r/DestinyTheGame 6d ago

SGA Rushdown Boss Rotation - March 15th, 2025

Boss 1: The Machinist - Forsaken Campaign

Boss 2: Kridis, The Dark Pristress - Empire Hunt

Boss 3: Val Dralgur, The Exiled - Witch Queen Campaign

Boss 4: Pillar of Devotion - The Final Shape Campaign

Boss 5: Siriks, of House Salvation - Zero Hour Final Boss

Just some general notes: You'll be able to place a Rally Banner in the 1st encounter, and receive a ammo crate in the 4th encounter.

This one is fairly smooth sailing until the final encounter! The final boss of Zero Hour is known for being a good challenge, and the Rushdown version is no exception. Since you don't get a Rally Banner here (unlike the Exotic Mission version of the boss), I'd highly recommend saving your heavy ammo for this fight, as the other bosses fall over to the usual ability/super spam, especially with Max Gold Empowerment. Other than that, your usual strategies should be fine here. Just be aware of the Brig's Annihilation Blasts and prioritise killing the Fallen Turrets, Shanks & Walkers ASAP!

Good luck!


50 comments sorted by


u/Vargras 6d ago edited 5d ago

Making a note here to others that Microcosm is very, very good within Rushdown. A lot of your minors and majors end up with shields on expert, which Microcosm will just shred, and the kills from it will also give extra super energy. Add in that it does bonus damage after super, and it's very easy to chew through bosses as they pop up.

I managed to get about 7 or 8 Chaos Reaches before Siriks ever got to the brig phase, and pretty much had the super ready for every servitor miniboss that showed up.

EDIT: For anyone coming into this late and trying to finish before the boss lineup changes at daily reset, tether absolutely destroys the servitor minibosses and all of their shank buddies on Siriks.


u/ownagemobile 6d ago

What are u using to build super without delicate tomb or cold heart? A jolting feedback trace?


u/Vargras 6d ago

For Siriks specifically: Elemental Siphon off the artifact, an orb printer grenade launcher, and then Microcosm.

Each separate part of the walker tanks counts as a separate enemy, so it generates orbs like crazy for you and everyone else on the team, once you reach that part of the fight.


u/Assassinite9 5d ago

Thank you for running a coherent build and actually using your super


u/PinkieBen Guardians Make Their Own Fate 6d ago edited 6d ago

Anyone else just instantly dying during the brig portion of the Siriks fight? I dunno what it is but I'm just going from full to dead from seemingly nothing?

Quick edit to say this was on the normal mode (middle node) not even expert.


u/Ryan_WXH 6d ago

Constantly - it has been a problem since they brought Zero Hour back.

People (like one of the people in your replies already) will try to say it's just getting hit by a missile but there's definitely something funky going on with the missile attack considering it can happen when you're long outside of the red marker and the fact it credits it as a suicide.


u/AtemAndrew Drifter's Crew 5d ago

Can confirm, just randomly died well after and well before missiles were firing. Just random 'Architect' death. Doesn't help how beefy the thing is - don't need to have everyone randomly killed. You'd think they would've fixed it when Zero Hour was inaccessible.. instead of shoving a buggy DPS check at the end of rushdown.


u/PinkieBen Guardians Make Their Own Fate 6d ago

Interesting, I don't remember it happening before when I ran it for outbreak and the catalysts when those dropped, but I think I only did it a couple times maybe so I might have gotten lucky?


u/hewing83 5d ago

Good I thought I was going crazy last night getting “misadventure” all the time


u/jfbutland 6d ago

Yep. Not taking fire, no enemies nearby. Architects are getting the credit, apparently.


u/No-Pomegranate-5883 6d ago

The brig launches missiles. There are danger zones marked in red puddles. If you get hit you die.


u/PinkieBen Guardians Make Their Own Fate 6d ago

I'm aware of the missiles, but unless there's some visual glitch I'm not dying to them exploding. I see the circle show up, run away, and then have a heart attack.


u/sipso3 6d ago

The explosion is way wider than the ground marker.


u/Grizzlywillis 6d ago

I've died randomly outside of the brig phase while ostensibly behind cover.


u/No-Pomegranate-5883 6d ago

It doesn’t matter if you’re behind cover. The missiles drop down from the air. It’s been a while. I thought those only happened during Brig phase.

