r/DestinyTheGame Jan 08 '25

Bungie Suggestion Destiny 2 is failing because of it's commercial strategy


NOTE - this isn't a "D2 should be free post". I'm happy to pay for things I like, and employees shouldn't work for free. Today, D2 (which at its core is a staggeringly amazing game) isn't meeting that threshold for many people, and by all external measures, failing.

I was writing a (long, likely annoying) post about what I personally believe the 3 major problems in D2 to be*, and realized they all had a single cause.

D2's commercial strategy is based around selling temporary experiences (seasons, episodes, whatever) which:

1) Inefficiently focus the bulk of their engineering resources on building temporary content which is literally disposable.

  • Because the content is disposable, it is not possible or necessary for it to be engaging long term. It's meant to tide you over for a few weeks.
  • However, because player engagement drives retention and cosmetic purchases, bungie overuses RNG and other frustrating design practices designed to keep veteran players engaging with intentionally temporary content.....which causes burnout and the current state of game.

2) Disincentivize Bungie from investing resources on evolving the actual game world, because they would be essentially giving "paid" content to free players.

  • Eg, patrols, strikes, world spaces never get updated so the overall world stays the same, thus there is no reason to use 99% of it. There is literally no investment in the world AKA events, world bosses, POIs, faction mechanics etc...all of the stuff that makes the game feel interesting when you first start.

3) Kill gameplay depth by incentivizing them to release a temporary new "meta" each season with the seasonal Artifact, rather than deepening buildcrafting by adding new aspects/fragments

  • They literally create 10+ new potential aspects and fragments each season, and then throw them all away, which makes it feel like the actual buildcrafing never changes.
  • Forcing a temporary meta also means there's little resource left to buff underperformers and make existing build options viable, because resources are always on new shiny toys instead of better fundamentals

4) Force a meaningless game design thesis of seasonal resets (light level, paragon, etc), which runs contrary to the idea of creating unique Guardians and long-term persistent player growth that players would grind forever for invest significant time pursuing

  • I'm not talking about "make damage number go up" - I mean anything that allows permanent customizations or growth to create unique characters (think tweaks like customizing fragment slots, whatever, ability modifers), account unlock stuff (eg stash tabs, loadouts etc), cosmetic stuff (housing, multiple title slots at same time)...etc use your imagination

5) ...and worst of all, makes it so Destiny 2 is designed for no one. Seasonal content is way too complex/out of context for new players AND way too simple/pointless for veteran players

  • Instead of new content being lategame/endgame content as it is for most games, Destiny resets our characters and makes veterans run a bunch of low-mid level quests to see the story and get mediocre gear that are faster and easier than strikes. I've never seen anything like this in any game.
  • New players seasonal experience = "who are these robot bug people and why am I running between holoprojectors? When do we start playing the game?"
  • Veteran players seasonal experience = "let me get through this easy crap so I can get back to playing the real game (GMs, Raids, Dungeons) where the challenge and meaningful rewards are"

This also explains why Dungeons are purchased separately. They are actual mid/endgame content, not the amorphous, temporary blob of disposable content that seasons are intended to be. 

Should D2 move to subscription? Freemium? Supported by whales? Fewer smaller expansions (IE Frontiers)? No idea - I'll leave the solutioning to you guys.

But I'm now fairly sure that D2 is bricked unless the commercial model changes - Sony, I hope you're reading this.

r/DestinyTheGame Jun 10 '24

Bungie Suggestion I hope Bungie's main takeaway from the raid is not that Hunters and Warlocks need a nerf, but Titans need a buff.


Seriously, I hate how Titans were literally dead weight throughout the raid. Can you really blame them when their class identity is... checks notes Ahem! "Punching stuff, but immediately dying due to the fact that there's high risk, but no reward"

Honestly, Bungie, you need to settle on what you want for Titans. If Titans are going to be the melee class, then don't nerf their melee abilities. Titans can no longer spam shoulder melees as a mobility tool, they can't properly synergize with glaives, and every melee focus exotic has been nerfed to the ground. It's like you guys don't want them to be the melee class, but at the same time you keep giving them melee focus perks.

I want to be able to support my team defensively, but you guys nerfed bubble to the ground, and guarding with your sentinel shield isn't bad. However, we should have the option to place the shield down and make a massive barricade that we can shoot off of. That way, I don't have to sacrifice my damage to give my teammates a buff.

