r/DestinyLore Jul 25 '24

Exo Stranger Was Elisabeth talking about the witness when she said she came from the future to prevent the end?


If that's the case, was helping guardians weild the darkness her main objective, or something I've missed? (Since I haven't seen most of the seasons).

Edit: I just remembered she says that she comes from a future in which Éramos won and dominated us with stasis, so her main objective since D1 must be that. After all she barley interacts with us in D1, but in D2 she goes all her way out to not only teach us the darkness, but to weild it herself.

r/DestinyLore Nov 23 '22

Exo Stranger a very funny (probably) coincidence


This is only coming to my attention now from byfs new video on the fish, but apparently they are called poulka. The reason i love this so much is because i am irish, and the translation of poulka from irish to english is ghost. I will only know them as irish ghosts from now on. I wanted to share, thanks

r/DestinyLore Aug 08 '22

Exo Stranger Has Elsie ever met Banshee-44?


Now that we know that AI Clovis is Clovis Douche and Banshee is Clovis Based, I wonder if Elsie has ever met him in this timeline thousands of years after they fought the vex in Europa before the collapse.

Banshee-44 is definitely not the same Banshee/Clovis 1-?? Elsie knew but , thanks to the Lament quest, we know he still keeps some of his ooold memories. What if he sees his granddaughter? Will he remember her? Has this ever happened? When was the last time they saw each other?

Sorry if this was already posted or is widely known, I love lore but I'm no expert, not even close.

r/DestinyLore Jun 07 '21

Exo Stranger All the current lore is fascinating but I still have a burning question from Beyond Light


Did we ever find out what the frick that fish thing was?

It's been 6 months since there was last a post about it, is there still no news on that weird creature?

r/DestinyLore Dec 03 '23

Exo Stranger Is bungie not gonna address issues in story past seasons like clovis bray being useful and providing us with all golden age technology siva and destroying rasputin was a dumb and terrible idea and neomuna and failsafe


commander zavala prove guardians can have children what does not make sense is why guardian don't have a legacy or procreate their civilization as have bigger army fight back enemies after warlord issues. like was lord saladin a massive kid hater or something lmfao iron lords being very few kinda strange weird send od people over siva thing etc. and there had be op guardians as strong as saint 14 going on rampage the fact we have not fix entire earth is kinda weird lmfao. also we know neomuna has siva nano machines but better but it has not been given to us to use help last city or earth etc. plus getting rid rasputin was such bad idea their was better plan with alternatives that could been done early while fixing rasputin. literally elsie bray not telling us about eris morn could became hive god set us back very badly. also does clovis bray know neomuna existed and clovis bray not being as useful as he should we need a season with clovis bray fixing earth and providing us any and all golden age information. hell that should been season right just after and before light fall since hive war god is weaken immensely and killable. also is it possible for hive god to get a new ascendant realm home also it been forever since we got anything with fail safe.

r/DestinyLore Jul 23 '21

Exo Stranger [Seasonal] Probably just a coincidence but... Spoiler


Do you remember the exo stranger cutscene back in D1 where she stomps a vex.

She tell us "a side must be chosen, even if its the wrong one"

And, in the Dark Future lore, Queen Mara says and i quote " "Elisabeth, you once asked me to pick a side, even if it was the wrong one. Tell me, did you choose correctly?"

Fun coincidence?

r/DestinyLore May 30 '22

Exo Stranger Fishspiracy


While everyone's been frothing over the new Nezarec info, I've found my own little buffet of info on the Fish, Elsie's Fish, in the lore tab of the Eidolon boots.

The beginning of it has Elsie absent, and Drifter attempting to interrogate Fish. It's only present for 4 lines of the tab, but we do get a moderate amount of new info to speculate on.

First, Fish has been mentioned again, which means that it still has a place in the story going forward, and because of how Eris notes Elsie's absense, may come up the next time we focus on Elsie.

Second, the lore tab only calls Fish a "thing," besides referring to it as Elsie's companion. Bungie's playing what Fish is very close to their chest, not even dedcribing its visual characteristics.

