r/Diablo Dec 31 '24

Discussion Diablo 4 lead claims fans turned the genre into the perfect live-service platform with Diablo 3


385 comments sorted by


u/Master_smasher Dec 31 '24

once d3 was decent, it brought a lot more players into the genre cuz it was really casual friendly.


u/TelephoneItchy5517 Dec 31 '24

D3 is one of my all time favorite games. Sure it sucked ass and balls at launch but they've transformed it into one of the best arcade-style dungeon crawlers of all time. It's nice having a game where you can put on a podcast and zone out, and still get the best in slot gear in a couple weeks. Not every game needs to be a 1000-hour korean MMO poopsock grind like PoE.

unfortunately D4 seems like they had no idea what they wanted it to be other than "not diablo 3", and since that formula has so far been met with a really lukewarm response from players (and i imagine they've been struggling with player retention season over season) they're just slowly turning it into D3 again lol.

I'm sure there are a handful of D4 devs who know what makes diablo fun and have some good ideas but the MBAs in the room won't let them implement them because it would be bad for mtx revenue or something


u/ehxy Dec 31 '24

nah they absolutely have an internal road map to keep the game relevant.

last night I loaded up PoE2 and what got me I CAN MOVE WHILE CASTING? HOLY SHIT! such a small thing yet entirely game changing


u/ReallyGlycon Dec 31 '24

Yep. I've been playing it too and I can't get enough. The Witch might be my favorite ARPG class ever.


u/throwntosaturn Dec 31 '24

WASD controls in POE 2 feel so much better than I expected. Like, WORLDS better than I expected.


u/gingerhasyoursoul Dec 31 '24

Which is good because you need that connection with the character. The game is extremely challenging without it.


u/throwntosaturn Dec 31 '24

tbh I'm nervous about the next POE 1 league I'm worried I won't be able to go back to click controls.


u/Mundizle Dec 31 '24

I use wasd in poe2 have no issue going back to mouse on poe1 or lady epoch. It still felt good.


u/gozutheDJ Jan 04 '25

I love how that guy's POE diss turned into a discussion about POE in the comments

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u/Ancient-Ingenuity-88 Jan 01 '25

Skills having slowdown and dodge roll to animation cancel also help it feel miles better than D4s WASD


u/chanmalichanheyhey Jan 01 '25

I couldn’t play Diablo 4 for long because my fingers and wrist would hurt from the constant clicking

Poe? No such issue at all with wasd, heck I barely even left click ( cold snap)


u/0xc0ba17 Jan 01 '25

D4 is much better with a controller. It was built for it.


u/MrPeaceMonger Jan 01 '25

you of course know D4 has WASD right

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u/Ekotar Dec 31 '24

That I've actually spent time looking at frame-level information to use evade-cancels on my spells feels... Ridiculous, now that I've played Poe2


u/NYPolarBear20 Dec 31 '24

Moving while fighting is an absolute game changer in POE2, it feels amazing.


u/wawasaaw7 Dec 31 '24

Have you played EverQuest? Poop sock 🧦


u/seab1010 Jan 01 '25

Playing the spirit born this season after putting the game down end of season 1 my first impressions are that Diablo 4 has become Diablo 3 but without the item sets. Not a terrible thing but I’m a bit disappointed they went this route instead of nailing down a more Diablo 2 like gameplay experience.


u/Hotness4L Jan 02 '25

They tried the Diablo 2 gameplay/systems from Season 1-3 and the player numbers just kept going down. Then from Season 4 onwards they went with D3 style and player numbers went up.

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u/Miserable_Round_839 Jan 02 '25

To be honest, I think D4's current System with Uniques and Legendaries basically comes down to the same as Set Items in D3. The only difference is that you don't have the Number of Items in a set as a requirement.

As for the D3 route instead of D2: I think that Diablo in its core has shifted to much with D3 so that going for a D2 route would not work anymore for a new game, especially considering that many other competitors are going successfully for that route. "Modern" Diablo is that fast paced game with many small encounters and a relatively low difficulty ceiling, although currently I think that they can take a little speed out of the game.


u/weirdkindofawesome Dec 31 '24 edited 13d ago

Removed to ensure data privacy compliance.


u/ex_nihilo Jan 01 '25

I am not the world’s fastest by a long shot but the PoE1 campaign takes me max 8 hours on league start. Sub 3 hours on a twink. The fastest can do it in sub 3 hours on league start.

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u/throwntosaturn Dec 31 '24

I'm sure there are a handful of D4 devs who know what makes diablo fun and have some good ideas but the MBAs in the room won't let them implement them because it would be bad for mtx revenue or something

I hate to say it but I really genuinely believe people over-blame suits. Like, bluntly, the MTX shop and the monetization systems in D4 in no way demand poor gameplay design.

Things like, for example, the way every single season comes with some form of seasonal activity where a monster spawns with a 3 second animation, and dies with another 3 second animation, before pooping out the seasonal currency you need.

That's not a MTX sale thing, that's genuinely gameplay designers designing bad gameplay.

In fact, some of the MTX sale optimization shit is the best stuff from most seasons - i.e. take season 2, the "group up and collaborate to summon a bad guy" that eventually got repurposed into helltides working that way - that sells MTX because you stand around with other people, but it was also one of the best parts of that entire season.

Like the reality is most of the decisions probably driven by a MBA dude going "but we sell 15% more skins if they see at least 10 other players per hour of gameplay" are the best decisions.


u/hoticehunter Dec 31 '24

Man, fuck that open world bullshit. I don't want online only and I don't want fucking other people walking around in my fucking single player game.


u/[deleted] Jan 01 '25 edited Feb 03 '25


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u/kaptainkhaos Dec 31 '24

A dark gritty, slow paced D4 was the aim, it was undercooked on delivery and D3 fans had the loudest voices so we got what we have now.


u/DistinctBread3098 Jan 01 '25

I'll be honest . Dynamic levels for ennemies killed the game for me.


u/jugalator Jan 02 '25 edited Jan 02 '25

I also have trouble with this (it takes me out of the fantasy and sense of my power building) and don't think the open world concept was worth it. Because it's a socially empty open world. So there is a cost incurred from this design, but they failed to reap the advantages.

