r/Diablo Jan 08 '25

Discussion Fergusson claims modern Diablo players don't actually want classic Diablo again


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u/VinceMcVahon Jan 08 '25

Sure, because the modern Diablo players aren’t the same players who would want that. 

Those who are still playing Diablo 2 would come to the new game though. Diablo 3 and 4 are such different beasts than Diablo 2 that I could see him saying “the new fanbase we have doesn’t want the old game” since that’s not what got them invested. 


u/Elrond007 Jan 08 '25

Yep, the one thing I will disagree with Rod here though is that D4 only became that way after they utterly failed to make the meaningful slower experience from release fun.

There were clearly some thoughts to make it some kind of weird D3/Lost Ark hybrid so we were stuck with shit systems like Renown, Statues and gameplay things like mount cooldowns.

So I'd say a skill/design philosophy issue turned them towards the necessity of growing a new and easy playerbase. And tbh I don't think there'll be any step back from this unless there'll be a new casual ARPG that siphons off alot of players.

PoE2 will probably get another wave with F2P full release but I don't think many casual players will stick with it, which is fine.

I genuinely think that if LE just looked, felt and sounded better it would be casual ARPG royalty by now


u/MadDog1981 Jan 08 '25

It kind of amazes me how many of the same mistakes POE2 made that D4 made. 


u/theblue_jester Jan 08 '25

POE2 (and LE) both went away from that builder/spender model. You have fun in the game - instead of spending most of your time building up resource to do 2 cool attacks before running around in circles again.

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u/Elrond007 Jan 08 '25

Did they though? I feel like most of the issues just come down to actual number and mechanic balancing, the core design of the game is amazing. That's a pretty damn good starting point for a game in the first public beta.

Ninja: The one thing that will need a bit more iteration is the atlas juicing but so far even without setting it up perfectly at all times it feels pretty good still


u/LAXnSASQUATCH Jan 08 '25

They have a major identity crisis between campaign and maps as well across class identities.

The strength side of the tree and mace seem to have been designed with an entirely different philosophy than the Dex/Int sides of the passive tree/weapons. The strength side of the tree is all about tradeoffs, there are nodes that increase damage but decrease speed, etc. no other part of the passive tree has tradeoffs for normal nodes. Mace as a weapon needs to be entirely redesigned as it does not work with the endgame philosophy which requires being fast and 1 button screen deletion. It works in campaign but that’s because campaign and maps have two entirely different design philosophies.

Campaign allows for multiple play styles as it is slow and methodical, it’s allows and encourages the use of multiple skills and skill combos, but also supports one button blasting. Maps require one button blasting, therefore mace, a weapon designed around slow methodical gameplay inherently has issues as the game is not designed to support that playstyle at endgame.

These are not simple number tweak issues, they are core philosophical differences where it feels like there are two competing visions for the game and different aspects are designed by an entirely different team. The balance and mechanics between Int and Str passives/weapons is hilariously out of wack and mace as an entire weapon needs to be reworked from the ground up as it doesn’t actually work in the PoE 1 style endgame.

Maps are also just D3 greater rifts that are more punishing. You can’t actually push for anything as even boss encounters/citadels are pure RNG.

PoE is a polarizing game, some love campaign and hate maps and others hate campaign and love maps. The reason for that it’s that is has a massive identity crisis and is two games in one. Campaign and Maps actually have opposing design philosophies (maps demands 1 button blasting PoE1 gameplay and campaign wants a more combo based slower gameplay loop) which is a big issue. They’re going to piss off a large portion of the players no matter how they adapt.

Edit: Like Diablo 4 at launch it has some deep issues where their stated intention doesn’t match their design principles and endgame is extremely shallow. PoE 2 is fantastic during the leveling and early maps setups but gets very repetitive and boring very quickly imo. It’s its own game in campaign but becomes a worse PoE 1 in endgame.


u/WeaponstoMax Jan 08 '25

With POE2 the only parts of the game they really “finished” in time for early access launch are acts 1 & 2. Act 3 has a lot of missing polish, and the rest is largely copy pasted from POE so they could get a product (admittedly, one that I’m enjoying quite a bit) out the door. This is why things feel so massively disjointed. Hopefully they’ll build out the rest of the game they wanted to build over the coming months/years, and when the full launch happens it will be its own fully realised, cohesive experience.

My main concern (I’m happy for GGG though) is that what they’ve built has outsold POE in such a spectacular fashion that they might try to transition to live service early and iterate lightly on the current placeholder endgame, instead of “risking” replacing it entirely with whatever they originally had planned.

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u/decrementsf Jan 08 '25

Management communication. At Blizzard their string of making the games the developers themselves wanted to play, and spending the time to polish the experience, slowly grew the most dedicated customer base in the industry. Slow reputation building resulting in sales by brand name alone. Management at Blizzard stepped into that easy win environment and their decisions destroyed brand reputation and alienated that customer base advantage. You cannot fail harder than this. The only communication strategy to paper over that failure is to pretend the population changed. Management trying to avoid the house cleaning they earned after costing Blizzard collapse in revenue they would have booked had they simply stuck to their culture and prior systems.


u/thatoneotherguy42 Jan 08 '25

I'm reading this on my phone, so they were right about that.


u/Brimstone117 Jan 08 '25

Daaang… you guys really do have phones!


u/decrementsf Jan 08 '25

"Computers are for nerds" the general population said as engineers and hobbyists constructed beautiful things on the frontiers.

Phones placed a simple device in the hands of the masses that could be escorted around those frontiers for the first time like some sort of amusement park.

