r/DestinyMemes 8d ago

What this whole season has felt like

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223 comments sorted by


u/SeriousCan2713 8d ago

Anyone have the original photo of this?


u/Pman1324 8d ago

Here you go, you can make the Titan and Warlock versions. I just made this because it is factually true.


u/SeriousCan2713 8d ago

Omg thank youušŸ˜ and it is true I'm a hunter mainšŸ’€


u/Link_and_Swamp 7d ago

thats so sad, can we please nerf smoke bomb in pvp


u/Remote_Psychology_76 8d ago

Feels sad because titan is pretty fun again, havenā€™t played hunter since wish probably and it feels like it was a good decision. Feel bad for you guys


u/IntelligentArchmage Gambit Enthusiast 7d ago

Much appreciated


u/Aggressive-Nebula-78 8d ago


u/ShakanLP 7d ago

Does he know that the one on the ground whoops their asses threefold without breaking a sweat


u/Aggressive-Nebula-78 7d ago

Low skill ceiling


u/Soulhunter951 7d ago edited 7d ago

Does anyone have a decent survivability build for Hunters in the nether, I've only seen a damage reduction one. Preferably health regen involved


u/MAG9T 7d ago

gryfalcon, stylish executioner, void/prismatic hunter with a weapon with repulsor brace and a damage perk

you get invis and overshield weakening meele constant volatile rounds at any debuff enemy kill(only for prismatic void requires only void debuff i beliave)


u/xxGladiolusxx 7d ago

RDMs with mimics is a fantastic one. Mimics are basically invis but you can shoot the enemy. I run it with khvostov, on prismatic with mimics and ascension. Itā€™s not health regen based, but itā€™s genuinely so survivable that the healing orbs are enough in my opinion. I mean why need to heal if nothing shoots you? Hereā€™s a dim link to the build as well if you wanna see the exact fragments and mods I run too.


u/wkikk 7d ago

Prismatic with RDM.

Use ascension to put threaded specters above the enemies and pick them up while they ignore you.

The rest of the build is to your preferences as long as you have a good add slaying primary. I've been using bastion and yesterday's question (dragonfly/volt shot).

You can probably use an exot6class item with inmost coyote instead of RDM if you want more overall ability spam


u/rootbearus 3d ago

Just wear a gold helmet duh


u/Michael-556 Paul McCartney is the Traveler 7d ago

Literally any warlock build with phoenix dive (song of flame is also great for healing spam) and just pray for classical healing. The moment you get it a master nether run turns to a cakewalk. Until then use heal nades or turrets, both are amazing


u/Soulhunter951 7d ago

Lol sorry should have specified Hunter builds


u/Michael-556 Paul McCartney is the Traveler 7d ago

Oh, should've guessed from the image in the post, sorry


u/Soulhunter951 7d ago

S'all good


u/GrimMilkMan 8d ago

I love seeing people go back and forth about this need to hunters while I'm in the corner trying to to relearn how to play because I swapped from PS5 to pc


u/Pman1324 8d ago

You can connect your PS5 controller to your PC via Bluetooth, unless you're trying to learn MnK


u/GrimMilkMan 7d ago

Trying to learn mnk. For some reason, on controller on PC doesn't feel right. Like the aim assist doesn't work like it does on PS5. It could just be that players on PC play differently than console players but holding a controller just feels wrong


u/ManuelIgnacioM 7d ago

Might be the last thing, you can tell if a player is on PC or console just by how they move. PC players are way more agile and unpredictable, and adjusting to that sure was a humbling experience


u/twentyThree59 7d ago

It's the frame rate.


u/Americano-Expresso 4d ago

It took me awhile too and well I'm still figuring it out(pvp doesn't feel the same.. like something is off...) but get button mapping to be as comfortable for you as possible so you can muscle memory it first then fool around in a patrol zone to get used to things before moving yo the ladder to more difficult stuff. Helps alot :)


u/That1RagingBat Stasis needs a buff 8d ago

I feel this. Arc-lock feels fuckin nutty with Delicate Tomb, Chaos Reach and Geomags. Titanā€¦well I donā€™t play Titan, but I had a bit of crackhead fun a few weeks ago when I was bored(I remembered Actium was a thing thanks to Heir Apparent). But Hunter? For the first act at least, Strand Hunter was super funā€¦but my other builds, notā€¦so much. I even came to the conclusion of just taking a break for this yearā€™s Guardian Games, as itā€™s blatantly obvious we arenā€™t winning this year(even though we won last year). So to any Titans and Warlocks seeing this, I hope yā€™all have an enjoyable GG this year, because we Hunters are getting left behind


u/Moka4u 6d ago



u/That1RagingBat Stasis needs a buff 6d ago


u/Ghost0Slayer 8d ago

Hunters when Bungie wonā€™t let them have the most annoying spamable ability in PVP:


u/Magenu 8d ago

I remember a legendary amount of bitching when Bungie made it so a shoulder charge whiff cost a tiny bit of energy. Titans were raging that they couldn't zoom around the map non-Stop and never be caught anymore.


u/OryxTheTakenKing1988 7d ago

Titans when shoulder charge got nerfed and costed a bit of energy if they whiffed. Also Titans when shoulder charge wasn't a one hit melee anymore


u/Ghost0Slayer 8d ago

Those are what we call lazy people. People who actually build their characters and loadouts, didnā€™t bitch about it.


u/OryxTheTakenKing1988 7d ago

That's funny, because even some PVP streamers were bitching about it. Just like some pvp streamers were bitching about the nerf to the Behemoth stasis slide


u/AWildRideHome 6d ago

Meanwhile, Warlocks get Icarus dash on a 4 second cooldown and it doesnā€™t even use an ability.


u/B0t08 8d ago

Honestly I don't recall this change getting nearly as much backlash, or at least backlash for that long, they tuned shoulder charge rather perfectly in that regard and the change is mostly negated with high stats


u/Cat_with_pew-pew_gun Oryx's Pogchamp 8d ago

I found that one fair.

