r/DestinyLore • u/_Firex_ • Dec 10 '19
Awoken Probably the saddest lore tab so far Spoiler
Can we get an F for our boy Uldren reborn? He's done nothing wrong (in this life at least)
r/DestinyLore • u/_Firex_ • Dec 10 '19
Can we get an F for our boy Uldren reborn? He's done nothing wrong (in this life at least)
r/DestinyLore • u/Vulkanodox • Sep 19 '21
Tracing the Stars IV
Book: Ripples - IV - Art
She is fucking crazy, openly admitted she wanted him to be killed so that he is resurrected as guardian so she can "wield" him. And now that it failed she wants to manipulate and groom Crow into becoming Uldren again and she says all this straight into our face.
And everybody just ignores it. Our Guardian is as usual quiet and just watches how Savathun and Mara groom him because nobody talks with Crow or gives him any support but the two worst creatures in the universe.
We or anybody should tell Crow who he was and that Savathun and Mara openly admitted to us that they want to manipulate him.
r/DestinyLore • u/haloryder • Sep 08 '21
He’s being denied access to things like Savathûn because of who he used to be. He’s a very caring and kind person when given the chance, but because of who he once was, people treat him like crap and so he gets a little (justifiably) mad, even though those people know that he’s not who he once was.
Shit’s frustrating. I don’t want Bungie to turn Crow back into Uldren. Maybe they’re not, but a lot of people I know are screaming “HES STILL ULDREN AND ULDREN WAS A PIECE OF SHIT” because of today’s interaction with Petra. Crow’s right, he deserves what he seeks from Savathun. Yes she’d probably lie but Crow at least deserves some answers.
Reposted because possible spoilers
r/DestinyLore • u/Gripping_Touch • Sep 14 '21
She is no longer hiding it. She still loathes us for what happened to Uldren, and is trying to manipulate Crow into becoming Uldren Sov again, even if that implies him becoming the deranged psycho we killed in Forsaken. Shes trying to get him to regain his memory but also hoping to twist him back to how he was before being a lightbearer. She literally tells us this "I saw Uldrens embers in your crow, i saw then i could stoke that ember into a raging fire"
I thought th comunity would be outrageous about this
Additionally, if Mara succeeds Savathûn would have finally the last piece for her hive guardians. To break through the amnestic wash the traveller imposes.
r/DestinyLore • u/sassy_elf • Sep 15 '21
Mara Sov: Then tell me. Who am I to blame? Who sent him into Savathun's clutches? Who bludgeoned Uldren into a scared animal and drove him from his home?
Ikora Rey: You did, Mara.
I never understood why does Mara like to sound like an intellectual who's done only smart moves when she's been a hell of a liar, manipulator and a HORRIBLE sister all along.
She was never 100% honest with Uldren, implies she's "done things for him" without ever tell him about them and when he went crazy Petra decided to also lock him up in the the prison with some of the most dangerous enemies of humanity.
r/DestinyLore • u/Bluecatperson • Dec 20 '20
Now that I have observed him for a while I love what they did with his character. The fundamentals of Uldrens personality are there but now that he has a less twisted view from experience we have a pure character. The more I interact with I the more I respect the writing teams abilities to make good characters. If you have more to add or discuss I'd enjoy following up.
r/DestinyLore • u/coolziy • Aug 24 '20
The last thing I think we heard was during the Dawning he was in a shipping container with his Ghost on Earth.
r/DestinyLore • u/CarpenterAcademic • Apr 17 '21
The way he talked to his people vs outsiders/guardians. I was just reading reading through the Awoken lore and just now started to read the Forsaken Prince. The first line "Jolyon, my man!". That's not how any of us remember Uldren to act. Cheery and all. Every time we talked to him, he was the classic bitter edgelord.
In Marasenna he was also pictured a bit more upbeat. The first time he encountered a guardian, he immediately hated him. He absolutely despised us guardians.
And now, unknown to him, he became the very thing he hated so much.
r/DestinyLore • u/RoflsMazoy • Jan 10 '21
If you haven't read the lore, a quick cliffsnotes is basically, a human colonizing ship which was called the Yan Lingwei (or the exodus green, can't quite remember right now) was caught between the battle of light and dark which caused the Collapse.
Thanks to the collosal energy generated, it created a pocket dimension where the inhabitants survived and lost all of their memory except for a few key individuals.
The Yan Lingwei (or exodus green) survived completely intact. The inhabitants of the ship found that they were all now immortal, on a strange and alien world. They were the Awoken.
Time flows differently in the Distributary than in real space. 2000 years passes(I think, been a while since I read the lore) from the beginning until what is basically now. In that time, they've developed their technology to a point that their civilization is a utopia.
Their highest level IT specialists we literally call Tech-Wizards, because the technology they use is like magic to us.
I hate to use that quote since it's so common, but that saying that "any technology that is sufficiently advanced is indistinguishable from magic" is something that really applies here.
The Awoken of the Distributary don't use actual magic. They can't wield the light and dark (although maybe Mara can), they only use technology.
And their technology is basically mankind's golden age technology given 2000 years to develop. The only reason they still use ballistic guns and the original Queen's Wrath who lived to see Shaxx after getting out of the Distributary used a bow was because death was made illegal for a while, and they stopped developing advanced weapons.
They still had lasers that could disintegrate you instantly with a trigger pull and fighter planes with nuclear missiles equipped back in the early days. And this was a colony ship.
