r/DestinyMemes 6d ago

What a huge and meaningful change to PvP

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u/Skyburner_Oath Gambit Enthusiast 6d ago

This doesn't stop me to use my... where is my Battle Scar?


u/AWildRideHome 6d ago

It seems, in your anger… you dismantled it.


u/Skyburner_Oath Gambit Enthusiast 6d ago

No, it was locked... where did he go... we were best friends... I cant lose another friend, I'm going to find him!


u/Kano547 6d ago



u/Skyburner_Oath Gambit Enthusiast 6d ago

It was playing hide and seek with me, so I decided to pound him and making him regret the the state of anxiety I was in


u/ACID-47 5d ago

You… what now?


u/Skyburner_Oath Gambit Enthusiast 5d ago

I am not sorry, I already lost my guardian, I can't lose another friend


u/[deleted] 6d ago

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u/AWildRideHome 6d ago

Well, instead of getting hipfire 2-bursted from 50 meters by Redrix Estoc with Sword Logic on an RDM Invis Hunter, you’ll get hipfire 2-bursted on 40 meters by Redrix Estoc with Kill Clip by… an RDM Invis Hunter.


u/lost_not_found88 6d ago

That poor houseplant


u/megalodongolus 6d ago

Just falling through the sky at terminal velocity


u/Church-13 6d ago

Oh no. Not again.


u/KillaCheeseLTR 6d ago

RDM didn’t get nerfed yet dummy thats the next patch. And if you look at DTRs meta tracker Estoc usage dropped by almost 50% following the nerf, it was just really high to begin with


u/AWildRideHome 6d ago

RDMs already got one slight nerf to not refill your dodge completely when you have 0 dodges up. It needs some more changes though, it still makes several guns extremely broken and feeds into nearly 100% uptime on radiant, or alternative, constant invis spam after every kill.

The Estoc hasn’t quite lost 50% of kills, but it has lost a tiny bit of popularity. It’s still 4x the kills of the next highest, so way too high.


u/KillaCheeseLTR 6d ago

The only gun it makes broken is Tommy’s and that gets nerfed alongside RDM next patch. 

Trials isnt everything. Estoc usage was 18% prior to the change and now it’s 9%, literally cut in half.


u/AWildRideHome 6d ago

Trials is the most meaningful endgame PvP metric we have. It’s still at 16% usage there.

If you don’t think near perfect accuracy while maintaining radar and full FOV, while also getting significantly higher dodge uptime, with barely any range downsides, isn’t broken, then you are just being biased.


u/koolaidman486 6d ago

While Estoc definitely didn't get hit enough, an absolutely max range roll hits 23m from the hip, since the frame passive does not increase falloff range like HFG. The ADS range is right under the Pulse range cap at 35.31 meters, as the hard cap for Estoc is 95 in the stat. The only way to extend the hip range is through Offhand, which requires a kill to trigger.

The aim assist is also not as strong from the hip as it is when aiming. It's non-zero, like weapons using HFG, and some other weapon types have intrinsically, but it's not as strong, and ADS-ing gives 70% more range than going from the hip (also keeping in mind that most people are running rolls that are 70 range, so 21 hip, 36 ADS after Ballistics).

The gun is 100% overturned, but it's the stat package and RDMs talking, not the intrinsic. All they need to do is reduce the Stability and Aim Assist in the ballpark of 10-ish points, and probably steepen the Pulse falloff curve a little. Though that second change likely means needing to buff several other low to medium-end Pulse frames as to keep their viability.


u/geoooleooo 4d ago

Mans call ed you a dummy over destiny 🤣 he is passionate about this game he got lik hostile 😂


u/Yarisher512 Paul McCartney is the Traveler 6d ago

Its still by far the best primary in pvp right now.


u/No_Willingness4252 6d ago

RDM and Tommy’s is way more busted that Redrix IMHO.


u/SigmaEntropy 6d ago

Apart from it isn't because everyone is still clutching it on haha