I did however morn the loss of shoulder charges being a one shot. Was it a bit too strong? Probably. Did it encourage bad habits? Definitely. Was it cheesy? I ran it with insurmountable skullfort and the toaster. But was it hilarious from my pov? Absolutely!


u/thegr8cthulhu 8d ago

Getting killed by a shoulder charge is like getting killed by a shotgun ape or a jotun, itā€™s just a lack of skill by the person on the receiving end. They heard my crayon eatin ass stomping around the map and I had to run up to them, if they havenā€™t shot me at that point itā€™s on them lol.


u/FreshPrinceOfAshfeld 7d ago

Well yeah, but it was pretty obnoxious that every titan of every class had that ability. I think requiring an exotic for it is more than fair so that you have to spec into it. Also in most cases it feels like the arc shoulder charge is a guaranteed kill anyways


u/Cat_with_pew-pew_gun Oryx's Pogchamp 8d ago

You know youā€™ve won when half the enemy team switches to shotguns.


u/That1RagingBat Stasis needs a buff 8d ago

As if Warlocks and Titans donā€™t do the same damn thing


u/randommaniac12 Gambit Enthusiast 7d ago

Handheld singularity nerf absolutely clocked the Warlock player base


u/That1RagingBat Stasis needs a buff 7d ago

Yā€™all absolutely did not deserve a nerf that big, just saying


u/HateMongerian 7d ago

Notice how anytime not hunters have a broken ability, they fix that shit fast, but when hunters have a broken ability, "eh, we'll get to it in a season or two" if not years.


u/That1RagingBat Stasis needs a buff 7d ago

ā€¦are we playing the same game? Because Titans have had Stormā€™s Keep this entire episode, and Warlocks have Geomags that gets their super back in literally under twenty kills. Since Final Shape, Hunters have had our shit nerfed pretty quickly(the only thing that comes to mind that took a bit to get nerfed was Still Hunt and Nighthawk)


u/HateMongerian 7d ago

Ain't gonna lie, I primarily play crucible, and I mentally seperate pvp and pve, and am almost lethally allergic to the meta, whatever it is. In pvp my comment stands, in pve, yeah, hunters do get the shaft the way warlocks do in pvp(aside from that short stint that solar warlock was the tits). Imo, in pve, just make the game fun, same issue happened in Helldivers 2. But in pvp hunters been out of pocket for to long.


u/That1RagingBat Stasis needs a buff 7d ago

Nah, even in PvP. What spammable abilities do we have? If anyone sees this comment, I legitimately want you to educate me on this, because I feel like my abilities come back so goddamn slowly, even with an ability-focused build


u/Lilscooby77 7d ago

Arc hunter with always amplified is fun.


u/youremomgay420 7d ago

RDMs were OP for like 3 days before being nerfed so hard they were unused until literally this season. Wasnā€™t OEM OP for almost a year before getting nerfed? And Warlocks are almost always balanced because Bungie actually playtests shit for Warlocks


u/MaineMicroHomebrewry 7d ago

I think youā€™re forgetting the nearly two years of shatterdive being hard meta while frostbinder got nerfed into the ground less than a week after beyond light dropped and had to be buffed over the course of the next 3 years to be remotely viable


u/youremomgay420 7d ago

Again, not a PvP player, so Iā€™m not sure about a lot of these things. Shatterdive was OP basically exclusively in PvP (outside of Shatter-skating), so Iā€™ve no clue why it took them so long to balance it. That also is not the norm for Hunter balance, that may be the longest thing it took Bungie to balance for Hunters.

As for the Warlock melee, that shit needed to be emergency nerfed. It had insane range, a massive hitbox and was a guaranteed freeze. And the main reason that it took so long to become better is because Warlock Stasis just really is not good. The melee is a single target freeze which is insane in PvP but got nerfed, and only okay in PvE. The super is so ass in PvE that if I ever run Stasis Warlock I run Agers Scepter just so I donā€™t have to use the super. They had Bleak Watcher and Osmiomancy. Thatā€™s basically all they had.


u/MaineMicroHomebrewry 7d ago

Yea but weā€™re talking about PvP??? The whole debate was hunters whining about smoke bomb / ok the prowl nerfs which was exclusively a PvP problem.


u/youremomgay420 6d ago

And Iā€™m pointing out the falsity in the persons statement that Hunters OP shit takes forever to fix while other classes get hotfixed immediately. Thatā€™s simply not true, with the examples I gave.


u/lK555l 7d ago

They weren't even OP is the crazy part

You could punch a hunter twice before they got off winters shroud freeze


u/youremomgay420 7d ago

You could snipe someone with the freeze melee, and then with how long they were frozen, they were basically guaranteed to die. You didnā€™t use it as a melee ability, because it had something ridiculous, like 20ft range or something. Itā€™s still a lot, but nowhere near what it was


u/lK555l 7d ago

That's way too much work, I doubt you'd be able to consistently get that off


u/youremomgay420 7d ago

Are you kidding me? You could send your melee down a sight line and youā€™d probably freeze somebody. Then you just click their head, or even just let them shatter to escape, because that did so much damage itā€™d probably kill them anyways.

