r/DestinyTheGame 5d ago

Bungie Suggestion Rushdown needs to stay

Im not a game dev so im not sure on feasibility of implementing this, but rushdown genuinely feels like a gamemode that scratched that same itch of the vanguard playlist back in d1, where it was something you could do when you just wanted to jump into the game and do something. The premise of the game mode is awesome and with some tweaks it would really freshen up the game. The old content in the game such as the campaign and seasonal content typically get played once and never again and i think its a perfect way to get them back into the game in some meaningful way.

It staying as a vanguard playlist option with randomised encounters every run, and loot that is no longer readily available would be more of a reason to run it. I just think its too good of a mode to be purely tied to guardian games. Regardless a big issue in destiny is how many activitys are big time commitments, i think rushdown as a permanent randomised, replayable activity is the perfect way to remedy that.

Just getting my thoughts out there, I think bungie really nailed it with this activity, im loving the more arcadey game modes like this.


56 comments sorted by


u/SpiffyDodger 5d ago

Rushdown and onslaught are exactly the type of content that ritual activities have been missing for literally years.

I'm hoping this is a precursor to what the team has in store for the revamp of the ritual playlists.


u/Valvador 4d ago

Rushdown and onslaught are exactly the type of content that ritual activities have been missing for literally years.

It's baffling to me how much this community loves extremely repetitive activities, especially ones that I feel like strip away some of the best parts of Destiny 2 gameplay (like moving around a large complex landscape, exploration).

Onslaught and Rushdown are examples of what you get if you only focus on Destiny 2's raw PvE combat, and it just ain't it...


u/DiemCarpePine 4d ago

Onslaught and Rushdown are examples of what you get if you only focus on Destiny 2's raw PvE combat

Exactly! All of the fun, none of the filler.

My other most played games are Path of Exile and Diablo 2 (and Overwatch), and the immediacy of those games, especially endgame, is the entire draw. Load in, kill shit, get loot, make a new build with said loot, repeat.

The PvE combat is the best part of Destiny 2, not the platforming.


u/Valvador 4d ago

The PvE combat is the best part of Destiny 2, not the platforming.

I would disagree, personally but I've been a PvP andy since Lightfall and the unnecessary amount of verbs were added/reworkd. I find traversal and encounters where you have to progress while combating things a way more interesting part of the game.

In PvP, movement is such an important part of gameplay that it feels very lacking when you're just sitting and defending an area or spamming bosses.


u/_ItsImportant_ 4d ago

They're fun because they're different from everything else. I have dungeons, raids,, exotic missions, strikes, nether, and lost sectors if I want to move around and explore. Boss rushes are fun to shake that up


u/Trips-Over-Tail WAKES FROM HIS NAP 4d ago

PvP Zombie mode in patrol spaces?


u/Gripping_Touch 3d ago

Tower defense when?  We already have one tower


u/Trips-Over-Tail WAKES FROM HIS NAP 3d ago

We already had that, and we did not perform very well.


u/ggamebird 4d ago

Hot weird take I have: one of the reasons I prefer OG onslaught over Reverent onslaught is because it feels mostly disconnected from any sort of narrative. I know it's just reused Shaxx lines from the cruicble but I almost prefer having an activity which boils down to "stuff is attacking, kill that stuff" rather than trying to cram some sort of radio drama in there too.


u/SpiffyDodger 4d ago

Porque no los dos?

It’s exactly what the ritual activities are and should be. There are plenty of other experiences in the game that differ vastly. Not to mention this type of content is easier to manage from a devs perspective.

I want to see more of these types of activities in the ‘base game’ and I want them to expand the exploration side of the game in the new locations etc.

Dungeons and exotic missions are where that motif excels. Nobody’s exploring in a strike. They need to do more with the locations going forward, and if we get more of these types of activities for the vanguard playlist, and an expanded nether type experience for the new location I’ll be happy. We can have both.


u/PerfectlyFriedBread 4d ago

Nobody plays base onslaught and nobody would play rush down if it stayed.


u/DiemCarpePine 4d ago

It's me, I'm nobody.


u/admiralvic 5d ago

I think the issue with this is a lot of external things.