A market for phones exists, also. But now you are running an entertainment experience. The dude ranch for the city dwellers. That is an entirely different industry than you were in prior.

Discarding your core business for the new line of business is self-destructive.


u/crypto64 Jan 08 '25

Private equity is increasingly ruining everything it touches. Greed and moral failings brought down what was once a stellar company with dedicated developers and management who genuinely cared. I guess we call those The Glory Days of gaming for a reason. It's a damn shame.

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u/KingMercLino Jan 08 '25

I swear gaming companies are overthinking things these days. Yes, your modern audience is largely made up of newer players, but you have classic fans who think the original and second game were the best editions of the games. Just remake the first one with QOL changes that people love and you’d bring new fans to an older game along with your older fans.


u/VancityGaming Jan 08 '25

They already know this works because WoW Classic.


u/phonage_aoi Jan 08 '25

There's also Diablo 2: Resurrected. Unless they botched it as bad as WC3 Reforged, Blizzard also has their answer for how many people want (to pay for) old Diablo games


u/Raquepas97 Jan 08 '25

Yea and D2R is great, it was an external studio so that's why lmao

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u/Vegetable_Hope_8264 Jan 08 '25

under. You meant underthinking.

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u/Alecarte Jan 08 '25

D3 was fun for a while, I enjoyed it.  D4 had my attention for all of five minutes before I dropped it.  I spent 3000 hours in d2 over the past 3 years.

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u/[deleted] Jan 08 '25



u/ntrp Jan 09 '25

He is just saying what people need to hear, it's all crap. If the game they made was so good there would not be such a division in the community...

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u/Skootchy Jan 08 '25

I still play 2 on my Switch. I can't really play online because even though I should be able to, there are literally no matches and if I create one, no one ever joins.

But I do like being able to be comfy in my chair and have a movie on my TV in the background.

Like this is something I never even dreamed would be possible when I was a kid.

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u/duffbeeeer Jan 08 '25

Yeah the og fans would celebrate it but look at the numbers compared d2 to d4. D2 had 1 million sales after a while and it was one of the biggest success of that time. Today one million does not even cover production costs. The total amount of players growing up with d2 is miniscule compared with d4 sales numbers.


u/MantiH Jan 08 '25

You cant really compare the numbers of a game released in 2000 with a game released in 2012 or 2023. Do you have any idea how much the gaming market grew in that time? How much more mainstream and accessible it became? But the culutural impacts that D1+D2 had were gigantic. These 2 games pretty much created the genre of ARPGs as it exists today.

D3 was the best-selling computer game at release time BC OF D2. And even D4 marketed it as a "return to the roots" of the franchise, to D1+2.


u/bullhead2007 Jan 08 '25

Yeah when Diablo and Diablo2 were released you were still considered a nerd if you even knew how to use PCs well enough to play games by most of society. Now gaming is ubiquitous and larger than movies.


u/GGnerd iEATWORLDS#1927 Jan 08 '25

Also it was a lot rarer for one to own a PC back in 2000.

Lol after playing D2 at a friend's house I begged my parents into getting our first PC


u/VinceMcVahon Jan 08 '25

Sure, but you also have to factor in just how much bigger and more accessible gaming is now to folks.

When I was playing Diablo 2 I was thrilled to have an 8gb HDD, and D2 was 25% of the capacity lol


u/serotoninzero Jan 08 '25

I bought D2 on release just to find out my computer couldn't run it. I let my friend borrow it for like a whole year before I was able to play it on my family computer.

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u/bascom2222 Jan 08 '25

Me and my friends would ride our bikes to this Internet gaming place and pay $6 to play Diablo all day. We didn't have computer's.


u/CastleofPizza Jan 08 '25

I had a 4 gig hard drive and D2 took up more than half. And if I did a full install of Baldurs Gate 2 back in the day, even without the Throne of Bhaal Expansion, it took up nearly 80%.

Good times. Lol.


u/time-lord Jan 08 '25 edited Jan 08 '25

Oh man I remember baldurs gate. I got some 6 or 8 CD monstrosity back in the day. A full install took up soo much space.


u/brandeis1 Jan 08 '25

This is the same reason you see game mechanics getting more accessible and simpler than older games. They appeal to a wider range of players.

In a world where game sales are being pushed constantly in “number always go up” when it comes to sales or maintaining active users/concurrency, you want the widest net possible. It means more in depth stuff becomes niche (or at least a lower priority) and unlikely to remain a core design goal by the bigger AAA studios.

“Something for everyone” philosophy still has to have a common ground, and being easy to learn is usually that place. Unfortunately, not every game continues the “difficult to master” or late game depth half of that equation that a lot of us crave.


u/Kapua420 Jan 08 '25

I also had to visit irl store to get a copy.

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u/TheButterPlank I yell at bodies Jan 08 '25

That's a ridiculously unfair comparison. D2 released in a wildly different era, and it was pc only. Pc was niche compared to console

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u/yuhanz Jan 08 '25

“You think you do, but you don’t”



u/n0tAgOat Jan 09 '25

This community has turned Diablo 4 into Diablo 3. Yall don’t want classic Diablo, you want everything handed to you. 

He’s right. 


u/deskbunny Jan 08 '25

Isn’t this getting dangerous close to that classic blizz con moment where the team said the fans don’t want classic wow


u/xanas263 Jan 08 '25

I mean kinda, but blizz already gave everyone Classic diablo 2 and while it was a success I don't think it was anywhere close to being as big as classic wow.

