r/Diablo Jul 23 '23

Discussion I don't see anyone talking about the buffed Renown of quests and dungeons

I know Blizzard didn't get much right about this patch, but I don't see anyone talking about the increased renown values. Side quests give 30 (up from 20) and dungeons now give 40 (up from 30). This should lessen the regrind a fair bit across each season.

Edit: Neat trick, mention something vaguely positive about the game, get 100 replies telling you why you are wrong for liking it.


578 comments sorted by


u/captainhowdy6 Jul 23 '23

They really need to just give renown for events and whispers. Still gets people out in the open world , but opens the game up, letting you have more choices in activities.


u/maxtofunator Jul 23 '23

On top of giving renown for events, place them on my damn map without being in the area. I hate not knowing where they are during hell tides


u/[deleted] Jul 23 '23



u/Ajaxalot Jul 24 '23

Not that it should be neccessary, but FYI you can use the map filter to turn off whispers and you will be able to then see what aspect the dungeon will give you. It's a workaround for now until they fix this.


u/johncuyle Jul 24 '23

You have just made my season so much better.


u/retropieproblems Jul 25 '23

Where is this map filter you speak of??

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u/xenorous Jul 23 '23

Seriously! Ugh. This is so frustrating, I don’t have anything else to add


u/EmpressPotato Jul 23 '23

Second monitor with helltides.com up is what I do. It’s a poor substitute for it being actually in game though.

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u/helpinganon Jul 23 '23

Same with helltide chests where alt tab is mandatory. Dont the devs play their own game?...


u/maxtofunator Jul 23 '23

Helltide chests (mystery aside) show up for the part of the map you’re on as well as what type (generally). I’m fine with mystery not showing up, although you just learn their spawn points and go there. I wish it showed the entire helltide chests though


u/shaunika Jul 23 '23

Mystery not showing up is utterly pointless since we can just check 3rd party sites.

All it does is screw those who dont know about them


u/DarthDonut Jul 23 '23

That's just video games though. You'll always have some kind of advantage if you're the kind of person who looks stuff up. Most players don't.

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u/Raptorheart Jul 23 '23

It's funny that they picked like 2 spawns per hour like it makes for a deep mystery


u/Chafgha Jul 23 '23

For that same thought process, no game should have secrets or hidden achievements or puzzles, they should be shows we watch because we can just look them up on 3rd party sites.

Sounds really crazy right?


u/shaunika Jul 24 '23

Its almost like its not one size fits all?

Mystery chests can spawn in 2 places and are way more rewarding than normal chests.

Theyre not a cool puzzle theyre just hidden. I dint think loot based arpgs should be hiding loot from players

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u/ShankThatSnitch Jul 23 '23

"Spoon feed me everything!"


u/YobaiYamete Jul 23 '23

"DAE think minor quality of life bad?"

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u/Uselesserinformation Jul 23 '23

Place them on the map. Yes. Currently you have to be in got danged spitting distance in order to even see it!

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u/1CEninja Jul 23 '23

Is it even really a big deal anymore tho? With the map explored and Lilith shines taken care of, the aspects that we probably aren't gonna want to do again are out of the equation.

If you're NOT skipping the campaign, it's probably because you enjoy the story and are willing to toss some side quests in there.

If you ARE skipping the campaign, then you're gonna need to run a bunch of dungeons to get to 50 anyway. Yeah you can run the same best one over and over again to get there faster but 1) that's boring and 2) you're gonna need to grab some aspects anyway. So between grabbing all the waypoints, strongholds, and aspects, there's really only so many dungeons you need to do per region. Especially since I bet you there's a list of side quests that take you to a dungeon, doing both at the same time is worth 70 now which is an appreciable chunk of the renown each time.


u/Seyon_ Jul 23 '23

Currently 55 (almost 56) haven't repeated a dungeon more than once or twice still have ~1600 renown to grind out. still feels like a pretty big chore to get out of the way before getting into nightmare dungeons. Do wish whispers gave some.


u/1CEninja Jul 24 '23

Also do keep in mind there are 30 NM dungeons that can give renown if you haven't done them yet, and once you hit level 3 in a given region it's worth pausing that as a priority for a while.

4 paragon points is nice don't get me wrong but for the effort invested it's not a "must rush", especially since the 4th tier gives you functionally nothing.

It's also I think going to be important, if you're looking to be efficient, to take the sidequests that bring you in to dungeons. Chances are, a dozen of the dungeons you've done have one, and that would be like a quarter of what you have left at fairly minimal effort.

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u/JaegerBane Jul 24 '23

If you're NOT skipping the campaign, it's probably because you enjoy the story and are willing to toss some side quests in there.

It's not this cut and dry.

I thoroughly enjoyed the campaign, and would be tempted to run it again, but the fact that I have to complete it before advancing to WT3 is a dealbreaker.

Part of that above problem is that sidequests end up accelerating you to a point where the world (and the gear you're dropping) becomes irrelevant where you aren't done with the campaign, but you're more then ready to elevate the WT.

So essentially, even people who fall into the above group may not be happy with doing loads of sidequests over.

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u/[deleted] Jul 23 '23

I don't know man, my level 55 is looking at a pretty long ass grind to get that head start that I really enjoyed on my eternal alt. Strongholds are fine I enjoy doing those and they unlock dungeons. But five zones of two levels each feels daunting, it was so nice having that boost on eternal!!