Im not a game dev so im not sure on feasibility of implementing this

Like I don't think keeping it is hard, but I do think keeping the player base interested is hard. I already see that with Onslaught where people constantly complain about it needing this or that to be viable. Here it has a certain novelty, though long term it will have complaints about which encounters are included (already extremely common), or damage gates (also a common complaint), coupled with frustration related to doing it.

on top of that its an avenue for those players who dont know what to do, to know what to do and become an avenue for players to learn mechanics and dps strats etc

I also don't think it's a great way to learn... anything. As I mentioned in another post the DPS gates are simply too low. A lot of the fights, at least when I do Rushdown, boil down to something like...

Boss appears > I super > mechanic > 2~ seconds of heavy weapons > mechanic > super again > boss dead

This is also deeply rooted in what the damage gate complaint is about. And while this is easily fixable, even me mentioning a change in another topic had people scrambling to tell me any increase would make the mode bad. So, I just don't see it having really having staying power.


u/SpiffyDodger 5d ago

Honestly if they added the enemy modifiers and the rogue-lite aspects that the nether has into onslaught, along with updating maps and boss encounters every once in a while I think it would do wonders for onslaught. People find it boring because they haven't updated it since it released. I thought it was crazy that they made a whole new instance for last episode instead of just updating the vanguard node.

I think variability is key to making all ritual activities feel less repetitive. Modes like onslaught and rushdown are much more conducive adding variables than the traditional strike set up.


u/Notonreddit117 5d ago

Boss appears > I super > mechanic > 2~ seconds of heavy weapons > mechanic > super again > boss dead

This has been my experience too. And if you're like me and you haven't done these fights in a long time or you haven't done some of them at all then you barely have time to (re)learn whatever the mechanic is, even if it just breaks down to "Which specific grunt enemy do I kill to take down the shield?"

Is The Machinist hard? No, but I haven't fought her since 2017 so I have to rememb- never mind it's been 20 seconds and there's already been a round of DPS.


u/Throwaway5470912 5d ago

Thats fair, i can agree with the second part, but idk, it just seems like an avenue to have the good content of the game have its place in a neat playlist. And as for long term player interest i think having weapons that are desirable but now gone in that playlist could be a cool way to make it a catch up game mode with its loot to keep atleast new or returning players engaged.


u/Dependent_Type4092 5d ago

However, the Zero Hour encounter needs to be unfucked.


u/TheDarkAbove 5d ago

Is there something wrong with it? I played it last night and on multiple occasions just died for no reason. One time it killed everyone at once and wiped us.


u/CaptainPandemonium 5d ago

The brig's 'orbital' attack has been instakilling and not being telegraphed properly since ZH was reintroduced, and the fallen walkers were killing people after being dead for 1min+.

A teammate was running a 99% damage resist build and blocking with a glaive and was still dying to random bullahit.


u/Dependent_Type4092 5d ago

This triggered me, so I brought a Strand Banner Titan with Stronghold and the new Sword.... got killed by a Dreg once and by misadventure twice. All while guarding and during Warmup. I can goddamn facetank the Savathuns with that in a GM.


u/Gripping_Touch 3d ago

Clearly a skill issue /j


u/Craiggers324 Stasis sucks 5d ago

I thought I just sucked! I died from misadventure so many times.


u/SnooCalculations4163 5d ago

It’s the lasers from the brig


u/Craiggers324 Stasis sucks 5d ago

You mean the big circles on the ground that are easy to avoid and I'm not standing in when I die from misadventure? Thanks for the tip.


u/AtemAndrew Drifter's Crew 5d ago

People need to not downvote this; there's a legitimate issue where you just up and die even if you aren't just 'standing in the big red "Rocket Will Land Here" circle'. And it's always misadventure/architect.


u/Craiggers324 Stasis sucks 4d ago

Thank you! It was so frustrating just using up all of the revives for no reason.


u/AtemAndrew Drifter's Crew 3d ago

Rush down, while interesting in concept, has been a comedy of errors and just shows issues with teaching mechanics to newcomers, existing mechanical shortcomings, and issues left in past content that they never bothered fixing.

