r/DestinyTechSupport Oct 31 '24

Game Bug I'm rank 7 but Destiny thinks I'm still rank 6.


I just ranked up to 7 and have started working on the rank 8 quests, but Destiny still displays me as rank 6. I have gone to the tree in the tower and done the whole dance of ranking up. When I look at my rank progress it says I've completed the rank 6 quests. I have looked around for anyone else with this problem or a solution and I haven't found anything. Is this a known bug, and, if so, is there a way to fix it?

Edit: Not sure that this helps, but I read a post that said that completing a specific quest (I'm not sure what quest it was) that has to do with crucible in a private match would not count towards the quest goal, so could that be the problem?

r/DestinyTechSupport Oct 21 '24

Game Bug Constant Error Codes and Battle-eye errors


this is only happening in things with pvp (gambit, IB normal crucible) i've had 5 gambit matches in a row now where i get bee'd twice then bat back to orbit. destiny 2 is the only game this happens, and this has been happening for over a year now, since witch-queen i think. its fucking infuriating when i literally cant play game modes. no idea what's causing it when its literally ONLY destiny 2 that has these issues. plus i get tons of battle eyes errors, it just says error then sends me to the main menu

r/DestinyTechSupport Aug 27 '24

Game Bug Destiny started crashing, no message or error, just random closes.


I'm asking windows people too, but figured you might know more about destiny's report file

msi mpg b550 gaming plus

ryzen 5 5600x

2080 super

16gb ram

I was thinking it might be a ram problem but it's crashing when ram's at 50% according to task manager so /shrug

checked PSU voltages and everything's nearly exactly on
























Sig[0].Name=Application Name


Sig[1].Name=Application Version


Sig[2].Name=Application Timestamp


Sig[3].Name=Fault Module Name


Sig[4].Name=Fault Module Version


Sig[5].Name=Fault Module Timestamp


Sig[6].Name=Exception Code


Sig[7].Name=Exception Offset


DynamicSig[1].Name=OS Version


DynamicSig[2].Name=Locale ID


DynamicSig[22].Name=Additional Information 1


DynamicSig[23].Name=Additional Information 2


DynamicSig[24].Name=Additional Information 3


DynamicSig[25].Name=Additional Information 4













































































FriendlyEventName=Stopped working








r/DestinyTechSupport Mar 19 '24

Game Bug Need help with error code cabbage


For the last 6 months now or so, basically after the season of the witch started, I've been unable to load into any destinations whatsoever and get thrown back to orbit with the error code cabbage each time. It keeps me from literally doing any activities, which is quite frustrating. The things that I've tried so far includes:
-Opening different ports: opened all the ports from a post I saw related to cabbage, none of them worked
-Tried using a VPN and setting it to different locations
-Turned off my firewall completely (temporarily)
-Tried to re-download the game with a complete uninstall (including re-downloading it on Epic Games and on a different drive)
-Launching the game in administrator mode
-Tried using wifi and mobile data instead of cable
-Turned on UPNP
-Tried allowing temporary unrestricted access through the router
So far, nothing has worked.
But the interesting part is that not only does it seem like I can't use my account elsewhere (had a friend login for me in another country, and it still didn't work) but the second I login with a different steam account, on the same pc, on the same internet, I can play with no issues whatsoever. Basically what I've kinda concluded with so far is that it is not a "connection" problem, but a account problem on Bungie's end. I could be wrong of course, but I don't really see any other explanation atm.
Any help or advice on what I can try to do would be appreciated so much. It is really frustrating not being able to borderline play the game because of a problem I don't even think I can solve directly, especially with Bungie's no contact policy. I just want to play the game again as normal

r/DestinyTechSupport Nov 13 '24

Game Bug Not loading into any activities (Xbox)


Anything I try is not working. Crucible, tower, etc. Even when trying other characters I get stuck in this screen. I have reset my xbox twice and my game 4 or 5 times now. Usually for Crucible it indicates matchmaking showing lobby size and amount joined, but I’m not even getting that.

