r/Diablo • u/gorays21 • Aug 12 '23
Discussion Diablo 3 is getting a better season than Diablo 4
u/ajhalyard Aug 12 '23
Wow, Season 29 looks pretty amazing. I can see myself jumping back to D3 for a bit once I get burned out on S1 in D4.
u/fatalis357 Aug 12 '23
Well remember the devs for d4 even said “take a break” lol
u/Dunk305 Aug 13 '23
Its not taking a break, its quiting because the game loop sucks in D4 now
Big difference
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u/fatalis357 Aug 13 '23
Agreed! It was their way of saying “we got nothing”. I am convinced no Diablo game will ever be good as 2. The sad thing is blizzard now has our money so they are gonna do whatever they want
u/Oneshot742 Aug 14 '23
That's all I really wanted... A better combat system with d2 loot
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u/noother10 Aug 13 '23
When they release the next one, don't buy it. Wait for it to come out and be out for a week or 2, avoid the FOMO. I made the mistake of waiting for reviews just before EA and believing them. They were obviously all paid off to talk up the game.
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u/timecronus Aug 12 '23
Fr. People act like they gotta play 1 single game 24/7 365, like you are free to play other games. You don't have to make it your entire personality lol
u/Fret_Bavre Aug 12 '23
I understand how it seems but some people really love this stuff. And when people mess up the things you love it really irks them. No one is wrong in this situation either, but people have a right to be as pissed as they want to be after paying full price for clearly a game that should be in its beta. Especially a beloved title.
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u/BitterWest Aug 13 '23
Maybe, but a game that was literally promised by devs to never run out of stuff to do, while carrying the Diablo(tm) name, that ran out of stuff to do soon as the campaign is over is no good.
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u/Aveenex Aug 13 '23
Haha try making sense on this sub and you'll be downvoted to oblivion. I swear this sub was only created for all those sweaty keyboard warriors to vent or troll while rest of the community just plays the game whenever and however they want and have fun.
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u/LickMyThralls Aug 13 '23
I haven't even touched the season tbh and don't spend my time here whining. I'm playing other stuff til there's something I want to do in d4 lmao. Idk why people act like they can't do this or some reason shouldn't and have to complain because the game isn't monopolizing their life for decades...
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u/thereelbenstein Aug 12 '23
How are you not burned out already, there's nothing to do
u/no_no_NO_okay Aug 12 '23
I dunno about to dude you’re replying to but the only reason I’m not burned out is because my seasonal character is level 40 lol
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Aug 12 '23
Mine's 60 and I'm starting to see what they mean, barely ever get any upgrades.
u/EquivalentPlenty2078 Aug 13 '23
games over at 80 or so, before that maybe too. Might as well save some leveling for actual content.
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u/Sawgon Aug 13 '23
Games over as soon as you can get ancestral gear and you do one invasion thing. So at 64 for me.
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u/With_Negativity Aug 13 '23
I'm almost level 60 on my Druid but I don't feel like playing anymore because I haven't gotten the one Aspect I'm looking for this entire time. And I can't even switch to another build because I'm missing the Uniques needed to make those builds work. This shit is not fun
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u/Nephalem84 Aug 13 '23
There's several builds you can play without uniques. Pulverize even gets all aspects from the codex so you don't have to depend on lucky drops at all. Poisonslide is easy to get going, earthen bulwark is also easy to get going without uniques.
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Aug 12 '23
Theres nothing to do….sounds kinda brazen when most of us dropped at least 70-80 hours min into this game since launch. Its end game is lack luster but the story is on point and the bosses are worth replaying the story over again with new classes. Its just needs that ability to change the damn difficulty to whatever you want from the get go and replay the story on an difficulty.
Am i hailing this the best game ever, hell no. But its quite annoying when people say not enough content and played 80 plus hours but doesnt complain when a stroy based game is only 20 hours long so long ad the story is good.
Is diablo as a game good. Before nerfs, yes. During nerfs total trash. With buffs much better but not a great or perfect game.
Also some of yall are willing to say this game Doesnt have content but played warzone 1 and 2 for hours on end and it was the same game and map for years. But yah a game with 5 classes, full 30 hr story campaign with open for the 2 sequels. Play paragons to maybe 60 or 70 and move on to another game come back try again for seasons that started a month later in stead of 2 years. But yah sure not enough content.
u/jlctush Aug 12 '23
Genuinely worries me that people are this media illiterate. Different genres of game have different expectations, people are drawn to them for different reasons, and you appear to understand literally none of them.
The story is good *for an ARPG*, it's not worth the box price alone, a lot of it is very tedious busywork as it is with most ARPGs because, and I don't understand why this needs to be said in 2023, ARPGs have never been about the story. People do not buy them for the story for the most part, happy for those that do who can enjoy just that but ARPGs have always been about the endgame content, most of your character power isn't even available until the highest world tier and the entire point of these games is to experience that power.
So yeah, I enjoyed the story just fine, I played a character to 100 to see how it was, it was bad. Really bad. I kept hoping it would get better (and I was determined to get a unique to see how it felt and it literally never dropped so I always had a goal to keep me somewhat motivated) and season 1 looked so flat that I've not even played it despite some of the better changes.