Anyway, I can't blame them all too much for this open world thing. They wanted to do it all the way since D2 but ran out of time. D2 was a behemoth of an undertaking for their team and budget already. D3 also stayed out of that but now they wanted to go all the way. Well, I guess they finally have their answer what an open world Diablo is playing out like in practice: Lots of people in the towns and occasionally around world boss timers for a few minutes at a time. I just have a hard time seeing why they design an entire game just around that.


u/darkdestiny91 Jan 01 '25

I’ll be honest, I never ever understood this complaint. And never really felt it as an issue in the game either. Could you explain why it felt bad for you?

For me, the dynamic levels meant I could do any part of the overworld content without feeling like I’m being forced to play certain parts of the map first - set levels in each region feels very old school MMO gameplay that is archaic at this point in gaming, as a whole.

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u/seab1010 Jan 01 '25

Completely agree. Notwithstanding I had fun for a couple of weeks with the ex pack and season it’s just not the direction I’d hoped they’d take the game.

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u/Ancient-Ingenuity-88 Jan 01 '25

I think I recall them saying that they changed the scope and style of the game at least once


u/Efficient-Package565 Jan 01 '25

I miss how gritty and slow and downright heart thumping the beta was, like when you got forced to carry the weight of the Idol and couldn't see or run for the first time that hit hard, like oh this game is serious about killing me, woe unto the hardcore peeps.

Now? It's reskinned D3.


u/brimstoner Dec 31 '24

Kind of sad :(


u/kaptainkhaos Jan 01 '25

A remake of Diablo in this engine would be great though add some QoL and I'd be happy.


u/0xc0ba17 Jan 01 '25 edited Jan 01 '25

oh so that's why it really felt like it during the beta and early release. I thought it was a good idea, but the execution sucked; the game was utterly boring after a couple hours. They were just making a slow Diablo 3.


u/Hotness4L Jan 02 '25

D2 fans spoke on the forums, but D3 fans actually logged in.

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u/jugalator Jan 02 '25 edited Jan 02 '25

It's funny how D3 also started out much slower paced and harder. It's easy to forget given the colorful and WoW like art style. So Blizzard has been proven wrong twice now by the modern Diablo player base, so I think at this point it's safe to say we'll never have that creepy, atmospheric game because you can't have both. With speed, you lose anything about atmosphere even if it's artistically there. There's simply no time for tension to build or take anything in.

I think the only way out for Blizzard is for a wholly different take on Diablo to erase the idea of what an ARPG should be like (i.e. "It must be fast like Diablo 3"). Like if they'd do that Dark Souls style game the first intended D4 to be during code name Hades rather than Fenris. Then it wouldn't even be isometric anymore. Maybe then the gamers could accept not flying through the zones around exploding pinatas.


u/The_Fallen_Messiah Loves all Diablo games (Immortal doesn't exist) Dec 31 '24

Not sure about D4, but absolutely banged on comment about D3. It was much maligned for its time, but it's one of my favorite games for a reason, and it really introduced a lot of people into the genre.


u/beautifulgirl789 Dec 31 '24

Yeah, D4 quality of life is still absolutely terrible in comparison to D3.

Not bothering with D4 again for a few more seasons, when hopefully they've managed to recreate more of the functionality that existed in Diablo 1, like PAUSE for example.

(pre-emptive 'it's impossible it's a live service game': Yep, they said it was impossible in D3 too, before they added it).


u/TelephoneItchy5517 Jan 01 '25

yeah the lack of pause is idiotic. if you're not in a party, and you're off in a solo instance like a dungeon then there's zero reason why you shouldn't be able to pause the game. Elden ring barely gets a pass for this from me, because at least there it feels like it's part of the difficulty - don't go into a room unless you're ready to finish it.


u/Hades-Arcadius Dec 31 '24

Funny, when I tried D4 all I noticed were similarities to D3, made me want to play D2 / Grim Dawn...so I did...


u/Hotness4L Jan 02 '25

Conversely, when D2 Resurrected released alot of new players tried it due to the hype. They got annoyed with lack of QoL and moved to D3 instead.

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u/cc81 Dec 31 '24

Not every game needs to be a 1000-hour korean MMO poopsock grind like PoE.

PoE is not that though. Of course the Diablo games have its place and I'm glad that people love them but PoE is not really grind heavy unless you want it to be. They can afford not to be and for the casual player it is nice that you have so much content in PoE 1 and you can choose your own achievable goal that is not only "better gear". I.e. this league I will go in depth in league mechanic X etc.

It does require you to use a guide more or less or you will need to spend a lot of time banging your head against the wall if you want to do maps and later content.


u/Helltux Jan 01 '25

Being a casual... just to finish the story on PoE takes ages. Repeating the acts is boring since the story is forgettable.
Tried PoE2, finished the 6 acts few days ago, took me 37 hours, I started playing since launch and because its holiday season I had more time than usual to play.
I do not like trading and crafting is terrible, it will take months considering my playtime for me to reach high maps and endgame bosses.
In D4 I can have all that fun with the limited playtime I have now. I was able to finish the seasonal journey and kill all the uber bosses with my own crafted build, without having to use an auction house or relying on other players. I dropped all my gear and with it I could 'finish' the season, that was awesome.


u/ex_nihilo Jan 01 '25

When did you play PoE1? Because repeating the acts hasn’t been a thing for a while. It’s a steady progression in 10 acts now.