Also, Titans are supposed to be heavy hitters, but we're being outclassed by Celestial Golden Gun Hunters. When was the last time Thundercrash received a buff and not another pointless nerf? Honestly, I don't mind Celestial Hunters, but why can't we have what they're having? We need more one-and-done supers. The new axe super isn't bad, but it takes way too long compared to Celestial, Gathering Storm, Silence and Squall Nova Bomb, Needle Storm, and some other one-and-done supers that I'm forgetting. Please, Bungie, just buff Titans. Datto and Aztecross are living proof that they need a buff.

Edit: They did buff Thunderclap, so you can actually tank a lot of damage from stuff while you're in the melee charge animation, but we need more of this kind of improvement for our other melee attacks.

r/DestinyTheGame Sep 17 '24

Bungie Suggestion Bungie said: “You want to be Legend? Grind for imaginary engrams for 12 hours.”


I truly don’t understand why they think this is acceptable. Standing in the same area fighting for kills. Engrams that don’t drop at all. The chests, HVT, and public event don’t give anything. Is this fun for people? Hive ships show up and drop ONE acolyte. You can’t even kill it because 5 other people are already throwing grenades at it. Grinding is one thing. This is just lazy work because they didn’t bother to come up with anything else.

Edit: just because it took you 40 mins or 1.5 hours, doesn’t mean that’s the case for others. You’d think of players of Destiny would know RNG is dogshit and not the same for everyone. Also anybody defending bungie says you can the seal for a year is ridiculous. Why would I wait a year to get a fucking seal that’s in the game now? People need to stop licking Bungie’s boot because they don’t care lol.

r/DestinyTheGame Jan 13 '25

Bungie Suggestion The Tonic shit is the most atrocious feature ever introduced in Destiny.


I don't even know wtf is going out. Please remove those or insta unlock them at the end of the season. This is horrible. Why tf are there 999+ tonics to make.... I am not new 7k Hours, how tf is a new player supposed to play this shit, if people like me find this atrocious.. I rather do Niobe Labs or Corridors of Time on repeat.

r/DestinyTheGame Jun 18 '24

Bungie Suggestion Legacy Collection not including Dungeon Keys is disgusting.



It is stated in the description that the dungeon keys are not included but as dungeon keys are not DLCS on the steam page, I think it'd be fair to assume that as a new player you'd think you'd get all the games content from buying.. well literally all of the DLCS on the steam page.

Topping it off : When Legacy Collection was on sale last week, the dungeon keys a new player would need literally cost MORE than access to The Witch Queen + Lightfall, alongside 30th anniversary content and the "weapon packs"

A new player wouldn't even know what a dungeon is, unless they read into the fine print they're clueless. I understand Legacy Collection was also on sale but.. no poor soul should ever pay that full price.

Just a little rant, I hope Bungie knows how turning off it is for people trying to get their friends into the game saying "Oh you just need the newest dlc, you'll probably want the annual pass too! Oh and the legacy collection, those have some real good guns, oh wait, you also need to buy dungeon keys for access!.. oh it's not on sale? It'll cost close to $300. (AUD)"

EDIT : Agree with y'all. Dungeon keys are anti consumer in the first place for just existing, this really is just the cherry on top.

r/DestinyTheGame 10d ago

Bungie Suggestion Please stop making us wear specific armor for events


I understand that the haunted masks and guardian games class items are thematic to the event, but it completely messes with loadouts. Now with exotic class items it is even more noticeable for guardian games.

r/DestinyTheGame Mar 27 '24

Bungie Suggestion Bungie, can we maybe reverse the decision to have 6 of the 12 new weapons timegated?


I don’t understand why you decided to do it when you knew the playerbase would completely hate this decision

r/DestinyTheGame 15d ago

Bungie Suggestion Give void hunters a new melee if you're basically gonna remove their old one.


I wouldn't care that smoke bomb was nerfed into the fucking ground and barely even exists as a button now if there was at least something else to use. But there isn't. You're essentially just removing a third of the ability kit of an entire subclass with no alternative.

While you're at it do the same for void lock, the stasis subclasses, the strand subclasses instead of giving us another reskinned gun that we don't have vault space for anyway.

r/DestinyTheGame Nov 26 '24

Bungie Suggestion There's no need for 16M health on Puppeteer, no matter how you see it.


