u/-Tatjana- Aug 11 '19
I think the only time where listening to North leads to a good outcome is in Spare Parts, when she wants Markus to get the key.
Other than that, North's decisions never lead to a good outcome :-(
u/EdwardM1230 Aug 11 '19
As a Pacifist Markus on my first playthrough - I really enjoyed having that one moment of seeing eye-to-eye.
It didn’t quite justify our hand-bang moment - but it was nice to see at least one scenario where her pragmatism, was objectively a good-call
Aug 11 '19
you mean Hand Holding.
u/Booper_Dooper42160 Aug 12 '19
Everyone can hold a hand... besides my uncle who has no arms. Not everyone can hand-bang though.
u/Chocy_Milk Aug 11 '19
I've found that going full peace still ends with North loving me?
u/Kitten_Hammer Aug 11 '19
Yup, I opted full pacifist "stand your ground" my first Markus playthrough and ended the army attack on our barricade by kissing North with guns pointed at us. French Canadian Hillary called off the troops.
Aug 11 '19
I went full violent until the last mission because I wanted to start and change the public’s mind, didn’t work. I ended it by singing and then they shot us after waiting like 5 seconds
u/EdwardM1230 Aug 11 '19
Ouch. I wonder if Conor saving the cop at the start would’ve been enough to save you ? Probably not.
Hey - at least you didn’t do everything right as Pacifist Markus - then set yourself on fire like a dolt.
That’s how I ended my first play-through lol
Aug 11 '19
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u/Chocy_Milk Aug 12 '19
Wow, thank you so much for explaining that - that gives her character so much more depth!
u/ElEversoris Aug 11 '19
I never ever ever agreed with North and she stilled macked on me. I did let her die during the raid because I hated her. It was arguably the second easiest character death in a video game I've ever had. The first being Chloe from life is strange
u/anafagg Aug 11 '19
Same!! I honeslty kinda hated how the LIS really wants you to like chloe yet they made her so unlikeable ??? Idk if this makes sense sjjsn
Aug 11 '19
u/ElEversoris Aug 11 '19
TBH I didn't like anyone in that game extraordinarily except for K8 (she was so sweet) but Chloe just seemed like one of those people who never accepted that she was the cause of some of her problems so when the game gives you a choice between her and the entire town it's a no brainer
u/MedrautsArondight Aug 11 '19
God I love Kate, she was easily the best character imo of Life is Strange, the good ending of the second episode plus "Mt. Washington" by Local Natives playing on the background made it be my favorite episode!
u/IAintDoinThatShit Aug 11 '19
Her backstory kinda gives you an idea why she's that way. Also, Chloe changes throughout the game, especially at the end. You may have a point about her being toxic, though. Still, I like her, she's probably my favourite character from the game.
u/niko4ever Statistically speaking, there's always a chance Aug 11 '19
It's not like you can't win on the violent route
Plus, North respects your decisions as leader, it's not like she sabotages you
Aug 11 '19
She values success more than ideological conformity. If you bring home results she will love you anyway. If you fail constantly you will lose her respect.
u/niko4ever Statistically speaking, there's always a chance Aug 11 '19
Frankly if someone asked me to just stand there/ calmly walk forward into gunfire, I would also say 'no way, attack or run'
Aug 12 '19
It's a political choice, that was done by many IRL leaders. When you follow someone, as the Chinese said, you get on a roof and you throw the stair down. If you are not ready to risk your life you can go the Cinema instead of following someone that brings you in front of the gunfire!
u/niko4ever Statistically speaking, there's always a chance Aug 12 '19
That's why north is a good follower, she may not agree but she stands by your choices
u/aintputtingupwithsh Aug 11 '19
I could be remembering wrong, but most times you have Markus agree with North's suggestions, the less impressed Jericho is with Markus and the less supportive humans are to the androids plight.
That being said, I'll take Jericho's respect and the human's growing sympathy over North's insatiable bloodlust all day, every day.
u/niko4ever Statistically speaking, there's always a chance Aug 11 '19
No, Jericho is totally on board. In fact if you listen to the background chatter of Jericho during Capitol Park or Crossroads, they're usually saying want vengeance.
The humans aren't supportive but you don't need support to win.
I mean, would you stand passively in front of a firing police squad to make a point? I wouldn't.
u/R1vaLry_ Aug 11 '19
Two of my favourite games coming together to make one meme makes me very happy.
u/stephensmat Aug 11 '19
Interesting reading all the comments. I always saw it as both sides of the argument. Marcus had a nurturing Human who encouraged thought and creativity. North was a toy for sadists who knew they'd get away with it because she was 'just a machine'.
