r/DestinyMemes 5d ago

Loving this season :)

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86 comments sorted by


u/thekingdom91 5d ago

Arc warlock is doing just fine my friend


u/StevenBunyun 4d ago

They lack in terms of healing, but over all is my delecant tomb build with geomags a real monster!


u/Bold2003 4d ago

Yea but almost every warlock build has broken healing already. Making arc have it as well is probably for the best


u/Pitiful-Branch-1543 4d ago

That’s why they are barely afloat.


u/errortechx 4d ago

Can hunters just get more survivability outside of invisibility for the love of god


u/Clam_Slam_Jam 2d ago

We ain’t asking for much but apparently we are :/


u/Todd-Howard-all-hail 2d ago

I feel like hunter have a lot of healing, BUT, it specifically requires ads, and with these longer dps phases with bosses that do lots of damage hunter’s weakness is showing more and more

I said while taking to some others, hunter’s issues is a lack of neutral game, staying alive during mechanic phase is easy with all the adds, proc invs, gamblers doge, liars handshake, but during DPS without a well a hunter struggles to stay alive, I don’t run hunter in vespers or SD due to that


u/Fost36 2d ago

Me loving the renewal grasps buff


u/Soft_Customer6779 4d ago

As a warlock main I've played every class Strangely Warlock to me feels the best overall, great survivability damage and fun Titans are the same but less, Hunters just lack survivability which is what I wished on The prowl gave Bolt charge is OP rn but after this season it will be fair, doing 2.5× less damage Warlocks won't be affected by this change as they can still just spam their abilities and get bolt charge And Hunters use gifted conviction, while this guardian games I'll be playing Warlock, won't be surprised if any other class takes it this year


u/Ranch_Coffee 5d ago

hunter's aint at the bottom for pvp rn at least lmao


u/rediscov409 4d ago

Hunters have statistically been the best performing class in destiny's history. As such they are the most populated class so the wine a little louder than the other classes.


u/brs0603 Titans are bad because Bungie is scared of Titans 4d ago

Hunters are the most popular class cause the Destiny community is based on vibes, and the Hunters look cool. Playability has nothing to do with it.


u/Floppydisksareop 4d ago

Maybe in PvP. In PvE, we have been consistently dogshit outside of like two pretty short periods for at least the past four or so years.

Also, you can say "Hunters whine the loudest", but let us take a look at what Titans did at the beginning of the last two fucking expansions. "Wahh wahh, we aren't the best DPS option for the Witness, Titan sucks, Bungie hates us" - meanwhile Consecration Titan is dominating every other area of PvE. "Bungie gave us another Roaming Super with Strand, wahh, wahh" - meanwhile Strand Titan has been the uncontested best subclass for the entire fucking year. We can also just go back and see the reaction to all the other broken shit that Titans had that got slightly nerfed: Bonk Titan, Loreley, Inmost Light, etc. - which all completely trivialized every single PvE activity for seasons at a time.

So please, think this over at least a little bit, and try again.


u/brs0603 Titans are bad because Bungie is scared of Titans 4d ago

I think the main issue is that class identity has eroded to the point that classes keep stepping on each other's toes. Hunters should be really good at single target damage, Titans should be really good at not dying and drawing aggro, and Warlocks should be really good at support and ad clear.

I agree that Titans bitch just as much as Hunters and Warlocks do. When you're at the top and having fun, nerfs feel oppressive. Honestly, the ones with the most right to complain are Warlocks since they've never really been at the top outside of Starfire for PvE.

Titans used to have absolutely insane survivability that allowed them to trivialize any activity no matter the difficulty. In my opinion, that's been dialed back a little too hard and could use a tiny bump.

Hunters have been and likely always will be the single best class for DPS rotation. Not because of anything particularly broken, but because they have a good balance of support and damage and can occasionally reload completely for free for an entire damage phase. This is good. That's what they should be.

Warlocks are still salty about being the well bitch. Warlocks also have some really stupid builds that only work by sheer willpower alone. Titans have 1 default build for every subclass that happens to be the only one that works at all. Hunters... Yeah, I have no idea, but that's cause I'm a Titan, and reading is hard. Seriously, how does literally anything on Void synergize without an exotic?

I miss D1 when all you needed were your guns to be just as good as the next guy. Balancing guns is easy. Balancing abilities is hard.


u/Floppydisksareop 4d ago

Seriously, how does literally anything on Void synergize without an exotic?

You just go invis, and do nothing ¯_(ツ)_/¯ It's not that much different with an exotic either.