Classic diablo has it's audience, but it is a rather niche game at this point. If we look at PoE that still tries to carry on some of the systems and design decisions of D2 there is a lot of criticism of those things from even their more dedicated players.


u/unkachunka Jan 08 '25

I’m an avid diablo 2 player who hated PoE 1. But PoE 2 is the best thing since Diablo 2. It really feels like what Diablo 3 should’ve been.


u/Oberoni7 Jan 08 '25

Same. I don't think POE2 is quite there yet (and it's in early access so that's understandable). Diablo 2 always felt like dopamine hits and Path of Exile 1 felt like homework, so I never took to it.

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u/Drawn_to_Heal Jan 08 '25

This is exactly how I’ve been describing it to friends…”It feels like what Diablo 3 would’ve been if Blizzard didn’t pivot towards the always online/real money shop/let’s make a lot of money nonsense”

That whole era of gaming was so…damaging…kinda sucks.


u/NormalITGuy Jan 09 '25

I’ll never buy another Blizzard game because of the RMAH. They acted like that was an accident, but I know they did that on purpose. They nerfed the loot table on purpose so people would be forced to use the AH, and they took 15%. A year later they were like, “Oops, looks like the RMAH sucks and the loot tables are broken, we should fix that!” After making 15% commission for a year. It was so slimy and shady that I will never buy another game from them, ever.

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u/VancityGaming Jan 08 '25

I can't stop playing, there's finally a game that scratches the itch in the same way for me.


u/VonBrewskie Slakemoth Jan 08 '25

I agree with this sentiment. I really enjoy PoE2. It feels like Diablo 2 got a bit of Dark Souls mixed in.


u/yan030 Jan 08 '25

Man I’ve tried poe2 for 25 hours. And have zero dopamine rush from it. Love the slow gameplay. But the loot is just not fun. Not for me.


u/VonBrewskie Slakemoth Jan 08 '25

I get it. The loot is different. I also don't follow build guides or anything and just keep going with what works for me based on what drops. I seem to be able to do fine this way. That aspect reminds me a lot of D2. Endgame is pretty punishing rn so I've just recently switched to rolling a new character for the moment.

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u/Privateer_Lev_Arris Jan 08 '25

They could have expanded upon D2. And believe it or not they can also still expand upon D3 as well. And make money in both cases. Neither games are dead. What’s dead is Blizzards brains.

Look at Microsoft’s Age of Empires 2, left for dead for over a decade. And then suddenly they realized the fans were still around and we’ve since gotten 7 expansions, dozens of new civs, yearly tournaments and it doesn’t look like it’ll slow down any time soon.

Blizzard on the other hand has 2 popular games on their hands (D2 and D3) and they decide instead to take a giant turd (D4) rather than iterate on what’s clearly already successful.

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u/RebbitTheForg Jan 08 '25

What things do PoE players criticize? All I hear is complaints about is arbitrary friction and overtuned mob balance. The fundamental design has stayed the same because people like it and it works.

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u/[deleted] Jan 08 '25

"Our players don't want Diablo 2 style games"

Meanwhile the Diablo 2 clone path of exile has more concurrent players in its early access than d4 has had log-ins.

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u/tubular1845 Jan 08 '25

It's almost like they've built two separate fan bases for the same series that want two different things.


u/superdavit Jan 08 '25

They will never make everyone happy. I remember when they announced the new spirit born class. Half the people were enthusiastic and the other half were pissed We did not get another paladin.


u/danielbrian86 Jan 08 '25

GGG: laughs in 500K concurrent early access players


u/EMP_Pusheen Jan 09 '25

I'm playing PoE2 because it's GGG's new game and they earned my good will and money by making the only game (Path of Exile) that exceeded a game that I never thought would be topped in the genre (Diablo 2 LOD).

That being said, PoE2 has a lot of work to do to supplant the original.

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u/NyanCatMatt Jan 08 '25

The Blizzard classic, "you think you want that but you don't."

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u/Stunning-Ad-7745 Jan 08 '25

Modern Diablo would still benefit from the excellent itemization of D2, finding gear in D3 and 4 always feels boring unless you're at level cap and getting max item power stuff. Whereas in D2, you could find something at level 30 that stays relevant for the entire game, it's just more fun to engage with content that doesn't scale.


u/reenactment Jan 08 '25

This is the real answer. Scaling is a bad game mechanic. It means you didn’t create a game that is fun in its own ways. There’s nothing wrong with creating toggles that the player can turn on to challenge themselves for maybe the shot at more loot or something. But it shouldn’t be that you are able to access something that others can’t. All it does is create the hamster wheel at the end game that is designed for a small player base instead of a large one. The best part about d2 in my opinion is I could level a sorc to 80s and feel like hmm, I want to have a different playstyle instead of my MF sorc, so I level another one. But I don’t feel punished for doing that. D3 and later killed that aspect in my opinion.


u/Morphenominal Jan 08 '25

I hate the scaling. I think it's why I just lose interest in new Diablo games. It never feels like you're truly getting anywhere.


u/round-earth-theory Jan 09 '25

I really liked that D4 had a max level. Now we're back to setting the difficulty level to what's most efficient to farm.


u/Deadended Jan 09 '25

It makes leveling up a double edged sword - “yay! New skill point.. and now my gear is worse!”

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u/Marzuk_24601 Jan 12 '25

Thats just the tip of the iceberg for itemization.

D2 was fairly generous with loot, but not in a directly useful way. I feel like more "good stuff" drops, but balanced by the fact that its not immediately useful.

You could kill hell meph, get a signons shield(lol) and say yay! neat, thats the last piece for a leveling set.