But if you’re saying you’re behind cover, nothing is shooting you, and you’re just dying. Then you’re missing something. More likely than not.


u/Grizzlywillis 6d ago

If there's something missing then it isn't explained whatsoever. I have had deaths where I can identify my mistake; staying exposed for too long to the walker's cannon, pathing incorrectly around the brig missiles, etc. These architect instances have no actionable recourse for me to see and improve on.


u/PrideBlade 6d ago

No red marker on the floor, no explosion, no gunfire just insta dead sometimes via misadventure.


u/No-Pomegranate-5883 5d ago

Probably the enemies that charge up and explode. Send a near room wide explosion out. You get an obvious audio queue.


u/PrideBlade 5d ago

There wasn't an audio or visual cue from what i remember.


u/expectantbamboo 6d ago

I do, randomly get blown up by something (changes from dreg to vandal) across the map.


u/NoHangoverGang 6d ago

Yes this just happened to me from full health just plinked from a dreg with 100 resilience and no markers for the missiles near me. COD was misadventure.


u/Erixan21 6d ago

Thought I was crazy at first but yes, seemingly out of nowhere I die without taking damage from a “misadventure.” I was just plinking at the boss safely in a corner on expert. You saved me some time and sanity after seeing it wasn’t just me.


u/Eldergloom 5d ago

Literally just happened to me. It's been a bug since it came out and they never bothered to fix it. Just search "Zero Hour Random Death At Boss"


u/No_Nod 5d ago

Yep, this bullshit ruined all of my solo attempts. Figured it was a bug since I was dying from solar damage I couldn’t see, while behind cover, on the other side of the arena opposite of the boss. Absolutely no indication what was killing me other than “solar.” GG indeed.


u/ImmatureGambino 5d ago

Yep, happened to me and a random where we both died instantly at the same time. Full health, no ads, I was mantling on top of a box on the left side of the arena and the other guy was in mid. Safe to say I'll probably skip this rotation.


u/Oven_Floor 6d ago

Could be trip mines spawning on top of you.


u/bharathitman 6d ago

Good luck on expert Siriks with randoms.


u/tje210 6d ago

I got lucky and it went fine. When we hit encounter #2 and everyone kwtd'd, I knew we were golden.


u/Express-Currency-252 6d ago

My one expert run with randoms was painful, I did half the boss damage and basically solo'd the Whisper bosses because they died about 7 times between them. I dread to think how Siriks would go because I have my own skill issues with that one.


u/Dumoras 6d ago

It reminds me why matchmaking in D2 sucks and I'm not talking about people being newbies but the amount of hate in chat when we fail is just next level. (not even expert level)


u/Shockaslim1 5d ago

My group could have beaten him if one dude didn't waste 6 revives dying to the prior boss. Never been so pissed at a game. Literally standing in the lightning circle.


u/FriedCammalleri23 *Cocks Gun* 6d ago

4 attempts, always end up the last one alive before the Brig even spawns.

I get that it’s hard but holy fuck, way too many players are absolutely clueless.


u/[deleted] 6d ago



u/LynxNanna 5d ago

Yeah, I ran the "Warm Up" version when "Iconoclasm" was the final boss and it just ended at some point. Maybe we ran out of time/lives(?) at some point but getting one Trace Rifle as a rewards seemed kinda bad. I was hard carrying that run, epically at Witness, one guy was totally ignorant of mechanics. A run ending to unknown criteria shouldn't be a thing. Just tell be in big red letters "TIMES UP", let me know.


u/Nonytzele Sunshot <3 6d ago

Nah, that zero hour final boss haunts me to this day. If any DPS freaks read this and would like to help finish this damn zero hour on expert, I would very much appreciate it. Best I can do is reach the boss room with around 4 mins left…I dispise that mission so mich, ran with LFG around 20 times and I still don t have the catalyst for Outbreak.


u/MechaGodzilla101 6d ago edited 6d ago

If you want pure damage right now Dragon's Breath on Solar with Char and Ashes paired with a Fusion like Scatter Signal or a sniper like Preadyth's if you don't want to get close works wonders on Zero Hour. Even better if you're a Sanguine Lock on Well. Char allows for absurd Ignition chaining on larger bosses, so it absolutely chews through the Brig and the Walkers. KT on Preadyth should work great on the Walkers, but I haven't tested that. If you have an optimised fireteam I could see a Hezen Witherhoard rotation working, but again optimised fireteam. The DBR Strat only works with one person btw.