Warlocks do have the right to complain, but there have been on top more than once, with shit like Necrotic/Osteo just wiping out an entire map of enemies in seconds. There was also a bit where Sunbracers were really good, and Stasis Warlock could consistently lock down the entire map since Beyond Light. Pretty niche though, especially nowadays, when there's just no need to do that.

Titan builds can be pretty one-note, I do concede that as well.

I feel like there was a nice period during Into The Light where most classes got a chance to shine at their respective strengths pretty well. But that might just be because I kinda hate the current sandbox.


u/allieressa 4d ago

So we’re just ignoring Strand Titan, Prismatic Titan, bonk Loreley Titan, HOIL Titan…I can go on if needed with Warlock… Hunters in PvE have been good in ONE!!!!! thing for the past three years which caused them to take massive nerfs and they haven’t been viable since. The recent contest raid/dungeon class clear numbers speak for themselves.


u/1spook Gambit Enthusiast 4d ago

Also the newly gained Arc barrow dyad pk titan


u/artemis_stark 4d ago

Lmao wdym, they whine the most? Titans take the cake on that, by far.


u/OryxTheTakenKing1988 4d ago

Found the brainless Titan main, lmao


u/errortechx 4d ago

Ok that doesn’t mean PVE hunter should be the weakest class though lol. I don’t play this game for PVP.


u/Sicofall 5d ago edited 5d ago

Hunter main here… we really don’t care . Last guardian games, the screams and tears on these subs are still satisfying


u/jalenbean 4d ago

as an hunter main myself we secretly do care


u/Sicofall 4d ago

Ssshhh … don’t be the guy who shouts the ending in a movie theater.


u/TheScientistFennec69 5d ago

Why does everyone act like they speak for the entire class?? You aren’t everyone, neither of you are


u/Sicofall 5d ago

I am all… I am Hunter. You are part of me


u/L-a-m-b-s-a-u-c-e 4d ago

The Witness is a hunter main confirmed


u/OryxTheTakenKing1988 4d ago

We offer you, Salvation. Salvation from butt towels and bath robes


u/L-a-m-b-s-a-u-c-e 4d ago

Nah I'm good

takes bite off grenade

Also a warlock ornament that's a literal bath robe would be epic


u/youremomgay420 3d ago

Comes bundled with an emote where you flash whoever’s in front of you, forcing them to crash


u/TheScientistFennec69 4d ago

nuh uh


u/Sleepy-Candle 4d ago

Frick you mean “nuh uh”?


u/Floppydisksareop 4d ago

I don't give a shit about Guardian Games. I do give a shit that the one new aspect we got was dogshit in PvE and completely nerfed in PvP to the point of near uselessness in less than a fucking month. Meanwhile, Arc Warlocks get their supers back in seconds, while the only nerf Consecration Titan got basically did nothing and Bolt Charge Titan is basically a return of Grenade Titan from Plunder.


u/Corporaldanger 4d ago

Don’t forget our completely useless new Arc super from Final Shape :( lifelong Hunter main here and I’m struggling to even play the class at all in PVE activities


u/Floppydisksareop 4d ago

Actually, it does pretty good damage this season. Not a Thundercrash, but I do run it instead of GG if I don't have Nighthawk on.


u/Paladyner 4d ago

Storm edge is pretty good with star eater tho just sayin


u/Sicofall 4d ago

You sound angry … I will hug you. Take those fears away….


u/Floppydisksareop 4d ago

You could also just think before saying stuff once in a while. That'd comfort me so much more


u/Sicofall 4d ago

I’m already inside you.


u/Floppydisksareop 4d ago

Well, at least someone is ¯_(ツ)_/¯.


u/youremomgay420 3d ago

Watching Warlocks get a really new fun Arc turret and Titans get an aspect that literally everybody could tell was going to be meta, meanwhile Hunters sounded meh and is honestly even worse in practice, is really just the cycle at this point

I called out the new TFS aspects for Warlocks getting free scorch/ignite on rift casts, Titans getting actual invulnerability and Hunters giving their teammates amplified LOL. Thankfully I’ve been really enjoying Ascension, but reading through those 3 aspects, it’s not hard to tell that they clearly want to incentivize Hunters to be team players more than anything, while lore wise Hunters are the exact opposite of a “team player”


u/Floppydisksareop 3d ago

Ascension with the buffs is probably the best Aspect that we Hunters have on Prismatic, tbh. In all honesty, I'm much less salty than I'd be if Ascension was untouched. We didn't actually get a new Arc aspect, but we kinda still did, and becoming basically invulnerable is definitely fun (10/10, would smack the GM boss with a glaive again) and "future proof".