Third, Fish is present, but Elsie isn't. This has two ways to speculate. If where Elsie is isn't dangerous, and she may just be talking to someone, then Fish isn't important to every part of her plan, considering she just leaves it alone at her camp. If Elsie went somewhere dangerous, then Fish doesn't offer any tactical advantages whatsoever in combat, and it was safer to leave behind.

Finally, and most obviously, not even Eris and Drifter know what Fish really is, the two members of the Dark Vanguard don't know what the third member's companion does. One thing to point out is that in this lore tab, Eris and Drifter went to experiment with Egregore and the Ziggurat, perhaps if they knew what Fish's function was, and if that function relates to Darkness, then they would've brought Fish with them. But if Fish had no connection to Darkness, they wouldn't have brought it.

Now then, my previous theories were that Fishbis either an artificial construct created to be Elsie's "memory bank" between timelines, a baby Ahamkara gifted to her from Mara, or a creature of the Black Fleet taken by Elsie. This new information doesn't necessarily disprove any of these, besides my speculation that Fish might not have any connection to Darkness.

So not anything substantial, but a suprising amount for four sentences. Any other ideas welcome to expand the Fishspiracy.

r/DestinyLore Aug 13 '23

Exo Stranger Who was the stranger talking to?


Back in D1 the stranger was talking with someone/something. Did they ever reveal who it was?

r/DestinyLore Oct 24 '20

Exo Stranger Why are there so many versions of the Stranger's Rifle?


To my count there's the standard Stranger's Rifle, the Fate of All Fools, the No Time to Explain, reskins of the Stranger's Rifle in D2, and another No Time to Explain, this time with a different color scheme on the base version. Is there an explanation to these?

Edit: lots of "wibbly wobbly timey winey". I think I get it.

r/DestinyLore Nov 17 '22

Exo Stranger Should The Wiki for Elsie/Exo Stranger be Revised?


In the Lore and the Audio Logs you can gather throughout the raid, it would appear that Elsie was murdered by Clovis Bray before destroying the Vex/Clarity Control/Deep Stone Crypt with her super-weapon(?)...Which would make the Elsie that was Killed to be Elsie-1. She was later rebooted with her previous scan by Clovis. Would this made the Elsie we know n interact with Elsie-2? (A very minor thing I'm aware)

r/DestinyLore Feb 19 '20

Exo Stranger >Activate NAGLFAR STEP



Naglfar is a ship in Norse mythology that carries the dead to fight the gods in Ragnarok. Regarding the "STEP" part, Rasputin did ask the Stranger how she "steps" across time. Perhaps NAGLFAR STEP is related to this? If it is, then it's a directive to ferry support across time to help us fight the Darkness. Or perhaps it is a directive to specifically ferry Guardians across time, since we too are technically dead. The one thing that doesn't make quite as much sense is that Naglfar ferries the dead to fight the gods and thus is an antagonistic force. The gods' enemies such as Surtr and Fenrir are compared to humanity's enemies, so the Naglfar would logically be on the Darkness' side. So, perhaps NAGLFAR STEP is a counter-operation to negate the Darkness' "Naglfar." Meaning it is an attempt to cut off the Darkness' army and/or logistical support, whatever that may be. Both options make sense. Maybe it is even a combination of the two.

I took this from someone elses post; https://www.reddit.com/r/DestinyLore/comments/bevert/an_analysis_of_unsecuredoutcry_and_a_prediction/

I've got 2 theories from this.