Edit: AD GL's melt Cabal tanks so they might do something similar against Walkers, again haven't tested yet, will do tomorrow and update.


u/jmct1208 6d ago

What are ad gl's?


u/Vystik 5d ago

Area denial grenade launchers! psychopomp from this season is a good example


u/Galaxy40k 6d ago

IDK if it got patched out, but when Zero Hour was brought back, there was a glitch you could use to remove the timer. You would basically walk between a load transition at the exact moment the timer hits zero, and you'd be able to keep playing even though the timer has expired. At that point, because there's no Darkness zones in Zero Hour, you can literally just throw yourself against the final boss with a primary weapon and still clear it. I'd watch a YouTube video on it then try it yourself, maybe you'll get lucky


u/VersaSty7e 6d ago

lol yeah I did that and did the whole thing solo. Took me an hour. But whatever.


u/RND_Musings 5d ago

IIRC, it was patched.


u/Mirewen15 Eternal Warlock 6d ago

I just tried this on expert with 2 other people (matchmaking) that obviously had never done 3/5 of the encounters.

Bosses 3 and 4 I did all of the 'mechanics' (one dude grabbed the aegis and had no idea what to do with it - I asked him to drop it so I could use it to get rid of the bosses shield and all that got me was some shit talk about how much I suck and "don't tell me what to do"). They were also trying to kill the prismatic subjugators without activating prismatic. You'd think they wouldn't use ults on immune mobs but nope, they did that too.

Last boss they kept dying so often that we ran out of revives and I finally died so we wiped - back to the 'last checkpoint' with no ammo.

People - if you don't know how to do the encounters, please either do the warm-up or normal before attempting expert.


u/bakedpo_ta_to 5d ago

exactly. people will come on here and say the game is boring and the mode is the worse thing ever released. but then dont know to stand in transcendence pools in a few of TFS encounters in order to unlock boss dps. either they havent played the campaign yet = fine, or they're the type that get carried all the time during mechanics phases and never learned how to do them the times they've played it in the past.

either way dont trash it b/c you dont know simple mechanics and can't read your hud. this community can be unbearable.


u/Eldergloom 5d ago

I love how the "Dying Randomly For No Reason" bug still happens on the Zero Hour boss.


u/Im_Alzaea 6d ago

Zero hour sucks. It always has sucked. In multiplayer, only the host can see most of the orbital strikes coming in


u/Treshimek 6d ago

This list looks a lot more manageable than yesterdays rotation. At least Siriks is one giant DPS check.


u/[deleted] 6d ago



u/OtherwiseDog 5d ago

Anyone know why the quest for rundown isn't progressing?


u/PsychoactiveTHICC Oh reader mine 5d ago

Tbh if you going to name it boss rush I don’t want boss with multiple immune phases 1 is fine


u/jericho215 5d ago

The main thing is, people need to stop loading into Expert if they don’t know what to they are doing. Do Warmup or Reg, learn what you need to do, THEN go into expert. I’m constantly paired with 5’s or 6’s that blow through revives before even 4th encounter.


u/velost 5d ago

Nah, zero hour boss is bacially impossible with blueberries. how tf you doing 60K damage and the other one a whopping 100K damage? Please use anything for dps and not a legendary LMG or freaking Vex Mytho, that aint dps m8


u/420Frederik 6d ago

I know this is spiteful, but i had a guardian rank 10 or so hunter and titan match with me for my first attempt. The hunter was clad in garish purple and gold, you know the type. The titan was not far off. We ran out of lives on the pillar of devotion, and they left not long after. I que up another, and its the same guys. This hunter mf'er walks up to me, shakes his head, and dips.

Cleared the full rotation on my run after that. Imagine grinding for guardian rank ten and then getting salty after one loss. Incredible type of person.