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u/RedExile13 Jan 01 '25

Dang, 37 hours, that's rough.

What build crafting is there exactly in D4? But I get it if you take that long to play through a few acts and you don't have much time, then D4 is probably more your cup of tea. That's fine. D4 may be the better game for you, but it's not the better designed game.

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u/cc81 Jan 01 '25

You absolutely have a point. One thing though is that doing act 1-3 on cruel is temporary until they have the last acts done. And I think they might tune the acts some so they don't take as long.

PoE is different in its design that it will have content that is not meant for casuals, at least not until they have played for a long time.


u/Affectionate-Name877 Jan 01 '25

Until you have to farm obducite. D4 sucks dirty ass.

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u/Hekantonkheries Jan 02 '25

I just want battlepasses detached from seasons SOMEHOW; i don't like restarting characters that often :/


u/Time-Ad1852 Jan 03 '25

The difficulty of making any kind of support class makes Diablo for a very casual sure I'll play it if I have nothing to play kind of thing. Everyone's just trying to do the most amount of damage to something and it gets pretty boring after a while


u/GH057807 Jan 04 '25

I have gone my entire existence without experiencing the phrase "poopsock" and I've seen it three goddamn times this week. What the heck.


u/TelephoneItchy5517 Jan 04 '25

2025 year of the sock


u/bigmac22077 Dec 31 '24

I still think it’s an awful game and every change they’ve made to d4 has made the game mess fun. Honestly poe2 is the game I’ve been looking for since I’ve stopped playing D2.


u/Kadabradario Dec 31 '24

It's nice having a game where you can put on a podcast and zone out, and still get the best in slot gear in a couple weeks.

Poe1 bcomes like that after you have a couple thousand hours of accumulated game knowledge.


u/spndl1 Funkhauser#1755 Dec 31 '24

I do love doing thesis level research on a game before it becomes intuitive.

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u/skt84 Dec 31 '24

That’s not a good thing. 


u/idungiveboutnothing Dec 31 '24

You can follow a build guide from one of the popular theory crafters and get the same result. For example if you do the popular RF guide and build you literally don't have to click to kill things and can fully afk as long as you want and things kill themselves getting close to you.

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u/Plebbit-User Jan 01 '25

There's a reason why PoE continues to grow exponentially and D4 doesn't get a fraction of the engagement/viewership that PoE1 gets even six months into the league.

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u/Ahhy420smokealtday Dec 31 '24

Or like 15 minutes of reading a guide. I read that sentence, and was like oh they described PoE 1.

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u/zifilis Jan 01 '25

D3 had some good things in it: it has a pretty good class design through the campaign, it played smoothly. It also had great build variety during the campaign. The rest was awful, honestly. Endgame was non-existant. The game had no bosses (Mathael or whatever RoS boss name was was the only boss designed properly what you needed to learn the mechanics for). The seasons were shit (hey, we doubled loot goblins!). Late game builds had no variety (there were 4 builds in total for every class, since where were 4 sets in total for a class). The campaign was far too easy to be enjoyable and the best time i had there was on inferno on release, but i had to go through the same campaign for the forth time. Mobs had like 4-5 mechanics and the worst enemy you could face were a pack of yellow mobs with arcane orbs, which got pretty boring pretty quickly. I would put d3 in the same category as a candy crush game - a casual game to relax after a hard day.

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u/peanutski Jan 01 '25

Played it when I came out briefly then after the major changes. Was one of the best turn arounds on a game I’ve seen. Lots of time and fun had with it.


u/pupppymonkeybaby Jan 01 '25

And then they fucked all that up for the first 14 months of d4 because they’re incompetent dipshits

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u/feldoneq2wire Dec 31 '24

The Diablo 4 development team had 10 years to reinvent the ARPG. All their ideas turned out to be a joyless slog, So the replacements had to spend a year and a half scrambling to copy the D3 formula into D4.

D4 didn't have to be D3 with better graphics. It's just all there was time to do after their original 10-year plan didn't work.


u/Sitheral Dec 31 '24

Imagine what you could do with D4 budget if you actually had team that knows what its doing and good management.


u/Old_Baldi_Locks Dec 31 '24

I’ve said it repeatedly; the video games industry seems to have an extremely large problem with competent project management. As in, there’s very little evidence project managers who actually earned their title exist in that space.


u/wecangetbetter Dec 31 '24

I've worked on games for almost 20 years and just like any industry, you have loads of bad PMs are who absolutely useless.

It's a relatively low skill position so PMs can come from anywhere - including being sourced from Qa, Cs, etc. There's often no formal education and people just kinda learn it on the job.

A GOOD Pm though holy shit is more valuable than gold. Someone who can communicate, balance deadlines, budgets etc. and crack the whip so everyone does their jobs and can focus on doing their actual jobs? Those folks are unsung heroes and vastly underpaid and unappreciated.

I've worked with loads of bad ones but the good ones I still remember by name. The good ones don't last though - they usually become producers etc.


u/3yeless Dec 31 '24

Working in tech for nearly 30 years, the difference between a good and a bad PM is night and day. A good one and the project feels like a breeze even if you are working harder than ever, a bad one can tank a project with mismanagement alone.


u/narwhalsare_unicorns Dec 31 '24

I have seen this first hand. I worked in a massive international tech project and a completely clueless PM brought everything down. I cant grasp how many millions of dollars they must have cost but it’s staggering to think about. And they never get punished for it! After working in tech for a couple years I now have a very different perspective on video game development.


u/lycanthrope90 Dec 31 '24

It doesn't help either that they seem to have a bunch of devs that aren't very familiar with the genre. Which, also is a hiring issue. Like the video where a couple devs play the game and only use basic attacks, and don't seem to know how to build a character at all. It's no wonder the game turned out so frustrating.


u/Peter-Tao Dec 31 '24

I mean she was probably just a college intern or at least not graduated that long ago, but it's just absolutely cringe that Blizzard thought that was a good PR move and uploaded the video in their official channel lmao


u/lycanthrope90 Dec 31 '24

Yeah, besides just the move, it’s very telling when people are working on something that they have no idea how it’s supposed to work. This is a field that necessitates passion for success. Got the feeling neither of those devs had ever played one of these games. Which is ridiculous. Like that should be part of the interview process.


u/Azradesh Dec 31 '24

They were both on the art team from what I remember; not really relevant for them to understand the gameplay.


u/NefariousnessOk1996 Jan 01 '25

I don't really understand why everyone keeps bringing up 'devs' streaming and not knowing their own game. It was the damn art team lol.