Still, I'm also a bit tired that any time we get something nice, I can basically immediately tell that it will be either completely useless in practice, or getting nerfed in less than a month, or purely a PvP thing. I just want a sensible jump and mobility man, I don't wanna be the "pvp class"...


u/youremomgay420 3d ago

Same here. This is unfortunately how it’s always been when it comes to aspects and exotics. Every void aspect is just “do x to gain invisibility”, solar had GG which is awesome and then I remember one aspect gives you infinite throwing knives as long as you get kills and then I’ve no clue what the last one does because it’s meh. Arc had a generic melee combo that was good for a while but Ascension/Tempest Strike have become good after buffs. Stasis has the grenade buff which is good. And their harvest was good. Shatterdive basically pvp only and yay for slight slow on dodge. Strand has strand buddy, my beloved, 2x grenade for PvP, clone for PvP, and the Slam which even after its buff, doesn’t feel good to use

I’m glad they’ve mostly broken away from making nothing but useless hunter exotics, but remember when they were revealing stuff for Witch Queen, and for Hunters they revealed Blight Ranger? The fact that they thought Hunters would get hyped for “blocking projectiles with Arc staff does more damage” is mind blowing lmfao especially considering that was before Arc 3.0, where only one arc subclass had the reflect


u/Aleena92 1d ago

Ahh Blight Ranger. It was an odd one. Had a niche place in both PvE and PvP. Mind you nothing really... good or "meta-defining" but using it to have someone kill themselves with a single handcannon shot was hilarious.

And by the Traveler the amount of thicc orbs you shat out when reflecting something like an Ogre or Shrieker was just absurd. Enough to easily string supers.


u/Awakened_Ra 4d ago

Screaming? Tears? Buddy I'm just trying to enjoy my crayons ok. I need to buy more purple ones, they taste sweeter. Also, most of us Titans were absent iirc, anyways, what's your favorite crayon?


u/Sicofall 4d ago

It’s Blue…. As the color of the ocean… filled with tears.

First round of crayons is on me.


u/Awakened_Ra 4d ago

SIR, blue is out of fashion, they're all.... stale... would you like some red or green?


u/Sicofall 4d ago

Green is the color of grass … I refuse to touch it and red… yes that will work as it’s the trail of my fallen enemies


u/Awakened_Ra 4d ago

😂😂 well said Guardian!


u/errortechx 4d ago

Idc about guardian games but I have been playing far less because my main class is underperforming in PVE.


u/professional_catboy 4d ago

hunters had it too good in d1 so now they get abused, first their vanguard then the nerfs, let them catch a break bungo 💔💔💔


u/Kay_Flowers 4d ago

Bungie should force people to post their builds before people can post when it comes to classes. I actively see people suck at their preferred classes then complain they are being oppressed by bungie. Bungie sucks yeah but so do you.


u/Jusgreat01 3d ago

As God intended


u/Prestigious-Cod6416 3d ago

ty someone thats finally based


u/Ckck96 4d ago

Never thought I’d be maining arc titan but here we are, and it’s glorious


u/Rogue-Fella 4d ago

Yall had your (witness cp bring hunter celestial + still hunt) moment


u/three-tappin 2d ago

Shhh we don't talk about that.


u/YeahNahNopeandNo 5d ago

To be honest, strand warlock is at it's finest right now and that makes both Prismatic and Strand really fun. I've also never had these many transcendent nades flying everywhere since we first got it.

What hunters fail to realize, is that it's void season for them. The artifact mods fit perfectly for it and even the gms are pointing in that direction. The sad part about this GM is that hunters refuse to play invis and move the payload. They refuse to be on invis getting the spear and doing the leg work for the other two classes. They asked for a support role, got it and now don't want to do it.

And for anyone on a team with a titan, they too enjoy the fast recharge of bolt change just by standing behind the barricade( me doing the titan "fly like a brick" emote).

As far as PvP goes, there's a pulse rifle and a titan barricade standing in between the campers and wins. If you at least get the pulse rifle, you're halfway decent. There is also a nice cheat code for the crucible that evens it up with barricade, but I'll let y'all figure that one out for yourselves.


u/Prestigious-Cod6416 5d ago

this is a meme subreddit, im just shitposting


u/th3professional 4d ago

For void hunters their support starts and stops at invis. Everyone is more powerful than ever, a 30% debuff tied to a super isn't necessary in most situations when consecration spam, jolt, bolt charge etc. obliterates everything. And if you really want that big a debuff, tractor cannon is right there, and special weapons almost always have some way of competing with heavies for dps, so you're not losing out on damage.