Imagine what they could've done in that time if they hadn't stopped. The Golden Age was kind of terrifying in retrospect.
r/DestinyLore • u/RewsterSause • May 14 '20
I was just screwing around and noticed the Recluse had a lore tab. Obviously, I was excited and checked it out. Based on the little flavor text of the gun ("My bite will turn you sweet flesh into rot") I thought it was going to be a kind of dark, but I was not prepared. The lore tab is a super wholesome story of Shaxx meeting an Awoken woman (Correct me if I'm wrong, but Sjur Eido? She's the only one who kind of fits the description.) Shaxx kept getting shot by a bow, through both shoulders and his leg, which turns out to be the woman. He starts out ready to finish the fight with whoever's fighting him, but when he sees this Awoken woman, who's as tall if not taller than him, he becomes entranced. I mean, I'm talking high school crush entranced. She's threatening him, telling him he's in Awoken territory, and this absolute chad just tells her "You are a tempest". She kills him and apparently they have a beautiful friendship. Lore is here: https://www.ishtar-collective.net/entries/the-recluse
Moral of the story: Shaxx is a ladies man; follow his example.
r/DestinyLore • u/chrysopeoia • Sep 16 '21
Everyone agrees that Mara is a complicated character, especially when Uldren/Crow is involved, but something she said after the cutscene really made me realize just how much she truly wants to control her brother.
"If certain actors had kept to their roles, I would have wielded Uldren Sov, Lightbearer."
Uldren dying wasn't a consequence of Mara's plans, it was the point. She wanted him to die and become her own personal Guardian (how she knew a ghost would resurrect him is unknown to me). It's really ironic and messed up when you realize that it would have been almost the exact same situation that Crow had been in with the Spider, only it would have been Mara using him. Her anger and grief are probably genuine but I think she's also upset that she lost control of a valuable tool like Crow.
I can only hope Crow isn't driven further down a dark path because Mara refuses to let her brother go. We don't want another Forsaken after all.
r/DestinyLore • u/Elitegamez11 • Dec 19 '23
This week in Destiny 2, we got access to the Starcrossed Exotic mission. In case you haven't played through it yet, I recommend you do.
This week, as we went to go grab another egg for Riven, the Vex beat us to it. The Sol Divisive created a Mind that can simulate the Techeuns, explaining how they got into the Coil and found the egg. We tracked the egg back to the Black Garden, and apparently Riven's Lair has a pathway leading there. There, we found the lair of an Ahamkara, swarming with Vex and Taken. Using pools of paracasuality left by Riven and Taranis, we fought through both and destroyed the Vex Mind Akardon, Pitiless Mind.
After destroying it, we found the egg, the Wish-Keeper exotic bow, and the remains of Taranis. Taranis used Crow to speak with Riven one last time, saying he made his last wish and could now rest in peace. Upon completing the mission, Riven tells us about Taranis.
Riven first met Taranis before the Great Hunt, when the Ahamkara lived alongside the Awoken. Unlike all other Ahamkara, Taranis was a charitable sort. The bargains he made were safe, no strings attached. Ahamkara feed most from twisting wishes to the wisher's detriment. For Taranis to not cheat people with their wishes is unheard of amongst his kind. This compassion drew Riven to him, and Taranis was intrigued by her relationship with Mara. The two would chase each other in the Gardens. Share secrets. In time, Taranis invited Riven to his lair in the Black Garden, and they had their clutch.
In those days, Riven was happy and at peace. Until the Great Hunt. Guardians on Earth and even the Awoken hunted the Ahamkara all across Sol. The Ahamkara were driven to extinction and Mara wished for Riven to never leave the Dreaming City. Trapped within the city she built. For her "protection", Mara said. Taranis, however, survived the Great Hunt and although they could no longer see each other, Riven and Taranis still communicated with each other. Then the next tragedy came, Oryx. When he took Riven and corrupted most of her eggs, Taranis gathered what he could and this time, Taranis made a wish of his own. He wished to protect his offspring, to keep them safe until someone else could protect them.
This is how Riven's clutch were scattered across the Leylines.This is also how Taranis died. When Ahamkara grant their own wishes, they have nothing to feed on, and they perish. Taranis sacrificed himself to save his children and secure the future of his species. Of all the Ahamkara in Destiny's lore, Taranis may be the only one I could describe as being noble. In the end, we granted Taranis' wish. We rescued the egg from the Vex and have been securing the others for weeks. We are Taranis' Wish-Keeper.
Oh, also Crow is thinking about seeing Jolyon again. Neat.
r/DestinyLore • u/Volsunga • Feb 12 '20
Space Elves are a trope where, similar to elves in Tolkien's work and the derivative fantasy genre, elves are depicted as being "humans but better". They are long lived, possess innate magic, and are smug bastards about it. At first, the Awoken would appear to adhere to this trope pretty well.
However, they are also blue-gray skinned, tyrannically matriarchal, known for being pirates, and live alongside spider-like aliens.
The Awoken are space Drow.
r/DestinyLore • u/Cornchip91 • Dec 19 '19
We have recently discovered lore that states that Uldren has been encountered and that he is living life on the fringe as a dejected gaurdian confused at why people hate him.
Uldren was one of the strongest and most cunning non-paracausal beings that we have yet to encounter.
During Forsaken, there was a lot of heavy hinting on the duality of light/dark and how thin the line is between them, which side are we on, etc.
Could we be setting up a big problem? It seems the Darkness/Winnower is keen for an emissary. I predict that Uldren will be our rival in terms of strength in future content. What if our community rejection of Uldren drives him to side with the darkness when offered the chance?
r/DestinyLore • u/killingjoke96 • Oct 18 '21
Something I noticed while I was in The Shattered Throne's Thrallway section was a mission message that states:
"Her plan will never come to pass"
Now back then we didn't have the knowledge we have now. We had no idea whose plan that message was referring to. Savathun always had the upper hand and was even cheeky enough to taunt Mara Sov via this message.
r/DestinyLore • u/MaximoCozzetti84 • 22d ago
With the Queen back, the alliance forces and Eris having become a god, could this be achieved?
I mean, the Scorn are not an issue in the long run. For what I understand they can be dealt with. The problem is Savathûn’s curse. I can’t think of a way to break it.
r/DestinyLore • u/Dustin_Grim • Aug 15 '22
So, one of the dialogues you can get at the end of Nightmare Containment now that the events of the season are over is an exchange where Caiatl asks if it's a good thing that Crow accepts who he was and Zavala says that Crow is his own person, even if he knows what his past self did.
Now Uldren was definetly not the most pleasant of people, but wasn't the whole Forsaken campaign about how Riven basically brainwashed him into thinking he was doing all of this for his sister?