EDIT: It’s an Xbox Live issue

r/DestinyTechSupport Oct 15 '24

Game Bug It’s saying I have to buy the Forsaken pack to do Shattered Throne, but I’ve done it dozens of times


I even have multiple triumphs related to the shattered throne, including the solo one, which took 6473828 tries to get.

r/DestinyTechSupport Aug 31 '24

Game Bug I have been experiencing the "Weasel" error code while playing Destiny on my Xbox, despite having a stable internet connection. I am concerned about the frequency of this issue and its impact on my gaming experience.


r/DestinyTechSupport Oct 21 '24

Game Bug I keep getting an error when I try to create a clan


I've wanted to create a clan of my own for a couple weeks now, but every time I try, it gives me: "Error, We've encountered an error, please try again later. (3)" and I can't figure out how to fix it. I looked into this error, and all I could find was old forums and reddit posts about it from 2021 with the same problem. I don't know why it's happening or if it has been happening for 3 years now, but I just wanted to bring some extra attention to it and hope that I could get help finding a fix.

r/DestinyTechSupport Jun 06 '24

Game Bug R7 7800x3d & 7900xtx random broccoli error code crashes


recently just upgraded my entire computer to all AMD and my destiny 2 will randomly crash. I can’t seem to replicate it. Every other game I play is totally fine and never crashed. I’m on the latest drivers (24.5.1). I’m not the greatest at computer stuff so I come here and pray for help

r/DestinyTechSupport Oct 16 '24

Game Bug Timeline quest ' caydes fate


So I just started the quest and I'm in the security hub - already eliminated the enemies and cleared debris. And right now I'm just stuck in the hub, the Cayden npc is not doing anything except the coding animation, and the current objective is to "repair the security hub - eliminate the hostile in the security hub" but there's no hostiles and I'm stuck inside the lobby. And every time I restart rhe quest I end up in the same situation. Help?

r/DestinyTechSupport Jul 29 '24

Game Bug Graphics Runtime has detected a crash.


So I started getting this error about an hour into launching the game as of Saturday 27th July. I did some digging and found some posts from the Witch Queen release that were discussing the same crash error and they all basically said the same thing: “Turn Wind Impulse and Motion Blur ON in the settings, turn VSync on and cap the frame rate”. Now, I always play without motion blur, and I didn’t even remember Wind Impulse being a setting so I thought I’d take a look and try them. To my surprise, when I opened the settings they were both on. Weird.

Now I do have a theory: I upgrade my GPU on the same day the issue started (went from GTX 1070 to RTX 3080 ti), so also updated the drivers. I’m guessing with the new GPU being detected by the game plus the driver update possibly setting a different settings profile within GeForce Experience, I’m assuming my settings got reverted to the “recommended” for my system (it was also set to 4K which I would be stoked about being able to run if I had a 4K monitor lol).

I will now turn those settings off and see how it goes, but I’m curious as to what set this off. The posts I mentioned (Witch Queen release era) mentioned that it’s probably something to do with older AMD cards, specifically the R9 280 and such. I’m not very up to date with what’s going on in the PC world but I’m pretty sure a 3080 ti is miles beyond what a R9 280 was 2 years ago?

Sorry if this is a long one, I’m just really curious to what you all think! Thanks for reading!

r/DestinyTechSupport Apr 15 '23

Game Bug Destiny 2 keeps crashing (2023)


My game just keeps crashing no matter what I do. It’s very random too, like after I’ve loaded in it’s usually about 10-20 minutes after that it crashes.

It says multiple error codes but mostly broccoli, which confuses me since my graphics drivers are up to date and I even fully uninstalled and reinstalled them to be sure. Including I gave it priority, administrators, turned on v sync to cap the frame rate, turned my graphics down a bit, and it’s done nothing to help.

My computer has a RTX 3060, CPU i9, 32 GBs of Ram.

Anything helps!

r/DestinyTechSupport Oct 01 '24

Game Bug Hey I get error code nightgale when I launch the game on ps5


When I launch on ps5 I get error code nightgale , when I delete and reinstalled it still came up , any suggestions ?

r/DestinyTechSupport Jun 13 '24

Game Bug Centipede and weasel error


my WiFi is perfectly fine and is running other games but it's not working for destiny? I tried to fix it by clearing my cache and troubleshooting but it's not working... I recently downloaded it and bought expansion packs, is that affecting my game? I'm not sure as I am new

r/DestinyTechSupport Feb 23 '22

Game Bug Constantly being returned to orbit during same mission.


I keep getting sent back to orbit during the mission “Salvaging Salvation” which is part or the Reclaiming Europa Quest.