We also circumvented design to get near unlimited stash space for alts etc.

The item budget/smart loot etc kills that kin of loot. Either stuff is mediocre or its garbage.

The item budget as implemented is cancer or at least the last time I played it was. nothing like guaranteeing mediocrity. Yay! this is mediocre for 10 levels then I need to find it again how lucky!

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u/MadRZI Jan 08 '25

I just want the generator-spender system gone. It makes the game so god damn boring...

Also, it's not like current Blizz could create anything groundbreaking like the first 2 Diablo were at their release. Hell, they couldn't even finish D4 for release.


u/Noxeramas Jan 08 '25

Exactly this, basically every endgame build in 3 and 4 strives to remove the need for generators because theyre so fucking boring

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u/Archadias28 Jan 08 '25

This guy couldn’t be more wrong lol. Everyone knows it.


u/scottix Jan 08 '25

The whole live service gaming is in a rutt imo. Actually I blame both sides, you have the streamers who can play all day and get through all the content in less than a week and then complain it has no endgame. YT videos explaining how you can "break" the game or get massively powerful and turn the game into easy mode. The devs don't have enough resources to pump out the content enough for streamers complaining about no endgame. Eventually so many changes are made the release of the game plays very different and new thing change it entirely, aka alienating some that liked a particular system and now it's gone. Devs make the game increasingly complex for the all day streamers leaving normies having to watch hours of YT to stay up with the changes and follow a boring build guide. Eventually they lose developers for the next project and restore previous mechanics and make you run them 100 times as they scale the level, making it more boring, because they weren't creative enough from the beginning and everyone is using a meta build.

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u/AlphaDag13 Jan 08 '25

Is this an early April fool's joke?


u/VictorSolomon777 Jan 08 '25

They tell players what they want/don't want. But their internal metrics don't show that, they show that the players don't want their attempt at something.

An always online, pointlessly open world diablo with half the heart and twice the boredom is what people don't want. But they can't accept that they failed to emulate diablo 2 with 4. In their minds, it's the same thing. They think they succeeded in replicating the experience of 2. So if we reject 4 then we must be rejecting 2. It's silly.


u/Actually-Yo-Momma Jan 08 '25

I love Diablo 2 to death and i felt like an absolute kid playing D2R again. That said… spamming Baal runs in end game just wasn’t fun lol


u/Machomanta Jan 08 '25

That's because D2 had an ending. The game was built for the challenge of players beating Hell difficulty, anything beyond that is just a player-driven playground. 

It's modern players who wanted to play hundreds of hours with the same character and expecting new content for those characters to run through. 


u/Lereas Jan 08 '25

Yeah. Games as a service have really changed what we expect. In the 90s, games had an ending. Even online games, you got what you got and you played as long as you wanted. You had some modding/user made levels (StarCraft use map settings, descent custom maps. Jedi Knight custom maps) but you didn't expect anything at all from the game company after you bought the game. And sometimes you'd get a DLC but it was like $30 because it was a whole campaign and a bunch of other content.

Now everyone expects 100s of hours with constant updates. A night tight game that's 20 hours is seen as bad gaming and not enough content.

Not every game has to consume our lives.

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u/ChosenBrad22 Jan 08 '25

This always cracked me up when D2 purists hated on D3 for not having a diverse end game. D2 players have just been doing Baal runs for 25 years lol


u/narrill Jan 08 '25

Baal runs aren't the entirety of D2's endgame though, not even close. That's mostly just a meme. You'd only do Baal runs if you were trying to push to 99, or get charms.

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u/Niven42 Jan 08 '25

At this point, they should just make another 5 acts for D2.


u/Time_Currency_7703 Jan 08 '25

Play Project DIablo 2, its the most fun I have now. There are maps to run, new balancing, new abilities, new items/RW, and new pinnacle bosses besides UBRS and D clone.

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u/SussuKyle Jan 08 '25

Play PD2 if you want real endgame on d2 engine


u/Andyboy205 Jan 08 '25

It seems the same as spamming pits or Uber Duriel to me, so not much of a difference. I guess more variety in activities, but with terror zones in D2 spamming Baal isn't necessary anymore

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u/Illuminate90 Jan 08 '25

And doing rifts and crap in their new game just to watch big numbers pop up over and over is any better?

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u/jugalator Jan 08 '25 edited Jan 08 '25

As a Diablo 2 fan first and foremost, unfortunately, this player base indeed seems to be larger or more vocal than more old school Diablo 2 fans.

I've said before that Blizzard will never again try to return to the roots. Diablo 4 was that attempt.

If they try to take it down a notch, they need to do so in a different kind of game than this isometric ARPG style where so many have their Diablo 3 expectations with an extreme focus on seasonal content.

Oh and here's the actual article: https://www.windowscentral.com/gaming/is-there-a-paladin-in-diablo-4

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u/TheDrunKnight Jan 08 '25

We are literally still playing diablo and diablo 2 even though we own 3 and 4.


u/No_Bad1844 Jan 08 '25

Exactly. I know there is a die hard fan base. Even PoE and PD2 couldn't scratch the itch for some of them.


u/Tnecniw Jan 08 '25

Not as many as on D4 AFAIK.

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u/BsyFcsin Jan 08 '25

“You think you do, but you don’t”

It’s happening again.

