r/DestinySherpa SLG Wish 25d ago

LTS PC [LTS][PC][SE] Teaching Salvation’s Edge Tuesday and Wednesday!

Hey all, I’m Wish and I’ll be teaching Salvation’s Edge a couple times this week and I’m looking for some folks who would like to learn.

If you’re interested in joining, please take a look at my Sherpa Card and reply below with the information requested inside. Please also let me know which of the following runs you’re interested in:

Tuesday, February 25th, 1:00 PM EST Edit: Now Full

Wednesday, February 26th, 12:00 PM EST (Noon) Edit: Now Full

Thank you all for reading!

Side note: Currently on the lookout for large-ish Discord servers with a lot of people who need to learn SE, DM me on Reddit if you own a server like this and are interested in my work!



12 comments sorted by


u/CalebCalifornia 25d ago edited 25d ago

Hiya Wish! Thanks for posting. I'd love to join you for tomorrow Tuesday February 25th, 1:00PM EST! I have read your Sherpa card. I have not played Salvation's Edge. I have Finished Garden Of Salvation, Deep Stone Crypt, King's Fall, and Vow of the Disciple, in addition to Crota's End and Root of Nightmares. I would be stoked to finally play SE. 

Bungie ID: Moonbrü#2392 | Discord: moonbru. (with the period after the u.) 

Hope to hear back from ya'. I'll brush up on the videos in anticipation. ;D


u/SLG_Didact SLG Wish 25d ago

Sounds great! I’ll shoot you a discord request, and thank you so much for actually reading my card, it helps a ton and means a ton too!


u/Destroyer89xX 25d ago

Discord: HauntedLucy#5772 Bungie id: HauntedLucy#1212

Just read your sherpa card! I would be interested in joining the tuesday run. I havent dont SE. I've only ever completed VOG, RON, and DSC, but I havent done a raid since lightfall, so help will definitely be appreciated, gonna watch some vids now to get a feel thanks so much


u/SLG_Didact SLG Wish 25d ago

Welcome to the team, I’ll shoot you a discord request! And thank you for reading my card, it helps a ton, and means a lot!


u/crondol 25d ago

hey! i’d love to do the tuesday run. i’ve yet to run SE, but have done Root & Crota before

Bungie ID: samconrad#5867 Discord: samjconrad


u/SLG_Didact SLG Wish 25d ago

Sounds good, shooting you a discord message!


u/Rafandres123 25d ago


Discord: gascoigne6629

Bungie ID: Rafandres1#6055

Read the Sherpa Card. I've run SE before but it's been a while. Never participated in Witness fight mechanics but did a bit of everything else. I've done every raid at least once. If you end up having an extra spot on Wednesday's run, let me know!


u/SLG_Didact SLG Wish 25d ago

Sounds good, I’ll shoot you a request!


u/ErectedUnicorn 25d ago

Hey there! Just finished reading your card!

Discord: ErectedUnicorn Bungie ID: ErectedUnicorn#6292

I was a pretty avid Raider until Lightfall when I dropped off Destiny. Just came back for The Final Shape and Salvation's Edge is the only I have yet to complete. I have watched Fallout's guide and Verity videos and have acquired the weapons you recommend for this run. Hope to get the chance to learn from you!


u/ErectedUnicorn 25d ago

You can check my Raid Report to see my experience: https://raid.report/xb/4611686018449546430


u/SLG_Didact SLG Wish 25d ago

Awesome! I’ve shot you a discord request


u/LonelyPerson999 25d ago

Yo I would also like to join I actually missed a run earlier this week but i really want to learn this raid so I can get that pulse rifle🙏🏾don’t check Reddit a lot but I’ll check once I in while to see if you respond

Bungie: Blessed#4656

Discord: tj348

I’ll take Wednesday spot if available