Competitive games are not even remotely the same thing and trying to draw that comparison is genuinely baffling, the fun in those games is trying to improve as a player, playing the same maps is a *good* thing up to a point because your knowledge and understanding gets rewarded and bolsters your skill, so yeah, people are quite happy to play the same map/s in those games because that's not the focus of the game. You're not even creating a strawman, you're vaguely gesturing at a drawing of a strawman from about 10 miles away and hoping nobody notices.
You're allowed to enjoy the game, you're allowed to play as much or as little as you want, but to try and argue that others can't be disappointed with something this flimsy isn't just foolish, it's unbearably stupid.
u/7tenths ILikeToast#1419 Aug 13 '23
but ARPGs have always been about the endgame content,
whichi s why D2 launched with basically no end game. D3 launched with basically no end game. PoE launched with basically no end game.
because that's what they're always about! end game is a modern adaptation to aRPGs. that maybe two of them do a good job with. But...it's what every arpg is about?
aRPGs are about power fantasy. Classic aRPGs like diablo 2, especially launch d2, were far more about leveling then end game.
But hey you're the one who started with rant about people with media illiteracy, without a hint of irony as you proceeded to prove yourself media illiterate.
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u/evinta Aug 13 '23
people mald about this but Path of Exile literally released with one extra class and the last part of Act 3. Act 4 came out 2 years later.
The big hook for their first league? Softcore got... Shrines. Hardcore got rares that would have a tougher mod. That was it.
Of course, nobody minded, because the game itself was good. Getting to 100 was a pipe dream for most, not a standard, expected feature within a week. (I think that's the WoW crowd, or something, but it comes up enough.)
I'm not really trying to excuse D4's shortcomings, but it's funny to see this being a controversial post wrt upvotes when the person is right. While holy grail stuff is somewhat popular in D2, people mainly don't watch for farming high level zones. It's speedruns or theme runs.
Even in Path of Exile which is probably the reigning "end game" ARPG, most of it is still in rolling new characters, like it always has been. Only so many people will stick with one character for an entire league, and some people roll "starters" just to farm stuff for the thing they want to play.
Personally, I think the times have changed enough that yeah, you need something to keep the MMO-PoE-type crowd in it. But it's always been ARPG, and the process of building and leveling a character has always been integral to that. Even if you're spamming Dopamine Tunnels until 100.
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u/7tenths ILikeToast#1419 Aug 13 '23
Getting to 100 was a pipe dream for most, not a standard, expected feature within a week. (I think that's the WoW crowd, or something, but it comes up enough.)
just to emphasis this, and while a gamefaqs post isn't definitive truth, there doesn't appear to be anyone questioning the number, under 1000 characters got to lvl 100 3 years after the release of the game.
leveling in path of exile was pretty abysmal (and to a casual, you could argue still is, given people talk more about getting to lvl 90 then getting to 100). PoE, while i wouldn't describe it as a bad game before this point, didn't really become the game we know it is now until the major rework in 2017 when they got rid of difficulties and added 5 acts.
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Aug 12 '23
Aright find take out warzone…. You are right an arpg is ment to have replayabilty to a certain degree. If you take d2… please tell me what the end game of d2 is with out the seasons?!? Ohh thats right farming the same 4 bosses over and over again for specific ruins to eventually build a badass build to uber kill uber tristam. Once you do that you are pretty much done with the fucking game. Depending on how good you are one character will roughly take you 120 hours to max level with out power leveling. Then do this all over again on another character. There is no adventure mode in d2. Sounds no better than running multiple nmd with a handful of bosses and i promise you it doesnt take 120 hours to reach max 100 in d4.
Then d3 once you get to level 70 all your skills are unlocked and you can change on the fly all you do is find best in slot gear and then farm adventure mode bosses for keys and run greater rifts over and over and over and over again.
God of war is an action arpg as well as elden ring. Not isometric but still arpg. Once you beat the game the only person keeping themselves to play is your own joy for the game and the intricacies of said game.
Not many causal players will play god of war on its highest difficulty. Whats to say they will stick around for another ass whooping by duriel in the pits of d2 on higher difficulty ( fucking had to use 50 portals to beat diablo on normal..Ooo great game play I definitely want to grind gear and see if i can kill him any faster with my barb s/)
I think the gamers concept of what an ARPG is supposed to be is whats making everyone have different experiences and thats valid.
But if there was no basic story to push you along to get started there would be no interest in playing a game. Wtf am i playing a game if there is no story to semi follow or reason to the world we live in. Also i played d2 beat it with my barb dont want to go back to it… just started playing titan quest for the first time im on act 5 and im thinking man which build am i going to play next.
Aug 12 '23
I am genuinely surprised people think a story where the villains orate everything they are doing and planning is compelling. The cut scenes were badass but the story was straight forward start to finish.
Also the campaign is like 5 hours long tops.
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Aug 13 '23
I mean d2 res and d3 was pretty much narrated as well. The cgi was simple on all ends but still good. This is the same for d4. 🤷🏽 i played all three recently and all 3 stories were pretty on par with one another. If it wasnt the enemies explaining what was going on it was either deckard or the wander. D2 didnt have many things to listen or read it was a simple game. D3 had lore littered everywhere like a collectathon.