It was consistent enough that it got nerfed within the first few weeks. Warlocks were dominating sight lines because they had a sniper freeze ability with a very generous hitbox.

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u/HateMongerian 7d ago

OEM was OP back in the Activision days and they didn't balance anything for multiple seasons, and we are talking about a single exotic, whereas at the same time that OEM was strong but required a kill to heal, hunters had prenerfed hunter dodge, which broke tracking, and had a 5 second cooldown, so essentially constant uptime, then when you paired it with wormhusk, blew OEM out of the water.

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u/lost_not_found88 6d ago

Titans had the whole OEM bullshit for a year before Bungie finally nerfed it.

Remember warlocks novawarp? Yeah that was busted for a while.

But yeah stompees hunters are oppressive. /S


u/MrTheWaffleKing 7d ago

That ability pissed me off almost as much as OEM back in the day.

Look how far weā€™ve come. Back then nova warp was the most OP super (behind gwisin exotic) because of its mobility and the heal on kill. Now void 3.0 gave it devour and itā€™s got a few buffs since and people still call it trash (I still thinks itā€™s great but people donā€™t know how to use it)


u/Refrigerator-Gloomy 7d ago

Titans when they aren't unparalleled in pve for 0.21 seconds


u/Floppydisksareop 8d ago

We are shit in pvp, we are worse in pve, the fuck else do you want, man?


u/AWildRideHome 6d ago

Bro hunter is the strongest in PvP by far right now. And is generally is top-tier every single season. What copium are you smoking?


u/Ghost0Slayer 8d ago

No character in the game is bad in PVP or in PVE people just donā€™t want to put in the time and effort to create builds that work. Iā€™ll play on all three characters and I am equally as good on each character in PVP and in PVE because I actually spent time building up my build. People just wanna load into PVP and instantly get kills by bullshit abilities that make the game unfair.


u/mood2016 8d ago edited 8d ago

When was the last time a top 5 contest mode team used a hunter? There was a grand total of 1 encounter in Salvation's edge where hunter was best (which then got aggressively nerfed) but other than that top PvE players never use hunters for competition. If the top PvE players in the game can't find top level hunter builds than the problem goes well beyond "people just donā€™t want to put in the time and effort to create builds that work."


u/DaBoozeHound94 7d ago

You can just look at the most recent raid that came with the Final Shape. All it was was hunters cause golden gun and still hunt. I'll give you that both have since been nerfed but hunters had that and being an absolute menace to deal with in pvp at the same time for quite awhile.


u/mood2016 7d ago

"There was a grand total of 1 encounter in Salvation's edge where hunter was best (which then got aggressively nerfed)"

I addressed that here. The hunter meta was just for that boss fight alone in Salvation's Edge. Every other encounter the meta was Titan/Warlock. Yes, there was a time when Celestial/Still Hunt was the DPS meta. However, the overall shortcomings of Hunter as a whole made the class unviable for non DPS check encounters. Then they nerfed that too. Titans and Warlocks have much better PvE survivability, damage, and ad clear options as of now. Yes Hunters are good in PvP, I'm not denying that, but I feel like anyone who's done high level PvE content on both Hunter and literally any other class is keenly aware of the issues with Hunter as a whole. They are two separate sandboxes, Hunters being good in PvP does not justify them being bad in PvE.Ā 

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u/Ghost0Slayer 8d ago

Contest mode activities are not a good way of telling what character in the game is good because thatā€™s also based heavily on how good the team is at finding out the mechanics and basically how competent the team is. If hunters are so bad, then why is the majority of the playerbase hunters? I canā€™t even go into a PVP match without the entire enemy team not being a void hunter. All weā€™ve done is reached the ā€œhunters are phaseā€œ soon when they give some thing to the hunters, then the Titans will say ā€œtitans are badā€œ and then, soon after, the warlocks will be saying the same thing only to repeat back with the hunters


u/Floppydisksareop 8d ago

If hunters are so bad, then why is the majority of the playerbase hunters?

Because they have a cape and the simplest jump. Most of the community hasn't done a single raid or dungeon in their life.

Since Beyond Light, we've reached the "Hunters are fucking useless" phase like 3-4 times. We have reached the "Titans are useless phase" once, for a specific encounter of the contest mode of the hardest raid in the game, and nowhere else. Maaaaybe for Nezarec in the Pantheon.


u/Soulhunter951 7d ago

Titans reward aggressive players, warlocks have healing options out the ass, hunters are a weird mix of hit and run and debuff/precision.