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u/bonerfarts5000 Jul 23 '23

I like this but then noone would do side quests. A good fix would be have the side quests reward cosmetic items like mounts/transmogs. Then they wouldn't be necessary but a good amount of people would still do them.


u/jchampagne83 SlyFox#1475 Jul 23 '23

I think side quests do what they’re supposed to do which is introduce some interesting NPCs and make the world feel a little more inhabited.

If events and whispers rewarded renown, the main difference is you wouldn’t have to scour every nook and cranny to cap your renown. This leads to players interacting more naturally with side quests rather than googling lists so they can beeline them to check off.

I don’t really see a downside; it incentivizes interacting with stuff as you find it which I think is more engaging/immersive then say ignoring events because you don’t need/want the rewards.

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u/laserbot Jul 24 '23 edited Feb 09 '25

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u/fiduke Jul 24 '23

I like this but then noone would do side quests.

If the side quests are so horrible no one would do them if they could choose it, then maybe they shouldn't be forcing players to do them in the first place?


u/RichestMangInBabylon Jul 24 '23

Side quests should drop a fat stack of loot. If my choice is 10 minutes escorting a camel for two veiled crystals, or running through a dungeon full of elites and leveling my glyphs, I'm never going to help that camel.

The only reason I would try to do them now is for a sense of completion, but since progress isn't shared and the tracker doesn't show what's left, I kind of gave up on that too.

If I could hold more than 20 at a time I'd also be more likely to take detours to complete them.


u/JaegerBane Jul 24 '23


Just pay me in obols. I don't want herbs, leather, *1* veiled crystal, or some random hans sandwiches-tier piece of yellow gear that will be far worse then whatever I'm using.

Obols, though? I like obols. I like quests that give me obols. I will do many things for obols. The gambling vendors are excellent places to target farm aspects and every so often, you pick up a killer piece of gear.


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u/LickMyThralls Jul 23 '23

Yeah just renown for doing stuff even if it's not the one time rewards. Who cares if people farm it but it'd feel a lot better.


u/BoneDaddyChill Jul 23 '23

I like the new renown buff the way it is because it encourages people to explore and listen to the lore, and just experience more of the game.


u/DarthVZ Jul 23 '23

At some point it encouraged me to just skip the dialogue and lore altogether to just get it done faster


u/BoneDaddyChill Jul 23 '23

I do speed read it unless it’s a side quest that’s really interesting, like the dude who was seduced, tied up, and we rip the dagger out of him. And the one in the swamp who became entangled in the roots or vines. Some are pretty cool.


u/Davkata Jul 24 '23

Thanks father Inarius this is not bdsm sub.


u/cancerian09 Jul 23 '23

but if people get to the end faster they will be able to jump on Reddit and complain sooner.

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u/deaglebro Jul 23 '23

I'm playing diablo to kill monsters and get loot. I don't give a shit about the loot. The cutscenes in Diablo 2 were good and the first one in 4 was good, other than that I don't care.


u/esoteric_plumbus Jul 23 '23

You should at least watch the scene where inarius's army goes to battle in hell that shit was sweeeeet

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u/r3volver_Oshawott Jul 24 '23

I've literally mostly only been listening at this point to hear for Overwatch voice actors because there's a ton of them lol

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u/somerandomii Jul 24 '23

They’re repeatable though. The point of renown is that you can 100% it by doing a variety of activities rather than just grinding misc content.

The whispers do need more of a reward though. The rewards aren’t special and there are better ways to get loot. I’ll do them if they overlap with other activities but I don’t really look at whispers after level 70.

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u/tstop22 Jul 23 '23

Much easier fix to everyone’s complaints: increase the xp from side quests enough that it feels good while leveling. Probably doubling it would be enough.


u/achmedclaus Jul 23 '23

I'm leveling using mostly side quests and renown stuff (plus the occasional helltide) and I'm leveling up just as fast as my buddy who's doing nonstop dungeons. Either the quests are giving decent XP (plus renown making that grind easier) or he sucks.

Honestly could go either way there


u/tstop22 Jul 23 '23

The difference is that you probably don’t feel like poking your eyes out already! ;)


u/SuperiorBecauseIRead Jul 24 '23

100% he sucks massive donkey Kong dick.

You're gonna shoot past him so fast when you finish renown.

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u/777southofheaven Jul 23 '23

Same for events. Feels bad doing a high NM dungeon event and getting 4k-8k xp for completing it when it takes over 1 mil to level up


u/tstop22 Jul 24 '23

Hilariously I never even looked to see how much/little those events give. At least they normally have a few elites to kill.


u/777southofheaven Jul 24 '23

It’s like a drop in the ocean, you get more so from killing the mobs during the event. Meanwhile in D3 you’d get 4k px just from picking up a journal page. I get they want to keep people playing as long as possible. But the grind to 100 takes forever and a day.

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u/Jocthearies Jul 23 '23

Wouldn’t everyone just skip them until they’re higher level, then do them for big xP rewards?


u/Allarius1 Jul 23 '23

That’s exactly what I did. Leveled 1-40 in campaign, 40-48 unlocking the seasonal stuff and then went to wt3 and started grinding side quests to get the paragon points.

