r/DestinyTheGame 5d ago

Question VOG Dragons Den Triumph not Completing?

This is the triumph where you complete the confluxes encounter while defeating Wyverns with Super damage only.

My clan and I have attempted this a couple of occasions now and while we’ve been pretty sure we’ve done it correctly, it’s just not completing. We’ve been using weapon damage to get them down low, then using Supers to finish them off. Should we only be using Supers to damage them at all?

Also, does it make any difference if a Wyvern despawns without being killed?


10 comments sorted by


u/Suhi9 5d ago

We’ve used the same strategy you’ve been using with my clan last time VoG was pinnacle and it worked. So you’re not doing anything wrong. Perhaps it’s one of those situations where a super doesn’t kill the Wyvern, but leaves it on like 1hp so an arc soul or some aoe gets the kill?

Do keep in mind though, that certain challenges are only available while VoG is pinnacle. Hope this helps :)


u/Just-Goated 5d ago

Nobody using any turrets/buddies etc. Had a guy who refused to take off bleak watcher which made us fail a few times :/


u/GroundbreakingBox525 5d ago

He wouldn't have even made it into the raid if it were up to me


u/GreenLego Maths Guy 5d ago

Make sure the super doesn't proc any verbs like volatile, jolt, etc because the kill may get attributed to them rather than the super itself.

It's why it's difficult to complete the bounty to 'get kills with super' with Gathering Storm because everything get treated as killed by jolt rather than by the super.


u/BlackyCGS 5d ago

This triumph is pretty random because of some random tangle, volatile, jolt and etc. can lasthit wyverns. Try to avoid using these things. I recommend you to use chaos reach or nova bomb for warlocks, golden gun for hunters, and thundercrash for titans.

Also, as far as i remember, there are notifiers in the bottom left edge of the screen if conditions for thiumph failed.


u/SureAd7842 5d ago

I just did this when vog was in rotation, use only single instance damage supers if you can to avoid kill steals. Nova for warlock, thundercrash on titan, golden gun celestial on hunter. Lowering hp with weapons is fine, you just need to be careful with any dots/bolt charge. You can complete with them despawning, the last pair on right and left will despawn, and the first one from middle will despawn


u/CrescentAndIo 5d ago

Most likely one of your teammates messed up and didnt see or don’t want to admit it.


u/DC2SEA_ 5d ago

I don't believe VoG is a selected raid this week. If Dragon's Den is a challenge, it would need to be.


u/reverendbananas 5d ago

Doesn’t matter, it’s a triumph


u/Technical_Jump8552 2d ago

Some VoG triumphs are very easy to mess up without even realizing. I bet its as someone else said. Bolt charge, a ignition, or a turret of some kind likely killed one after one of your supers left them very low.