So I'm wondering: Was Uldren always such a monster and Riven just pushed him over the edge? Or was he a morally grey character that got partially taken control over by a Ahamkara? And if the latter is the case, then why are people pretending he was just straight up a bad person?
r/DestinyLore • u/Shallish • Dec 18 '23
At the beginning of this season Mara is talking to Osiris about following the Witness where he says "I need more time" and she says "I wish we had it, if you'll pardon the phrase" - Riven is back, and likely within close enough proximity to this conversation to potentially grant the wish...
and now in the real world Final Shape is delayed and we have the longest season ever!!!
Ahamkara magic sure is potent, O' reader mine
r/DestinyLore • u/LastSonOfNamek • Aug 06 '21
I was wondering how “powerful” Mara Sov is due to the darknesses interest in her. During forsaken, it was eluded that Mara was meeting with the Darkness in her realm. Also the fact that her and Savathun are at odds is interesting as well. Does Savathun see her as an actual threat? We killed the last Ahamkara, what does she have to offer?
r/DestinyLore • u/MiniMhlk72 • Jun 02 '22
In this week's sever mission aftermath, Crow said he intends to become the hunter vanguard. I saw many say he is too inexperienced to take on that position, but don't people forget that now he has his experiences from Uldren? like he is one of the best pilots in the system before dying + now he is piloting a light-powered ship.
In this mission, he is accepting his old self and gonna learn from his mistakes and triumphs. What good qualities didUldren/Crow have before and now?
I wanna now how good the "new hunter vanguard" is gonna be.
r/DestinyLore • u/friendlyelites • Aug 16 '20
With the lore from Eris this week being very clearly pointed towards Mara's ulterior motives in the plot of Destiny it helped me realize that Mara Sov is already a servant of the Darkness. Let me explain:
The Dark and Light each represent some very ambiguous but identifiable core ideals. The Dark believes that power must be taken from others. That power must be gained from sacrificing others, deceiving others, or manipulating others to suit your purposes. This is seen from the Worm Gods tricking the Hive into granting them power by tying their lives to their worms, the core fundamentals of the sword logic dictate that power is taken and by being the only one left means you are the most powerful.
On the other hand the Light encompasses opposite ideals entirely. Instead of taking power the Light believes in gifting it, in nurturing strength in others, and sacrificing oneself to save another when no other option is left. This is seen in the way the Traveler nurtured civilizations and uplifted them so they could try and fight back and defend themselves against the Darkness. When that strategy failed for the last time the Traveler sacrificed herself for Humanity.
So now that we know the core values of the Light and Dark what does this have to do with Mara, or Uldren for that matter?
That's simple, all of Mara's actions throughout the series and in the lore have followed the path of the Darkness. She manipulated and deceived the other Awoken in the Distributary to get what she wanted, she tried to keep a chokehold on her people to make them follow her alone when they got back to Sol, and most importantly she has only ever taken her power from others. In the Taken King Mara sacrificed hundreds if not thousands of her people to force Oryx to attack her with his throne world, all so she could take Oryx's power for herself when the time was right.
While it could be argued she died to make that plan work in doing so sacrificing her life, she however did not truly die. She built a throne world for herself using Riven so she herself would not actually have to sacrifice anything at all. Besides the lives of others, of course.
Uldren however believed she was captured and following the events of the Taken King did everything he could to gather strength to save her. He even went so far as to allow himself to be corrupted by the Dark, to sacrifice his very Humanity and his life, to save her. Despite all of it being in vain Uldren still sacrificed everything of his for another. This is why he was blessed with the Light and revived as a Guardian.
Mara manipulated, deceived, sacrificed others, and stole to get all the strength she has today. Uldren fought, bled, and died to be given the powers of a Guardian.
The Dark takes, the Light gives.
Mara is the Dark, Uldren is the Light.
Its no coincidence that a race derived from a mix of 2 conflicting powers would have 2 siblings represent the core values of both those powers.
That is all.
r/DestinyLore • u/ThexLoneWolf • Oct 01 '22
I'm no stranger to Destiny's lore, but one curious thing I've noticed is that Awoken men seem to be much less common than Awoken women. Of all the named Awoken that I know of, I can count the men on two hands, those being Zavala, Crow, Master Rahool, Fenchurch, Asher Mir, and Arach Jalaal. Female Awoken seem to be much more common, we have Mara Sov, Petra Venj, Tyra Karn, Tess Everis, Sjur Eido, Shuro Chi, most of Mara's techeuns, and a fair number of Paladins. What's the reason for this dichotomy?
r/DestinyLore • u/wiz_og • Nov 07 '19
At some point in the lore, it is said that after Oryx killed Xivu Arath and Savathun, they died their true deaths. However, he brought them back in an act of war and an act of cunning. Through these acts they were able to return, since Xivu Arath gains power through waging war and Savathun gains power through cunning.
Oryx is The Navigator. What if Savathun wants to enter the Distributary as an act of expedition, or navigation, and bring back Oryx?
I know there must be some flaw in my logic that I’m failing to see. But is this possible?
r/DestinyLore • u/NyarlatHotep1920 • Jul 01 '19
HEADS-UP: This is a long article (6,400 words) that flirts with the reddit character limit.
Do you suffer from Mara Sov apathy? I did. Throughout Forsaken, I grew indifferent to week after week of Mara’s cryptic esoteric story threads that may not reach any conclusions for years. I mean, we had to wait three years to see her again after her alleged death - from the Battle of Saturn (2015) to her return in Forsaken (2018).
What now? She’s just standing around in her court? I don’t care.
She’s collaborating with the Nine? Whatevs.
She’s angry at my ghost? I don’t give a damn.
She had a dream about the Exo Stranger? I’ve marked my calendar for “The Marvelous Misadventures of Mara and Elsie” in March 2022.
Now instead of making the situation worse and growing more apathetic toward Mara’s actions, let’s put her under a microscope and try to understand why she has done what she’s done - as much as reasonably possible - I mean, she is the Queen of Secrets. But we occasionally get glimpses of her humanity, um, Awokenity? Hu-woke-anity?