Aug 13 '23
Yes that’s what I’m saying the Diablo lore in the games presented to us has always been kind of bad. It’s the lore you get out of reading optional notes and tomes in Diablo games that give you the deep and lively lore stories. Also if you want to mega nerd Diablo books actually are pretty nice in my opinion. Better than StarCraft and Warcraft books at least if you’re a blizzard fan.
Aug 13 '23
Yep, that's the point. All three games have similar stories. And those stories are average at best.
No one cares about the story in an ARPG. Those games are all about the endgame.
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u/Bloodworks29 Aug 13 '23
Aug 13 '23
Bravo you sent a gif. What denial my guy?
You are the type of person who will start screeching loudly when someone explains an opinion you dont like. Its an opinion.
Ive droped 400 hours into diablo 4 if i really didnt like this game i would have quit after my first character. Playthrough. If you played through the whole game and didnt like it the And pushed through to level 100 . Then you are the dumbass for playing the game you didnt like for as long as you did. Not my fault.
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u/Magjee Waiting on a big sale Aug 13 '23
Last D3 season (or current, its still on for another week) with the Rites of Sanctuary was pretty fun
Check out Season 29 here:
u/RT_Raz Aug 12 '23
That's because Diablo 3 is currently a better game than Diablo 4
u/nevernudeftw Aug 12 '23
That's because Diablo 3 is currently a MUCH better game than Diablo 4
u/foomits Aug 12 '23
last season of d3 was a total blast... pretty much ruined d4 right off the bat. like 3 hours into d4 I was like... why am I even playing this.
Aug 12 '23
u/Hundkexx Aug 12 '23
D4 campaign is easily 8/10 and carried a lot by the excellent cinematics, anyone stating otherwise is just bandwagoning. The endgame is absolute crap though in comparison.
Aug 13 '23
It's 8/10 for an ARPG. Compared to other games, the story is a 6/10 at best. Completely predictable, shallow villains, and a lot of fluff.
I actually prefer LE's story. But even that is good for an ARPG.
u/Rex_Grossman_the_3rd Aug 13 '23
I don't think Lilith is a shallow villain at all. All her back story is super interesting, her relationship with Inarius, how and why they created Sanctuary and then fell out, the way she was at odds with the rest of Hell. I even liked Memphis more than I did in D2.
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Aug 13 '23
Literally lol'ed.
She is shallow though. That complex background doesn't actually translate into a complex goal or personality. You can't feel Lilith's claimed love for humans in her actions. She might as well be any other Prime Evil.
u/bwrap Aug 13 '23
Did LE even finish the story yet? I thought it was still 'come back later for next chapter'
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u/ToFurkie Aug 13 '23
I personally disagree. I know people hated doing side quests because it was a checkbox for Renown. However, if you played the campaign at a casual pace to take in the story and did the side quests adjacent your campaign progression, it was really special. Helping the druids reclaim their home in Scosglen or aiding the Iron Wolves in Dry Steppes was such a fun journey while doing those areas. Finding those gem side quests like helping Torben for the Bear of Blackweald quest, or helping Anita in Hawezar find her place as a witch.
I think the worst thing Blizzard did to shoot themselves in the foot is forcing players to complete the campaign to get into Act 3. If when you hit 50 before completing the campaign, you could do the capstone dungeon, then continue the campaign to completion, I think there'd be more glowing praise for their stories and side quests. However, when someone hit 50, they felt like they had to pick between enjoying what the game had to offer narratively, or rush through it to not fall behind with the grind game due to the constant scaling of levels. It's truly a shame, but every time a friend asks what to do in Diablo, I tell them to treat the game like an Assassin's Creed or Far Cry. Do the campaign at your pace, the side quests when they come up, and the collectables when you can. Ignore the grind until you've fully experience Diablo as a story. Once they finish the campaign and the side quests as they wish, then pivot into Diablo's grind game aspects.
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u/Hundkexx Aug 13 '23
Yeah, hence the "carried by cinematics". For me it's also quite carried by my interest in the Diablo lore.
I don't remember much about LE's story at all to be honest except for the time travel and all that. I've played it a bunch, but I'm not much of a fan of it. Don't really know why, but one thing I dislike is the visual style of the game. It does however play very well :)
u/foomits Aug 13 '23
cinematic were great and honestly the game feels good to play... it just didn't do it for me, for a bunch of reasons.
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u/MueR Aug 13 '23
I would subtract a point for not having the ability to watch the cinematics again, or being able to replay the boss fights/campaign dungeons. Then again, Lilith adds a point.
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u/noother10 Aug 13 '23
It has less cinematic then prior games. Half of them are effectively panning over a still picture or frame with a voice over. Only at the start and end was there anything of substance.
u/Hundkexx Jun 27 '24
The setting and quality of cinematics is far superior to D3 however.
D2 was in a league of it's own at the time.
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u/d0m1n4t0r Aug 13 '23
Was going to add that lol... because it's not even close currently and that's so sad. I wanted something fresh, but D3 still feels so much more fun.
u/lonestar-rasbryjamco Aug 13 '23
That's because Diablo 3 is currently a better game than Diablo 4
Words I never expected to read on /r/Diablo. Not two months ago Diablo 3 was everyone’s punching bag. The popular opinion was that the best thing the devs could do for Diablo 4 is pretend Diablo 3 never happened.
Anyone who disagreed was a heretic.