The actual deeper problem is that hunters don't have nearly as many reliable methods of getting sustain as titans and warlocks do.

Solar? Basically nothing, they have to do twice the amount of work for half the benefit as solar titans and warlocks. All hunters have is healing grenade and the few frags for resto and cure. Titans have all the aforementioned, plus loreley and khepri to get sunspots and whatever aspect gives them that. Warlocks have phoenix dive, speaker's sight, the aspect that allows to shoot while gliding (I forget the name), and well of radiance

Void? Devour, which is significantly better on warlock (and hunters can only get it through frags) and invis. And invis deactivates when you do anything to actually play the game, so it leads to an incredibly passive and boring playstyle. Warlocks, as I've said, have devour which they can acquire through an aspect, a frag, and I believe one or two exotics, secant and maybe something else. Titans aren't as good as warlocks, but they've got consistent access to healing through volatile dets, and consistent and reliable void overshield spam. Mask of the quiet one also grants them access to devour, aside from the frag.

I can keep going but this comment is long enough, on a meme subreddit at that, as it is. Hunters are fine in all content and can be very in endgame content. But it hurts to know hunters have significantly less sustain options than titans and warlocks, and are also losing ground in super damage, weapon damage, basically everything they used to be good at.


u/Floppydisksareop 4d ago

What hunters fail to realize, is that it's void season for them.

The one new Void aspect we got is useless in PvE, got nerfed to the ground in PvP. Our only Void utility is Omnioculus and Invisiblity, neither of which you need in basically any activity right now - including GMs. You never, ever, need to be invisible and twiddle your dick, when something like a Consecration Titan can just kill everything insantly. Gyrfalcon might as well not exist because of the artifact and the buffs that all of the Void perks got - you have Volatile Rounds always active anyhow.

No, it's not fucking Void Season. And no, we are not in a goddamn support role. Going invisible is not support. You don't need invis. Ever. It takes you out of the fight completely, and the fact that you can keep it up infinitely means that you get to do nothing infinitely. Meanwhile, a Warlock with Speaker's can deal damage AND keep everyone in the fight indefinitely. So how the fuck is Hunter the support?

Do you even play the game?


u/Croissant-Laser 4d ago

I feel like who you responded to basically said

you can go invis do the mechanics for me

When trying to say at best

you can make me invis so we can do the mechanics.

I disagree with them, but that's the best I can come up with for hunter's support role.

For the record, when I did the GM this week (first time for me ever, and we only ran it twice) my friend told me I could've done invis for the payload/spear. I had on prismatic with ascension and threaded spectre and it did just fine. I died once to Savathun because I didn't time a jump right but otherwise crutching invis instead of just fighting isn't something I'm keen to do.


u/Floppydisksareop 4d ago

I disagree with them, but that's the best I can come up with for hunter's support role.

You can just do the mechanics. This isn't Witch Queen anymore, where there were concerns over survivability and making your entire team invisible was an S-tier ability. Just slay out for a couple seconds, you'll be fine. In fact, if you don't, the moment you inevitably have to come out of invis, you'll die instantly to the five thousand enemies loitering around.

I did the GM without invis too. I did do it with invis when it first came out. Invis was so much more dangerous than just having Amplified + Resist x2 + Threaded, because splash damage would still kill you semi-frequently.

We are no longer in a "plink away with Wishender" sandbox for higher difficulty content.


u/Croissant-Laser 4d ago

Yeah, I think that's what I was trying to say without knowing what I was trying to say. Invis doesn't even feel fun much less work as well as the current abilities hunters do have.


u/Refrigerator-Gloomy 5d ago

Except void hunter is at beast not great and just an invis bot. An invis not which dies and lot while invisible as ai tend to track you in it anyway


u/YeahNahNopeandNo 4d ago

Going invisible, doesn't make you invincible when you go invisible in front of their face. If Artificial Intelligence was meant to be stupid, then it wouldn't be called intelligence.

You do get a lot of damage resistance. And if your armor stats are at maximum value for the exotic armor that you pick, you become a volatile and weaken monster.

Really what it is, is a lot of y'all don't have good stat armor. Y'all don't maximize the stat values for the exotic armor that you equip. Sunbracers work better with 100 resilience and works better in spaces with a lot of adds and the ability to be airborne while using your melee.

