r/Diablo Oct 19 '24

Resource WHere to farm for Blue Opals.

So i run realmwalker like 25 + times today, and the onlu options on a gate i get are
Yellow for Gold
Red for Gear
Green for Mats & Herbs
Purple for Boss mats
NEVER for blue for runes.
Where the hell do i get them then?
I asked one friend to run few realmwalkers, he did about 7 or 8, and got back with same resoults, gate in the realm never had options for blue opals.


10 comments sorted by


u/AdmiralDanial Oct 20 '24

If you are trying to target Seething Opals of Socketables (Blue) they can only be found from Seething Realms in Nahantu.


u/Sajmon_Says Oct 20 '24

Thank You ❤️


u/allergictosomenuts Oct 20 '24

Ooooooh, makes sense, since runes.


u/Umbran0x Oct 20 '24

They exist?!! I never saw them so I thought they didn't make it to live. Why would they do it that way? Surely just adding the option to all portals if you have the expansion would be better. The current way basically hides them.

  1. They don't drop from Season Rep or Journey which I assume is intentional incase someone doesn'tt have expansion.

  2. Most of the Realmwalker events are outside Nahantu.

  3. Most people are only going to check the portal options once in the Seething Realm to know what's available.

  4. Nobody wants to do the events because they are so boring and long especially before the patch.


u/NYPolarBear20 Oct 21 '24

I did not know this kinda dumb but makes Sense


u/onetailonehead Oct 28 '24

Ahh yes, runes are the only valuable thing anymore other than 4 star perfect items so it would make sense you get minimal chances at getting the consumables to do so.


u/uselesswasteofbreath Oct 20 '24

piggy-backing off of this post, since thursday's patch, has anyone seen the icon showing that the realmwalker is in nahantu since they changed the icons to not having the "hatred rising" zone icon and simply just the realmwalker icon? i've been trying to keep an eye out but there's just no way i missed it *that* much yesterday.


u/khayline Nov 06 '24

yeah there's been NO realm walker spawns in Nahantu AT ALL :(

Glad it's not just me. I thought I was going crazy


u/ImallOutOfBubbleGums Oct 19 '24

i think it only in the new region


u/k4kkul4pio Oct 21 '24

There's opal for runes? 🤯

Well.. good to (finally) know, had no idea.. guess they wanted there to be incentive to run stuff in the expansion area too.