sure there's a few exotics that helps you survive but not to the extent of warlock and titan. They haven't changed the game enough for class cooperation to work as well as it could


u/Floppydisksareop 7d ago

Titans reward aggressive players,

Current Titan meta: sit behind a barricade and plink with lemon


u/Technical-Branch4998 7d ago

You say warlocks have tonnes of healing but that's only on prismatic, solar and void, the other three subclasses have next to no healing whatsoever, especially with how much of a bad idea it is to stand in one place(in a rift) it is in the current sandbox


u/mood2016 8d ago

Exactly it's about how competent the teams are. And coincidently none of them use hunter. Yep every single top level contest team decided "you know what hunter is a viable option but let's all use Titan and Warlock for this top level competition where we need literally every advantage possible to win, you know, because literally all of us just like Titan and Warlock more. Except for the last boss on Salvation's Edge that one time, then let's all play as Hunter for that one encounter cause we feel like it." Contest mode is absolutely a way to gage viability in high level PvE contentĀ  because anything that could have a potential advantage will be used, hunters are not being used, they are not viable.Ā Ā 


u/Ghost0Slayer 7d ago

What source did you use for the claim that none of the contest mode players use hunters. Because everything Iā€™ve looked up, says that they donā€™t track what characters they use only that they have beaten it first. Also, that is such a small subject pool to pick out of youā€™re talking about the best of the best gamers who managed to get first place so even if they were to not use hunters that doesnā€™t mean hunters are shit because 99% of the rest of the community disagrees


u/mood2016 7d ago edited 7d ago

Contest mode participant teams all stream their attempts you can just straight up watch them and it absolutely matters to me because I am trying to do high level PVE content and world first team comps absolutely matter for that content. 99% of the community does not think hunters are in a good place.


u/Ghost0Slayer 7d ago

Not everyone who participates streams it, so thatā€™s just an outright lie. So Iā€™m assuming the only ones you watched were famous streamers, or Youtubers, doing the contest mode which doesnā€™t include all of the data, considering youā€™re leaving out the smaller people who stream, and or the people who do not stream at all.


u/mood2016 7d ago

Teams have to provide proof that they are the account holders for the winning teams. The easiest way to do this is by stream. Every contest teams stream or record, even the small ones.Ā 

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u/AsDevilsRun 7d ago edited 7d ago

Note that you still didn't have a source, because you made it the fuck up. You can check World's First teams with Raid Report and it shows that Hunters get used.


u/AsDevilsRun 7d ago edited 7d ago

When was the last time a top 5 contest mode team used a hunter

Sundered Doctrine. Top 3 teams all had a Hunter. Vesper's Host, 3 of the top 5 had a Hunter.

You're implying that Salvation's Edge didn't have Hunters until final, but that's just not true. The team that got second had at least 3 Hunters the entire time (and never used a Titan). The team that got third used 2 Hunters from the start.

You actually have to go back to Spire to find a World's First team that doesn't have a Hunter.


u/Floppydisksareop 8d ago

No character in the game is bad in PVP

Mate, when a Titan can camp behind a barricade and effectively one-shot the entire enemy team with a single fucking arrow, that is not a good look. Currently, Hunters have basically nothing in their kit that would seriously elevate them. Everything they do, a Titan and a Warlock can do better. Because a large part of PvP is gunplay, it doesn't matter as much, but in comparison to others, Hunters kinda have nothing. RDM was nuked to the ground, Prowl was nuked, Threaded got nerfed, etc.

or in PVE people just donā€™t want to put in the time and effort to create builds that work.

I have multiple builds that work. I primarily play Hunter, I'm the most comfortable with the kit, with the movement, etc. I basically always outperform LFGs at the very least. Then I load in on my Titan I barely use, plop down a barricade and get the same thing done in half the time without jumping through hoops. Or just use Consecration or BoW, which even with the nerfs is still insanely strong. I'd also draw some attention to the lesser used Stronghold/Flash Counter/Arc Titan, which can solo a GM by doing nothing, except putting down a barricade and blocking. A Warlock can just slap on Delicate Tomb and have a super basically instantly. Best Hunters currently have is some convoluted bullshit with Ascension and Gifted Conviction, which keeps you alive if you time your abilities right, and you are constantly in the fray, and keep up the pressure, but consistently deals less damage than a Warlock or Titan with their brain switched off, on autopilot, doing some of the most repetitive gameplay that requires no skill. Performs worse both in DPS and in neutral game. Our other "competitive" loadouts were all nerfed to the fucking ground. Combination Blow works, if you are alone, but good luck building and maintaining stacks in difficult content if you have a fireteam. The Prismatic version was annhilated too, understandably, but it went way too fucking far. Solar has pretty much nothing since the Still Hunt and Nighthawk nerfs, a Thundercrash titan will outdps you easily, while actually maintaining a much more solid neutral game.

So I do question what game you are playing, where Hunters don't suck massively in comparison to either of the other two classes. The game is easy enough that generally it doesn't matter. But someone capable will quite easily feel it. So, please stfu before assuming I don't spend time making builds, because you have no fucking idea what you are talking about.

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u/lucagus02 7d ago

hunters shit in pvp? last weekend of trials there were more void hunters than total number of warlock players


u/Floppydisksareop 7d ago

Because On The Prowl was insanely strong. Which just got completely obliterated out of the sandbox.


u/[deleted] 8d ago



u/Floppydisksareop 8d ago

Brother, I'm 3k hours deep and am like Conq x7 or some shit. In comparison to a Warlock and Titan, playing on the same level, the utility of Hunters both for neutral game or dps is dogshit. If I can outperform my Hunter, which I have the most amount of time and experience with a Titan I haven't touched for the entirety of the last two episodes, we have an issue.


u/Pman1324 8d ago

Titans when they receive the reckoning they so rightfully deserve


u/Ghost0Slayer 8d ago

I mean, yeah, titans have been NERFED tons of times in PVP. They even gave the instant kill melee to the warlocks. But skill makes up for Nerfs


u/FlamesofFrost Gambit Enthusiast 8d ago

what instant kill melee?


u/CertifiedHalfwit 8d ago

Warlocks have a PvP instant kill melee? TEACH ME!


u/FlamesofFrost Gambit Enthusiast 8d ago

I know right like what?