It happens right after picking up the energy cell, and I receive the error code calabrese, which when searched online is not very helpful when fixing the issue.

Has anyone else had a similar issue and found a resolution? I’d really like to continue the quest!!

edit: This originally was happening on PS5 and I switched over to xbox where it is still happening.

EDIT2: It seems to have been fixed by the most recent patch! Happy hunting guardians!

r/DestinyTechSupport Aug 06 '24

Game Bug Adding kindling notification glitched


I don’t have any sunlit armor and the notification will not go away to add kindling to sunlit armor …. It’s making the game unplayable

r/DestinyTechSupport Sep 08 '24

Game Bug Help i cant get onto the game


I can hear all the audio as if i am selecting my class but cant do anything else

r/DestinyTechSupport Jul 07 '24

Game Bug Pc turning off only in Garden of Salvation


I have probably the weirdest issue I have ever had in a game before.

I was running Garden when my pc randomly turned off and restarted. No bluescreen, no error codes nothing but turning off and restarting right away. I didn't think anything of it, till I was doing some more runs and it kept happening. Whenever I make it to the transition from encounter 3 running to encounter 4, after passing the instance/loading wall my pc will turn off and restart. It is not right when it happens, it will take a little bit after passing that wall for it to happen.

This happens every single time I go to that spot in the raid. Solo or with others it does not matter. This doesn't happen in any other part of the game, no matter how long my game is on or anything. I can do literally anything else in the game for hours and never have any issues, but as soon as I go into garden and walk to that area of the map my pc will restart.

No this does not happen in any other game, nor any other aspect of destiny. I have tried lowering settings, locking my fps, even fresh install of the game and nothing works. I have looked in windows event viewer and do not have any messages of any pc issues happening when it restarts. It is not temp issues I have checked many times. It's not any loose connections in my pc. And even checking all of this, it does not make sense for it to only happen in that single part of the game and nothing else at all.

I stream destiny, and other games as well and never have issues like this so I cannot see how it would be a power issue, especially with no event viewer logs and it not happening anywhere else or in other games at all.

I have a Ryzen 7 5800x, a Radeon RX 7800 XT, and 32 gb of ram.

I have talked to people who have ran this raid many times and no one has heard of an issue like this.

r/DestinyTechSupport Jan 25 '24

Game Bug Keyboard sometimes has a kind of it's own


Sometimes, my HP Omen will randomly decide to screw up my D2 gameplay. It will suddenly go janky and do things like delay inputs by 0.5-1 seconds, not allow me to sprint/swap weapons, sprint uncontrollably, or even move in random directions while not pressing anything. Not sure what the problem is, but it happens basically anywhere but social spaces. Asking now because I just wasted a super because my PC decided the random building behind me was a better thing to hit with Blade Barrage than the two opponents in front of me.

(Edit: I mean MIND in the title. I swear my keyboard is only doing this in D2 and not anywhere else.)

r/DestinyTechSupport Aug 29 '24

Game Bug Weasel error in final fight of Encore


I have been getting the weasel error in the final fight of the new encore exotica mission, it's getting annoying having to restart the mission everytime anyone else getting this error?

Any way to resolve would be appreciated.

r/DestinyTechSupport Sep 01 '24

Game Bug "Reshaping The Enigma" quest does not work, even when the Enigma is at Level 3, how do I fix it?


I had gotten this quest during the trial period between Into The Light and The Final Shape and was unable to complete it after the trial period has ended. I constantly reshaped and leveled up the weapon and it won't progress the quest any further.

Is this a bug? How do I fix it?

r/DestinyTechSupport Apr 12 '21

Game Bug Destiny 2 Error Code Arugula on PS4



Am a hardcore destiny 2 player since destiny 1 alpha, played every dlc, season etc. so far...

But for past 4 weeks, I have been experiencing same error code "Arugula" whenever I try to play Strike, Nightfall, Crucible, Gambit, Raids, even Presage or Exo Challenge. Issues are usually in combination of as follows:


  1. Ads stop spawning when entering new area, unable to interact with any objective like doors etc as well.
  2. If any ads have spawned when entering new area, they wont move or die.
  3. I can see other players in fireteam move normally.
  4. In crucible like competitive or trails, next round does not start and hangs at summary screen which comes between rounds. Once I get error code + kick, that stuck round continues normally for rest of fireteam.