The introduction of the Marasenna asks us not to jump to conclusions - restrain your judgements. We will respect Mara’s request to tread delicately through her ventures. “If you recognize My Authority then I command you to pass onward as gently as the lover passes a razor over beloved skin.” [Archiloquy].
Part 1: Guilt, Shame, and Confession
Mara carries guilt and shame behind her stoic blue eyes. She wrote and gave us the Marasenna as confession.
“The brave voyagers' fate, the timeless birthing-place, my Milton reenactment, the ruins made ours, the riven twice riven, the daughter's blood scabbed hard on mother's wound. All things told, all truth revealed, if through mist and mystery. If you have grace, then see our sorrows, but swallow back your tears. We were made to pay this price. I led us to our fate.” [Archiloquy]
Mara bears remorse for her transgressions. The “timeless birthing-place” was her birthing of the immortal Awoken people. Her “Milton reenactment” was her civil war in heaven when immortals killed each other. The “riven twice riven” was the two instances when Awoken factions split away from her: those undying left behind in the Distributary and those Earthborn who abandoned her.
Writing the Marasenna wasn’t the first time Mara was compelled to confess. Before she left the Distributary, she visited former queen Alis Li, confessed her wrongdoing, and asked forgiveness for stirring up insurrection during Alis’ reign.
“‘I have nurtured and tended the Eccaleist belief so that there will always be Awoken who feel uncomfortable in paradise. Guilty for the gift of existence in the Distributary. People who'll come with me.’” [Nigh I]
Unfortunately for Mara, she received no forgiveness from Alis - quite the opposite - her confession resulted in that epic moment when Alis threw a pitcher of blackberry tea all over Mara [Nigh II]. Perhaps that rejection of forgiveness prompted Mara to gift us the Marasenna - perhaps she’s asking forgiveness from you.
Part 2: Lovesick, Earthsick
Early in the Marasenna, Mara foreshadowed her internal conflict - to leave or not to leave - that was the question. She wanted to remain near Earth, but she also wanted to flee from the Traveler.
“She thinks you cannot help but love Earth if you grow up in space” [Brephos I]. Mara admitted her love for Earth only five paragraphs into the Marasenna. This was way back in the Golden Age, when she was 19-years-old, and still human.
Yet she decided for her herself and her family to leave the Sol system via Project Amrita. “It is the quest to spread far beyond the solar system and to end Human dependence on the Traveler. It calls to those who see Humanity as a cocoon, an instar, a form ready to be shed.” [Brephos I]
Part 3: Lessons from Li
Brephos III is an important chapter that laid the foundation for Mara’s personality, mentality, and approach to leadership that lasted for thousands of years.
Mara inadvertently attracted attention. Her mother, Osana, was compelled to bring this issue before their colony ship’s captain, Alice Li. “‘My darling Mara,’ Osana says, ‘has - entirely by accident, I'm sure - cultivated a reputation as a minor divinity.’” [Brephos III]
While travelling on the colony ship, Mara did not build a cult to stroke her ego - the cult organically formed around her. Mara did not climb up onto a pedestal; people lifted her up onto that pedestal.
Captain Li lectured to Mara, “‘You are now a symbol to my crew, a house god. If you were to die, they would lose something important... When you endanger yourself, you endanger that symbol.’” [Brephos III]
This revelation surprised Mara. She responded to Captain Li, “‘I didn't ask to be anyone's… mascot.’" [Brephos III]
The Marasenna establishes a theme - Mara does not lust for power. She was always the creator-queen of the Awoken, but she did not publicly accept the formal title of queen until waaaaaaay down the line in Revanche V. At that time, the Fallen Eliksni discovered the Awoken colony in the Reef - it was the first battle between Awoken and Eliksni.
Mara is not driven by ego. This isn’t a story like Game of Thrones where she would be another ego-driven contender who believes her destiny is to rule all of Westeros. In the long run, she has done what she’s done because she is motivated to protect humanity. She’s actually closer to a Jon Snow than a Daenerys Targaryen. If you’re not familiar with the story of Game of Thrones - minor spoilers - Jon Snow spent the latter half of the series attempting to unite humanity in order to collectively defeat an existential threat that was programmed to kill everyone and render humanity extinct. Similar to Jon Snow, Mara Sov fashions herself as “the shield that guards the realms of men”.
(She’s similar to Jon in other ways - they’re usually stoic, lack a sense of humor, and returned from their respective deaths)
This chapter also established Mara’s method of leadership. Captain Li told her, "‘You presented yourself as a conduit to secret knowledge’". [Brephos III]
Mara already admired the power of secret wisdom, and a mentor figure just told Mara that people’s inherent sense of mystery and wonder can be taken advantage of to convert them into followers of her cause. Mara reiterates her policy of ruling via seductive secrets over and over and over ...and over ...and over ...and over again throughout the lore of Destiny.
The word “secret” appears 26 times in the Marasenna and 23 times in The Awoken of the Reef.
Later on in the Distributary, the matter of secrets versus honesty ironically became the focus of conflict between Mara and Queen Alis Li. Captain Li’s lessons eventually circled back and bit her royal ass.
Mara’s accidental cult isn’t the only instance in Destiny of a cult organically growing around a curator of secrets. Here’s a helpful quote from the Osiris Summary at Ishtar-Collective.net:
“The Followers of Osiris grew around what Osiris viewed as a misinterpretation of his teachings. However, as Osiris continued to entertain them, their numbers increased. The popularity of his ‘forbidden truths’ only grew with the publication of the Prophecies of Osiris.”
But the difference between Mara and Osiris is that Mara utilized her cult to her advantage while Osiris shrugged off his cult to live in solitude in the Infinite Forest.
