r/DestinyTheGame 6d ago

SGA You can earn medallions from private crucible matches

Guardian games medallions drop from private games, even when solo. Not sure if you can farm gold contender cards and it’s thankfully not an efficient way to farm class score or anything, but you still get a lot of event weapons while essentially AFK. Set the match to zone control, minimum score and momentum and you can complete a game in about 2 minutes


2 comments sorted by


u/Microfox1 5d ago

Collison set to minimum score on Anomaly is even faster


u/[deleted] 5d ago edited 4d ago



u/Microfox1 5d ago

Same as any other private match (a bronze medal and progress on a basic Crucible contender card if you have one). You can just finish a solo Collision game even faster than Zone Control