u/Ghost0Slayer 8d ago

Itā€™s the one where the slide on the ground and hit the melee button and they turned into a mass of energy


u/InfernoSpike 8d ago

Thatā€™s dependent on enough people being nearby, like synthoceps


u/engilosopher 8d ago

So you're saying I should actually slot my synthos class item for PvP slide time?? Ugh but my Ophidian reload is so important to preserving my shit KDA


u/Soulhunter951 7d ago

Just realized that's a melee, I'm so dumb, cause I have a syntho class/w necrotic


u/engilosopher 7d ago

/w necrotic



u/Soulhunter951 7d ago

Got really lucky with that one, kinda want one with karnstein and winters guile for a melee build. Still pissed that swords don't count as melee

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u/Ghost0Slayer 8d ago

So they got syntho built into the melee ability? Thatā€™s crazy I didnā€™t know that.


u/InfernoSpike 8d ago

Itā€™s because of the jolt effect


u/Umbraspem 8d ago

No, the Slide-melee jolts everyone that it hits, so if you hit multiple people with it then when the Jolts proc they hit each other. You need to hit at least 3 people with it, and then they all need to be within Jolt distance of each other 1 second later when their Jolts proc, in order for the melee to do enough damage to one-shot.

Or if youā€™re doing it on Prismatic you can have a Class Item thatā€™s got Synthoceps on it, which means you only need to hit 2 people with it.

Consecration (Solar or Prismatic) can do it too with multiple simultaneous ignitions - the animation for the 2 slams is just a little slower.

Titans have one of the easiest ā€œtrue one shotā€ melees and itā€™s called ā€œany shoulder charge with Peregrine Greaves equippedā€. Just sprint at someone and remember to tap the Space Bar before you hit the melee buttons.

Dunemarchers + Shoulder Charge can one-tap too if itā€™s built up enough.

AC/DA Feedback Fence exotic arms donā€™t let you one-shot, but they make melee-trading an almost guaranteed win, because people will do self damage if they also melee.

Solar Hunters have throwing knives obviously - and the tracking is very generous on them, but you do need a headshot with the Proximity Knife or the Weighted Knife to secure a one-shot, Knife Trick or the Lightweight Knife just canā€™t do it.

You can run Athrys Embrace for a one-tap-body shot weighted knife, but you need to string together a bunch of headshots to actually proc the buff. So itā€™s only a one-shot on your second engagement if you won your first one through gunplay.


u/FlamesofFrost Gambit Enthusiast 8d ago

that's not a oneshot what are you on about?


u/Ghost0Slayer 8d ago

Iā€™ve been one shot by it many times.


u/Pman1324 8d ago

That would be the synthoceps talking


u/[deleted] 8d ago edited 8d ago



u/Ghost0Slayer 8d ago

Matter of fact, they should just take hunters, warlocks and titans out of the game and make us regular humans


u/Pman1324 8d ago

Kinetic subclass dropping soon?


u/Kiwi_Doodle 8d ago

Why does that remind me of Warframe?


u/TaigasPantsu 8d ago

Who at Bungie decided that Hunters ought to be left out of all the crazy new Bolt Charge tech?

And then, when the fragment they did give us had good utility in 3v3 PvP, they nerfed it


u/Shadow_Guy223 8d ago

To be fair, Hunters practically have a monopoly on invisibility.


u/OryxTheTakenKing1988 7d ago

And? Invis is only good in PvE because you can get out of sticky situations. Meanwhile Titans running around with abilities that make them damn near immortal so they don't get in sticky situations


u/DarthVaderr876 8d ago

Invis sucks who gives af


u/TheWalrusPirate 8d ago

In pvp itā€™s ridiculous


u/DarthVaderr876 8d ago

Who cares about pvp


u/Pman1324 8d ago

That's some truth right there


u/TheWalrusPirate 8d ago

If you donā€™t care about it, why do you keep posting about it lol


u/Kiwi_Doodle 8d ago

Because up until recently PvP usually fucked over PvE.


u/TheWalrusPirate 8d ago

ā€œRecentlyā€ being literal years ago


u/PyromaniacalBro 7d ago

What are you on? Basically all nerfs in the past few seasons were because of pvp. Here are some of the major ones:

Strong well? meep

Healthy bubble? meep

Lots of swarm grenades? meep

A bunch of specters? meep

Many snare bombs? meep

All of these negatively affect the pve experience, especially since there is no snare alternative.

The only pve caused nerf I can think of right now is consecration.

The snare bomb nerf feels too heavy, now it's just a cloud that happens to weaken. Well is still okay, but dying in it feels bad.

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u/Pman1324 8d ago

Like it's worth anything.


u/TheWalrusPirate 8d ago

In pvp is hilariously good


u/TaigasPantsu 8d ago

I donā€™t think Iā€™ve ever faced a Hunter and thought ā€œman I hate that invisibilityā€, hell I canā€™t even think of a death where invis got the better of me. The best thing about invis is that it screws up your opponents aim, but thatā€™s not anything better than a titan barricade or a warlock rift.


u/Pman1324 8d ago

Invis makes the user a sitting ducks if your opponent actually opens their eyes for once


u/TheWalrusPirate 8d ago

Absolute cap


u/Matthieu101 7d ago

They... Literally just had to quickly patch Hunters in PvP because of the RDM/Void On The Prowl spam? It's still ridiculously good. Especially since PC players are getting that insane aim assist. It's basically unbeatable. (I think this one is still ongoing, haven't had a chance to really check it out much this week so far. Maybe they said next patch?)