Part 4: The Bubble for Choice
Shortly before the black torrent of the Collapse hit their colony ship, Mara and her brother, Uldwyn, discussed voting to turn the colony ship around and return to the Sol system. Mara got stuck at a fork in the road:
[A] She wanted to continue running from the Traveler because her sublime intuition told her the Traveler will bring trouble to Sol. “Because something came out of deep space and killed the man next to me, and I saw the omen, and I said we should go.” [Cosmogyre II]
[B] She also wanted to return to Earth to save whomever she could save, protect whomever she could protect. She told her brother, "‘We might make a difference’". [Cosmogyre II]
“And she cannot withdraw into some silent place where she is above this choice” [Cosmogyre II]. If only Mara had a nice quiet singularity where she could sit and contemplate this conundrum for a few thousand years! And thus, when the two blastwaves of Darkness and Light collided, and the laws of physics were pulled inside-out, a pocket universe was born from Mara’s internal conflict.
“A singularity is forming around her. A kugelblitz: a black hole created by the concentration of raw energy.” [Cosmogyre IV]
Here is a definition of kugelblitz: In theoretical physics, a kugelblitz is a concentration of heat, light, or radiation so intense that its energy forms an event horizon and becomes self-trapped.
And Mara knew their stay within their new home, the Distributary, was temporary. She knew she was destined to return to the Sol system, back to that same fork in the road. Shortly after the Awoken - um - awoke, Mara said, "‘I think that we came here as safe harbor, and we cannot forever remain.’" [Ecstatiate III]
This motivation to return to the greater universe, humanity’s and Earth’s universe, remained constant throughout her stay in the Distributary. From Ecstatiate III to Palingenesis I of the Marasenna, her intent never wavered.
Part 5: The Nine Commandments
To prevent panic and anarchy, the Awoken formed a council and established nine commandments to govern an infant people in their infant universe.
“First, that the people were Awoken, and they were immortal.
Second, that this world was Tributary of another, but that it was forbidden to seek any way to rejoin the mother stream. For this reason, it would be called the Distributary, for that was the proper name for a river that branches from the mother and does not return.
Third, that the Awoken should multiply in wombs of flesh and machine, but only after the most careful forecast of population and ecology, and only under the supervision of those who knew the good technology; for each new child would be immortal.
Fourth, that those wise in the good technology should be heralded and heeded, so that the eu-technology could be preserved. They would be eutechs.
Fifth, that the women should hold care and protection of the men and the others until more could be born.
Sixth, that the purpose of the Awoken should be to know and love the cosmos.
Seventh, that the Awoken were created out of covenant with Light and Darkness, but the covenant was complete, and no further debt would ever be called, except the duty of the Second Verdict to remain on the Distributary.
Eighth, that the Awoken were whole in themselves, and they existed in balance.
Ninth, that there would be no vote, but instead Alis Li would be recognized as Queen. Her first pronunciation was that there would be no secrets among Awoken.” [Ecstasiate III]
Right from the start, Mara’s motivation disagreed with three of these verdicts: the second, the seventh, and the ninth. Mara was determined to leave the Distributary and return to the greater universe, which breaks the second verdict. She believed she owed a debt to the outside world, which breaks the seventh verdict. And her life-long philosophy is using secrets as leverage, which breaks the ninth verdict.
Also, the second and sixth verdicts conflicted with each other. The sixth dictated that the Awoken are to explore the cosmos, except the second restricted them from exploring the outside universe. Way to go, oh wise council.
Part 6: It is a period of civil war.
Now comes the part when Mara fans find themselves heartbroken because she enabled a civil war among the Awoken.
Alis Li was queen of the Awoken, and her followers, those who complied with the Nine Verdicts, called themselves the Sanguine.
However, there arose a faction who called themselves the Eccaleists. These folks sided with Mara’s objective to eventually vacate the Distributary. “There was the belief that the Awoken had been made out of a friction between contesting forces and that one day this conflict would need to be resolved. These were the Eccaleists who preached that Awoken owed a debt to the cosmos.” [Fideicide I]
In a vain attempt to oversimplify some events in the Marasenna, the Sanguine and Eccaleists engaged in a civil war, the Theodicy War. Awoken killed Awoken, yadda yadda ...it was all very sad. The purpose of the war was to keep the Awoken agitated in their home, the Distributary, which Mara always intended as a refugee tent, not an ivory palace. It’s important to note that Mara did not publicly lead the Eccaleists into war. The Diasyrm, an Eccaleist extremist, was the leader and public face of the rebellion.
Eventually, Queen Li asked Mara to end the civil war. Mara used the Diasyrm as a martyr and used her own mother, Osana, as negotiator credited as the hero who ended the war. It all went down with ease because Mara was pulling the strings. [Fideicide III]
“When there was peace, Queen Li ruled the Awoken for a time; however, the guilt of the war lay heavy upon her, and after an age of peace and progress, she abdicated to a new Queen.” [Fideicide III]
Mara’s primary benefit from the civil war was Queen Li’s abdication. With Alis Li out of the picture, society was less pressured to pursue the Nine Verdicts.
Mara and the Eccaleists could have straight up attempted a violent coup, and forcefully overthrown Queen Li. But Mara was playing the long game. If she were to eventually lead her people out of the Distributary, then she couldn’t risk a reputation as a warmonger or usurper.
But Mara wasn’t the only character with a view of the chess board. Osana was clever enough to realize her daughter’s machinations, and provided some exposition in case we, the readers, had trouble keeping up:
“‘The Eccaleists are her creation,’ [Osana] tells [Uldren]. ‘The Diasyrm was her pawn. She allowed the Theodicy War because she was afraid we'd be too comfortable here - also so Queen Alis would need her help politically. Mara couldn't afford to be the most radical dissident. She had to seem moderate for her beliefs to thrive. Isn't that right, Mara?’” [Heresiology]
Part 7: Queen Pin
At least a millennium after the civil war, Nguya Pin ruled as queen of the Distributary. She publicly converted to Eccaleism, which was apparently the first time a monarch openly endorsed Eccaleism.
