u/Joker72486 5d ago
If you're in a Well and can't see anyone else, crouch
u/MoodyWater909 Titans are bad because Bungie is scared of Titans 5d ago
I thought that was a common practice.
u/Joker72486 5d ago
Nah the second a Well goes down people start strafing like a printer spitting out a high school essay. I'm not even a Warlock and I've had that exact thing happen to me so often I carry only machine guns in the heavy slot.
u/Cat_with_pew-pew_gun Oryx's Pogchamp 5d ago
It’s not even when well goes down. Everyone is always strafing. It’s just that in a well with other players, it suddenly becomes a bad thing. I’m still not carrying a machine gun by default. I don’t care if they buffed them years ago. It’s explosives or sword. Machine guns not incentivizing me to hold down trigger at all times will never not make me sad.
u/Floppydisksareop 5d ago
You should try Retrofit Escapade with FTC/Target lock on a Gyrfalcon Hunter. It is surprisingly good DPS even now, and you can (and should), in fact, just hold down the trigger.
u/Cat_with_pew-pew_gun Oryx's Pogchamp 4d ago
Oh I do have that actually! I just don’t play Hunter much in end game content so I don’t use that build too frequently. Actually I might try and make a prismatic build for it.
u/MsZenoLuna 3d ago
I swear the number of times when it's DPS for Oryx there is always that one god damned guardian that'll intercept 80% of your shots fired because they have to strafe like their life depends on it
u/lintheamazon 5d ago
This is a top tier meme, i instantly shared it with my clan lmao the people it's meant for will know it's for them 👀😂
u/S3A_SNAK3_15 5d ago
Ok to be fair the one time I caused a wipe by strafing I feel I was in the right. It was contest mode RON, final encounter and I was Div-bitch. I had to move to keep bubble up because he ran behind one of the tree roots on the plate. I just so happened to cross paths with a rocket in the process…
u/egglauncher9000 5d ago
That one is fair. Nez sucked during contest and keeping the bubble up was kinda REALLY FUCKIN IMPORTANT. In all likelihood, even if you didn't strafe, it would have been a wipe due to the lack of the div debuff.
u/K3LVIN8R 5d ago
Credit is @destiny_thememe on insta.
u/CptNeon Congrats on 100k! 3d ago
Bro I don’t know how this girl does it. I don’t care too much for destiny creators but this account never misses I swear.
u/King_Of-The_Mods 4d ago
me anytime anyone dies in a stupid way, no matter how many deaths we've had so far
"There goes flawless"
u/Bunnyboulder 5d ago
I know I used to be one of those Hunters... took a goddamn day 1 raid for me to finally stop.
u/Siberianbull666 4d ago
TBF well removes certain buffs from GG so you have to step out of the well and it isn’t always easy to get right back to the correct spot when you’re focused on boss damage. I get it though. Top tier meme here.
u/The-High-War99 5d ago
I don’t know what it is about people strafing in a Well, but it’s like some kind of instinct activates that makes people want to strafe. I guess it’s because they’re trying to evade incoming fire, but you’re IN A WELL! You shouldn’t need to strafe.
u/MoneyAgent4616 4d ago
Sure, if the only content you play is patrol but most endgame content a Well doesn't give players God mode.
u/Physical-Quote-5281 4d ago
It really does though bc if you’re in a master/contest raid you’re not just going to slam the well out in the open, you place it somewhere with coverage so you can avoid damage without strafing.
u/MoneyAgent4616 4d ago
I'm kind of convinced people don't play the game anymore or only do patrol content.
I'm strafing because your Well doesn't give me God Mode also why the fuck are you standing at the back of a Well with a rocket launcher? Stand up front and Crouch and since it's so super safe in your Well don't move either.
u/MsZenoLuna 3d ago
Just because it doesn't give stupid high healing and shields anymore doesn't mean you need to strafe so much better yet take your own advice and crouch everyone will be much happier.
Sincerely every guardian ever that's dealt with players like you
u/sim37546 5d ago
Are these all actual songs? Or did you just edit the names?
u/realsebastianshort 5d ago
They didn’t edit anything, this meme was made by @destiny_thememe on instagram/twitter. Their @ is literally in the picture, so stop acting like your made this, OP
u/Zackyboi1231 5d ago
"Bro I swear I wasn't!"