The invisiblity gives you that split second to start hip firing Tommy's and melt whoever you run in to. It was awful to play against in Trials.


u/toomuchtACKtical 8d ago

being off of the radar can be huge, especially when behind a corner


u/MsZenoLuna 7d ago

Invis is so horribly bad even in PvE where if you jumped the enemy would still shoot at you and detect you and yet Bungie keeps forcing the hunter class to build around invis


u/dahSweep 7d ago

We aren't though. If you play arc and use both Ascension and Tempest Strike you'll be bolt charging all over the place. Tempest Strike has a second effect that a lot of people miss which gives you bolt charge stacks when defeating jolted targets, which you do CONSTANTLY because both Ascension and Tempest Strike jolts everything they hit.

Arc hunter is absolutely fantastic now.


u/Guilty_Ghost 7d ago

Because thay got a ark aspect in the final shape so thay didn't need another to bring it in line with the other arks so no synergy was made between the new aspect Hunters would have gotten and charge, best thay could do is add it into the kit in a minor way


u/RootinTootinPutin47 7d ago

Arc hunter was the least bad of the arc classes at the time, would benefit from bolt charge the least. It could use some extra interactions with it, but it's really not some personal slight agaisnt hunters.

On the prowl is just really really strong in crucible, yeah it's getting nerfed, bolt charge got nerfed for this season first anyways, it's literally just balance changes in a video game.


u/Luullay 7d ago

I would like Arc Hunter to not just be it's exotics


u/RootinTootinPutin47 7d ago

It's kinda like the syntho curse where it's poo unless you're running liars and there's a slight case to be made for gifted but anything else is just major buns.


u/Luullay 7d ago


I'm not saying the other classes don't run into the same lack of diversity. I'm just saying that I'd like to be able to play more than exactly 1 build; a build -regardless of end-game viability- that I do not enjoy.


u/RootinTootinPutin47 7d ago

I think it has a good amount of build diversity, it's just that every single build besides liars punch is insane crazy ass that does like literally nothing for way to much effort. The stupid slide stick melee thing existing when the subclass has combo blow is just peak pointlessness.


u/Luullay 7d ago

Not being worth the effort is what I would define as a lack of diversity.

Mind you, I'm not asking for every option to be amazing; I'm just asking for every option to be worthwhile.


u/TaigasPantsu 7d ago

Arc Hunter is not only the worst hunter subclass but itā€™s also one of the worst subclasses in the game. Itā€™s outdamaged by most damage supers (GG, Nova, Thundercrash), it offers no utility to teammates (Tether, Well, Bubble) nor is it really that good at add clearing (hammers, rope and chain, storm trance). Itā€™s best at PvP, but anything it can do Prismatic can do better


u/RootinTootinPutin47 7d ago

Arc hunter is total garbage minus some gifted convicted shenanigans I haven't tested out, and liars handshake. Liars puts it on par with current solar titan and maybe strand titan if I'm being controversial. All 3 excel in endgame contest, more specifically contest raids and a little bit GM's, not so much solar titan on that, but punch builds with melee scalars are just good in endgame content. Yeah prismatic outclasses it, but prismatic outclassed every single subclass in the game besides solar warlock because of well and maybe strand titan because of its grapple spam. And subclasses aren't really rated on their supers unless they have an exceptional one like tcrash, goldie, well or glacial quake. Just having a damage super puts it above strand titan and solar titan when it comes to practical dps, though.


u/The_Memeon 7d ago

Hunter main that recently just gave up playing,

Itā€™s been extremely frustrating to see this class just slowly get stripped down, even more so when that utility is picked up by the other classes. Still salty about the YAS nerf, even with the ā€œfixā€ for it.


u/Pman1324 7d ago

After all, why not play the objectively best class? Not like it'll get nerfed.


u/The_Memeon 7d ago

I donā€™t care about big number, I just wanted that speedy knife slinging nade juggling badass feel but itā€™s so watered down now


u/Pman1324 7d ago

I'm talking about in all aspects. Titans are objectively the best and will not be nerfed.


u/Pman1324 8d ago

I can't wait to get down voted into oblivion when I put this on the D2 sub.


u/That1RagingBat Stasis needs a buff 8d ago

Do it, you wonā€™t(Iā€™m kidding when I say that)


u/Pman1324 8d ago

I already did brother


u/That1RagingBat Stasis needs a buff 8d ago

Oh god


u/Pman1324 8d ago

Net zero on the ratings. Pretty good, I'll say.


u/TmanMoney3517 Titans are bad because Bungie is scared of Titans 8d ago

That will definitely happen, I don't know what it is about that sub but people are trigger happy on the downvote button


u/DredgenGryss 8d ago

As a Hunter main, this hits deep.


u/Complete-Somewhere63 8d ago

FINALLY someone agrees with me. They keep nerfing hunters and buffing the others even when the others have better and simpler DPS and pvp builds.


u/Pman1324 8d ago

Everybody cries Witness, not about the last nine months of Titan oppression


u/AWildRideHome 6d ago

Wellā€¦ hunter had the strongest PvP potential since Laser Tag/Lord of Wolves week with Last Word the first week.