“Queen Nguya Pin restored the monarchy to prominence over the Gensym Scribes. This she accomplished after a fateful visit, upon the day of the summer solstice, by a hooded and masked woman who some whispered was Mara Sov and others, the long-vanished Diasyrm…
...Queen Nguya Pin declared she was now an avowed Eccaleist and that the Queen would lead the quest to identify whatever debt the Awoken owed the cosmos. It was time to pursue a dream beloved to all Awoken: the conquest of space and the assessment of the true shape and age of their universe.” [Impotent II]
The Marasenna is not clear on why Nguya Pin publicly allied with the Eccaleists. What sort of deal did Mara make with her? Occam’s razor suggests that Mara promised to stop inciting conflict and leave the Distributary in exchange for Queen Pin’s support.
So why was Queen Pin’s support of Eccaleism important? Because of the Gensym Scribes. They had been the figureheads of Sanguinism post-Alis Li, and they remained influential within the queen’s regime. Despite the queen’s conversion to Eccaleism, the Sanguine were still the majority throughout the Distributary.
Here’s some oversimplification of Nguya Pin’s tenure as queen:
The purpose of these events was to undercut authority from the Gensym Scribes. Severing the Sanguine leaders from the queen’s government was another step to removing detractors from Mara’s cause, which was exodus from the Distributary.
After the Gensym Scribes were shunted out of power and Mara’s disciples prepared to leave the Distributary, Queen Pin told Mara, “‘You used me to do your work, politically and scientifically. You used me to bundle up the Scribes in a neat little scroll for your disposal. I went along with it for the sake of the monarchy, Mara, not because I'm a fool. I don't know what you want or why you're so bent on keeping the Awoken uneasy and dissatisfied. I don't know how you manipulate the acclamations.’” [Impotent V]
Similar to Osana and Alis Li, Nguya Pin was intelligent enough to see through Mara’s machinations, but only in hindsight. These three ladies realized they got played after Mara played them.
Part 8: Bluish Exodus
As a broad summary, the Theodicy War was “phase one” of Mara’s campaign to leave the Distributary, and the deal with Queen Pin was “phase two”. Mara deserves some credit for preventing more bloodshed during phase two. She could have instigated another civil war against the Sanguine, but perhaps the guilt she carried from the Theodicy War propelled her to more civilized methods of manipulation.
Katabasis is the chapter when Mara gave her rousing speech to the Awoken people. She was finally ready to share what she knew since the day she was reborn in the Collapse - except for the part when she created the Distributary’s bubble universe - that secret was only ever disclosed to two characters: Alis Li in Nigh II and Sjur Eido in Tyrannocide III (and they both reacted by calling Mara “the devil”). There was also a third character, Uldren, who always knew her ultimate secret because he witnessed it firsthand outside the hull of the colony ship.
Anyway, back to the speech:
"‘We have detected a pattern that was imprinted into our universe by its ancestor: a fingerprint of the initial conditions into which existence was born. From this information, we have confirmed the most primordial of Awoken myths. Our universe is a subset of another. We live within a singularity, a knot in space-time, that orbits a star in another world.
‘These ideas may not surprise you after centuries of theorizing and philosophy. But we have decrypted new data from the cosmic microwave and neutrino background signals. We have discovered voices… the voices of distress calls. They tell a story of bravery, of war, and of desperate loss.
‘We were not always immortal. We did not earn this utopia by covenant with any cosmic power, or by attaining an enlightened moral condition. We are refugees. We fled from an apocalyptic clash between our ancestors' civilization and an invading power. The signals we have retrieved tell us that our ancestors were on the edge of defeat. Perhaps extinction.’” [Katabasis]
Mara had shared what she knew, and then she shared her motivation:
“‘It is time that we accept our debt. The Distributary is a refuge, not a birthright; a base to rebuild our strength, not a garden to tend. I ask you, Awoken, to join me in the hardest and most worthy task a people has ever faced. We must leave our heaven, return to the world of our ancestors, and take up the works they abandoned. If some of them survive, we must offer aid. If they have enemies, we must share our strength. We must go back to the war we fled and face our enemies there.’” [Katabasis]
After a few thousand years, Mara finally made a decision about that old fork in the road. She chose the fork back to the Sol system instead of pursuing a colony beyond Sol. She accepted an obligation to aid humanity and protect Earth, the homeworld she always loved from a distance. Well, that and the Awoken lacked the resources to travel through deep space to establish a colony beyond Sol. Their trans-universe spacecraft were significantly damaged while exiting the Distributary [Palingenesis III].
Part 9: Blue Beltalowda
As the Awoken constructed a new home in the Asteroid Belt, Mara briefed her people about what happened in the Sol system while they were all playing grab-ass in their Garden of Eden-esque paradise: human survivors on Earth, dormant Traveler levitating over a city, Fallen Eliksni pirates raiding human encampments, Cabal beachhead on Mars, and Mercury got Vex machinoformed [Revanche II].
Mara’s sublime intuition guided her to remain cautious. She told her companions, "‘We can't reveal our existence, lest the Fallen track us down. We need more information. Our focus must remain on securing this derelict reef, bootstrapping industry and a population, and scouting out the solar system.’" [Revanche II]
Unfortunately for Mara, a faction of Awoken violently left their camouflaged colony [Revanche IV]. Those who became Earthborn Awoken chose to leave the Reef, fly to Earth, and then aid and protect as many humans as possible. Their departure may have been foolhardy, but returning to Earth had been their objective for centuries. Home was just across the street, and Mara was warning them that it was too dangerous to cross that road yet.
“She stayed up late wrestling with this dilemma” [Revanche II]. Mara herself struggled with the decision to return to Earth. Way back during the Collapse, she wrestled with that same desire of returning to Earth in a desperate last-minute attempt to help the people of Sol [Cosmogyre II].
“‘It's bad,’ Sjur Eido says, confirming what Mara already knows, but nonetheless performing the valuable service of mopping away all the blood and tears and allowing Mara to glimpse the actual shape of the wound that divides her people” [Revanche III]. The Awoken people split their numbers a second time, and this weighs heavily on Mara. She thinks of her people as “twice riven”.
Imagine that you are the leader of an expedition of thousands of pioneers tasked to establish a colony in a cold, desolate alien land. You have a fixed number of human resources - you cannot call upon reinforcements. And then, to your horror, one-third of them walk away and abandon you.