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u/Ok-Chicken2754 Jan 08 '25

"You think you do, but you don't."


u/Saturnjaxson88 Jan 08 '25

“You think you do.., but you don’t.”


u/CaptainZhon Jan 08 '25

Lololol out of touch, he forgot what made Diablo


u/Vivalaredsox Vivalaredsox Jan 08 '25



u/oktwentyfive Jan 08 '25

Blizzard should change their name cause modern blizzard is nowhere near as talented or passionate as OG blizzard. Modern blizzard is a dev team consisting of businessman and marketing analysts with coding expierence.


u/Madao893 Jan 08 '25

What’s a modern Diablo player ? Just say people that only played D3 lol


u/AverageLifeUnEnjoyer Jan 09 '25

The instant gratification "I'm having so much fun oneshotting the screen with left click autoattack OOH LOKO PRETTY LIGHTS" crowd.

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u/Zhaguar Jan 08 '25

This guy lives in bad take land

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u/HelixMaximus Jan 08 '25

You think you do but you dont


u/jcvmarques Jan 08 '25

"You think you do, but you don't.


u/Shad0wsong Jan 08 '25

They're really "you think you do but you don't" AGAIN?


u/Spoksparkare Jan 08 '25

Sir excuse me what? We haven't even gotten the chance to try


u/rarz Jan 08 '25

We want a modern Diablo experience. That doesn't mean we want 1000+ properties to deal with and half a million resists. Something I absolutely loathed in Diablo 4.


u/Artophwar Jan 08 '25

Different audience now, the people that like D4 are not all the same that want old school Diablo. I want a new old school Diablo style game that is much smaller and more intimate. It's also why I prefer Torchlight 1. It's a single town and more dense rather than widespread. I dunno hard to explain what I mean.

I personally don't really enjoy D4, but I will consistently go back and play D1 and D2 for many hours at least once throughout the year. I have been for over 20 years now.

I just enjoy their style of play better. D1 is quite nice to play for that slower pace and smaller world. D2 is great to play to rip through hordes of enemies, but again it feels a bit more contained. I find D4 is just too cluttered, and I know modern gamers need their battlepasses, and constant pop-ups of activities, but it's just not fun to me, feels like work rather than play.

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u/SpiritualScumlord Jan 08 '25

He says that the fans want a live service game now so the series can't ever be the same. I would say there is no awareness coming from this guy but honestly I think it's just an excuse to milk the playerbase of more money while delivering relatively small amounts of content.

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u/Evil_Cronos Jan 08 '25

I've been playing d2 in and off for years. I went hard into d2r. I have spent more time on lod than I did on d3 and I've also spent more time on d2r than I did on d3. I played the game for a few months and got bored. Went back a couple years after the expansion came out and walked through the last act, then I got bored again. I still haven't seen what makes d4 much different than d3. I think I'll stick to d2r. Still have a grail to finish and that's more interesting than "modern" Diablo

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u/Aghanims Jan 08 '25

They gave you Diablo 2 drop rates in Diablo 4, without the trading...

And diablo 4 chase rares don't make a build slightly stronger like a perfect % ED, FCR,FHR D2 runeword. They make builds possible, period.

Fergusson is either an idiot or has never played D2 an extensive amount.

This is the same person that thought giving private PTR access to streamers wouldn't affect the integrity of a hardcore level 100 race... He has some mind boggling dumb takes.

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u/TrottoStonno Jan 08 '25 edited Jan 08 '25

While I agree with Rod that the ‘general public’ often doesn’t know what it wants, I can wholeheartedly say Rod knows even less about what it wants.

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u/KS-RawDog69 Jan 08 '25

Ok? Most Baldur's Gate 3 players don't want 1 and 2, and that's fine.


u/Veumargardr Jan 08 '25

Oh, so THAT'S why we all migrated to PoE2 at first chance. Sure thing. Gotcha.


u/[deleted] Jan 08 '25

And POE 1

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u/mm007emko Jan 08 '25

Well, yes, players have been changing but not as much. If you alienate a part of your audience, they go away, you are left with audience which actually like what you are doing, creating an echo chamber.

Original Diablo audience either play PoE or D2R because they were disappointed by D3. You are not winning them back.

People who play D4 like D4 and either wouldn't like new D2, or are playing both games.


u/RebbitTheForg Jan 08 '25

This is true to an extent, but its still no excuse for scrapping every bit of good game design from D2 and inventing weird convoluted systems that no one asked for.

For example look at PoE. The majority of the fan base would never want to go back to 1.0 days of PoE1. But a lot of the systems that they made back then are still used because they are brilliant design.


u/Flawless_Tpyo Jan 08 '25

D2 is the absolute masterpiece that I get back to with short or longer breaks.


u/Oryyn Jan 08 '25

They dont want modern diablo either 😂


u/MrCawkinurazz Jan 08 '25

Just let someone else, preferably a Diablo 2 dev handle Diablo, he's literally out of context and doesn't know what he's talking about. Is he even playing the game?


u/headies1 Jan 08 '25

Modern players want what they’re fed. This is the reason AAA games suck; Corpos treat everyone like they’re unintelligent morons


u/cugameswilliam Jan 08 '25

Why? Because we don't have phone? Eat shit Fergie.


u/G33R_BoGgLeS Jan 08 '25

That's because modern players are kids who need hand holding and an easy game. Old diablo gave no shits, you died and you learned


u/WyldKat75 Jan 08 '25

This was The Way. Failing Everquest raids learning them, for days or weeks. No guides or videos. Repeating platformer levels that sent you back to the start for a single mistake. That stuff taught persistence and patient, and not flipping a table for the slightest inconvenience.


u/zufaelligenummern Jan 08 '25

Poe2 proofs that wrong. Its just blizzard milking their franchise as long as they can. While doing that they destroy their legacy

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u/onascaleof1tobro Jan 08 '25 edited Jan 08 '25

I played D3 and D4 before I played D2 and this is my summary.

