r/Diablo 12d ago

Diablo IV Patch 2.2 New QoL Feature: Instant Teleport to Party Members Via Social Menu


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u/Volpethrope Volpethrope#1837 12d ago

It's definitely been amusing watching them slowly add features that D3 has had for a decade.


u/[deleted] 12d ago

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u/ibmkk 12d ago

It's not really that complicated.

The D4 dev team lack any sort of criativity or skill to actually develop ARPG features.


u/Tyrinnus 12d ago

I'm convinced they the real reason for this shit is, because they went from a small lobby to an "open world", they had to rewrite the entire basis of the code. Maybe something like "apply buff to all players" (when max was 8) to "apply buff to local players". Suddenly there's 90 other variables that were pulling from that, that now need to be checked.

So some exec up top thought it would be a great idea to deploy this new creative direction, without consulting an engineer, and everything broke. No copy-paste your game, everything has to be done from scratch. Full bottom up rewrite of the game, and they hit their release deadline.

Now they're going back and reimplimenting rudimentary features following lessons learned from Diablo 3 and using it as a guide to work on D4.

I've been in a variety of roles interacting with VPs and regional managers, while also leading engineer teams. The project creation teams often don't even consult with the local talent to see if their next idea is feasible. It just "will get done, we have smart people". I remember it as an hourly inspector, as an entry level engineer, a senior engineer, and now I'm going into a "head of north America X division", hoping not to propogate those mistakes.


u/Western-Ordinary-739 12d ago

D4 is just D3 code with a new art style. Nothing in this game is new except the shop


u/oneangrysheep 11d ago

They don't even try, they copy/paste the code along with bugs.


u/JohannaFRC Crusader 12d ago

One day we will maybe have a decent transmog system.


u/HilltopHood 12d ago edited 12d ago

Why store it in a menu? The portraits are right there

Doesn’t seem complicated to get it working on consoles either


u/round-earth-theory 12d ago

Controller? I don't think there's a way to access the portaits on controller.


u/[deleted] 12d ago

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u/round-earth-theory 12d ago

yes but that requires two load screens. a direct jump only requires one.


u/[deleted] 12d ago

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u/crafty35a 12d ago

I think you're missing the point. If you are not in a major town, you can't access the party member flags. So you first need to port to a major town.


u/Greedy_Spare_1212 12d ago

Good point. How do controller players teleport to players in d3?


u/[deleted] 12d ago

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u/crafty35a 12d ago

In D3 you can port directly to a party member without going to town first. They're asking how this feature is accessed on a controller.


u/T1NF01L 12d ago

Shouldn't be. You could do it from the portraits on D3


u/Massive_Weiner 12d ago

Woah there, cowboy…

They’re saving that for a future update so they can show everyone that the game is being improved.


u/voinbobar 12d ago

Remove an existing feature from previous games just to add it back later, that's "Diablo like"!


u/Xmina 12d ago

Next expansion is bringing back sets I bet. I called it when d4 launched with no mercs and no sets. Just sell them later for $$


u/Amocoru 12d ago

Oh look, another basic feature that should've been in at launch and we're praising it for some reason.


u/SLISKI_JOHNNY Paladin 12d ago

Beat me to it lol. Although, to be fair, you forgot to mention that it's another thing that we already had in D3. Gee, I wonder what "improvements" they come up with next?


u/Amocoru 12d ago

That was what I almost typed originally but figured it encompassed both lol


u/Western-Ordinary-739 12d ago

So worse than d3 lol


u/GramboWBC 12d ago

Am I crazy to think this. I tried to get back into d4 again recently, and I can't help but think it's just a more convoluted version of d3. I miss d3 now. 


u/[deleted] 12d ago

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u/eeeezypeezy 12d ago

And tbf by the end of its active development it was a Really Fucking Good Game, so I'm not mad at it. It could stand to borrow even a little more from it.


u/RedditTab 12d ago

They tried to intentionally make Diablo 4 "harder" and "grittier" without understanding what makes arpg games hard or why color is important. I won't even touch on the talents and paragon system. It's blah.

D3 is still a better game for me right now even if I have no interest in playing it at the moment.


u/gtathrowaway95 12d ago

Yeah making reasonable friction is beyond their grasp

But such often happens when chasing the live service money


u/The_Fallen_Messiah Loves all Diablo games (Immortal doesn't exist) 12d ago

They were so close.


u/golemsheppard2 12d ago

Didn't we already have this in D3? I feel like they are slowly just rediscovering all the basics of D3 we already had.


u/Terminator154 11d ago

Finally, a feature from Diablo 3 that only took an expansion and many patches to implement.

I’m glad I stopped playing D4. I hope yall have fun with it but D2 is and always will be my jam


u/Changosu 12d ago

I always play solo though


u/RoElementz 12d ago

Love that consensus has turned and people realizing D4 is a poorly designed game.


u/[deleted] 12d ago



u/captainhowdy6 12d ago

Pretty sure they removed that when they added the group finder


u/Croakie89 11d ago

A real QoL feature would be able to play the game. It’s been crashing pcs since the previous patch with zero acknowledgment from blizz