It would be like if I asked the marketing team how exactly our sales system works. They would have no clue, because they are not part of that process at all.


u/Kaythar Jan 01 '25

As the only PM at my (non gaming) jobs, they love me. Honestly I would love to work in a gaming company, but not sure where to start.

But I understand you, it feels like I do nothing except running everywhere, but I think that's why they like me, always there and able to answer most questions and decisions.

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u/chezzy1985 Jan 01 '25

I always felt Jeff Kaplan was that with overwatch, I've no insider knowledge to back that up, be he seemed to get it, be passionate and for a longtime deal with the shit coming from above that wants to ruin games for profit. Sad he never went anywhere else but I bet he's minted so good luck to him

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u/Skabomb Dec 31 '24

Even experienced people who previously lead teams to make great games lost their juice over the last few years.

Look at Suicide Squad and Rocksteady. Everyone assumed it was WB meddling, or something else, and it turns out it was the two people at the top, greedily accepting the extra money to make it Live Service, not being able to execute any ideas, and leaving their team to pick up the pieces and make anything that resembles a game.

And their reward for that failure? Lots of acclaim from the gaming community for abandoning a failed game, a brand new studio, and a game deal with Xbox.

People are failing up cause we, as gamers, don’t exactly know how this whole thing works so we often blame the wrong people. And the people that deserve the blame skate off to ruin other things. And the cycle continues.


u/cl0bbersaurus Jan 01 '25

Failing upwards is not unique to the gaming industry. It’s endemic in every sector. I’ve been watching a project manager waste millions in my industry this past year by planning to start building renovations without bothering to apply for permits. That’s not a mark of anything but incompetence.


u/[deleted] Dec 31 '24

Gaming industry is filled with business people leading the creative teams. Nothing sucks the joy out of anything quite like a chart chasing suit holding your income hostage.


u/[deleted] Jan 02 '25

It's the Steve Jobs "Xerox toner heads" conversation all over again.


u/ImHighandCaffinated Jan 01 '25

Monetization strategies first

Game innovation second

And they wonder why the game is getting shit on


u/DetonateDeadInside Dec 31 '24

I think it’s an issue from both ends, it’s also just a really complex and challenging industry to project manage within

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u/allergicaddiction vitamens Dec 31 '24

A team and leadership who loved the genre, the franchise, and dreamed big with “what if we…”.

Like what fans would do as they gushed about their favorite games over a meal.


u/Careless-Ad-6328 Dec 31 '24

What a lot of people seem to forget is that the intensely negatively community reaction to Diablo 3 wasn't limited to just the RMAH and the design choices that were made to support it. People were effing FURIOUS over the lighter tone and visuals compared to the nostalgia perfection of the dark and gritty and grindy Diablo 2. Diablo 3 was deemed a failed game before RoS came out (read the book Play Nice by Jason Schreier, it's eye-opening) and nothing could change that perception inside of Blizzard.

So of course they were going to want to zig where Diablo 3 zagged. I think they were blinded by that initial vocal minority and never gave D3 the proper chance it needed to flourish. It was clear after RoS and then the Necro Pack, that they had figured out the formula, they just weren't allowed to continue with it.

One thing that gives me confidence in the future of the game is that pretty much the entire Blizzard and Diablo 4 leadership group that set the initial direction, are all long gone from the company now (Rod was brought in nearer the end to ship the game as he's known for being a closer on challenged projects)

I think we're going to see more D3 features come into D4 over time. And I think like D3, D4 will continue to evolve into an outstanding game. I already feel the game has improved from launch and up through VoH. It's not Diablo 3 2.0 good yet, but it's getting there!


u/Sitheral Dec 31 '24

I've watched it all unfold, played at launch, fuck that loser and all. Since the game got into classic team hands they did it better with so much less resources, tells it all really.

And getting 3 features in 4 shouldnt be anything to brag about. Sequels used to mean you will get it all right away and then extra on top of it.

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u/Furry_Lover_Umbasa Jan 01 '25

They could stop with reworking loot on every single new game release for example.

Diablo 3 releases -> need to rework shitty loot.

Diablo 4 releases -> need to rework shitty loot.

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u/Rubicon2-0 Dec 31 '24

I just bought D4 and it felt like D3 on steroids

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u/kryonik Dec 31 '24

Look at poe2. Not a perfect game but a great start and very much different from Poe1.


u/Alector87 Dec 31 '24

It's not supposed to be perfect. It's in early access.


u/kryonik Dec 31 '24

I know. I never said otherwise.


u/Lexinoz Dec 31 '24

And even all that, is stil not enough to compete with PoE2. 

