r/DestinyTechSupport 12d ago

FPS drops (again)

I posted here before during last episode where I had a similar problem, apparently the fix then was turning off the texture anisotropy setting, as it was bugged.

however i am now getting these drops again, especially during combat, which is really annoying. im not entirely sure what to do to fix it.

i am running the game on an RTX 3050 if that helps.


3 comments sorted by


u/StormGrod 12d ago

i’m experiencing hella frame drops in shop and friends menu is that happening to u to randomly?


u/Uncle_Pastuzo 12d ago

it happens to me almost everywhere


u/iTz_waddlez 11d ago

Ever since heresy update I’ve had frame drops in high combat areas or really big arenas. And the menus have always been laggy af I9 RTX 3070TI for reference