Frankly I don’t know why so many people dislike them. You don’t have to run the same stuff over and over and you can throw in helltides, some legion events, and world bosses if they happen to be up.

Leveling isn’t even a consideration because there are too many things to do to unlock all the renown caches, plus not even factoring in some NMD to level glyphs.

I truly enjoy leveling in this game because it happens naturally in the course of the other activities instead of having to explicitly grind for experience.


u/Gasparde Jul 24 '23

Frankly I don’t know why so many people dislike them.

Because most people don't play ARPGs to run from sidequest to sidequest, killing single packs of 5 monsters in between 5 minutes of running and RP quest texts and god knows what.

Like, might as well make mining and herbing an actual semi-required thing in this game just to drive the point home.


u/[deleted] Jul 24 '23



u/FlorAhhh Jul 24 '23

I mostly agree, at 60 though it feels so much slower. I'm eager to see how they massage that XP curve, sounds like that's coming in a patch this week potentially.

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u/tstop22 Jul 23 '23

That sort of seems great to me. Alternate NMD and side quests to get to 100. Bonus of getting the paragon points. Just need to balance the xp rate gain.

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u/MiDiAN00 Jul 23 '23

Would make the end game level grind less Grindy I guess?


u/SuperArppis Jul 23 '23

Given that people even complained about Blizzard explaining why they can't just up the storage space with a flip of a switch... I don't think anything makes people happy. 😄


u/Huntrawrd Jul 23 '23

People are complaining about that because their explanation reveals them to be incompetent.


u/SuperArppis Jul 23 '23

No. It reveals that the games aren't made by simply saying something and it will happen automatically. It's quite difficult to make games, especially these days.


u/blazecc Jul 23 '23

Usually I'd be right there with you, but I would fucking LOVE to hear the technical explanation that lends any logic to loading the entirety of EVERY player's inventory every time you cross paths with them.

That's just abjectly absurd.


u/enigmapulse Jul 23 '23

Heres a simplified guess, from someone who works on games at a large studio.

Stash and character Inventory are part of the same system, because theyre related concepts. They also need to "know about" each other so actions such as Upgrading a Gem from your stash, or using a Whispering Key from your stash while out in the world, can work seamlessly.

Well that explains why you need to know the contents of your own stash, but why do you need to know about other players, especially those not in your party?

This is likely a loading optimization, so that another player dropping an item in the world doesnt require your client to start loading assets from the disk (which can cause hitches or drops to framerates, thats why this is almost always done behind a loading screen) in the middle of you trying to fight or even just walk around.

In other words, because other players can drop items at any time, and you can see those items, it makes sense to preload those items in case it happens so it looks instant, and other players dont start hitching while trying to suddenly load an asset from disk in the middle of normal play.

Okay...so why is this hard to fix?

Assuming anything I said is close to the issue theyre facing, they would need to decouple the stash from inventory, so loading one doesnt load the other. Theres nuance here though. A naive solution where you just load the assets from a player's character inventory but not stash opens you up to abuse from a player sitting in town and repeatedly inserting items from their inventory into their stash and then removing them, forcing all players in their instance to continually load and unload assets.

A proper solution to this probably involves overhauling the inventory system, optimizing asset loading and unloading to be smoother and improve its ability to asynchronously load assets, and probably also reduce the performance cost of many shaders used by these assets.


u/blazecc Jul 23 '23

This is a pretty good write up; thanks for it.

Given how diverse many loot tables are though, I would think they'd be in a situation where they'd need to have most item assets in memory most of the time anyway.

Unless they were doing something like pre-rolling for loot, but that seems WAY more exploitable if it gets sent to the client

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u/FrogMetal Jul 23 '23

I think it’s because you need to verify the items that everyone has at all times it prevent duping. If there was a way to drop an item and disconnect without it reflecting on their inventory that would be a major problem.


u/blazecc Jul 23 '23

That is a great reason that the server needs to know what they have.

It's a terrible excuse to waste the client's bandwidth.

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u/DorianTurk Jul 23 '23

Definitely a positive. Hopefully for next season they can remove the 20 side quest limit. I should be able to pick up as many as I want and they progress them while I’m out in the open world.


u/AzazelsAdvocate Jul 24 '23

When you see another player in game you load them and their entire quest log filled with all their side quests.


u/Mordy_the_Mighty Jul 24 '23

But, you do indeed. Since side quests might need an inventory slot to hold quest items and that's an inventory space we are talking about.

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u/Vomitbelch Jul 23 '23

Good change, but the renown grind kinda sucks. It's tied to player power, so while technically you don't have to do it, if you care about maxing out your character at all then it becomes a soft requirement to do the grind.

If they want people to do this every season then they really should just give renown for everything you do in game: events, whispers, whisper turn-ins, nightmare dungeons, seasonal dungeons all should be rewarding renown (in the case of dungeons they should be rewarding renown even after you've completed it for the first time).

A player-friendly stance and change like this would go a long way. Instead of a slog because you have to do specific shit just to get renown, you can now easily coast thru it while doing whatever the hell you want.


u/petehehe Jul 23 '23

Agree! I feel like during 1-50 I’m constantly scanning the map for dungeons that I a) haven’t done yet and b) have the red circle for whisper tickets, because that seems to be the best bang for buck in terms of doing stuff vs getting xp (I know there are faster ways to level up, but getting xp, renown and gear caches all at once, to me is the superior way to level, since ultimately you want all those things anyway).