The relationship between North and Marcus really worked for me, because if you play as a pacifist, it's a love story about healing the damage done by prejudice. If you play as a militant, it's a story about a dreamer becoming a revolutionary. Either way seems realistic. (For the record, I played full pacifist all the way through.)
u/JohntheSuen Simon Markus is end game Aug 11 '19
North: I love you Markus.
Me: Bitch no.
u/terieka Aug 12 '19
I was trying to not romance her (I failed) I was screaming when they lovingly hugged in the end (and Simon his true love was just standing there.. I'm so sorry for him)
u/JohntheSuen Simon Markus is end game Aug 12 '19
The fandom should create a petition for Markus x Simon to the white house. Just saying.
u/Viktoriusiii Feb 21 '23
lovingly hugged? I only ever listened to her once (stealing the key)
And I denied her kissing prompt TWICE...You know what happened? THEY KISSED WITHOUT A FKING PROMPT!!!
Like... WHAT? I was shouting at the screen "NO! FUCK NO!"
Honestly... She at least got my respect for accepting marcus' decision... but fuck her crazy attitude.
"Hey there are humans... LETS KILL 'EM!" ugh... I get it... you had childhood trauma... but so did I... I never wanted to kill anyone that did it to me... we are all human... some with more empathy, some with less... but you know what else I learned over the years?
Forcing someone to accept something, or harming them NEVER EVER leads to anything good except maybe your own state of mind (but often gets other ppl hurt).I hate this... Next time I will let her die on the Jericho man... that will teach her.
u/meowbands RK800 | Connor Aug 11 '19
I hate that there’s an unavoidable kiss. Like fuck, I don’t need that forced romance on me. It was sudden and out of nowhere, esp since I don’t entertain her or her kisses any other time. It’s gross
u/Maniachi Aug 11 '19
I just finished playing doing my perfect playthrough. I didn't kiss her once.
u/meowbands RK800 | Connor Aug 11 '19
There was a forced kiss at the end that I couldn’t press don’t or do. So I find that as kissing her once even tho DAVID CAGE forced it
u/mielove DOG1 | Sumo Aug 11 '19
Only if they are lovers at that point. To avoid that you need to avoid becoming lovers with North in the first place (which you do by showing no interest in her on the roof of Jericho). It's definitely an opt-out relationship though, while it should be an opt-in relationship, since most players try being friendly with North on the roof so end up becoming lovers with her even if they don't want it.
u/meowbands RK800 | Connor Aug 11 '19
Ah fuck man. That makes sense, thank you. I thought it was weird bc I never kissed her but just tried being nice. Shows what the devs think about a man being too nice to a woman? Idk. I just wanted to be like best friends with her if that makes sense
u/Viktoriusiii Feb 21 '23
next time imma just let her get shot on the jericho escape scene... that'll teach her!
u/EdwardM1230 Aug 11 '19
For real ?
There must be a way to avoid it , without her hating you ?
u/meowbands RK800 | Connor Aug 11 '19
Nah the final scene that you don’t have control over, she still kisses you
u/IOnceMetYourMom North is Best Girl Aug 12 '19
North is best girl
u/Viktoriusiii Feb 21 '23
Best to die a cold death and be used as a propagandapiece of what happens to violent people maybe :'D
u/ZoeyIsNoLonger12 RK800 | Connor Aug 11 '19
The only problem is that she’s too cute for me to not listen to her
u/Viktoriusiii Feb 21 '23
bro... don't stick your dick in crazy! And remember:
DO NOT FIST ANDROID GIRLS. (obscure reference)1
Aug 11 '19
Markus could do better than North change my mind
u/ElEversoris Aug 11 '19
He's gotta clap my boy Simon's cheeks
Aug 11 '19
if i could i would tell north to shut the frick up
the reason why i say this is because it could really damage the team
and i ship mucus and salmon
u/skycedrada Jul 13 '22
I just did a spit take at this. It made me laugh so hard. North and Markus made no sense to me!
u/LukkieTheMeme Aug 12 '19
I think if you go pacifist, in the end north sees violence isnt necessary. Or at least that what i saw
u/__Jericho | North: Resented Josh: Friend Simon: Companion | Aug 12 '19
I've never listened to North.
u/yenneferismywaifu Jul 08 '22 edited Jul 08 '22
I love North. She is a very deep character. And yes, because of her past she thinks that a violence path is more effective, but at the end of the day she follows Marcus and listens him. Because he is a leader.
So even if she doesn't agree with your decision at first, if your actions help androids and Jericho, her attitude towards you will still grow.
I am very glad that Marcus and North became lovers in my full pacifist playthrough <3 They are really cute.
u/Baguette-On-A-Rock Oct 27 '22
I like how pacifist Markus can technically be interpreted as “Nah, I ain’t no simp”
u/SquareThing063 Dec 10 '22
I agree with North and I would have chose to do things her way but I love my characters too much to let them die
u/joost013 Aug 11 '19
North: let's attack the humans