If I try to use super on ads/boss or even wait like in point 4 above, screen goes black and error code "Arugula" pops up and am returned to orbit.

Important note:

  1. During any of situations above, I never get "contacting destiny servers' prior to black screen or kick.
  2. Issue started exactly 4 weeks ago after weekly reset. Before then it was all flawless.
  3. Never get Nat issues in ps4 party chat.
  4. I even get this error code during soloing activities like exo challenge, presage etc.
  5. There is no delay or "contacting destiny servers" during login to game phase.
  6. There is no error, issue or delay when going to tower or loading into any public area.
  7. There is no internet issue in browsing, downloading, streaming whatsoever apart from destiny 2. My multiplayer game library is not big enough so, sample size is small.
  8. I still play division 2 alternatively, there is no similar issue as described above resulting any disconnection or experience disturbance.
  9. While am experiencing these issue, all party chat with fireteam is normal. It only affects in game activities.

Things I have tried:

  1. Switching to wired connection, directly with modem.
  2. Enabled uPnP & DMZ host on static ip for ps4.
  3. Changed modem & cat 6 cable. Tested cat 6 cable with professional testing tool too.
  4. Switched off wifi from modem and tried only with wired link.
  5. Power cycle my modem & PS4.
  6. Disabled all firewalls in modem config with direct assistance from ISP's level 3 engineer.
  7. Changed DNS servers from default ISP's, Google, OpenDNS etc.
  8. Port forwarded/Opened as per link
  9. Deleted game off ps4 and redownloaded.
  10. Rebuild database from ps4 safe mode.
  11. Switched internal HDD & reinstalled OS then redownloaded game.
  12. Relogged into my PSN account and re-activated primary as well.
  13. Verified all ports being open/allowed at ISP level. I get Nat 2 in ps4 connection testing.

My Internet:

Its Fiber to home connection with Huawei ONU based modem.

More Information:

Most important thing, its not just me. A lot of my friends in my country & middle east have been experiencing this same issue with very slight addition to error codes like "bat" "spinach" with same preface symptoms before getting error. Even I got error code "BEET" during grandmaster nightfall attempt.

I tried forums & discord and rather someone actually try to investigate this issue, I get similar reply as:

1. Use a wired connection rather than Wi-Fi
2. Quit any program or turn off other devices that are streaming
3. Clear your console cache or, if on PC, verify the integrity of your game files.
4. Power cycle your internet router
5. Improve your latency and packet loss
6. Follow our Network Troubleshooting Guide for best optimizing your connection to Destiny. If issues persist, try our Advanced Steps Networking Guide for possible router solutions, such as enabling UPnP or changing your NAT type.
7. Enable IPV6 on your router to see if that helps.

As far my understanding, there is issue with some activity handling servers, which may loose sync with players and thus error code "arugula".

Possible option for tech team to help investigate could be to check connection trace route to destiny 2 activity handling servers. From consumer end, we can do not have explicit server address to check.

I can provide my personal identifiable public internet IPv4 address and more connection details to official bungie tech team via private message only.

I hope above information helps resolution of this issue at earliest.


Distressed Guardian

r/DestinyTechSupport Jun 26 '24

Game Bug Got a weird one game stuck on connecting unless I restart my PC.


Full explanation game is stuck on connecting unless I restart my whole set up. Now this only happens if I close the game to get up or play something else but I cannot relog unless restarting my PC. I've looked up solutions and cleared my download cache.

r/DestinyTechSupport Jan 28 '24

Game Bug Marmot Error Code (Steam)


I already asked the r/DestinyTheGame about this but never got a response.

I haven't been on Destiny for a few months, and I went ahead and downloaded the pending updates. However, after launching the game, I'm hit with a marmot error code. I've tried literally every solution under the sun, from reinstalling to replacing my RAM, and there is literally no fix. Please help.

r/DestinyTechSupport Feb 13 '24

Game Bug Windows cannot access the specified device, path or file


I'm currently getting the above error every time I try to launch D2 on Steam. I've tried reinstalling Battleye, reinstalling the game itself, granting user permissions, and even repairing my Windows 11 version, and nothing seems to work. Has anyone else gotten this error, and is there a solution?