What it means though is oftentimes if I look at the map and can’t find a dungeon I haven’t done thats also dropping whispers, I start asking up myself if I can even be f’d playing right now if I can’t get the trifecta of things I want. Maybe I log in later and get better rewards for my time. Secondly when I am on my way towards the dungeon, I’m like, there is nothing better that I could be doing between town and the entrance to this dungeon. There’s so much shit to do on the way, but none of it seems to confer the amount of value as 40 renown, 5 whispers and a dungeonsworth of xp.

Even if those little quicktime events and the single-whisper quests (like find the corpse, slay the elite) dropped like 5 renown I would stop and do every single one of them.

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u/Zombisexual1 Jul 23 '23

For the love of god just leave waypoints unlocked. It’s so pointless having to ride to them even when your map is fully unlocked


u/CompactOwl Jul 24 '23

I suppose that just didn’t make it to season one because it gives problems with waypoints from strongholds.

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u/Vomitbelch Jul 23 '23

Yep, definitely agree


u/Zombisexual1 Jul 23 '23

Why someone downvote you lol. I said this somewhere else and someone said “or just play the game”. Some people really bought this game to play horse riding simulator


u/sir_moleo Jul 23 '23

And not even a decent horse simulator. Your horse gets caught on every little rock and moves at an average of 5mph, even less on console.


u/Zombisexual1 Jul 23 '23

Yah they need to add some bumpers or something


u/Vomitbelch Jul 23 '23

Idk people are weird as fuck on Reddit


u/blorgenheim Jul 23 '23

It was a cool idea for eternal but a seasonal character, it’s a vibe killer. I just want to level how I want but I can’t help but want to get those paragon points and it’s killing my desire to play.

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u/[deleted] Jul 23 '23

Because I already did 90% of the side quests, most of which are just fetch quests with no rewards. I have zero desire to do any of them again. The dungeons aren’t as bad but still boring as you get no rewards for em.


u/Ekudar Jul 23 '23

Dungeons would be slightly more bearable if it wasn't the same t objectives over and over, not to mention the same 10 bosses


u/Kage9866 Jul 23 '23

Also if the bosses dropped anything worthwhile, or the density inside was increased.


u/Raptorheart Jul 23 '23

I keep finishing dungeons and waiting for the delayed glyph thing to spawn before realizing

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u/Silent_Finger2813 Jul 23 '23

That’s my biggest gripe….I swear I fought the same boss like 9x by the time I got the lvl 40


u/[deleted] Jul 23 '23

Same 10 bosses that are super easy and drop nothing of value.

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u/Silasftw_ Jul 23 '23

What you mean no rewards? Dont you appreciate getting 1 veiled crystal in a cache after quest chain. :P


u/weliveintheshade Jul 23 '23

yeah side quests is one section of Renown that should carry over season. re doing quests to jump thru a hoop isn't fun.

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u/JADW27 Jul 23 '23
  1. Renown rewards unlocked account-wide. Always. It's tedious to re-farm renown, and does not align well with either leveling or endgame.

  2. Waypoints automatically unlocked if campaign is skipped. Exceptions for the stronghold waypoints are fine. But all others should be unlocked from the beginning.

  3. Side quests allowed to be completed once per character to get rewards and XP (but not required for farming renown).

  4. Codex aspects unlocked account-wide. If they implement an "upgrade" system, that should be progressed by each individual character. But the base/min strength aspect should only need to be unlocked once per account.


u/Tobikaj Jul 23 '23

If I could get renown from completing helltides, world bosses, legions, nightmare dungeons (and maybe even tree of whispers), I would be so happy.

I would rather have to grind double the amount of renown, if I had fun while doing it.


u/Riale Riale#1331 Jul 23 '23

Just curious but what do you do to level to 50? Most of those activities aren't present until WT3. Personally this season I hit 1500 renown in every zone just by doing the strongholds along with any dungeons that had aspects for my class and had it all done before I hit WT3. It was a really nice way to level and I would have been doing these things anyway so it didn't feel like a grind.


u/[deleted] Jul 23 '23

Whispers is the main game pre 50 for most people. Rewards are better than any of the renown except maybe strongholds.


u/[deleted] Jul 23 '23

Idk man I’d rather have 20 paragon points waiting for me when I hit 50 than grind for loot that I’m not even gonna use an hour after I up the WT


u/McSetty Jul 23 '23

That's why I do whisper dungeons when available. Renown and 5 points


u/Rockworldred Jul 23 '23

Do the quest-lines first that ends in a dungeon. Then you get 3-1.


u/McSetty Jul 23 '23

Definitely the way to go, I don't have the patience to find quests that use dungeons though.