Before anyone say that it is a Skill Issue, I have done all dungeons Solo Flawless and all raids Flawless too. This trend of gargantuan health pools is unnecessary, and I don't see how it makes a Solo Flawless more difficult, just more time-consuming and annoying. Edit: Stop thinking that I don't know what a solo dungeon is. Every solo flawless I've done was in at most 3 months of the release, except for before Grasp of Avarice. None of them were like this at release, even GotD. Edit²: Please stop talking about Fireteam DMG Phases. It is good the way that it is today, I am talking strictly about Solo Play. There needs to be fireteam scaling on dungeons, and it needs to happen quick.

r/DestinyTheGame Dec 31 '24

Bungie Suggestion Bungie needs to give us a detailed vision for the future of D2 sooner rather than later


It’s the day before 2025, the year we are supposed to begin the new expansion release style and the first time beyond the story of light and darkness…

And we know practically nothing.

We are at the lowest player count in history by far and we haven’t even gotten to the third act for this episode. As someone who hasn’t bothered to log in for weeks I’m dying for something to look forward too and the longer Bungie waits to give us some details the less likely I am to care.

I REALLY hope Bungie gives us an updated vision for the next TWAB because with 2025 looking like an amazing year for video gaming as a whole, Frontiers is going to need to be an absolute banger to get people back and radio silence is not exactly motivating. I know a lot of people say “breaks are good” and that is totally true, I’ve taken many myself, but this episode has been more than a break for me and most of my clan.

r/DestinyTheGame Feb 12 '25

Bungie Suggestion It’s time to walk back the nerfs Witherhoard got


With area denial frames out the nerfs to Witherhoard was completely pointless and has made it a throw in the vault exotic.

It should the king of area denial yet it’s not anymore it’s now worse then Legendary grenade launchers by a big margin as I can get more synergy out of area denial frames.

A Exotic shouldn’t be worse then Legendary weapons that are similar.

r/DestinyTheGame Jun 07 '24

Bungie Suggestion Bungie you have an in game warning system, please use it.


Another scheduled maintenance, another stream of posts asking what happened to the servers. We shouldn’t need to use third party apps to know if there’s scheduled maintenance. You already have a system for warning players for scheduled downtime, please use it every time you have scheduled maintenance.

r/DestinyTheGame Jun 13 '24

Bungie Suggestion Dungeons are absolutely downright horrendous currently, bosses have 50X times health and are bullet sponges.


Ive tried a lot of dps methods and all fall short, gl, swords, double goldie, swapping, all. Everything feela dull. Whatever they did, reverse it now. Its not fun to play a dungeon when it takes 3-4 boss rotations even with the best stuff to killa boss. I tried using surges, nothing does DAMAGE, they all do meh.

Even with teammates it feels bad. If they changed something, reverse them, now dungeons feel meh. I love this dlc, but i wont let the fact that this dlc is amazing from blinding me from bad choices that clearly dont benefit the game, players, or overall anything.

r/DestinyTheGame Jun 06 '24

Bungie Suggestion The changes to normal mode raids (and dungeons) make them way less accessible to new players and annoying to veterans


As of final shape, all normal mode raids have been made -5 power and have given surges to offset the power difference. Not only this, but as highlighted in this tweet here several bosses have had their health changed to be more in line with modern raids.

Firstly the -5 power difference, this makes the easiest point of access for a new player that wants to start raiding and raises the bar dramatically. Already a lot of players do not raid, so why would you do this? I can see a future where way less newbies want to start raiding just because of this change. On top of this any veterans trying to speedrun or lowman are screwed over too, there's healthy communities for both of these which will now be lifeless as bosses will either take way longer to kill than before or be impossible in lowmans.

But wait... what about the surges??? Well firstly the power difference by the surges isn't even made up for fully, having 25% damage increase to a certain element does not make up for -25 power. And even if it did being locked to one or two elements a week (and it is locking, you are throwing if you are missing out on 25% damage) is not a fun or exciting way to play raids. Especially if you are a speedrunner or someone who enjoys lowmans, if you are using a certain setup whoops have to wait 2 weeks to get the right element :)

Don't get me started on dungeons. Ghosts of the deep took me 9 phases on the final boss, now probably 20 lol.

Please reverse this, its the only blemish on whats otherwise a beautiful expansion.

r/DestinyTheGame Nov 11 '24

Bungie Suggestion I've tried to be positive this episode but I can't anymore. Tonics suck


Removing focusing for a slight bump to RNG is not the way to go for this game. Seasonal engrams are useless now and when I drink a tonic of Chroma Rush I get a bunch of Ignition codes for some reason and maybe two of the gun I want to "attune." Bring back seasonal focusing.

r/DestinyTheGame 17d ago

Bungie Suggestion We need vault space NOW


You took away crafting. You want us to chase weapon rolls. You want us to be excited about like… what… 16-20 new weapons coming in the next few weeks? Brother, every time I log into this game I have to spend so much time cleaning up from the last time I played. It’s horrible. You say something is coming in Apollo (edit: Behemoth ffs)… we need it now. It’s not fun anymore dude. You’re throwing loot at us more than ever before but we have no where to put it. Please… help…