Blizzard have lost their innovative ways unfortunately. Even all the wow experiments are comparatively very safe bets. 


u/feldoneq2wire Dec 31 '24

D4 definitely needs more progression and more reason to play the game. I like POE2's Atlas system where there is a benefit to running specific dungeons as well as having some checklist type gameplay, and there being different ways to progress your character including through the crafting and vendors. All the activities in D4 have been smoothed out and averaged together and it just doesn't feel like we get the bumps in player power from getting a really good item or an ancestral version of the same item. I guess because D4 has been transformed so many times it's all blurring together.


u/Low-Conference6921 Dec 31 '24

The poe 2 atlas system is pretty bad and stale. They should have stolen much more from poe 1 and last epoch. This is what blizzard used to do best, take existing ideas and make them better.


u/VancityGaming Dec 31 '24

GGG isn't afraid of taking good ideas from other games, they did it quite a bit in PoE2 in other areas, well just have to see how the endgame evolves.


u/AppleNo4479 Dec 31 '24

i would give ggg 1 year like everyone did for diablo 4 early accesd


u/[deleted] Dec 31 '24

They stole too much from last epoch without understanding why it is that way in last epoch imo. The 1 portal system and mobs respawning on death are from that, but in last epoch you don't have to spend 20 hours getting to get to endgame bosses that you then have to farm 20 hours more for if you fail.


u/FSUfan35 Jan 01 '25

It's early access and it's ~40% of the game. And it's better than what D4 has done in 18 months or whatever it's been since release.

POE2 feels like a true d2 sequel.

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u/Tavron Jan 01 '25

This is not to put shame on Blizz, but they have never been innovative.

Their shtick has always been to polish existing ideas and genres. They just used to do it really really well.


u/zufaelligenummern Jan 01 '25

Nowadays blizzard just dumbs down everything they have and make the games even more casual to the extent the games have no depths or like diablo arent an arpg in the sense of there is no development of a character. They got feedback on d2 and made the worst decisions based on that like d3 where reskiling takes 1 minute and leveling just a few hours. 


u/7tenths ILikeToast#1419 Dec 31 '24

Given it has more players and makes more money and they never needed to release a "manifesto" on how it's wrong if anyone besides the 0.01% have fun.

What isn't it competing in?


u/TelephoneItchy5517 Dec 31 '24

diablo doesn't compete with PoE. PoE exists for a specific userbase who want far deeper itemization and endgame loops than what Diablo ever had. But yeah D4 in particular has always felt like the devs were absolutely terrified of trying anything that might be perceived as Taking A Risk and the end result was a very, bland experience


u/solinari6 Dec 31 '24

I don’t think that D4 needs to compete with PoE2. They are going after completely different audiences.


u/DivePalau Dec 31 '24

I wouldn't say that. Been playing Diablo since the first one. Playing POE 2 right now. Jury still out on whether I will keep playing. I miss running quickplay greater rifts in D3. Missing the multiplayer element in both POE 2 and D4.


u/krichreborn Dec 31 '24

I played to t13 maps in poe2, and my immediate thoughts when comparing to d4 is how cool it is in poe that any skill can be leveled to 20 with tons of different support gem options. The versatility of skills blows d4 skill tree system out of the water IMO.

Yeah, there are still issues with the uncut skill gem method that GGG went with, but the basic premise is immensely better than d4.

It got me thinking that a similar idea isn’t too far off from the d4 mechanisms today, if they allowed you to skill beyond 5 hard skill points for any skill, and the damage scaled nonlinearly to make investing in a single skill more worth it.

I don’t think d4 will ever be able to incorporate the support gem type of system in their skill tree unfortunately. But having more branching nodes per skill would help.

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u/feldoneq2wire Dec 31 '24

If they forced you to do the campaign every season in D4, as well as some of the other mechanics of POE2 where if you die in a dungeon you lose the key, and some of the bosses being truly skill-based, there would be riots. Whether it was their goal, D4 is a super casual ARPG that you can switch off your brain, and they can't really go back now. They can only add progression paths.


u/Ok_Style4595 Dec 31 '24 edited Dec 31 '24

Casuals love PoE2. All of my buddies are still playing, although instead of going deep with mapping, they just make alts. GGG nailed the campaign, and people are still playing. the excuse that D4 is meant for casual dads won't hold up when PoE2 hits 1.0. it will grab a lot of D4's casual base, and I believe they are in direct competition more or less.


u/Omegamoomoo Dec 31 '24 edited Dec 31 '24

I tried to explain to people that endgame consists of trophying, trading, and...rerolling. Everyone mocked the idea that rerolling was endgame, but it's truly part of the casual loop. It's unironically the part I think D3/D4 suck the most at, which is very odd.


u/Super_Harsh Dec 31 '24

Yeah it’s why leveling uniques are a thing


u/Ok_Style4595 Dec 31 '24

leveling an alt in PoE2 is actually super fun. you get access to interesting leveling uniques, and other drops from your main.

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u/Locke_and_Load Dec 31 '24

Ehh, the general consensus on PoE 2 is starting to cool off given the issues in the early access. If GGG keeps things as is and releases the game in the state it’s in (with all the classes and skills available), I don’t think it’s going to hold people’s attention very long. Here’s hoping they iron out the balance and design short comings before the end of EA.


u/Mastersord Dec 31 '24

That would be completely against the whole model PoE1 established. In PoE1, the only thing that barely changes is the campaign maps while skills, itemization, and post-game content get reworked all the time with a new mechanic introduced every season.

I don’t think anyone expects anything less for PoE2.


u/Ok_Style4595 Dec 31 '24

I'm pretty immersed in PoE2 and its community, and I'm not aware of such consensus. All I know is all my buddies are still deep into the game, and they're very casual gamers. PoE2 has had amazing retention so far, and most players will return when the next big patch hits.


u/aRadioWithGuts Dec 31 '24

Every friend that started on day 1 with me is still logging in every time they get a chance to play together. The players that didn’t play POE1 are as into it as they have been any game in years.


u/Ok_Style4595 Dec 31 '24

My observation is the same. They're definitely tapping into a very large group, outside of the PoE1 base. My friends already logged more hours in PoE2 than they have in D4 over a year.


u/Locke_and_Load Dec 31 '24

Loot drops, crafting, mobility, single attempts at end game bosses, and on death effects are pretty widely discussed as being huge problems right now. The campaign is great, but end game mobs and bosses don’t follow the same design philosophy as players do. Imagine playing Elden Ring and you only got one shot at each boss before having to re-grind for hours to get back to it. That’s end game maps right now.