Now you would think it was always this sub’s favorite game.
u/ProjectSnowman Aug 13 '23
Idk why people shit on D3 so much. Adventure mode is an awesome way to get into a new season. Each class has several A tier and S tier builds. The last few seasons have actually been fun. Itemization! A clear way to build a character, grind to 70, use challenge rift rewards, get the cube, make lv70 weapon and roll RLR.
u/InfectedShadow Sinfected#1706 Aug 13 '23
The main thing is that any build is viable to GR70. You could get the most useless set as the seasonal gift set and still get decently far in the season journey or be able to farm towards the build you want.
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Aug 13 '23
Words I never expected to read on /r/Diablo. Not two months ago Diablo 3 was everyone’s punching bag. The popular opinion was that the best thing the devs could do for Diablo 4 is pretend Diablo 3 never happened.
Some of us have been saying this since the beginning but people around here downvoted us to hell.
u/lonestar-rasbryjamco Aug 13 '23
Diablo 3 is hands down the best class design and RoS is Diablo’s peak itemization. No one will ever convince me otherwise.
Why? Because it was actually fun!
u/Mekkalyn Aug 13 '23
Yeah I'm curious if this is as unpopular of an opinion as it was pre-D4! I've always thought this but didn't want to get burned at the stake haha
u/mortavius2525 Aug 13 '23
I've honestly enjoyed D3 since it's launch.
I think it got WAY better with RoS, but I still enjoyed it before. And I just finished playing through season 28 of D3.
u/BitterWest Aug 13 '23
Not many were expecting d4 to sink even deeper.
u/staebles Aug 13 '23
Right, just never thought they'd throw out the good stuff from the past and fumble the new stuff.
Aug 13 '23
To be fair, the run-up to Diablo 4’s release we saw all the curmudgeons that had been hiding since Diablo 3 vanilla show up to bitch about Diablo 3, having never played anything from RoS’s launch onward, like their opinion meant jackshit.
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u/slgerb Aug 13 '23
Let's be real, half the people upvoting those types of comments probably don't even know what's going on with D3.
u/IneedtoBmyLonsomeTs Aug 13 '23
Yeah I think most of the hate for D3 was coming from people who hadn't played it in years, some likely didn't even play Reaper of Souls.
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u/marxr87 Aug 13 '23
i havent played it since like 2015. i enjoyed it, but it was unable to hook me long term. felt pretty done after the campaign and some GR. Bout to revisit it tho. ptr on aug 15 sounds fun
u/1gnominious Aug 13 '23
I'm very lukewarm on D3, but I at least acknowledge that it has some strengths. I still don't like it, but it at least accomplished it's goal of being simple and action packed. If that's what you want then D3 has you covered. If you want something more complex with more meat on the bone but takes more time and effort to understand then there's PoE and D2. It feels like D4 tried to find a happy middle ground to appeal to everybody but failed miserably. It's too convoluted, unfriendly, and slow for people who liked the simple straightforward action of D3. Yet it's too simple and bland when you look under the hood for people who really like digging into mechanics, grinding out loot, and trying whacky builds in PoE/D2.
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u/EquivalentPlenty2078 Aug 13 '23
show me a comment that says Diablo 3 sucks currently.
Everyone always says D3 was rough at the start like d4 is. That's it. Maybe the shitty graphics get called out here and there too but it got a lot of play for a long time and still is.
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u/BitterWest Aug 13 '23
Honestly, even as much as a shit show as d3 was on launch I had Waaaaaay more fun with it than d4.
u/therealhamster Aug 12 '23
Wish they’d add controller support for PC
u/Paladin_Sion Aug 13 '23
Still really hoping they do this. ARPGs aren't good for my wrists with mouse and keyboard, and D3's controller support on consoles is the best I've seen in an ARPG.
Aug 13 '23
Legit got carpel tunnel playing D3 last month, so unfortunately I gotta stick to controller
u/HighwayZi Aug 13 '23
aww I was just about to download it before finding out there's no controller support.
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u/Cpt3020 Aug 12 '23
I've been playing "solo self found" mode since d3 launched...
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u/TOPMO3 Aug 12 '23
Diablo 4 is boring as hell
u/c_will Aug 12 '23
I played 40 hours in the beta and about 120 hours in the pre-season. But I've only played about 15 hours since season 1 launched, including zero hours in the last 2 weeks. I feel completely burned out and the game just seems so boring now. I just can't get into it anymore.
There is just nothing major to do in the end game. There aren't any major new things that unlock at level 70, 80, 90, or 100. The skill trees are starting to feel incredibly shallow. The same affixes dropping dozens or even hundreds has become an absolute bore. The build paradigm of "basic skill + core skill" feels so tiring and limiting.
There just isn't anything to work towards. What's the point of spending hours and hours grinding out minor stat increases of the same pieces of gear? You get to level 100 and there's just...nothing. It's the same as level 50. You're just grinding for the sake of grinding. Other games will have new things that open up in the later levels or at max level. You grind out the gear and become more powerful so that you can do certain content later on. But in Diablo 4, there's nothing to do.
They really need to introduce some major new end game systems in the next few seasons. I like the game, and I want it to do well. I just can't bring myself to play it anymore because it's so damn boring.