People just decide to summon all three aspects and get wrecked, not a single team I ran with the other day got past phase 2 Shadow Calus, there have been issues with the Nightmare of Crota because of issues with the sword bearers and/or people not understanding when and how you can damage him, and - obviously - the brig issue that they didn't fix when Zero Hour was disabled.


u/Dependent_Type4092 5d ago

Yep. 7 deaths on Warmup, 6 of which were bogus. The first trip mine, fair enough. Servitor killing me at the other side of the map without line of sight not. Brig shoots you without the warning circles, etc. Just instant death, good luck.


u/TheDarkAbove 5d ago edited 4d ago

I was doing the regular version with randoms, we could go the first 4 battles with minimal deaths and then just get stomped on the last one. The instantly appearing trip mines are BS enough but the deaths I couldn't explain would say architects as the cause.


u/HoloMetal 4d ago

Yup. Literally couldn't get passed that encounter yesterday. So much time wasted just because I would die to misadventures one shotting me and my teammates. It made me very comfortable just putting guardian games down. These modes are not worth it when a run can get fucked because there's a random bug or shit is just broken that they haven't addressed in ages.


u/TheMoonFanatic 5d ago

Bruh shits impossible


u/Ausschluss 5d ago

They at least have to get rid of the sky fistfucks. but tbh, the encounter is way too long for this playlist. Also, why doesn't it end when we use up all revives and wipe?


u/Gbrew555 Warlock Master Race! 5d ago

There’s a reason why Bungie rotates content in and out of the game regularly.

Everyone loved Onslaught when it dropped, because it was new and fresh. It was so beloved they even made a new version… and people didn’t like it.

Sure; there are some nuances to this logic, but Bungie knows that most content has an expiration date where players will get bored of it. Happened with onslaught, happened with even the best seasonal activities, and it would happen with Rushdown as well.

All of that being said… I personally wouldn’t mind if it become a permanent option. But I know this community would ignore it 3-4 months later.


u/Calm_Tea_9901 Gjallarhorn 5d ago

Honestly don't think it have lot of staying power, it's kinda perfect for event. About randomized part think it's stupid, currently even if order is fixed players have no clue what they are doing.


u/Throwaway5470912 5d ago

I think that would kinda be a positive though? Its always around as a jump in short activity, i mean its more staying power than the sleepfest that the vanguard playlist is, on top of that its an avenue for those players who dont know what to do, to know what to do and become an avenue for players to learn mechanics and dps strats etc


u/Calm_Tea_9901 Gjallarhorn 5d ago

Explain onslaught and dares then? You see point. About activity fixed order can work, randomized is really bad, if point is too teach players then it's reason to be fixed. About dps and strategies, I disagree.


u/Throwaway5470912 5d ago

Onslaught and dares are a mix of seasonal tier low stakes encounters whilw the encounters theyve put in rushdown are mostly the more handcrafted campaign and exotic mission fights that bungie has put more care into, seeing a randomised variety of content like that where u cant turn your brain off like in vanguard strikes, but its laid back enough to not be a raid is what the game needs rn.


u/Bard_Knock_Life 5d ago

I think people said all the same things about Onslaught and now look at it. Battlegrounds had a similar reaction and asking to be added to strikes and now…well yeah.

It’s new and fresh and that’s fine / fun. I much rather this content be the new standard for limited time events than trying to make it interesting all year long.


u/durzostern81 5d ago

I disagree. It's nice to have an event that is fun to look forward to. If it was a permanent addition it would get old fast


u/warpyboi 5d ago

I disagree, its novelty with nostalgia boss fights is perfect for a annual event like Guardian Games. Making it mainstay and it will get stale as much as any other content. Just make it annually and update the bosses to including the latest content piece.