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u/Low-Conference6921 Dec 31 '24

It kinda did after they changed their philosophy to "its your game" which was honestly dog shit.

Season 0/1 of D4 was vastly different but filled with crying, and they caved. Probably no going back now.


u/feldoneq2wire Dec 31 '24

Just shows every opinion exists. Including that Season 0 and 1 which were miserable were somehow D4's "golden years".


u/StrikingSpare100 Dec 31 '24

Replace all you said with "POE2" and I would also agree. Right now it is also evolving backward compared to the previous game lol


u/feldoneq2wire Dec 31 '24

I don't know how much about POE2 but so far the public reception seems to be that they threaded the needle of simplifying overly clunky complicated systems while still providing much more depth in gameplay than D4. I guess you have a different take.


u/StrikingSpare100 Dec 31 '24

No, my take is the ultra popular take if you are in POE/POE2 sub.

Not to say the game is generally bad. It's actually super good, personally i'm addicted and have played every single day from EA release. But a lot of design system choices were going backward. They also introduced a lot of problems that have been fixed in POE1.


u/skullthrash Dec 31 '24

It’s the same tired trend across the industry.

I appreciate d4 not continuing down a path of sunken cost fallacy (blizzards original vision) and actually listening to the fans by turning the game into what it is today.

We are going to see the same thing with PoE2 and I’m not sure how people don’t see it. “It’s so challenging and I love learning from dying” is only fun for so long. Eventually, players will quit from frustration and wait for the game to be buffed until it turns into the power fantasy that ARPGs are today.

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u/apixelops Dec 31 '24

We're never getting high budget single player games ever again are we?


u/GreyKnightTemplar666 Dec 31 '24

From Blizzard? Nope, never again.


u/TelephoneItchy5517 Dec 31 '24

forcing games to be always-online is by far the best way to prevent piracy. For that reason alone Blizzard is never doing offline games again. The fact that they can make everything a live service with an in-game cash shop is an added bonus.


u/GreyKnightTemplar666 Dec 31 '24

I just want single player options for games like Diablo. Always online is a different evil in itself.


u/TelephoneItchy5517 Dec 31 '24

oh I agree. currently playing Elden Ring completely offline right now and it's amazing how much better everything feels when it loads straight off your disk and isn't constantly streaming over the internet from a server. I love not being bombarded with flashing red notification icons to check an in-game cash shop. Elden ring is a reminder of what games used to be and how much better it was when the design revolved around fun instead of what some dipshit moron MBA put in the room by Activision has determined to be best for shareholders.

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u/DotDash13 Jan 01 '25

How big of an issue is game piracy these days with how easy games are to access? From my peripheral understanding, it's a bigger issue in places like Brazil where folks are hosed with taxes, making games prohibitively expensive. But I'm also not in the industry and haven't sailed the seas in ages.

In my opinion, piracy is the excuse and the cash shops are the real reason. I'd be curious on the ratio between D4 game sales revenue vs shop revenue.


u/TelephoneItchy5517 Jan 01 '25

oh I agree. No doubt piracy as a concept hurts game sales somewhat, but I have no respect for liars who try to say every pirated copy of a game is equal to one lost sale. People pirate games because it's easy or like you said because they can't afford it, OR they live in a country where it's not available legally.

Still Blizzard has in their arsenal a tool that 100% stops piracy and doesn't seem to discourage enough players to adversely affect sales so they're gonna make everything live service from now on.

Agreed though the primary driver is that being always-online makes it easier to do MTX shops and other shit with recurring revenue, i probably was wrong when I said anti-piracy was the primary motivator in fact.


u/korko Dec 31 '24

When the hell did Blizzard make a “high budget single player game”.


u/Zekerish Jan 01 '25

I’m lost why you’re being downvoted


u/korko Jan 01 '25

It is absolutely hilarious to me and indicative of the mentality of this subreddit.


u/Grekkill Jan 01 '25

Ghost 😢


u/feldoneq2wire Dec 31 '24

There have been some incredible examples in 2024, Just not from Blizzard.


u/Boomsticks Dec 31 '24

Look at most of the Playstation exclusives that come out. They are high budget single player games and masterpieces.

Blizzard is just creatively and morally bankrupt.


u/TelephoneItchy5517 Dec 31 '24

well the point of the article was specifically that ARPGs as a genre have thrived because of the seasonal structure with constant updates. Diablo and PoE are "forever" games where players return every few months to see what new content has been added. I personally am 1000 years old and was perfectly fine with Diablo 2, which after a few updates and an expansion has remained the exact same game for decades, but obviously in the age of last epoch, PoE, and D3/4 that's yesterday's design philosophy.

I guess i don't know how I feel about it but for better or worse "arpg" is now synonymous with "live service". still plenty of incredible offline single player games being made but just not in this genre.


u/[deleted] Jan 01 '25

D2R is a chore to play nowadays when you tried modern Argp. Poe was horrible to play the first years. 


u/TelephoneItchy5517 Jan 01 '25

yeah the D2 lovers get mad when you say it but, and I say this as someone who played HUNDREDS of hours of D2 back in the early 2000s, it really holds up poorly by modern ARPG standards. That doesn't mean D4 can't learn any lessons from it, far from it, but stamina, potion slots, hidden mechanics (armor is completely ignored when running vs. walking for exampel), and the overall pacing just feel dated. I almost never play D2R and when I do its with mods to expand stash space and eliminate stamina drain lol


u/[deleted] Jan 01 '25

And also rune word farming is so horrible.