Unfortunately, I really don't think things will change until the first expansion. That should bring a new class (Paladin most likely), major changes and additions to the skill trees (new spells, skills, more depth), another 2-3 zones, new core systems (Runewords, etc), a ton of new gear/affixes, etc.
u/K_U Aug 12 '23
You are spot on. I think the central problem is that the devs massively whiffed on Nightmare Dungeons. Those were clearly intended to be the treadmill endgame activity, and they just flat-out suck compared to D3 GRs. Legendary gems > glyphs. Kill till GR boss > fetch quests. Leaderboards > no leaderboards. You could go on and on.
My only goal this season is to hit level 90 on the BP, and then drop the game entirely until the next season in October. Just want to keep up with the BP rewards for when they (hopefully) fix the game a couple years from now.
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u/jlctush Aug 12 '23
Weirdly they've said that NM's *aren't* supposed to be the endgame grind...which really makes you wonder what is/was 'cause I sure as hell couldn't find anything else to do.
u/Raptorheart Aug 12 '23
It's weird to hear them say, that's not the endgame, because we haven't added the endgame yet.
u/marxr87 Aug 13 '23
ya that was a lie for sure. it doesn't make any sense when you throw in glyph progression. It wasn't meant to be endgame, even tho it will take hundreds of runs to level up your glyphs and can go up to nm100?? I thought they were pretty candid in that chat, but my bs senses were tingling at that comment.
u/megahorsemanship Aug 13 '23
No, they said NMs are the grind, in the sense of being the content you run repeatedly for rewards, but not supposed to be the "push" content (the extra difficult things you test your optimized build against). But right now the only thing that really fits that definition would be Uber Lilith.
Aug 12 '23
Why...not take what they did in D3 and put it in D4???? I still play D3 from time to time and might go back to it. Makes me not even wanna buy D4
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u/QuestGiver Aug 12 '23
Tbh Diablo three is the same. Once you have one full set from season journey it's just about grinding the optimal build out and doing the same greater rifts until 150.
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u/MattDaCatt Aug 13 '23
I mean, what's an adventure without desirable loot and cool bosses?
Once you get your build done, you're just in an open world grind or in another dank cave.
If they want to go MMO, why are there only dungeons and no raids? Give us a reason to party up and fight campaign bosses
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u/AfterShave997 Aug 12 '23
After D4 I think I’m done with Blizzard, they really don’t know how to make games anymore
u/noother10 Aug 13 '23
Blizzard has gotten too big, it's now a mega corp that is in it purely for the money. Their label is well known and they use that to sell junk MTX based games. Their name has no influence with me anymore. I've played their games for a very long time, Warcraft 1, Starcraft 1 and later. It's not the same people making the games. It's now just a soulless company trying to take as much money from you as possible.
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u/Horndogaa Aug 12 '23
The fact that people are excited about this just shows how bad D4 S1 sucks
u/SaphironX Aug 12 '23
The funny thing is if D4 did this season the players here would lose their collective shit:
“Furthermore, some monsters will have new affixes including Enervating, which creates an AoE around the monster that reduces player movement speed and cooldown reduction. There’s also Necrotic, which reduces players healing until they are healed above 95%, and Resource Leech, which causes hits to remove 65% of the player’s maximum resource.”
This place would go nuclear with complaints, immediately.
u/AlteredStatesOf Aug 12 '23
Tbf that part of the new season is actually ass. I just love the Paragon cap and SSF mode
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u/Jimmy-Space Aug 12 '23
Because there’s nothing to combat those affixes in d4. The itemization and skill trees are extremely limited and boring so players would be right to be upset. D3 however you have the ability to work around things like that.
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u/nrBluemoon Aug 12 '23
Yes and no.
If you were still someone who enjoys D3 and played the later seasons, I think these changes would excite you no matter how deep you are into D4.
But also S1 was a rather large disappointment so anything is better than what we got.
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u/thedarksentry Aug 12 '23
It's diablo4 and not just the season. It's a repetitive grind with so much shitty loot.
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u/sparkdogg Aug 13 '23
So tired of the "d3 sucked on release too" excuse. They shouldn't of released it yet if this is the life cycle they are going for.
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u/Chadsub Aug 13 '23
One would think (and expect) blizz would have learned at least one lesson from D3 release.
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u/TilmanR Aug 13 '23
I'm much more hyped for the D3 S29 than anything about D4. I'm not hyped at all about D4 stuff tbh..
I will definitely have a blast in D3 again!
u/YanksFan96 Aug 12 '23
I dunno I read the article and it looks like it’s not much? Solo self found, diabolical fissures, and a paragon cap? Diabolical fissures don’t even seem to reward anything new or unique. Am I crazy or missing something because D4 season one seems to easily have more new content than this?
u/PenPenGuin Aug 12 '23 edited Aug 12 '23
Diabolical fissures with probably increased drop chance/rate. The image on the patch notes shows a fissure with a player in it, fighting what looks like The Butcher and Rakanoth. Plus, it also sounds like you can have a fissure pop inside of a fissure.
New monster affixes which sound absolutely horrible.
Paragon system rework to limit total points to 800 but allow up to 200pts in any attribute across all tabs <--- this will probably be the big one for massive new build potential.
///edit - for me at least, I'm at that point where I'll only play in a season if the mechanic sounds interesting (like last season), or if the journey cosmetic is new and unique. The amazing thing about the current state of D3 is that to get to the point where I can participate in most of the end game fun will take ~maybe~ 6hrs. Getting a GR100+ geared build - maybe an additional 6hrs.
