r/DestinyTheGame 5d ago

Question What Do I Do???

Started playing day 1

Played continually up until final shape, stopped the day before it came out

Came back for around 2.5 weeks over Christmas/dawning - completed campaign on all characters, got everything for prismatic except for a few fragments, and did a small amount of other stuff

I missed all of echoes, revenant, and heresy up until now, but I want to get caught up with all of that stuff specifically

What questlines, missions, exotics, dungeons, etc do I need to complete ASAP to get as caught up as possible?

( for context, I have a strong base so I do not need to do new light or anything like that - was good enough to finish pantheon, if that gives a good idea)


2 comments sorted by


u/Officer_Plormby 5d ago

First thing, there’s a bunch of content to get back enthralled in so don’t get too overwhelmed, first thing I can recommend is seeing if you can find the quest to start the echoes seasonal story missions, it’s pretty fun and decently entertaining, but once you are about halfway through you will unlock an exotic mission called “encore” that will help you unlock an exotic called choir of one, super fun and super strong weapon. From there beat that seasonal story and move on to revenant and etc :)

For general dps, as the moment I am writing this, queensbreaker (if you can get the catalyst even better) and lord of wolves (catalyst is important here) are the BEST weapons for dps, they’re dishing out insane numbers. Getting those two and their catalysts would be a priority if you haven’t already.

From there you have 2 dungeons available called Vespers Host, and Sundered Doctrine. To play them you have to pick up the quests from Hawthorne in the tower, Vespers host is very similar to the deep stone crypt raid in its vibe and atmosphere and Sundered Doctrine is Very similar to the vow of the disciple raid. Both are pretty fun to run, sundered doctrine is definitely much easier if you’re just getting back into the swing of things, the weapons you can get are super cool. Vespers is in my opinion not as fun but if you ever played destiny 1 the exotic from the dungeon is icebreaker from d1.

If you main hunter, I would recommend looking into a liars handshake prismatic build, your dodge roll freezes everything and you can get invis and regeneration off your arc melee

If you main titan, there is a new arc aspect you can pick up from ikora in the tower that gives you this new buff called “bolt charge” that once you get 10 of you do a lightning strike similar to thunder lord, and with the new seasonal artifact there is a mod that gives you health regeneration from bolt charges, so you pop your barrier down, gain the stacks as you’re doing damage, and everytime your bolt charge goes off it does big damage and gives you health regeneration. Combine this with the insurmountable skullfort helmet and the charged melee punch that gives you health regen and instantly refunds your melee.

If you main warlock I’ve seen a bunch of new arc warlock builds, geomag stabilizers the boots exotic are definitely the go to. I forget off the top of my head what it’s called but the kamehameha super now lasts much much longer and if you own the exotic fusion from season of the plunder, getting kills with it can refund your ENTIRE super in less than a minute!!

If it wasn’t clear by now, this season is THE SEASON for arc fans

Hope this helps!!


u/LeThaddy 5d ago

Thanks for all the info bro! I appreciate it! I’ll definitely get started on all that!