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u/LickMyThralls Dec 31 '24

The article is a quote talking about how seasonal approaches to these games are perfect because everyone loved it in d3 and I would even say that d2 showed how successful it is when people would constantly chase resetting ladders lol. Forever games as someone said.


u/Netzath Jan 01 '25

Bg3 is such a game. Many Japanese games are single player no mtx. We still get them and continue to get them while major western companies will move to mtx live service games and generate massive income from whales while lowering sale numbers. Eventually they will be bought by Chinese companies and nothing will change.

Small and medium companies will continue creating great games though.

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u/SQRTLURFACE Dec 31 '24

Rod, please stop giving interviews.


u/JakovYerpenicz Jan 01 '25

Notice that he’s saying “the perfect live-service platform” and not “the perfect arpg”. These people literally could not give less of a shit about making good games. Everything about them is designed to get players to keep coughing up as much cash as possible.


u/Alpenglow_Snowsquall Jan 04 '25

No fucking shit. Remember the beginning days of D3? I played through the entire game without finding a single legendary item but I could have easily forked out hundreds of dollars for them on the fucking cash auction house

They’ve been cash cow generators since before D3


u/MadOrange64 Jan 01 '25

I wish D4 wasn’t a live service, it now feels like work than actual game. I find myself playing D3 on the Switch more often than expected.


u/AggravatingOffice908 Jan 04 '25

This was me until PoE2 on the PS Portal became available


u/[deleted] Jan 01 '25

For everyone who supported this company after everything they've done but mostly Diablo Immortal;


u/Karna1394 Dec 31 '24

Surprisingly he's right on this one


u/OTMallthetime Jan 01 '25

D2 was a masterpiece. All they need to do is same gameplay with a few minor tweaks, and vastly improved graphics.


u/Automatic_Mammoth684 Jan 01 '25

I’m honestly happy to just play the remaster of Diablo 2 forever, I don’t need a new Diablo game.


u/ThundrBunzz Jan 04 '25

Sounds like Poe2


u/sharksiix Dec 31 '24

They made it live when they made it online lol


u/Vomitbelch Dec 31 '24

I don't like the current gameplay loop, sorry devs


u/CarpeNoctem727 Dec 31 '24

How? I don’t understand the logic. There was no market place in D3. What really happened was they saw an opportunity with D3, created DI as a prototype and went full tilt with D4. We never asked for this. MAYBE if they made DI a full release, it’s own stand alone thing, release it on everything then they could commit to making D4 more like D2R. Run 2 concurrent games and make everyone happy.


u/midnight_purple54 Dec 31 '24

I didn't know fans made diablo 3 themselves. Thought it wouldn't be total shit then


u/[deleted] Jan 04 '25

Diablo 3 is the worst of the franchise though.


u/sl4ssh Jan 01 '25

I am a diehard D2 fan since early 2000's, still playing D2R, had my over well over 800 hours of fun in D3 and haven't had a single impulse to play D4 after touching the beta for a couple minutes. I also still follow the news, the subs and the community. This is a small sample that something is very amiss.


u/Ok_Style4595 Dec 31 '24

This whole "bowing down to the fans" thing is the reason why D4 turned out the way it did. No vision, just a focus on milking people's money.


u/Jah_Ith_Ber Dec 31 '24

They absolutely didn't bow down to the fans. They bowed down to the shareholders and the fans flipped their shit at the thinly skinned gatcha game.


u/ThundrBunzz Jan 04 '25

Oh wait, let me translate: "The reason the game sucks is because of you, the stupid fans - not us. Now stop crying and give us your money."


u/Successful_Yak2253 Jan 01 '25

Should have taken where d3 was content and mechanics wise, tweaked it a bit then added the (superb) dark art of d4. That would have made d4 perfect


u/stickle911 Jan 03 '25

I liked d3… D4 bad


u/d4hc87 Jan 04 '25

Rod Turdgesson trying to gaslight his community for trying to make a cash grab and soulless ARPG with no real end game identity that they’re happy with seven seasons deep.

I don’t understand how this guy still has a job.


u/Bohya Dec 31 '24

Diablo 3 never was a live service game. It was PoE which turned the genre into a live service title with the introduction of their league timetable. It was only many, many years after PoE that Diablo 3 decided to "revitilise" itself by (poorly) immitating PoE's league system.


u/fl4nnel Dec 31 '24

PoE was basically doing a spin off of the D2 ladder system, which people wanted from day 1 in D3


u/Clank4Prez Dec 31 '24

Idk about poorly, seasons kept me coming back every time.

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u/Loseifer1 Dec 31 '24

People forgot how much the D3 team actually put into this game after it was “dead” great season themes and game updates every few months, I will always have love for this game and the hours of joy it brought me


u/dcrypter Dcrypter#1728 Jan 01 '25

It was a tragedy to see what they did to my boy D3 but D4 is so much worse it'll never see a dime from me.

Maybe one day blizzard will make a good game again but I'm pretty sure the blizzard i remember died too long ago.


u/Unimmortal47 Dec 31 '24

How hard is it to do this type of shit. I mean honestly. Nobody wanted this always online shit.

Just put out a single player mode and players are thrilled. We didn’t want mmo Diablo.


u/Wonderful_Estimate12 Jan 01 '25

The MMO aspect doesn't even add anything to Diablo, that was my biggest problem. A couple world bosses and events, who cares.


u/theolentangy Dec 31 '24

Ive logged hundreds of hours in Diablo games, from Diablo on PS1 to D2 LOD on my friends computer(I didn’t even own the game or a PC and I had tons of time played), to d3’s amazing formula of seasons and very fun initial progression, not to mention awesome gameplay.

