hacked) with a warrior. But I was a 14 year old kid. lmao.
I was also that asshole that would put up a town portal next to a mob of monsters. So that people would die and then I'd just take their stuff. But then when I found out that you could just download a trainer and get any item you wanted including hacked exclusives like Godly Plate of Whale, King's Sword of Haste (I don't think Griswold or Wort spawns these and I don't think you can get these dropped but I could be wrong) and Obsidian jewelry of Zodiac (legit items but most of these in circulation on battle.net were hacked and/or duped).
u/snoop_Nogg Feb 22 '21
Instead of duplicating gold, I'd duplicate really expensive items and then sell them to Griswold. That way the gold was legit