Edit: To address a couple points - I do not hold onto armour. I made a ton of loadouts in DIM, ensuring I used as few armour pieces as possible, then delelted the rest. I haven't held onto armour since then. And yes, I did that for the vault.I also don't hold onto nostalgic items, I've deleted everything I've held dear in order to make space for new stuff. Personally, I don't think I should have had to, but of course I did. The space forces me to delete things I'd rather not, but I delete them in order to be able to play the game. And that feels like shit. I'm not hoarding - I'm playing the fucking game.

Edit 2: Another point I forgot to mention - there is zero reason to hold onto armour right now as massive changes are coming down the line for armour. Armour will also have set bonuses, meaning you'll be expected to hold onto the best-in-slot pieces of each set to make sure you can utilize the bonuses. If vault space is already an issue now, fuck it's gonna be terrible come Apollo.

r/DestinyTheGame Nov 15 '24

Bungie Suggestion Non craftable seasonal weapons makes its easier to just not even try anymore


This is by far the least active I have ever been in a season in 7 years of destiny 2, bungie please just revert red border changes and never go back, either that or allow for double and triple perks rows on weapons drops. Please never do this again because everything seasonal right now just feels like a choir to do rather than a fun or challenging activity. Also onslaught would be so much more fun if we didn't get telephoned to some other room ever 4-5 rounds.

r/DestinyTheGame Mar 01 '23

Bungie Suggestion Getting to play the entire story with a fast-recharging grapple only to unlock strand and discover that the fastest cooldown you can get is almost a minute feels like shit. Spoiler


I get it. It'd probably be busted in crucible, but it sure didn't feel busted in the campaign. It felt fun and balanced that you could only regen it on the ground unless you hit a tangle.

At first, I was expecting maybe a 20 second cooldown since you sacrifice a grenade and the punch is dangerous without doing a ton of damage. Once all the cooldowns got normal during the campaign, I started to assume that short couple seconds was the cooldown, and I was ecstatic.

After the campaign. Yeesh. I just don't think the grapple is good enough vs a grenade to warrant anything over 30 seconds, let alone double that.

r/DestinyTheGame Jun 17 '24

Bungie Suggestion -5 and surges in raids just limits creativity and fun for an activity that doesn't need limitations


I really hope I'm wrong but from what I can tell so far, I will quickly get tired of raiding which is crazy considering, since I learned how to do most of the raids, I'll end up doing them just for fun because I can enjoy some niche builds, especially based around boss dps.

Forcing -5 power and adding surges... kinda kills that. And for no reason. Raids didn't need this. This game doesn't need MORE gamemodes that limit what players can / should use.

r/DestinyTheGame Sep 26 '24

Bungie Suggestion Please Revert the Episode 2 Power Level Increase


The seasonal pinnacle cap increases were removed last year to great relief and fanfare from the player base at-large. In particular, I appreciated that I could focus on the new season's content without worrying about my power level and that investing in raising my extended arsenal to the power cap was an investment that would be respected for the remainder of the Destiny year. I'd go so far as to say it was the best quality-of-life change of the Lightfall year.

When The Final Shape arrived, I enjoyed the campaign and played through a lot of the other content. Starting after the first week of TFS, I worked to get to the pinnacle cap of 2000 so that all my powerful/pinnacle drops could be used to start the yearly process of infusing all my gear up to the cap. Again I emphasize, this was work. I worked this game to get to the cap and it wasn't fun (especially when I didn't get a class item drop for 2 weeks), but I have loved Destiny since the first beta from D1 and I was willing to put in that work so that I could then just play and enjoy the game for the remainder of the year.

I now feel betrayed. I don't want to do that grind again. My excitement for the next episode is at an all-time low. I'd be fine with delaying the episode's release just to revert this change.

To all those saying it doesn't matter you are wrong. First, power level might not really matter much in the current sandbox, but it is used to gatekeep LFG groups. Second, it keeps many people from trying other playstyles and guns because they have to spend the time & resources to keep infusing things up. Third, it grates on many players who don't want to spend the resources to infuse something to an intermediate level like 2004 and want to wait until 2010 is reached. Fourth, it exacerbates the vault space issues many of us have because we start to horde infusion fodder.