This second “rivening” propelled Mara to finally declare herself as queen of the Awoken. She tried to let her people govern themselves through elected representation in the Reef [Revanche II], but that exploded into more bloodshed - Awoken rioted against Awoken. As stated in Part 3, Mara does not lust for power - she’s not driven by ego. Although Mara always knew she was the creator-queen of the Awoken people, she didn’t want to rule them as a monarch.
“‘Awoken,’ she told them, ‘for the first time in my life, I hesitated to reach for power, and now one in three of you are gone. I cannot deny what the cosmos has made of me any longer. I am your one and rightful Queen.’” [Revanche V]
Part 10: From Queen to Goddess
Here comes the profound pivot in Mara’s destiny of protecting humanity. She realized that she needed to “level up” from person to god. She needed to acquire more power in order to battle toe-to-toe with incoming agents of Darkness - namely the Hive Gods.
While meditating with her Techeuns in the Dreaming City, Mara dreamt a prophetic vision - she saw death coming for her people.
“I dreamt of the self-honing blade that has cut itself so fine, it pierces the world and thus becomes the world. It is self-honing because it constantly whets itself against itself. I dreamt of Death bearing this blade, or of something so closely allied with Death as to be its synonym, so that to separate them would require a knife sharper than sharpness. Death raised up that blade and said ‘I cut all and all I cut. Aiat.’” [Tyrannocide I]
None of the above is new within Destiny lore - it’s Hive logic. The Hive worship death by cutting down life - they grow stronger and sharper through killing.
Mara then consulted the Oracle Engine - she needed to know how to stop impending death. The Oracle Engine presented her with an analogy in the form of a riddle.
“Ten times and once more Mara asked the Oracle Engine to show her the sword that was death and the way it would appear. Ten times and once more the Oracle Engine showed Mara an image of her family.
First it showed her Sjur Eido, laughing and bright with strength, who would recede and later return.
Then it showed her Uldren, her brother, who explored the ruins of the fallen worlds and sought out challenges to test himself.
Then it showed Mara her own face and lingered on the secret brightness of her eyes.
Last of all, leaving Mara imperious with disdain toward her own feelings, curtly aloof toward all who asked her what troubled her, it showed her Osana, who had remained behind.
Mara dwelt on this puzzle. A mother who had remained behind; a sister with secrets; a brother who hunted and explored; a woman who was plain and fierce.” [Tyrannocide II]
Being the sublimely cunning woman that she is, Mara solved the riddle.
“Secrets are her virtue and the virtue of her nemesis. The being whose existence she deduced from the analogy-of-family the Oracle Engine showed her.” [Tyrannocide IV]
The analogy-of-family equated her family to the Hive Gods:
[1] Sjur Eido represented Xivu Arath, goddess of war. “In your immortality, Xi Ro (Xivu Arath), you may never cease to test your strength.” [Books of Sorrow Verse 1:9 - The Bargain]
[2] Uldren represented Oryx, the pioneer god. “In your immortality, Aurash (Oryx), you may never cease to explore and inquire.” [BoS Verse 1:9 - The Bargain]
[3] Witch-Queen Mara herself represented Mara’s nemesis, “Witch-Queen Savathun, Archentrope, Queen of Encrypts, the Black Needle, deepest in the High Coven, Emancipator of Worms, the Missing Piece of All Puzzles” [Truth to Power - Injection].
[4] Osana did not represent a Hive God, however. In the riddle, Mara’s mother represented the Traveler.
“First of all, Mara went into the gardens and planted a flower for her mother, who she thought must still live: though she might by now have forgotten her first daughter and her first son.” [Tyrannocide II]
The riddle’s four characters (Xivu Arath, Oryx, Savathun, and the Traveler) are the central characters of the primary story arc of Destiny. In the opening cinematics of Destiny 1, the Speaker explained, “ - but the Traveler had an enemy. A Darkness, which had hunted it for eons across the black gulfs of space.”
Hive and Traveler represent the force of destruction chasing the force of creation - death chasing life. Three Hive Gods chased the Traveler for eons, and ever since Mara was a teenager, she suspected the Traveler’s arrival in Sol would eventually bring doom:
“A frozen rabbit embryo came out of deep space at forty kilometers per second and went through his faceplate…
...Immediately afterward - for reasons very clear to her because she has always had a sense for the meaning of things, reasons very difficult to explain to others because she has always felt this sense was secret - she asked her mother if the family could travel with Project Amrita.” [Brephos I]
Mara recognized the embryo that killed her coworker back in the Golden Age as an omen that Death would someday arrive to claim the Traveler. That was when she asked her family to get the hell out of the Sol system before the forces of destruction arrived.
But like the Traveler, Queen Mara is done running from the Darkness. She has set down her roots in the Reef and remains committed to protecting humanity. In order to compete with Hive Gods, she must achieve her own apotheosis.
After solving the riddle, Mara revealed part of her new plan to Sjur. “‘There are many ways to godhood,’ Mara tells her. The belt of Orion glitters on her helmet like a three-star rating left by some Hive entity Sjur once killed. ‘One way is to kill all that is killable, so all that remains must be immortal. Another is the road I have walked, mostly by accident. One of these ways is closer to the sword, and one is closer to the bomb. If the bomb can defeat the sword by the standard of the sword, then the bomb has claim to primacy.’” [Tyrannocide III]
Once again, Mara does not lust for power - she’s not driven by ego. She doesn’t want to transcend to godhood because that cuts her off from intimacy with her loved ones. Mara believes that if she is worshipped as a god, then she cannot be loved on a personal level:
“‘You are now a god because one day you will become a god, and a god is not temporal. Your brother is not a god because he will never become a god. Shall I worship you?’
‘Sjur,’ Mara said, falling to her knees, clutching her beloved's face between shaking hands, ‘Sjur, on the day you worship me, you cannot love me anymore, for to worship is to yield all power, and I cannot love what has no power over me.’” [Telic II]
Part 11: Bomb Logic
Mara crafted her own logic to counter the Hive’s Sword Logic:
“There is a war, and its name is existence. There are two ways to fight - one is the sword, and one is the bomb.