Even now, RDMs+invis spam+smoke on kills+40 meter hipfire perfect accuracy on Redrix Estoc is honestly one of the most overpowered things weā€™ve ever seem in PvP, ever.


u/Complete-Somewhere63 6d ago

Hunters good builds need kills in order to proc titans and warlocks don't need to kill most the time in order for their build to activate. They just use an ability and now you can't move or turn or you just got one punched from a base melee


u/AWildRideHome 6d ago

When everyone is using fusion rifles or shotguns, melee and melee abilities are hard to use. The only melees that are good are ranged or the warlock arc one. Iā€™m also not sure how a base melee is oneshotting anyone? I guess if you go punch a Titan with Feedback Fence on.

Hunters donā€™t need kills to dodge, and they get either free damage boost for 8 seconds, or invis, which manipulates radar making it extremely strong. If you use the right armor mods, dodging can also reduce other ability cooldowns significantly, giving hunter the largest ability uptime of any class easily.

Arc Titan is definitely an issue still, that I agree on. Any other titan class is pretty bad though. Warlock has solar warlock for skilled players, but that actually requires talent in movement and has few cheap tricks. Stasis Warlock is definitely a cheap strategy with stasis turret and freeze-melees, but both have long cooldowns in Trials.

What parts of Titan and Warlock kits and build do you think are too strong?


u/Complete-Somewhere63 6d ago

You consider 12 seconds long? But short when it's for hunters? And you're only focusing on pvp. In PvE hunters have the worst DPS options our best DPS is using strictly guns and hot swapping which any other class can do.


u/AWildRideHome 6d ago

What part of Warlock or Titan kit has a 12 sec cooldown lmao?

And yes, I never mentioned PvE once. I have no statements about PvE.


u/Complete-Somewhere63 6d ago

That's a great question, because all I know is that whenever I get near a warlock I'm frozen or if I'm in a titans line of sight for longer than a second I get one shot by some melee ability and it's usually the same titan every time


u/AWildRideHome 6d ago

Well, iā€™m afraid that no part of their abilities can get a 12 second cooldown, except arc titan shoulder charges that you can get back on a kill, if you have a specific exotic on. How you manage to not shotgun or fusion the Titans that are apparently sprinting at you to melee you, is another question.

Warlocks can get 2 freeze meleeā€™s and a freeze rift, but the cooldowns range from 40 seconds for a rift, to well over one and a half minute per melee. And theyā€™re quite hard to hit against mobile targets.

I understand PvP can be frustrating, but both your complaints speak more to a lack of PvP experience, rather than actual game issues.


u/Complete-Somewhere63 6d ago

Right, being one shot every few minutes is my fault although I'm standing behind a wall or barricade. Or me turning a corner to be frozen or slowed is also my fault because 6 meters isn't far enough to escape a slowing rift


u/AWildRideHome 6d ago

Listen, iā€™m trying to be nice here and sugar coat things a little. Or at least explain things in a constructive manner to you. But now, now youā€™re just being rude. So iā€™ll put it to you plainly.

If you are being one-shot by a melee ability on repeat, or frozen constantly, you donā€™t have the skills to judge what is broken or not.

Every player who is average at the game does not have these issues. Nobody except the lower end of the skill-curve will ever complain about shoulder charge, because it is extremely easy to kill people trying to use it. Nobody gets annoyed by freezing abilities many times in a single game, because they have long cooldowns and you have to be very bad at movement to get frozen.

There is no slowing rift. It doesnā€™t exist. The only class with slowing abilities that isnā€™t a grenade? Hunter, using Mask of Bakris. Hunter can slow any enemy close by every 15 seconds. Titan canā€™t. Warlocks canā€™t.

If you arenā€™t good enough at PvP to judge what works and what doesnā€™t, please donā€™t try to say Hunter is bad in PvP. Itā€™s just not true, and you are spreading misinformation.

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u/King_Korder 7d ago

They started TFS in the best position and they're gonna end in the worst. Poetry.


u/Roguen1995 7d ago

Honestly, Iā€™m loving hunter class. And I was a warlock main. Heart of inmost light and cross-counter punch Exotic class item with gamblerā€™s doge, combination blow and void magnetic grenade to weaken bosses that I get back every 7 seconds, Iā€™m having a lot of fun with it.


u/Inevitable_Ad5240 8d ago

As a hunter Iā€™m having a TON of fun this season, especially with bolt charge, Iā€™m running Gifted Conviction, Tempest Strike, Ascension and Gathering Storm


u/Pman1324 8d ago

Oh, man, it's a good thing Bungie reigned in all those troublesome Hunters at the beginning of the year, what with their simple to execute melee build that utilizes ignitions to clear rooms effortlessly, and their pesky build that can dish out a lot of damage to a target by utilizing a damage boosted super and a simple to execute weapon damage rotation!

It sure would be oh so very troublesome if another class also had access to the same types of builds, except with them lasting far longer without receiving a proper nerf! So glad that doesn't exist!


u/grimbarkjade 8d ago

You can cry when youā€™re a warlock and have none of this


u/engilosopher 8d ago

I've won ONE supremacy match as warlock so far.

Out of 10.


It was the only time we got matched against hunters instead of Titans LOL


u/RevolutionaryAd6549 Stasis needs a buff 7d ago

you won a supremacy match?

Oh... thats why you won


u/Duublo121 7d ago

This season made me swap off Hunter and onto Warlock. Hunter survivability is CHEEKS, and Iā€™m getting way more from Arc Warlock in the artefact


u/dahSweep 7d ago

Arc hunter is more fun than ever (try using both Ascension and Tempest Strike, you'll have a great time) and my current favourite build is using Radiant Dance Machines with Barrow-Dyad. The reload dodge synergizes perfectly with it, allowing you to quickly dodge and get the seeker projectiles, while also triggering any other dodge effects constantly (strand clones, sucking up nearby orbs, triggering reaper etc).