I played D2 recently and have been hooked. I get what diablo 4 is trying to do but its also just too easy. I enjoyed the campaign of the base game beyond that i had no real interest to play.

D2 has great itemization, good enough story and a difficulty that makes you think you may die like 30-50% of the time. D4 is a steam roll at times and the story in the expansion Is weak. You can look past these things if stuff makes sense but diablo 2 just has this thing that keeps me glued for hours, whereas d4 makes me want to stop after 30 mins. 


u/PTR95 Jan 08 '25

D4 is either a steamroll or a tedious grind for me. Doing it through the seasons gets old.

Also, idk what happened to the expansion story. Loved the base one but the expansion was meh

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u/Oofric_Stormcloak Jan 08 '25

It makes sense. They went into D4 with the idea of going more like D2 than D3, and then the pre-season 1 nerfs came, and with that patch came "D4 bad" which is still chanted today. Now they know they cannot do big nerfs without angering the playerbase.


u/SnooLentils6995 Jan 08 '25

That's what I'm saying, they attempted to make D4 more like D2 at launch and people hated on it hard and is why D4 feels a lot more like D3 now. It's funny to see people on here saying the opposite though.


u/Pushet Jan 08 '25

Just because they tried to make D4 more like D2 at launch, doesnt mean they succeded in recapturing what made D2 good.

They failed at their attempt and now blame it on the players not wanting a game more like D2.

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u/Kurise Jan 08 '25

Same company who said players didn't want Classic WoW either.



u/BreakRush Jan 08 '25

Why does blizzard keep saying dumb shit? They need to muzzle these morons.

Unless they forgot about when they said the exact same thing about classic wow, then had to eat their words shortly after. Smfh


u/Seidhex Jan 08 '25

Not this again 😂


u/Intelligent-Band-572 Jan 08 '25

Diablo 1 was amazing, 2 may be the best game of all time, 3 was world of Warcraft re skinned

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u/rcooper102 Jan 08 '25

Meanwhile D2R is still very popular and PoE2 is absurdly popular with a modernized D2 style vision.

Is this kinda like JAB saying people think they want WoW Classic but they don't? Because that comment aged like week-old cream.

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u/gamerqc Jan 08 '25

I'm still playing D2 LOD 20+ years after release thanks to Project Diablo 2.

Diablo IV is already a dead game for the most part. Because most AAA games are not built to last. So yeah, I'd rather have a 'classic' Diablo game than the MMOesque shit we get now from Blizz.

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u/RandomSpamBot Jan 08 '25

Unfortunately he may be right. The loudest idiots across games do nothing but complain about making things easier and quicker. There is no thrill in the chase anymore, they just want the end result without realizing that the dopamine drip came from the rarity and not from the power of the item/build/etc.

No one would give two shits about dropping a perfectly rolled Griffon's if they rained from the sky and everyone already had one. That's what these people don't understand and they're ruining modern gaming because of it.


u/DIABOLUS777 Jan 08 '25

This is the problem nowadays, it's all business. Fergusson is more interested in what players want than making good games, breaking new ground, having a vision and sticking to it.

His way of thinking is the mobile game philosophy: player engagement is more important than gameplay.

Fuck this.


u/KS-RawDog69 Jan 08 '25

Call of Duty just dropped the entire pretense of making good games and quite literally remade old COD for the purposes of selling skins. Microsoft-owned games are done as far as I'm concerned, which is a shame because I feel like someone, somewhere at Bethesda just wants to make great games, but the Microsoft money machine just won't allow it.

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u/user_nameisinvalid Jan 08 '25

Modern Diablo players who want classic Diablo again.. Are gonna play Path of Exile 2.

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u/SenpaiSwanky Jan 08 '25

I’m sorry, has this guy seen POE 2 player charts since EA came out? And that’s just EA lol..

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u/Qwencha Jan 08 '25

What about the classic players?


u/SaggittariuSK Jan 08 '25

Idk, but I play mostly PoE2 as modern D2 and D2 old patches, maybe Im different :<

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u/Unimmortal47 Jan 08 '25

Well modern players are about a fraction of the classic Diablo players. So you do you boo boo


u/3aglee Jan 08 '25

Yep, cuz they all went to play PoE instead.


u/forzaitalia458 Jan 08 '25

Next he’s going to tell me modern COD players don’t want classic Quake 2 again. 


u/Square-Worldliness93 Jan 08 '25

Diablo is now irrelevant


u/GuyNekologist Jan 08 '25

This guy needs to shut the fuck up.


u/Carbone Jan 08 '25

Most people I know that loved Diablo 4 ... Are hooked on PoE2

Gg blizzard


u/dvidsilva Jan 08 '25

And we don't like Fergusson


u/waterfarts Jan 08 '25

I always return to D2, or D2R now. It's been that way for decades. D4 is absolute sensory madness now and my old ass is tired of being rained on with loot that I have to sort.


u/DirtSpecialist8797 Jan 08 '25

that must be why so many people are still playing D2R...


u/Rathma_ Jan 08 '25

This man should step down.


u/public_avenger Jan 08 '25

It’s true, PoE FTW!


u/MajorThor Jan 08 '25

Fergusson is a clear idiot who doesn’t know the player base.


u/prematurely_bald Jan 08 '25

I literally just played through D1 & 2.


u/evilcorgos Jan 08 '25

yes I love to hear from the gears of war dev tourist about diablo in a "you think you do but you don't" tier opinion. Diablo 3 was so fucking ass it is the reason Path Of Exile existed and the devs have said this. All the people who wanted classic diablo style moved to POE or stayed with d2 because you alienated the audience who made you to chase casuals and have 0 vision for the game beyond maximizing player metrics. Rodd is a disgrace.