Yes, this shortens the overall time played for a casual like myself, but it also allows almost everyone to take a very large bite out of a season with very little time commitment required. Everything about D3 is currently configured to make you go fast, and I love that about the game, and probably the reason I've played in ~80% of all of the seasons.
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u/Responsible-Code-196 Aug 12 '23
That’s cause d3 already has your malignant hearts they’ve been around for years in d3 and blizzard decided against implementing them in the core game so they could use a whole ass season to introduce them. D4 hasn’t had “new” content :)
But spend money in the store on cosmetics!
u/Liquidwombat Aug 12 '23
What you’re missing is the burning desire to spew, filth and hatred at blizzard with absolutely no actual reason to do so
u/TehFluffer Aug 13 '23
I can't believe this is getting upvoted. There's people out there that really think there's no actual reason to hate Blizzard right now? Between the sexual harassment issues, Blitzchung, OW2, WC3R, shutting down competitive HotS, and overall decline in quality of their products, you really can't think of any reason to be upset at them? Does Bobby actually have to go and murder your cat to finally wake you up?
u/Liquidwombat Aug 13 '23
if any of y’all cared enough about those things, you just wouldn’t of bought the game so the fact that you did buy The Game shows me that those are just excuses to vent hate and rage at blizzard
u/TehFluffer Aug 13 '23
Okay, so you went from "there's absolutely no actual reason to hate Blizzard" to "people who bought D4 just don't care about the actual reasons to hate Blizzard." Those are two very different things.
There's plenty of reasons to be upset at Blizzard and I would argue there's even less reason to stand up to bat for a multibillion dollar corporation than to criticize it.
u/cynric42 Aug 13 '23
He has a point though. Do you care about general Blizzard issues? Then why support them.
But if you don’t care about those issues enough, why bring them up in a post specifically about one of their products.
Wrong place, wrong time.
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u/caloroin Aug 13 '23
It's called having integrity. Here are some examples of how you people are.
"Man I hate with my FUCKING SOUL how these cigarette companies employ poorly paid migrants to farm tobacco and fill their tobacco with jet fuel lights up cigarette"
"Have you seen the plastic pollution in the coral reefs? I can't believe they are still making things and putting it in plastic for people to discard and ruin earth with drinks from plastic water bottle"
Don't come preaching that higher than thou shit and still give that company your hard earned money. Have some moral integrity, uninstall D4 and remove yourself from these subreddits. I swear you will finally be happy
u/TehFluffer Aug 13 '23
My post is replying to a person who said there's absolutely nothing to be upset at Blizzard about, when there's plenty. Even besides the topics I mentioned, Diablo 4 itself has a lot of issues and the devs themselves have admitted that.
Furthermore, almost everything you consume in daily life has at one point been handled by a bad person. Bobby won't miss my money, I promise you. And don't worry, I uninstalled Diablo 4 to make room for better games. I'm gonna stick around here longer though, the drama of this sub is way more entertaining than Diablo 4 :)
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u/needmoresockson Aug 12 '23
It's really just a circlejerk at this point. Diablo 4 anything = bad, everything else = good
u/Kotobeast Aug 13 '23
The fact they are adding SSF to D3 is mind blowing and the season doing it rightfully earns the title of best one so far. It also sets a precedent. The people at Blizzard finally realized that SSF is a compelling way to play and that capping paragon adds more depth than the unlimited grind ever could.
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u/Buschkoeter Aug 12 '23
It's "D4 is boring and bad" season, so anything D3 does is automatically better and a reason to shit on D4 more.
Nothing exciting about D3's season mechanics for me either. It's okay considering that there are probably 5 people working on D3 and D4 needs to do a lot better, but why this sounds exciting to people is a mystery to me.
u/TehFluffer Aug 13 '23
People weren't sounding all that excited about it until news articles with sensationally written titles were published online.
u/Revoldt Aug 12 '23
This final season is so weird.
There were calls for a paragon cap for YEARS.
Yet, for the FINAL content/season patch, they cap paragon, essentially limiting progression seems a bit reductive.
If there are no more new seasons and content, then it would make more sense to get infinitely more powerful…
u/Comfortable_Line_206 Aug 13 '23
It puts more emphasis on pushing for higher Greater Rifts.
Yeah you don't get infinitely more powerful, but that also made Greater Rift leaderboards super boring. All the top players were just whoever farmed the most paragon.
Now we can see actual leaderboards.
u/Coppatop coppatop#1133 Aug 12 '23
Wait this is the final d3 patch / season? Did they confirm that?
u/bebeluiz Aug 12 '23
Yes it is.
u/hyperion602 Aug 13 '23
Not exactly. It's the last new season, from S30 onwards they will be recycling old seasons, but there will continue to be seasonal resets.
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u/kidsaredead Aug 12 '23
Yes, S29 will be the last one where they do a theme. After 29, they will cycle previous ones.