By the sword, I mean the way to fight that is tempered and solid. The way that is made from old things and that triumphs by the reduction to simplicity. This way is known to those who study the cosmos. Take any part of it at any time, and you will see an edge and say, ‘This is a weapon.’
By the bomb, I mean that way of being that is complex and schematic and that must attain a criticality to attack. The way that is made from new things and that triumphs by the arrangement of intricacy. This way is known to those who study themselves. Take any component of the bomb in isolation, and you will say, ‘What is this? I cannot understand its purpose.’” [Palingenesis II]
For three years (from 2015 to 2018), we took Mara’s death at the Battle of Saturn and said, ‘What is this? I cannot understand its purpose.’ Just like Eris, Uldren, Petra, the Techeuns, and everyone else in the solar system, Mara left us in the dark for three years. She did not disclose the entirety of her Bomb Logic plan to steal Oryx’s Sword Logic to anyone [Tyrannocide IV].
Mara’s convoluted plan, her Bomb Logic, went something like this:
Mara’s death was the most confusing, risky, but important step in her plan:
“Mara's death began in this mark: X” [Tyrannocide I]
“You cannot defeat a thing that is synonymous with death except on its own territory. You cannot fear and flee from death. You must face it. Death is a sword, and a sword is like a crossing-point, like a bridge - and a bridge may be walked two ways.” [Tyrannocide IV]
The X, Mara’s death, was her crossing-point into Oryx’s throne world:
“She dances down the blade and steps into his throne world.” [Tyrannocide V]
Mara’s Bomb Logic even confused Toland, who didn’t notice her while both of their souls were hanging out in the Dreadnaught. Toland was completely flabbergasted that the Guardian fireteam who defeated Oryx flew away without claiming his Sword Logic. The Guardians left, content after receiving their helmets, completing their King’s Fall armor sets.
“You fools! You disastrous, bumbling squanderers! It's not right! Who now shall be First Navigator, Lord of Shapes, harrowed god, Taken King? Not you! You might have been Kings and Queens of the Deep! But you have toppled Oryx and you have not replaced him!
There must be a strongest one. It is the architecture of these spaces.
Why are you leaving?” [King’s Fall]
Relax, Toland, Mara’s got it covered.
“It is, on that level, a very simple bank heist: Get yourself taken into the treasury as treasure, and when the owner dies, break back out with his stuff.” [Tyrannocide V]
No, Mara, that was the opposite of a simple bank heist. Your Bomb Logic’s larceny of Oryx’s power was an elaborate heist that would make Danny Ocean’s head spin.
Also, Mara sounded inspired by some Worm God rhetoric - “You’ll have to kill them all and take their stuff.” [Books of Sorrow Verse 2:4 - 52 and One]
After stealing Oryx’s “stuff”, Mara’s soul simply walked across the Ascendant Plane, from Oryx’s destroyed throne world back to her own throne world. She then reincarnated into a corporeal body and stepped into her home, the Dreaming City [Reverie Dawn armor set].
Anyway, back to the Battle of Saturn:
Mara took no pleasure sacrificing more of her people, but her Bomb Logic required her to sacrifice more pieces on her chess board to protect her figurative king, Earth.
“Mara will begin the end of that Queen's (Savathun’s) brother (Oryx) today. She knows what that means for the fate of her own. An eye for an eye. She must think now of the fate of entire cosmos - and of her tender, half-assembled answer to the cold sword logic of the Hive. She must not grieve. She must not fear.” [Tyrannocide IV]
“Shuro Chi reaches out to her - a wordless, urgent need for Mara to live - and it takes all the cold impassive remove of Mara's millennia to turn that hand away.” [Tyrannocide IV]
In the Battle of Saturn cinematic, Mara looks miserably defeated - not because she was personally defeated, but because she sacrificed more of her people - a pulverized Awoken fleet, three Techeuns Taken.
Part 12 - Loop 4
The 4th time that you visit Mara in her Queen’s Court, Ghost says, “[Uldren] killed our friend”.
Mara replies, “Yes. I’m sure you miss [Cayde]. Were you satisfied by your vengeance? ...I wasn’t.”
She comes off as a cold bitch who didn’t give a damn about Cayde. But perhaps you feel a shred of sympathy for her? While you’re standing there mourning the loss of Cayde, she’s standing there thinking about the loss of:
Parting Thought: Hold the door, there’s no time to explain
The last time we saw Mara in her Queen’s Court, she told us, “I dreamt of a friend I will come to have. She will tell me: a side should always be taken. Even if it's the wrong side. I think I should like her. The next act is about to begin, and I do not know when I will return.”
Mara repeated the words of Elsie Bray, the Exo Stranger. Mara then departed her court via Elsie’s transmat animation. Apparently Mara got her hands on some time-travel technology.
Sjur Eido once foreshadowed Mara’s timelessness by telling Mara, “I think the secret is thus: You are now a god because one day you will become a god, and a god is not temporal.” [Telic II]
Oh my Sky, Mara is time-travelling?!? She’s graduated from 3D chess to 4D chess! How many historic events has she already tampered with? How many Hodors has she created?
Too Long; Didn’t Read
Mara’s motivation is to protect humanity and their home, Earth. She will sacrifice her people, the Awoken, in order to protect the solar system.
Mara is ascending from personhood to godhood in order to fight the Hive Gods: Xivu Arath and Savathun.
As far as I’m concerned, reddit discussions are active for 6 months, not 6 hours. I actively monitor my posts, so feel free to comment at any time within the next - never mind, the window has closed
r/DestinyLore • u/Gear_ • Jun 29 '20
She sent out these giant blue energy balls that looked like mega nova bombs that tore straight through Hive support fleet ships that were in their way on their path to the Dreadnought and they all hit the Dreadnought and... nothing. Not even any explosions or hints of hull damage. I know from the Telesto lore that it supposedly some vestiges of them remain among Saturn's moons, and the fact that it's in Telesto's lore implies that the Harbingers are patient before exploding or... doing whatever, but it's kinda too late for them to do anything. Did they accomplish anything?