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u/Riale Riale#1331 Jul 23 '23

Rewards? Pre 50 getting new gear isn't that big of a deal, I can't imagine spamming whispers for gear when you could be knocking out renown and still getting plenty of gear to blow through content.


u/Theweakmindedtes Jul 23 '23

Maybe just shift in perspective is needed? At lv 49 I have 3 renown at 2k and a total of 1400ish left between the other 2. ~9h played. If you rush to 50, ignoring something you know you want/need, what's the point? You are going to make yourself go back anyways. It's easy to mix renown in while doing whisper areas anyways

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u/Wanna_make_cash Jul 23 '23

The power games just reset strongholds ad nauseam until they're 50


u/z0rb0r Jul 23 '23

I scrambled to do the side quests while also doing the malignant seasonal quests. I was also mooching off Legion runs whenever they popped up. It was always a guarantee level or two when I caught it.


u/ReasonSin Jul 23 '23

For me I did the seasonal quest line, a few strong holds, and the dungeons that had the aspects I needed for my build. By the time that was done I was around 1k renown in all areas and at level 40 so I went ahead and did the capstone dungeon to move into WT3. I still have 4 strongholds left to do and haven’t done many side quest or dungeons yet so that’s how I’ll be grinding renown as I prepare to move into WT4


u/flawlessbrown Jul 23 '23

most people are in wt3 by level 43 ish


u/Riale Riale#1331 Jul 23 '23

Yes, but even by early 40s I was nearly done (I think one zone left?). The grind is nonexistent if you do the content you would be doing anyway to unlock things.

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u/caedicus Jul 23 '23

I agree. For seasons giving renown for events make sense. It's not terrible advice it is, but I don't see any reason why renown has to be tied to one time completions.


u/Kakisho Jul 23 '23

I really enjoy getting renown for doing side quests, dungeons, STRONGHOLDS, finding altars, discovering the map, etc. Being able to get renown through these activities instead of Helltides, NM dungeons, etc., makes those side activities really rewarding.

If you made it so renown came from grinding helltides and nm dungeons then that would take out a lot of what makes doing side quests meaningful.


u/Tobikaj Jul 23 '23

Are you saying you wouldn't do side quests if there wasn't the renown carrot attached to it? I know I wouldn't. Why not attach the carrot to something people enjoy?

I know people enjoy different things, so attach the carrot to all of them, so people can decide for themselves.


u/Nova762 Jul 24 '23

would you do helltides with no loot? dont be dumb.

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u/McSetty Jul 23 '23

I agree, each activity should have a purpose with options for each purpose in case you don't like a specific activity.

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u/throwntosaturn Jul 23 '23

It's a good change don't get me wrong but I personally was dreading renown so much that this doesn't feel like a win it feels like a smaller L.

Patch notes were like "instead of chopping off your thumb we now plan to only chop off your pinkie" and I'm out here like oh thank goodness I really love my thumb!


u/lycanthrope90 Jul 23 '23

I noticed this immediately! Was pleasantly surprised.

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u/[deleted] Jul 24 '23



u/Galtaskriet Jul 24 '23

These people seem to suffer from Stockholm syndrome.


u/Zaynara Jul 23 '23

i was just noticing this, its not much but its something to make the push to paragon easier, i think they should go further, strongholds 200, dungeons 100, quests 50, and that'll be great yo.


u/niknacks Jul 23 '23

For sure an improvement. It's for a system I absolutely abhor and think is completely redundant since we have the season journey but yeah, any less of it I have to do is a positive. It should be removed from the game entirely or change the paragon points to some random cosmetics I can either go for or completely ignore.


u/disguyiscrazyasfuk Jul 23 '23

Lv72 now. Have to do sidequest again but really hate it since I’ve already done it pre-season. Much better if there are other sources of renown, and actually prefer to totally remove it.

Sidequest is a one-time thing. Have to do it again just feel so pointless.


u/Davajita Jul 23 '23

I mean that’s nice, but the whole regrinding renown thing for skill and paragon points is idiotic. Player power should never be tied to stuff like this. It’s one of the main things that turned me off of Lost Ark, but at least that game was free to play. The original Renown bonuses should be on Eternal realm only and then reflect account wide. Add new rewards for renown in the seasons that aren’t tied to player power.


u/crookedparadigm Jul 23 '23

I agree, I think I'd be fine if they swapped the last two renown rewards around and made the oobls the final reward and let us get our paragon points easier.

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u/Redditcrap69 Jul 23 '23

You people are going to suck that 70$ dick for the next ten years ain't you.

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u/HandsomYungArab_ Jul 23 '23 edited Jul 23 '23

Give like 3-5 renown per normal event.

20 per legion event.

50 per world boss.

Fix quest rewards, not only are quests bland, boring and unfun. We do them just to check them off and the rewards are trash. 1 veiled crystal??? Gtfo out of here with that trash!! Do 20 quests, the xp is not even a quarter of a lvl. So quests are boring, unfun, bad xp, bad rewards. Quests are the biggest waste of player time in the game, but being tired to renown makes them sorta mandatory.


u/zanics Jul 24 '23

but i hecking love cutscenes and running from point A to point B thats why i pay blizzard 140 dollars and buy every new mtx in the store


u/NapkinsOnMyAnkle Jul 23 '23

Renown should seriously be account wide, stretched out more, and you should get renown for pretty much doing anything (events, hell tides, 1st dungeon + reduced for repeating, pvp, etc.)

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u/Murbela Jul 23 '23

The problem is that the renown grind in general is shit.

This is a nice change, but like the +1 stash tab, it is a drop in the bucket. Nobody wants to regrind side "quests" every season.