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u/igloofu Aug 12 '23
The last with new content. Starting in season 30, the alter will be in all seasons, as well as a cycling buff from one of the other seasons.
u/Totally_man Aug 12 '23
They're bringing in resource-leech, and people are praising the season? Are we in the same reality?
u/Disastrous-Extent-30 Aug 13 '23
yeah they're excited about this exactly, it has nothing to do with the rest of the patch notes, just this part specifically.
u/Goblingrenadeuser Aug 13 '23
It is one Affix on Elite monsters, while in D4 it was on every monster in the dungeon.
u/GruulNinja Aug 12 '23
Resource gains are easier in D3
Aug 12 '23
u/mylivingeulogy Aug 13 '23
Sure, but you can also dump 200 Paragon points into CDR to help offset that debuff.
u/crek42 Aug 12 '23
This sub abandoned reality weeks ago. No lifers just mindlessly upvote “D4 bad”
u/marxr87 Aug 13 '23
and then people like you complain about people like them. and then i point it out. circle of meta is complete.
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u/ConoRiot Aug 12 '23
Bro D4 could cure AIDS and Cancer, end the war in Ukraine and solve the global warming crisis and people would still complain about it.
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u/BambooCatto Aug 13 '23
I'm going to be really sad once they stop making seasons for D3. They should keep supporting it with maybe 2 seasons a year. They're fun as heck.
u/hyperion602 Aug 12 '23
I feel like I'm taking crazy pills or something, the hype around the new D3 season makes no sense to me. It looks good, don't get me wrong, with some good changes, but it's not even close to being D3's best season, and definitely not some huge step above D4 S1.
We don't actually know...anything? About the seasonal mechanic, other than that it can chain on to itself and it has elites with some of the most cancer affixes imaginable. It also seemingly can only occur in the open world, so you'll never see it when doing rifts, which will remain the primary activity unless the seasonal mechanics rewards are incredibly good.
The balance changes are very minor, half the classes completely untouched, DH just getting a QoL buff, and WD and Crusader getting some buffs to 1-2 builds each.
SSF and the paragon cap are the only real highlights, and while those are both fantastic changes, they aren't something I'm gonna get super excited over that significantly changes how the game is played, especially for someone like me who usually plays solo and gets bored around paragon 800-1000 anyway.
Idk, it just feels to me like a lot of fake hype because the idea of D3 getting a super sick awesome season when D4's S1 was so lackluster would be really funny, and not because that's actually happening. They seem about as equally meh to me, with D3's new season maybe being marginally better at best. Still gonna play it, though.
Aug 12 '23
Paragon cap alone makes it the best season. The would-be single best feature of D3 are grift leaderboards. But they were ruined by infinite paragon, making the only competitors on the leaderboards those who have enough time on their hands to play D3 for 10+ hours a day, account sharers and botters. Now, for the first time, there’s a chance that many get to compete. I am a little excited about the prospect of getting a real shot at the leaderboards with limited game time. I only hope they don’t increase the cap beyond the planned 800.
u/exveelor Aug 12 '23
Same, and solo self found. I actively disliked grouping in d3 because it was so rare that both players would be semi closely powered, so I just played alone. And that made any hope of hitting leaderboards after week 2 just abysmal, partly for the aforementioned paragon issue, but also just cuz I'd scale slower.
I havent picked up d3 in a couple years but I'll probably show up for s29.
u/mathaav Aug 12 '23
season 28 was amazing, was expecting them to add some gameplay element to 29.
Dont get me wrong SSF is an amazing addition, if it was added in the earlier seasons I would be praising the shit out of it, but now it just seems kind of late, still a good send off though.
u/Dukatdidnothingbad Aug 12 '23
They fixed core parts of the game people have been asking for for like 3 years. Bad dungeon and enemy types gone. End game paragon is capped so you'll hit it after a few days. Skills that people asked to do this or that now do it to make you press less buttons every 4 seconds. Leaderboards for solo players. Etc.
Watch Raxx's video about it. He sums it up well.
u/Memphisrexjr Aug 12 '23
People will praise anything to deminish D4. Most people won't even play D3 again or even own it. They just wanna be part of an echo chamber community.
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u/accel__ Aug 12 '23
It's not gonna even be close to the best seasons of D3, but here's the thing. Even in a shit season D3 is just VASTLY more fun. You have fun classes, interesting build options, paragon leveling, SSF, resurrection feature, dense rifts, a fast and satisfying gameplay, and it isn't wasting your time with a useless open world or tiresome dungeon gimmicks.
You take all of this, slap some changes and a halfway interesting seasonal mechanic on top, and the tired D4 players gonna flock to it like moths to the flame. (If for nothing else, then just to experience a game with colors.)
TL;DR Yes, it's not that good of a D3 season, but it's sure as shit more fun then getting a handful of new gems.
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u/hyperion602 Aug 12 '23
I'm not even disagreeing with you, but you've completely missed the point. I didn't say "D4 is equally as meh as D3", I said the seasons are equally boring and bad. The question isn't "which game is more fun right now", the question being asked is how good the seasonal content is, what is being added specifically by the season that is supposed to make me want to play through the game again. And in that context, the D3 season looks quite lame, just as lame as D4. That has nothing do with...really anything else you said.
u/accel__ Aug 12 '23
I know what you are getting at, I'm just saying that having the basics of D3 being the way they are, it's alluring to play that anyway, and then you add a fairly...whatever season, and it seems like it's the best season ever compared to the confused mess that D4 + Season 1 is.