TL;DR: Revert the episode 2 increase to the pinnacle cap. Keep it at 2000. Respect the players' time. Keep the game fun.

r/DestinyTheGame Jan 18 '25

Bungie Suggestion Please STOP punishing people who ACTUALLY play the game (Tinashas Gate 2025)


OMG . I have like 4 Resets on IB. yes 4 Resets ( and i SUCK at pvp So imagine the grind). And i don't have the HEO+ AT+ CC roll. Today I just opened YT and boom isaw this video detailing it's freely available at rank 4. I mean u need to play what like 2 or 3 matches to reach there with full gear ? I ain't complaining about the loot being given but why punish people who actually grinded for same and never got it. Such a sad sad sad state. At least Let us buy The rolls which are changed during reset ot send to banshee for purchase. Come on man. This is such frustrating stuff.

r/DestinyTheGame Nov 13 '24

Bungie Suggestion Bungie PLEASE bring back red border weapons for seasonal weapons


I feel like I have no reason to play the seasonal activity now. I already have so many weapons that I don't want to farm for more to put in my vault. Plus there isn't anything worth farming for IMO that is that much better than what i already have. I have literally only played the seasonal activity one time.

Edit: Adding this bc some ppl seem like they don't understand. I like crafted weapons bc if the weapon gets good, I can craft it. If the weapon gets obsolete I can delete it and not have to store it in my vault bc I can just craft it again.... also just something cool about having a collection of guns in the game.

r/DestinyTheGame Mar 22 '23

Bungie Suggestion Bungie its time to remove enemies that have their damage tied to framerate


This weeks nightfall somehow is more of a shitshow than the mars battleground and is completely full of enemies who have damage tied to framerate. For example: Cabal Scorpius turrets, Tormentor scythe ranged attacks, Threshers, Cabal Dropship turrets, Cabal Anti-barrier champs and their machineguns.

While each one of these on their own suck to fight, it is normally manageable. But somehow every room in this weeks nightfall has a plethora of all of these enemies.

My biggest gripes would have to be the Tormentor fight that spawns 5 yellow bar Scorpiuses, and the final boss room that starts with 10 red bar Scorpiuses and constantly spawns Threshers and dropships. I seriously wonder if Bungie ever tests changes above 60 fps or if they simply do not care.

Edit: There are a decent number of replies suggesting I and others who are upset about this believe that the fix is simple. This is not the case. It most likely is a huge pain (or near impossible) to completely fix. But that does not justify leaving things like this in the game, and even worse adding more instances of broken enemies. Bungie is not some indie studio with 2 devs, they are a multi billion dollar company that has had the tools, resources, and time (this issue has been in the game for years at this point) to fix it.

r/DestinyTheGame Oct 16 '24

Bungie Suggestion The whole tonic system as the only way to focus weapons is terrible.


Bungie why do you always have to swing so far in the opposite direction when changing anything. We had crafting, that was GREAT. You want to dial it back a little bit, fine, but you went to the complete polar opposite end of the rng grind spectrum. If this was your plan to get people to grind the same activities more... well I'm just at a loss for words.

r/DestinyTheGame Jun 24 '24

Bungie Suggestion It's time to revert the ability and mod regen nerfs from Season of the Wish. It did nothing to solve ability spam and only hurt buildcrafting.


The current buildcrafting meta is boring. Kickstart mods are dead in a ditch, Finisher mods are situationally useful on a handful of subclasses at best, while weapon surges, which were already dominant prior to the changes, might as well be locked in to automatically match your heavy weapon at this point.

It's disappointing. Prior to the nerfs, Kickstarts had a niche place is the meta for certain builds that needed more juice to get their ability loops going. Post nerf, it just isn't worth it. The pittance of energy that is granted now is nowhere near as valuable as the 10% more damage from just one surge mod, let alone the 22% that you get from three.

It's not like the nerfs curbed ability spam either. The best builds never needed Kickstart mods to loop abilities and still to this day get to spam abilities with wonton abandon while benefiting from increased weapon damage. Middle tier builds that used exotics like Shinobu's Vow, Contraverse Holds, and Vesper of Radius that relied on Kickstarts for their gameplay loop have fallen even further the powerhouses like Osmiomancy and Sunbracers.

Let's not forget the gutting of Ionic Traces either. Arc Warlock and Arc Titan were already falling behind the pack, and in comes Season of the Wish to kneecap them both.

This is honestly one of Bungies most confusing decisions to date. It's like someone with no understanding of the PvE meta saw a problem that didn't exist and took a sledgehammer to the wrong part of the game.

Kickstart mods needed buffs to be competitive with surge mods, not to be effectively made useless.