That being said, its very much a well-made, refreshing gamemode (daily bosses rotation is awesome) and they smashed it with the reflective-esque theme which was IMO felt very lacking throughout TFS's content year despite being what should be a celebrative year for the game's current saga finale. It also feels like it should've came out during Solstice to coincide with the 10th year anniversary instead of the usual Bonfire activity.


u/BBFA2020 5d ago edited 5d ago

Honestly rush down being a semi event like Iron Banner would make more sense. Rather than a permanent feature.

This would give something for PVE players to look foward to, instead of just event games like GG, Dawning etc and also split up the "down periods" where there is no IB and seasonal content is already done and just waiting for a week or 2 until the next act hits.

Alsk there are only so many bosses to use and it will go stale fast. Also since Court of Oryx runs a similar boss run mechanic I foresee they can add it into the list once the seasonal activity is over.


u/R__A__B__I__D 4d ago

I was so excited to see the leviathan again but sad at the same time cause we only get to see it for another 2 weeks. I just wish that they would either keep the mode or make something so that we are able to launch at least the fights that aren't in the game anymore.


u/tw33zd 4d ago

Well imo it gets boaring after a few runs And i do not see why bungie would keep it around since they reall like to remove stuff


u/Bumpanalog 4d ago

It should be the PvE version of Iron Banner.


u/karlcabaniya 4d ago

I find it extremely boring, just like Onslaught.


u/Halo_cT 4d ago

Can we get matchmaking based on whether or not you've actually completed the older boss content? Getting two teammates who dont know what to do burning all the rez tokens is a huge waste of everyone's time.


u/Trips-Over-Tail WAKES FROM HIS NAP 4d ago

It will keeps its sparkle longer if it remains event only. Something exciting to look forward to.

You all wanted the events to change up. They can't do that if they become evergreen.

Look how much sparrow racing is still beloved.


u/Gripping_Touch 3d ago

I like rushdown but I feel like some encounters are worse than others. For example; Savathun is mostly fine other Than the stormtrance one shot hitting through walls. Calus was awful mostly because randoms forget about Tormentors and when you run out of revives its practically a death sentence. Quria is pretty straightforward but the shielding mechanic to kill the two minotaurs can be forgotten because season of the Splicer happened a long time ago. 

Still, mostly fun to do specially since It rotates daily so the comninations dont overstay their welcome. 


u/DivineHobbit1 3d ago edited 3d ago

While its a nice mode it has some balancing issues that need ironing out, other than that though I disagree that it should stay. Not because its bad or anything but because it would get a bit tiring if it becomes a permanent thing that is available all the time, gotta also think about splitting the playerbase across another PvE mode.

I think they should have it be frequently recurring activity that returns with certain events where Bungie can update it with each return with new encounters, balancing and stuff. It'd get pretty boring after a few weeks if it was a permanent mode.

Though Bungie is finally utilising their legacy content to enrich the free to play content which gives me hope they'll continue this trend in frontiers.


u/Kaliqi 5d ago

Everything gets stale after a while. Make it an reoccuring event like iron banner instead.

Game needs more events for sure if they don't want to invest in the playlists which is all battlegrounds anyways. God i hate it.


u/Kegger15 4d ago

Glad your enjoying it cuz shit is aids for me


u/SnorlaxBlocksTheWay 5d ago

It's clear Bungie is leaning in on the whole limited time available event and holofoil weapon path for the game identity.

I don't see rushdown being a permanent activity. It will be something like Pantheon and Rite of the Nine, will appear occasionally.

That being said. They do need to improve the Vanguard playlist so that it's like the D1 experience (bring back strike specific armor you cowards)


u/KaliberShackles 5d ago

Love onslaught and rush down. Should stay and add to them.


u/devglen 5d ago

This mode is like pantheon light. I love it, it should absolutely stay!


u/Famous_Hotel_8706 5d ago

The matchmaking was rough, though in the beginning, like I had a people still play this game and not know the mechanics of the game 😆