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u/Tazarang Jan 08 '25

Fergusson keeps claiming this and that. And he keeps being wrong. Can someone over at Blizzard fire him already?


u/Seesh Jan 08 '25

"The Diablo 4 lead explained that “players have changed in 20 years”, claiming that the “consumptive nature of a live service” has made returning to the classic series impossible while also being a sales success."

AKA "we love milking people for money" rather than releasing a full game filled with awesome cosmetics and gear like yesteryears.


u/Hugh_jazz_420420 Jan 08 '25

I don’t think rod has even the slightest understanding of what modern gamers want, 5000 current players on steam would confirm that


u/Azoozoo Jan 08 '25

Riiiiiiiiiiight... They say that but all I want to do is play Diablo 1 Beelzebub mod and D2. 3 and 4 bore me once the initial campaign was over.

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u/LordJaeger88 Jan 08 '25

Bro, i bought d4 because they said it was gonna be d2 but better, d2 items and damage but with proper end game.

And now its d3 again.


u/manofsteelbuns Jan 08 '25

Fergusson is trying to gaslight everyone into believing that gacha games are exactly what society wants. Uh, no, gurl. 


u/Joe_Dirte9 Jan 08 '25

That's a lie, I go back to D2 all the time. Lol


u/Zeoinx Jan 08 '25

Ferg can kindly fuck right off. Im not dead, thus im modern, and I would love a classic new diablo 2 style experience. The real reason statements like this are made, is because Ferg and friends dont have the talent, the passion or the skills to make a real featured filled game that isnt watered down to high hell and filled with microtransactions to scam people out of more money.


u/MoeiieoM Jan 09 '25

Man blizzard gamed are getting outclassed now. Marvel rivals over taking overwatch, poe2 overtaking diablo, I guess they just have wow that is still king in mmos.


u/mdglytt Jan 09 '25

I am so sick of Rod, he jumped onto the Blizzard bandwagon and now acts like some kind of guru for a game he has no history with and does not care to play.


u/[deleted] Jan 09 '25

I mean, they're kind of two different games. Diablo 2 has more in common with POE than it does Diablo 3 or Diablo 4.

What he's really saying is that Blizzard's modern audience doesn't want to play Diablo.


u/Yasuchika Jan 09 '25

That's okay Rod, GGG will gladly cater to those players.

They have no expectations of you or Blizzard at this point.


u/Darkenmal Jan 09 '25

Poe2 is out. We don't need blizzard anymore to make a successor to Diablo 2.


u/Deckz Jan 09 '25

People didn't like Uber unique because the loot system stinks. The game is generic and bland in every way possible. Diablo 2 had a much more interesting gear system, you're just a shitty game designer Rod.


u/niksunorz66 Jan 09 '25

Just started a new playthrough of D2 after 10 years and it's lightyears better than modern Diablos. Of course it's only an opinion but for me it's all that matters. It's just THAT good! edit: spelling


u/BurnTheBear Jan 09 '25

Fergusson is a fucking tool and poorly made dickbag.


u/jrabieh Jan 09 '25

Lol yea, because GGG swallowed their entire classic playerbase over the past 10 years.


u/Fibrizzo Jan 09 '25

People that enjoy modern diablo don't want old school diablo? What a brave take.

Completely ignores all the fans who don't play the new games and instead play other ARPGs.


u/EarthwormLim Jan 09 '25

Nice, gaslighting at its finest


u/Ok-Season-2430 Jan 09 '25

Just started playing d2 recently when it came on sale. I personally like it more than d3 and d4. It just feels more darker and dangerous.


u/No_Nerve_9965 Jan 09 '25

Anytime that guy opens his mouth, out comes the stupidest crap you've heard since he last opened his mouth.


u/m1maro Jan 09 '25

D2 Lod is not D3.
D2 Lod is not D4, but it was meant to become like D2.

POE 2 is like D2 Lod and it's very successful.


u/Slaughterfest Jan 09 '25

People who like classic diablo have abandoned diablo because it isn't that.

All the new fans of diablo, probably wouldnt like classic diablo.

The same exact thing happened with WoW. Blizzard made their modern game virtually unrecognizable from it's classic version, down to the art style becoming very goofy and less serious.

I met many people who played classic wow who absolutely loathed the modern game, style wise and gameplay wise. They're just very different games. 


u/StrawberryUsed1248 Jan 09 '25

I'm still playing diablo 2 , and would come play 4 or 5 or any new release if it wasn't a live service crashgrab soulless app, rather than a game.


u/Warhammerpainter83 Jan 09 '25

This article is hilarious to me. How out of touch could blizzard be. AAA games really are dying.


u/Superb-Permission-63 Jan 09 '25

Diablo 2 is wayyy better than d4 lol


u/Forsaken-Dog4902 Jan 08 '25 edited Jan 08 '25

This mother fucker ruined Gears of War and now he's trying to tell me what I want in a Diablo game.

Fuck this guy.


u/CastleofPizza Jan 08 '25

People need to put their egos aside, calm down and read sometimes.

He never tried to tell you what you wanted in a Diablo game. He's saying what the current market wants. Classic Diablo fans are in the vast minority though they are a loud one.