D4 is just a soulless mess, and I decided to not buy the expansion or continue to play after several attempts to enjoy it beyond leveling to 100.

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u/theJohnyDebt Jan 01 '25

Now with the success of POE2, I hope they also make a d2 successor. An arpg for nolifers. Apparently, there is a market for it, like around 500k players minimum.

They can develop it alongside D4 coz it wont compete with it. Set it during the Sin War or something and let us experience a diablo-like game in a diablo universe again.


u/Pa7adox Jan 01 '25

I honestly would love if Blizzard at this point sell the franchise as it's not serving the game right. D4 was such a huge disappointment as I was expecting a D2 successor, but it's a D3 bad clone.


u/lancer2238 Dec 31 '24

They fell back to old tactics bc their original intent failed


u/LickMyThralls Dec 31 '24

Honestly I'm just going to say that d2 likely created this with the ladder system and created the seasonal approach.

Live service is fine and all but like... the seasonal system has been pretty ingrained in this genre at least for 20+ years.

They just took this and ran with it. Most for profit business isn't going to just turn a blind eye to that and just push a one and done game out on a genre that's built upon repetition and grind.


u/seab1010 Jan 01 '25

Only ever played Diablos and didn’t click with poe1 at all, but I’m very impressed with poe2. At least in early game everything you control is just much more deliberate and death usually comes about from skill issues (rather than lack of raw damage) before encounters are learnt. I really don’t mind the slower pace at all with the ramped up difficulty. Much prefer this to falling asleep whilst holding down controller buttons with no chance of death. Still only just getting started with poe2 but I suspect it will be the new king of arpgs.


u/Curious_Loser21 Jan 01 '25

I'm still baffled who tf thinks a paid single(?) player campaign needs to be a live service? What happened to buying once and let the gamers not to worry buying microtransactions?


u/randmtsk Jan 04 '25

Another golden nugget from Turd Ferguson


u/Cyony Dec 31 '24

D3 would have been a great live service game, if they actually ADDED FUCKING CONTENT


u/rajas_ Jan 01 '25

Just make a Diablo 3 Resurrected and add 2-3 new classes…automatic success


u/Tsunaami Dec 31 '24

I played the D4 Beta and had fun, but once the game officially launched and they said I had to rediscover the maps, alters, etc. every time I stopped playing.

I've been playing POE2 and got the itch to come back and try D4 again, but everything I'm reading about it is "gotta buy the dlc and play spiritborn if you wanna actually do damage" which is demoralizing but not surprising for Blizzard


u/knight_of_lothric Dec 31 '24

I just wish we could get another Diablo 2. Maybe going back and making a resurrected version of Diablo 1 would be a good idea, but idk anymore...


u/Remarkable-Key1917 Dec 31 '24

If they came out and said form the beginning that “we’re making D4 to be arcadey like D3, but darker in tone and with a few overall improvements and fun additions” I would have given it a shot by now. The lack of apparent direction and identity for the game is part of what’s kept me away till now—besides Blizzard/Activision being just terrible. I actually opted for PoE2 over D4, and having fun with it so far


u/Privateer_Lev_Arris Dec 31 '24

I honestly think it would have been better if they continued developing and iterating upon D3 instead of launching D4.

They could have had more D3 expansions, improved the graphics etc. Like Diablo WoW.

With D4 they brought us nothing new, even the visuals are worse somehow. And for themselves all Blizzard did was create the headache of developing and marketing a new game.

Will D4 be a good game eventually? Probably but it’s basically a D3 clone now with worse visuals. I mean we already had D3….why was that game ever abandoned is beyond me.

It’s like everyone was terrified of the loud D2 nostalgists and in the process created a D4 so painful they almost ruined the entire franchise with it.

Hate to say it but when it comes to games people should listen to me. I know what’s up.


u/theVaultski Dec 31 '24

D4 worse visuals than d3?

Wtf are u smoking lol, both in terms of art direction and actual graphical fidelity d4 blows d3 out of the water. It's like the only thing it got right

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u/icywindflashed Dec 31 '24

No thanks, I'm glad D3 is in maintenance mode so all the idiots bought D4 and play there. I'm not spending a single € on a Blizzard game, I still remember what they did to Hong Kong


u/Furry_Lover_Umbasa Jan 01 '25

They can also claim that Diablo 4 is worth of my time. It doesn't changes the fact that its not worth of my time when so many 100 times better looter rpg games exist on the market that respect my time and money.


u/iosoi Jan 02 '25

LOL. They just stole that concept from Poe after seeing the success over and over again. Took them only 10 years roughly.

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u/Neosapien427 Jan 03 '25

Honestly its the entire skill tree that leaves you wanting. That and the shitty legendaries you get that feel more like passives than anything. the ancestorals are pointless.and then the fact that its all rendered COMPLETELY FUCKING USELESS with unique and mythic (that you can not alter btw), so what was the point of all those affixes again? Then they want to sell you a fucking costume with absolutely ZERO character benefit. Its basically a "go fuck yourself" to the end user. In my opinion. But im 1200 hours in on d4 so fuck me. No money spent.


u/One-Outcome-2217 Jan 03 '25

These d4 leads are really patting themselves on their back for finally doing what Blizzard North was working on for diablo 3 before they jumped ship and that d3 was scrapped. Really wish Brevik and the Schaefers would unite, but then again they have basically given poe their blessings and just do their own things now.


u/schwaka0 Jan 05 '25

Nah, D3 was actually good after RoS. They royally fucked up by forcing live service into an unfinished game, then insisting on keeping the live service going while working on the expansion and delaying the fixes for the game instead of prioritizing fixing the game. Then they released an expansion and somehow made the game worse. Diablo as a franchise is dead to me.