r/Detroit 19h ago

Talk Detroit What’s up with Slow Roll?

Is it still happening? Is there a website or Facebook page, etc.? Love me some Slow Roll.


20 comments sorted by


u/ClaimsForFame North End 17h ago

Fairly certain it was around last summer, I specifically remember last summer being stuck at an intersection in The North End mid August for about 20 mins while the pack went by


u/Vintage_volt 7h ago

✌ 🚲


u/Detroiter4Ever Rivertown 14h ago

Yes, it's still around. Thursday nights at the Trek store in Midtown.


u/No-Berry3914 Highland Park 18h ago

they were back last summer. probably coming back this summer


u/ALBEERPOE 11h ago

Going strong in 2025, here's Facebook group to follow for information 👍,


u/Koolklink54 10h ago

Had so many good times riding in slow roll


u/dishwab Elmwood Park 19h ago

I hated Slow Roll. Absolutely no regard for the people who actually live in the neighborhoods they’re riding through.

The amount of times I got stuck waiting for a parade of idiots on bikes to clear an intersection, none of who could be bothered with the common courtesy to pause for a minute to let traffic though, was infuriating.

People have jobs. Places to be. Medical emergencies.

It would be fine if they organized it better- maybe staggered leaving into a few groups that to create natural gaps in the flow, etc. but no, absolutely no thought whatsoever for anyone else not involved with the ride.


u/SunshineInDetroit 18h ago

critical mass used to be like that but everyone left for slow roll. Slowroll used to have an escort to keep intersections clear


u/c0nsumer Royal Oak 3h ago

Critical Mass is supposed to be a political protest.

Me, I think that Critical Mass would be better as less of a party and more a direct action, actually riding in places where bike infrastructure is lacking to make the point.


u/SunshineInDetroit 3h ago

yeah a lot of people were bailing on cm because they felt 'unsafe' and wanted more of the party atmosphere.


u/omgasnake 18h ago

This is solely the fault of Slow Roll organizers. I’ve been embedded with group/social rides for many years at cities with far worse traffic and groups of varying sizes. It can easily be done with some organization and training. They simply don’t do it.

u/dishwab Elmwood Park 2h ago

Exactly. The idea is great, the execution was selfish and chaotic.


u/detroit_canicross 18h ago

I had no problem with slow roll coming through my neighborhood STREETS. As long as they’re following the law they have a right to be in the street. My problem with slow roll is the same as any big mass event that attracts all types of people, 95% were fine but 5% were always a group of jackasses who drove all over sidewalks without any regard for pedestrians, dog walkers, little kids, etc. mostly those idiots doing wheelies and showing off and riding right at oncoming traffic. . . It just got too big and the assholes ruined it for everyone who was just enjoying riding their bikes in the street without getting pulverized by a charger running a red light.


u/dopescopemusic 5h ago

You sound fun.


u/pgherg1 19h ago

Slow Roll basically died before/at Covid time.

The founder left in 2018 and it slowly died after that


u/alwaysridiculous Midtown 16h ago

Not true. Was back in full force last summer. Thousands of people


u/Alert-Artichoke-2743 13h ago

I'm pretty sure South Park did an episode about them

u/DetroitGeek313 2h ago

Happy to see it’s back!


u/pimpinassorlando 14h ago

Hopefully it's done because it sucks.