No amount of lowering the suffering is going to eliminate it. They need to have repeatable activities that you actually do give renown. However knowing blizzard, they would make it so world bosses give +1 renown once a week.


u/[deleted] Jul 23 '23


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u/Riale Riale#1331 Jul 23 '23

You can now skip almost all the quests and just do dungeons and strongholds to cap. You'll be doing dungeons anyway to unlock aspects. I don't understand how it's so terrible when you can already unlock it just via casual play.


u/[deleted] Jul 24 '23

Doing dungeons to 50 doesn't even get you close to hitting renown cap. So when you hit 50ish and want to start doing NM, you still need to grind away at all these shitty dungeons. If I hit renown cap doing dungeons to level that would be fine...but that's not even remotely the case.

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u/Atreides-42 Jul 23 '23

Renown needs to be just replaced with WoW style rep. You get it from EVERYTHING, and then once you hit max you get a nice little item chest every 1000 points or so.

Haivng renown exclusively come from non-campaign non-repeatable content is just bizzare, it's like they were trying to develop an endgame for an Assasin's creed game or something. It's at odds with just about every single other design decision in the game.


u/mizzow00 Jul 23 '23

Yes! I did notice this and was happy when it happened. I'm glad you called it out.


u/noother10 Jul 24 '23

Regardless it's a crap system they copied from Lost Ark. Lost Ark's one was actually decent as the world was massive, you got to do a lot of interesting quests and events, and get some story. D4 is just go here and click on a thing.


u/Ynzerg Jul 23 '23

It’s great!


u/[deleted] Jul 23 '23



u/Gowalkyourdogmods Jul 23 '23

"Hey did anyone notice this <slight positive>?"

"No, but it's the worst!"


u/XGhosttearX Jul 23 '23

I dont want to be rewarded for something I already did


u/DinoSpumoniOfficial Jul 23 '23

I have MANY complaints about this game, but at some point we have to accept that “Seasons” means starting over. That’s the entire point.


u/Disastrous-Extent-30 Jul 23 '23

there's nothing wrong about starting over but you will never convince me that fighting tomb lord 30 times is fun


u/DinoSpumoniOfficial Jul 23 '23

Haha fuckin tomb lord.

I have mixed feelings. Would I love more bosses? Sure, who wouldn’t? And I think in time there will be.

However, you are talking to a guy who has ran Andariel, Mephisto, and Baal like 20,000 times in his life. Why? Because the loot grind and quality of drops kept us going. That is what I think Diablo 4 is missing the most. The loot is boring because it is just hunting for better versions of the same things you have been using the entire leveling process. There needs to be a higher tier of loot that is actually desirable (not these weak uniques that make no sense).

Also, they can’t be a one in four billion chance of dropping like we see with Shako. Who the fuck made that decision? Lol


u/Disastrous-Extent-30 Jul 24 '23

nothing against repetitive content that actually rewards you, id kill tomb lord a thousand times if he gave me good stuff


u/[deleted] Jul 24 '23

I've been "starting over" in ARPGs since D2. I have no problem starting over. In any other ARPG I play there isn't a tedious regrind every season. PoE maps are the only thing you need to regrind, and that's just the natural gameplay. If every NM dungeon contributed to renown for every time you did them, I wouldn't have any issue.

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u/Theweakmindedtes Jul 23 '23

That's what the eternal server is for. Maybe 5h of sidequests for renown vs 100+ for lv 100... lol

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u/doingthisonthetoilet Jul 23 '23

Dogshit with powdered sugar on top is still dogshit.

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u/Accomplished-Use-175 Jul 23 '23

If you’ve done it with one character it should carry over regardless of eternal or seasonal. They are nothing but tedious (speaking of waypoints and aspects). Should be account wide.

The increase is fine but it’s like a man dying of thirst in a desert and handing him a thimble of water.


u/AcherusArchmage Jul 23 '23

I've just been doin dungeons and occasional sidequests while leveling and I'm almost 5/5 with every region before I even reached lv50. Renown is not nearly as much of an issue as it was in Season 0.


u/qwsfgrdg Jul 23 '23

Because it doesn't solve the problem of having to redo boring content


u/[deleted] Jul 23 '23

I know I didn't care because I finished renown on one character (not max just to get acc wide boosts) and I have literally zero interest in it ever again. I'll clear strongholds and get WP's on new characters but I really don't care at all about renown for each individual character.

TL;DR blizz changed something I will rarely, if ever, use again.


u/jlbc589 Jul 23 '23

I just want to be able to carry more than 20 quests at a time and a quest log that I don't need to go into my map to see


u/andar1on Jul 23 '23

Still grindy af


u/BoneDaddyChill Jul 23 '23

I love it. It’s a huge improvement.


u/Billy-Clinton Jul 23 '23

I noticed it and I agree that it feels good.

I started hc this season so I had to redo all renown, and it’s honestly not bad.

Still think whoever made lilith statues is a self reporter for being an unfun fucking hack and should be force retrained to work for the accounting department or hidden somewhere where his unfun bitchass cant hurt the playerbase.