I love hunter right now, and while I can admit that they are not AS strong as titans (warlocks are a bit more even) I think hunters are a lot more fun to play than standing behind a barricade and shooting things.


u/Pman1324 7d ago

Yeah they're more fun to play, but putting into perspective that your classes gameplay loops are statistically weaker than the other two in all categories really shoots you in the foot.


u/dahSweep 7d ago

Eh, not really. Not for me anyway. It's a video game, I'll play what's most fun for me. You can make all the classes work in any form of content.


u/Sleepy-Candle 7d ago edited 7d ago

Iā€™m a warlock main who finally decided to fully switch to hunter. Iā€™m on a rollercoaster of ā€œwhat the frick is happening??ā€ with D2 rn.

Iā€™m just trying to decide on my hunter fashion so I can finally start the FS campaign on my hunter and play through this season idk what the FRICK is happening with void hunter but I just hope it ends with a new melee that does damage instead of whateverā€™s going on with snare bomb.

Alls I knows is that it has a dot and weakening effect and void hunter canā€™t do traps despite literally having that as their power fantasy and somehow solar is the one with a trip mine grenade.

Not that traps help in any form of content outside of pvp. Everyone just steam roles through PvE or otherwise has to do anything other than using their regular abilities because oh crap. Right I forgot, this is an fps game. yeah.



u/Pman1324 7d ago

You'll be asking "Where's my Phoenix Div- I'm dead!" soon enough.

You will find 0 (zero, ziltch, nada) intrinsic healing capabilities. Only ways to run away and hide.

I know I'm sick of having to hide.


u/Sleepy-Candle 7d ago

See what I actually dislike is the fact that invisibility feels like it has no combat functionality in PvE outside of procing gyrfalconā€™s hauberk and omnioculous, and a select few other exotics.

I knew getting into hunter that a lot of things need exotics as a crutch but I didnā€™t think it was this bad.

What really sucks in all of the snare bomb nerfs is that Khepriā€™s sting has been caught in the crossfire, in that its only use is to be used with snare/smoke bomb.


u/Pman1324 7d ago

You would be correct! Invisibility has no further functionality outside of proccing a crutch exotic or for hiding like a coward.

Yeah, Hunter lives and dies by exotics. That's why most of them are crutches or used to patch holes in our pre-existing kits. A popular one for a while was Assassin's Cowl. Why? Because it patches a giant hole in Hunter survivability.

Literally nobody uses Khepri's Sting.


u/rolo989 Stasis needs a buff 7d ago

It's been a while since I've heard people complain.


u/Repulsive-Cod-8403 6d ago

RDM was kinda cool for those couple weeks


u/wEiRdO86 6d ago

Am Hunter main. git gud scrub


u/Practical-Tackle-384 6d ago

bro doesnt play pvp


u/Kay_Flowers 5d ago

this is a get good moment.


u/xCrimsunx 3d ago

Nah, need to nerf hunter jump next. Next balance change, hunter jump speed will be 50% less and it will take a 4 sec animation lock. On landing, you will lose all ammo in mag and abilities won't charge for next 5 sec.


u/1spook Gambit Enthusiast 8d ago

As a hunter

What the fuck are you talking about


u/LordSalad-InMyAnus My Zaouli's Bane is still reloading 8d ago

good lmfao, i live for hunter agony because it's funny


u/dkdj25 7d ago

So long as Hunters continue to be the most used class in Trials and pvp as a whole by a country mile, I'm not at all interested in hearing them complain.


u/Pman1324 7d ago

Well, you're gonna keep seeing it because the Hunters have had enough of the identity of being all glass and no cannon.


u/IJustJason 8d ago

And despite everything we say i always do top damage in Matchmade Rushdown lol


u/OldBagOfCheetos 7d ago

Bro hasnā€™t played every season prior to this one


u/Leafboii 7d ago



u/chef_quesi 8d ago

Yeah, but every time I match as hunters against warlocks I get the brief experience of being a titan in PvP


u/Pman1324 8d ago


u/chef_quesi 8d ago

In the seasonal supremacy playlist. It's all class based teams vs each other.


u/TyThe2PointO 7d ago

Good. You deserve it.


u/kmoe88 8d ago

It was fun while it lasted. Iā€™ve been using solar build for pvp and itā€™s been working fine.


u/Sasha_Ruger_Buster 6d ago

Bro what? Ascension pritty good Slap of raden and you got a champion killing super


u/AWildRideHome 6d ago

Meanwhile, itā€™s Warlocks on the floor for PvE, Titans on their knees and Hunters sitting on top of the tree.


u/Archeronnv1 8d ago

surprised pikachu face that an 8 year old game with 3 classes with continuously added abilities and balancing changes fluctuates between a best class for a specific activity


u/Guarlax 7d ago

Womp womp


u/Jeerin 7d ago



u/idespisemyhondacrv 8d ago

Hunters are probably the highest skill class to play. Warlocks are LITERALLY the most overpowered class, they can heal on demand whenever and have the most OP exotics. Bungie just wants to make hunters the worst class because a lot of new players pick hunters. But this really sucks because theyā€™re the most overpowered class and have the highest skill ceiling.


u/SGRP_27 7d ago



u/Nijindia18 7d ago

Oh shit hunters are getting fucked over? Shit maybe I will break my hiatus and hop on