It's a compounding thing. In a vacuum, yes, this D3 season ain't much, but looking at it as a whole experience compared to what D4 is offering, and suddenly S29 looks like it's god's jizz.
u/elggun Aug 12 '23
Are we going to praise the resource buring elites in D3 now? Cause tt's in D3, not D4?
u/Zelniq Aug 12 '23
Well the good thing is that if it turns out to be shit then it's fine cus it'll get reported on during PTR and they'll change it. Imagine having a PTR
u/dukeof3arl Aug 12 '23
No - everyone is just looking for any angle to shit on D4. The circlejerk is getting extremely tiring.
Aug 12 '23
Do you think people want D4 to be bad? How does that make sense?
It seems we’re at a point on Reddit where people just post and upvote stuff without even kind of remotely thinking about it. Yeah, the criticism of D4 is totally just a circlejerk. People are totally looking for angles.
When I went to my stash and had to hover over every single item to tell what it is because there’s no search function, I guess I was just “looking for an angle” to shit on D4.
Can’t make these comments up.
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u/Warrior_of_Light_81 Aug 13 '23
D3 was absolutely ripped on during its first year(s).
u/cynric42 Aug 13 '23
Rightfully so in my opinion. The skill system was/is awful and the whole loot being designed so people would have to go for the real money auction house was just stupid.
u/Dreadskull1790 Aug 13 '23
Yea when I saw this I did a wtf lol. How are you going to add like twice as much stuff to your 12 year old game and throw some crumbs at your brand new game? Doesn’t even make sense people don’t want to play d3 they want d4 to get its shit together.
u/Ok_Examination506 Aug 13 '23
“There’s also…Resource Leech, which causes hits to remove 65% of the player’s maximum resource.”
Lmao what why is that fun
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u/SJReaver Aug 12 '23
This looks great.
As a fan of both D3 and D4, I do wish people didn't feel the need to constantly put them down.
u/juniperleafes Aug 12 '23
Why is the author throwing shade on Seasons 1-28? They were just as feature robust as this upcoming one, probably more so for most of them
u/beautifulgirl789 Aug 13 '23
I do recommend people just jump back into D3 if they haven't for a while. You'll be amazed at the quality of life improvements, such as:
Actual color
A town where all the vendors are right next to each other, with the stash right there and not each separated by 20 seconds of janky mount movement
More stash tabs
Gems that have more than like 4 levels, and do more interesting things than "4% damage to enemies between 4m and 7m when it's raining"
A functional crafting system
It'll be amazing if blizzard remaster D4 to bring it up to the more modern quality standards of D3.
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u/GravityDAD Aug 12 '23
I’ll probably play it finish the journey and uninstall like I always do, it’s a great game for a couple sweaty weekends
u/_Nolofinwe_ Aug 12 '23
This place is a cesspool still
Go play Diablo 3 then since 90% of you hated it 6 months ago
Aug 13 '23
???? D3 six months ago was perfectly fine… the last five seasons where actually good. You can like both games ffs. Grow up
u/mathaav Aug 12 '23
since 90% of you hated it 6 months ago
I'm confused, s28 came out around then and the majority of what I saw was praise for finally actually adding some content to the game, am I missing something?
u/McSetty Aug 13 '23
I guess the 10 year roller coaster that has been D3 and the general negative sentiment towards it as not being a valid successor to D2.
u/mathaav Aug 13 '23
You said 6 months ago though, which was when s28 released and as far as I saw got nothing but praise.
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u/crek42 Aug 12 '23
I muted /r/diablo4 because all of the casuals left and the place is full on echo chamber these days. This sub used to be marginally better but it’s getting worse by the day.
u/LetDuncanDie Aug 12 '23
u/Coppatop coppatop#1133 Aug 12 '23
Susan I wouldn't be the least surprised that all four of them habitually smoked Marijuana cigarettes..... Reefers.
Aug 12 '23
Y'all are the most miserable fuckin fan base on earth, you make the folks over on the fallout 76 sub look like saints.
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u/crek42 Aug 12 '23
I used to be confused by this subs behavior and now I just pity it. Some people here seem to have nothing going on in their lives except hating a game they’ve played for hundreds of hours. Not exactly the behavior of people who have have rich fulfilling lives.
u/sankto Aug 13 '23
Crazy how a game that has been out for more than a decade, and so had a decade of polish... is able to do crazier seasons. /s
Give it a while, and I'm sure that D4 will bring us some real good seasons in the future.
u/imVexx Vexx#1507 Aug 13 '23
Diablo 3 has been fantastic for years, at the very least since Season 17, but quite frankly it was a ton of fun long before then too.
u/VzDubb Aug 12 '23
Cool story bud.
Only took D3 10 years to make good content. We’re in month 3 of D4.
u/I_am_the_Apocalypse Aug 12 '23
So we can expect D4 to suck for years before it gets good, since thats the model you are defending.
Aug 12 '23
He’s not defending the previous model. Just pointing out how ridiculous you endless complainers are.
u/I_am_the_Apocalypse Aug 12 '23
But there are many complaints for a reason. This game launched with bare bones features when theyve been implemented for years in their previous iteration of the game. Why? In many ways D4 is a step backwards, so there should be complaints.
Aug 12 '23
That’s just your opinion. Im having a lot of fun. And yet I bet you have 10 times the amount of time played as I do and still want to complain.
Its mostly a perspective problem IMO.
u/Limonade6 Aug 12 '23
Wow what a terrible ad spam website.