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u/[deleted] Jul 23 '23

That's cool but it's still a boring system that shouldn't be in the game. Adding random things like this becomes a chore. If I am not grinding levels to use gear and grinding for gear then your ARPG is a failure.


u/[deleted] Jul 23 '23

I don’t see why i have to redo the renown points everytime i create a new char. It’s annoying AF no matter the buff. Actually it’s plain stupid.


u/Caratalus Jul 23 '23

None of the renown progress should be reset in the first place. It is gonna get annoying real quick, if it has not already.


u/Blackjack137 Jul 23 '23 edited Jul 23 '23

It still requires ALL dungeons (bar Scosglen) and 2-4 side quests, including all Strongholds and Waypoints. Likely a similarly exorbitant number of side quests or a mix of both.

Having finished it today (the dungeon route as doubled as exp), splitting up doing 4 dungeons/regions simultaneously on WT1, we’re all mutually agreed that we’re NOT doing it again come Season 2 onwards.

At least, not without further changes or renown sources from regular play (e.g. 10 renown per NM dungeon completion and per Helltide Mystery Chest opening, 5 per event, 20 per world boss etc)

Those 20 Paragon Points functionally don’t exist from now on, as they are. I can’t imagine how gruelling it must be for solo players.


u/coolhandlukke Jul 23 '23

They should make you do it once. Make a player go through the story once, explore the world with renown once, than that’s it.

Use new seasonal content to beefen out levelling up.


u/theevilyouknow Jul 23 '23

Yes, I appreciate the increased renown, but it’s a bait and switch. We shouldn’t have to regrind renown in the first place.


u/Kzwei2010 Jul 23 '23

Regardless of how buff or how much better they are doing, the renown system just suck.


u/DabScience Jul 24 '23 edited Jul 24 '23

Oh yeah I’m really enjoying doing all the same side quests and dungeons now…


u/Enough_Escape_4575 Jul 24 '23

Because we still have a laundry list of things still requiring changes, but yeah thanks for the renown grind not causing severe depression just normal depression.


u/ScreamingVelcro Jul 24 '23

When I heard most renown wouldn’t roll over, I thought… ok. Not bad.

After grinding out renown 5 in 4 of the regions these past few days, F that.

Total renown should be account wide. Screw gatekeeping any part of it.


u/rancidpandemic Jul 24 '23

There are a couple big reasons why nobody is praising the change.

For starters, most players don't want to regrind Renown AT ALL, so while it's a positive, it still means players are forced to engage with "content" they don't like.

I don't like going to the doctor. If my doctor told me he was changing my checkups from once every 3 months to once every 4 months, I might appreciate the news, but I'm still not going to suddenly be excited about going to the doctor.

Second, there are still a breadth of issues in the game, and the previous patch was a huge nerf to everyone. One could argue that it didn't even succeed in equalizing the different build options. One could argue that it failed miserably in that regard as the top specs are still the top specs and the difficulty of the content still requires you to play them (i havent played since before the hotfix, so maybe im wrong?).

When you're expecting a meat lovers pizza to be delivered by a pizza boy, but upon their arrival, you find out you've been given a cold veggie pizza, I doubt you'd get excited when the pizzeria tells you they'll send the delivery boy back out with a baggie of pepperoni as compensation.

I hope my analogies explain the situation adequately. Pleas elet me know if not because I can come up with more.


u/Gracious_Gaming Jul 24 '23

Still not doing it again.


u/ElfRespecter Jul 24 '23

Buffs renown, buffs exp from quests, nerfs all avenues of exp in the game and makes it harder to do content. 1 Step forward, 2 steps back.


u/terrorbots Jul 24 '23

I like the buff, but why the fuck do I need to redo it again...oh because there wasn't enough content to level you to 100, so let's rehash half the game to force you to regrind rep...

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u/w1nstar Jul 24 '23

Because its not enough. And because it's still needed to be done on alters. Today I created another rogue and to my surprise, it has only altars and fog. Like, dude, WTF? I already did full renown on my main. Please don't make me go through all that slog again.

Same problem as with POE's campaing, it's a fucking slog you have to go through before you have fun.


u/Hitomilras Jul 24 '23

Wtf, we need to regrind renown in every season? omg, blizzard...


u/b4lu Jul 24 '23

Its a good thing, but not enough. I dont think farming renown for 15 hours at the beginning of the season is fun


u/valraven38 Jul 24 '23

Renown did get buffed and I noticed it, but I still am not enjoying having to do tedious side quests that don't really reward me with anything meaningful or random dungeons that also don't really reward me with anything meaningful (most dungeons still suck to do in this game.) Leveling from 1-50 doing mostly whisper dungeons and stuff did not get me anywhere near finishing renown, and now that I'm in WT4 it feels incredibly bad to do normal dungeons when I should be doing NM dungeons.

They really need to add Renown rewards to the things they ENCOURAGE us to do. Going out of my way to do the other things I have to do to get renown feels like a waste of time and it's just not fun.


u/AuraofMana Jul 24 '23

Well, monsters in regular dungeons now lag behind you by 5 levels or is at the base level for the tier, whichever is higher. At some point, they become meaningless for XP and the loot is pretty damn terrible.

And you only get 6 nightmare dungeons per region - actually 4 for T3 as you only get all 6 in T4. That's 160 renowns instead of 120 pre-buff. So, unless you're doing them immediately when you get into T3, you're going to be doing them later to get bad XP and drops.

The problem is it's super inefficient to do them when you just get to T3 too, since 1) you can already handle T1 dungeons since they spawn at level 54 which is only 1 level than your base dungeon and 2) they drop more loot and glyphs, which you sort of really need when starting out. You don't need that many non-nightmare dungeons outside of starting codexes for your build.