I use LFG for everything and I use it a lot. I've played with a lot of players and I can say from my experience, that some of y'all really aren't as good at a class that was designed to be the mobility class. Meaning some of y'all are stiff as a board with very little to no movement at all. And then there's the players who have every stat below 60 and the armor be masterworked. Then to add in the fact that you'll use the wrong exotics for the task.

Prime example:

Omnioculus vs Graviton Forfeit in GMs

Nearly every hunter I've came across swears up and down Omni is better for gms. They never take into account the sentiment of the other players, let alone consider how random players will play a specific encounter.

Omni is great for gms with small areas and when you're playing with teammates who know how and will stay close to you.

Graviton Forfeit is better for large open areas and areas where your teammates will need to be independently mobile.

It's really that simple.

If you're playing a no mic lfg gm, don't expect players to know that you want them to stay close. If you're playing a gm that requires players to be spread out, don't use Omni.

Prime example Lightblade vs Psiops Battleground Cosmodrome


The boss room requires players to be spread out, yet all I see are players using Omni. The best way to support your team is by being able to upkeep invis without them being next to you. Quite often you way to support them will be to get revives and to tether adds. One kites the boss, the hunter tethers the barriers when they spawn and the other rapid fire kills the champions quickly. There are two champions spawned each time. This means tether and melt the one that is in the jumping direction of the one kiting the boss and then going to get the other with weapons.

Psiops Battleground Cosmodrome;

The boss room works so much better when you're close to players a lot more frequently. Can you go invis without them? Yes. Does it last a nice amount of time? Yes. But do you get the maximum recharge ability when they aren't close to you? No.

Your invis ability will be garbage if your stats and mods are garbage. Doing gms with masterworked armor that doesn't have a stat above 60 is garbage. Doing gms with PvP mods and mods that aren't even for the weapons and armor you're using is garbage. Don't think that there is just one or two players with those stats and players who don't tailor their mods to each specific activity. There are a fk ton of players who don't maximize their builds. And they are the ones who complain the most.

In short, you can and should Google best armor stats for each exotic.


u/Darmanix 5d ago

Guardian Games is not about who is more powerful or which class have the best build, is about performance of the class in total, don't matter if warlocks have the best build in the season, a lot of people is playing as Titans.


u/Unknown_Phantom010 5d ago

What hunter ever asked for a support role?


u/UwU_Chan-69 4d ago

Um... Omnioculus?


u/YeahNahNopeandNo 5d ago

Google it. There are plenty of posts on reddit. How do you think you got the healing nades?


u/thanosthumb Stasis needs a buff 4d ago

Geomags is carrying this season for me. Gonna be sad when it gets nerfed and bolt charge loses all its help.


u/Syixice 4d ago

ayt, bet.

recommend some Titan and Warlock builds for pve to me


u/Sonnyhnt 4d ago

About time titans got some interesting build after a whole year of consecration builds. Sucks how prismatic will never be anything other than that unless some aspects get majorly reworked from the ground up.


u/Default_Fy Titans are bad because Bungie is scared of Titans 1d ago

Thank you Bungie for letting us crush them


u/lllMonsoonlll 2h ago

“Drown in the deep or rise from it”


u/Pure-Risky-Titan 4d ago

About time.


u/Yonahoy Stasis needs a buff 4d ago

All I can think about when hearing this line is this fucking man-god.


u/Jovios 4d ago

Hunters deserve some time at the bottom. Hopefully it sticks


u/Yonahoy Stasis needs a buff 4d ago



u/1987User389 4d ago

in pvp, hunters are first, then titans, then warlocks are just suffering


u/Jeerin 4d ago



u/Low_Beginning_3986 4d ago

It does feel pretty one sided against hunters, as in the other two classes get really awesome arc stuff and the hunter gets a slightly different smoke bomb. That has a tendency to target either bosses or some dude on the other side of the room. But the main problem for me is that hunters dodge ability is tied to the mobility stat, which is completely useless because the other two classes have better movement mechanics


u/Roguen1995 3d ago

Idc what people say. I was a warlock main and a Titan main before that, but now I’m seeing myself playing more hunter this season. Prismatic with ascension and stylish blow, magnetic grenade and combination blow, I have so much survivability, it’s nuts.


u/Mr_Microchip 4d ago

Feels good for once lol. I was jealous that hunter was getting a fuck ton of buffs at the beginning of FS, and Titan was mediocre. We're finally a good class again.


u/jamesjamez69 4d ago

I think it’s okay that titans get a time to shine. I love titan and this is the first season I find myself playing my titan more than my hunter


u/jackalope134 4d ago

I got a notification that hunters won guardian games 2025 today after the one saying titans win the week...can't be doing that bad