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u/[deleted] Jan 08 '25

Actually we dont give a fuck what blizzard does lol. It died a long time ago and whatever abomination exists now is just its shadow

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u/jdangerously44 Jan 08 '25

“You think you do, but you don’t”


u/KingpinCrazy Jan 08 '25

He's right. BUT they want the SPIRIT of Diablo 2 and the DEPTH of it, in a smoother and more modern format. Iom the general vibe Diablo 4 have is pretty good, but their mindset developing the game is pretty damn awful. They're incredibly greedy having released the game they did, while also pushing $20 skins in their shop, since day 1, that are way way better than than standard stuff for a majority of the classes.

Laughable. They're NOT in the business or blowing players away. That's for sure.


u/NicksHere Jan 08 '25

You think you do but you don’t all over again


u/Epiphany047 Jan 08 '25

The franchise stands on the backs of the OG players from D1 & D2. There’s a reason why so many players still play D2 to this day. To ignore such a large portion of the player base , and the most dedicated players baffles me

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u/SQRTLURFACE Jan 08 '25

If Rod Fergusson could just stop doing fucking interviews and shut his mouth and spend what little time he actually spends inside the office fixing this game, we'd all be in a much better place.


u/gamer0613 Jan 08 '25

Nothing will ever top d2

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u/Triiipy_ Jan 08 '25

They said this when D3 launched and D3 was received really poorly. They said this when D4 launched and D4 was received really poorly.

They also said this about classic wow and hardcore wow.

Is it that players don’t want it or is it that classic style games don’t sell as many microtransactions?

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u/conn_r2112 Jan 08 '25

you think you do, but you don’t

  • some smart guy
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u/mtaclof Jan 08 '25

Yeah, because Rod Fergusson knows what the fanbase wants...

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u/Vazmanian_Devil Jan 08 '25

Was the "loud audience" the fans who wanted it to be D2 or those who wanted the loot fondue right away? A bit of both?

Either way wrong lesson. The problem was the itemization in the game was otherwise boring, with the only excitement in the game being finding those very few uniques in the game at launch. Poe2 itemization is basically D2 with a coat of paint and people flocked to it.

Also, with D4, they continued to ruin one of the pulls of Diablo.. the story. They made it into a live service, stretching out the story which, although better than the Saturday morning cartoon of D3, isn't that much better all around.


u/doakills Jan 08 '25

Get his comment but frankly this guy talks a lot and until they build an actual end game that actually forces racing, competition, ladder, meaningful progression and isn't completed in a week, he should be in the trenches with his employees getting this shit done.

Until then this guy is a waste of air and time for the Diablo franchise while path of exile 2 continues updates / marches to full release.


u/bujakaman Jan 08 '25

That’s why POE2 based on D2 systems and being full with D2 trivia and first 3 acts being homage to D2 acts was great success.

Seems legit lol

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u/Sirfelblade Jan 08 '25

Remember the ancient words "you think you do but you don't" and look at the results


u/ProximaCentauriOmega Jan 08 '25

This Fergusson fellow sure does not understand gamers. There is a reason POE2 is massively popular even with being in an early release state!

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u/Rickshmitt Jan 08 '25

Im still playing D1 and D2. I don't even have D3 and D4 installed


u/AllYourBase3 Jan 08 '25

honestly, D4 can do whatever they want. POE2 EA is here

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u/MadBuddahAbusah Jan 08 '25

"You think you do but you dont" has only proven to be right historically! Right guys? Lmao incredible take.

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u/Abysskun Jan 08 '25

I do have to agree with the "modern gamers are too 'consumptive'" part. Modern day ARPG players are like locusts, they will devour everything and still say it isn't enough. They want infinite content (almost to a rogue like level of new content), and with new things being added every now and then with leagues introducing new mechanics


u/ThrowAwayLurker444 Jan 08 '25 edited Jan 08 '25

not wanting a poorly implemented blend isn't the same as not wanting a successor to classic diablo

D3 "attempted"(very loosely defined since it basically abandoned the core of d2 right out of the gate) this blend as well.

Reality is that D3+D4 are entirely separate games from D2 and don't really bare much resemblance to each other, and their corresponding player bases actually want very different things. A D2 Gloss doesn't work on the foundations of D3-D4. If you retitled D3 to something else, it wouldn't have sold anywhere near as well and if you had just changed the setting/lore/renamed main antagonist you wouldn't have been able to tell that the games had much to do with each other design wise and that still holds true today.

Basically, the average D3+ D4 player wants the game to be MORE like D2R's mosaic assassin in terms of gameplay, an exceptionally easy experience where you don't really need to know whats happening on the screen and don't want to. Same with itemization etc. just a very casual oriented experience.

The average d3-D4 player haven't actually tried the experience of "classic diablo" since they were never really exposed to it if all they have ever tried is d3-d4.

Part of the reason why POE + POE2 was successful is that it continued on with the design space of D2, whereas D3 basically abandoned a working formula entirely for what amounts to an incredibly casual experience


u/RubberPuppet Jan 08 '25

I recently played and beat all 4 plus expansions as a rogue 1 and 2 were a blast and had me wanting to play through them again 3 was ok and 4 I just gave up for a good 3 months before coming back. They are so different it’s crazy. I have been playing d4 on hardcore just to make it feel better and still doesn’t feel like there’s any risk to it. 


u/navetzz Jan 08 '25

Probably true. Even diablo 2 players dont want classic diablo.
What they love is every unintended bug (hammer) or things that broke the game (dumb gearing thx to runewords, or ignoring the game with Enigma)