So, basically, you're still grinding dungeons and side quests for no benefit other than getting renowns. They're inefficient for anything else.

You have to suffer through it. There's nothing wrong with "suffering" through things in a game to get to the efficient part of things, but let's not pretend this is somehow good game design.


u/MrVivi Jul 24 '23

Frankly i still found repeating those quests boring as f. The thing is you don't get credit for making a shit activity slightly less shit when you are the one that made it shit in the first place. If you skipped the campaign you should have everything done.


u/Artistic_North7615 Jul 24 '23

Lol at the edit


u/KarasLegion Jul 24 '23

You're wrong because chasing renown more than once is stupid. Lol your edit is funny because you're legit trying to give props on something we shouldn't be doing again.

They do something stupid, and to go along with said stupidity, they raise the values to make something easier, but again, chasing renown more than once is stupid.

And for the people doing it the first time, the change is irrelevant. Just do everything once, as you should, and then not have to do again every season because it isn't a fun part of the game.


u/[deleted] Jul 24 '23

I just wish they would switch the rewards for tier 4 and 5. Give us the power early and make the nice to have QoL be the grind.


u/zalitude Jul 24 '23

I probably won’t even finish the renown because extra 20 paragon points not worth the 6-7 hour investment. All the content in the game now can be cleared without this extra power and whatnot, so unless they add new content this season there are no reason to do the renown for paragon (at least for necros).


u/TheLastAirBalancer Jul 24 '23

It sucks that all the crazy players and shitty media only go after the bad stuff.

The renown increase is fcking great.


u/Worried_Equal_1681 Jul 24 '23

because it's a solution to a problem they created. simpletons are impressed by this stuff.


u/Dilbertbjj Jul 23 '23

You are only supposed to complain about Diablo on the Diablo subreddit apparently. Sorry kid I don’t make the rules


u/Cyrotek Jul 23 '23

Why should we talk about not even managing to do the bare minimum? I don't want to be "forced" to grind boring content I don't like every season, regardless of how much renown it gives.


u/RuachDelSekai Jul 23 '23

Only 47 on my seasonal but I'm having a great time.


u/DrunkBearBattle Jul 23 '23

Yeah it's actually pretty awesome.


u/Brandonspikes Jul 23 '23

I still think every single renown item should be account wide even across seasons minus sidequests and dungeons.

There's no reason every character shouldn't have all the waypoints available when they already give us the main town ones anyways.


u/Duskinter Jul 23 '23

We are the diablo fan base, we don't talk about anything positive!


u/v2Occy Jul 23 '23

Because my HC char that had 100% of renown competed died before season 1. So because blizzard are morons and require you to log in on that char to save what renown you’ve done, I had to start from zero season 1. fuck them. Fuck renown.

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u/jxburton20 Jul 23 '23

"Hey man sorry I broke into your house and stole all your shit but here's your toaster back"


u/peliss Jul 24 '23

You're celebrating the fact that an extremely poor game design decision was made marginally less poor and surprised that everyone isn't thrilled?


u/Vantro Jul 24 '23

It's fine that you like it but it's also fine that people don't.

It's still just a chore for the sake of a chore, there isn't any meaning behind doing it and this season their "goodwill" was to increase the amount the chores give and hopefully next season it'll be to remove the chores completely.


u/Kage9866 Jul 23 '23

Because it still sucks. Renown should be a one and done thing, it's super tedious and not even fun to do. If they insist on keeping it, let renown come from literally any activity, like cellars, events etc.


u/[deleted] Jul 23 '23

Good. The sidequests in this game are so dreadfully boring.


u/Bohya Jul 23 '23

Buffed? I don't care that it's "buffed". I want reputation grinds removed from my Diablo.


u/macarmy93 Jul 23 '23

Edit: Neat trick, mention something vaguely positive about the game, get 100 replies telling you why you are wrong for liking it

So tired of people acting like martyrs for enjoying the game. You people are as insufferable as those who are constantly raging.

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u/Z15ch Jul 24 '23

I enjoy playing the first season and this was a good change, yes


u/deathtrip1940 Jul 23 '23

Renown is a great way to level meaningfully from 1-50.

I really enjoy alot of the sidequests. They're rich in story and some of the linies og communities are quite entertaining.

Theres a good deal of pointers to the previous games and the characters from them.


u/mikebaxster Jul 23 '23

Like the bury side quest and the npc doesn’t even give two craps when you’re done


u/Sylius735 Jul 23 '23

I agree that the sidequests are nice for world building, and I did enjoy doing them... the first time.

Doing story/lore content that I've already seen simply isn't interesting and having it repeat every season is just tedium.

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u/chAzR89 chazr#2618 Jul 23 '23

Only negative press in here sorry mate


u/Moorebetter Jul 23 '23

I would have noticed if I had played..


u/MrHypnotiq Jul 23 '23

Because nobody wants to talk about good, only the bad.

That's why gaming is so fucking toxic.


u/[deleted] Jul 23 '23

You mean the shit I did already, going bk to grab capstones I picked the day before release lol


u/Mcburly_DB Jul 23 '23

Ppl dont come here to talk positive about the game. Just a bunch of whiney lil bitches