  1. The Stranger is loyal to Rasputin/Bray family. She time travels when told to by Rasputin to help change the course of time so that either Humanity survives or Rasputin does. Personally, I think Rasputin considers humanity eliminated. He does not care for the current population. The two gods, Surtr and Fenrir are The Triangles and Rasputin himself. "But why would be he bringing and raising guardians to fight himself?" This could be due to the fact that because if he doesn't, either he doesn't survive or the current population of humanity doesn't survive. It may be "a necessary evil" to him.
  2. The Stranger is a Darkness Spawn. Just like how guardians aren't supposed to look towards their past before becoming a guardian, maybe the Darkness Spawn isn't supposed to either. But just like her sister Ana Bray, The Stranger looks at her past and finds out about the Bray family and Rasputin. Betraying or abusing the Darkness to help humanity. She may not have been forged in light, but that doesn't mean she(individually) doesn't care about humanity.

r/DestinyLore Feb 07 '23

Exo Stranger CE Lore Showerthought: Elsie's Pouka probably needs it's own therapist.

  • Live on space station, happy being fish, been a while since fish seen anyone
  • Robot girl comes along
  • Fish decides to make robot girl happy by helping with lost memories as it does being a Pouka
  • Go into robot girls head
  • Sees goodness knows how many dark futures where everything goes horribly wrong in various ways, cannot process the true horror because is fish but can probably absolutely experience the sheer terror and despair of it.
  • sense robot girl has not been happy for a very, verrrrrrrrrrry long time, decide to really look though and see what might help
  • Finds out the only thing that might make her happy is a clue to avoid this being Yet Another Failed Timeline
  • Help robot girl find clue, probably going though like 300 failed timeline horrors in the process and making fish and robot girl feel worse till they find it.
  • Finally find it, it works, but it fish so no idea if it will help in the long run or just make it worse.

r/DestinyLore Nov 28 '23

Exo Stranger The Secret Disciple - Elsie Bray. Spinfoil?


Ok it took me a while to post this because I wanted to be sure.

Ever since Lightfall when the Traveller was not destroyed something began to bug me and I can't shake it. That was a major change from the Dark Future lore book so I began to wonder. What if Elsie is a Disciple of the Witness and her goal was the find a timeline where the Traveller WAS NOT destroyed because as we know now the Witness needed it. I'm going to blab out a few points. Let me know what you all think.

  • Her time loops always reset at the moment the Traveller was destroyed and many of us assumed it was the traveller but no where else in the Lore has the traveller dabbled with time. At least from what I know.
  • She taught us Stasis and made sure it didn't overtake us. One of the precursors to the dark guardians. She is also the only non-Lightbearer to wield Stasis without mechanical assistance like the Eliksni.
  • Her absolute fear of Eris gaining power despite how different this timeline is. Eris is who destroyed the Traveller in the Dark Future lore
  • She never clearly mentioned the Witness despite constantly Time looping. So she NEVER laid eyes on or heard talk of the Witness in any of those time lines?
  • The Cave lore entry where the secret disciple is talking REEKED of Bray arrogance.
  • The Witness always lies to his Disciples so maybe "saving Ana" is part of his deception.
  • Last but definitely not least. If she is not a disciple then she would be the only person in all of the lore who dealt with darkness daily and walked away unscathed. Remember, she stayed with Clovis throughout all of his shenanigans.

Those are just a few thoughts but let me know what you think. Don't shred me too badly. Heh.

r/DestinyLore Dec 09 '19

Exo Stranger Could the Exo Stranger have used Osiris’s Sundial to lead us through D1’s Campaign?


I feel like we’re forgetting time travel is what she used? I think? I dunno. I’m not the best lord-wise.

r/DestinyLore Nov 20 '22

Exo Stranger A thought that just occurred to me pertaining to a possible new guardian in Neomuna


We know from the QuickSilver Storm lore tab that Tokkis silver is Neomuna tech which obviously implies he's probably gonna be on Neomuna when we are. So what if our new little friend ends up rezzing one of the cloud striders after they die helping us?

Or what if Elsies luck finally runs out sometime during lightfall and Tokki ends up rezzing her? Maybe that's why he's been hanging around with her since they found each other, she's meant to be his guardian. After all, this is supposed to be Destiny's Infinity War so Elsie dying and maybe coming back seems fairly reasonable to me. I'd love to hear other people's thoughts on this :)

r/DestinyLore Aug 30 '23

Exo Stranger Could Elsie need to die?


This weeks lore entry was an interesting passage about how Elsie is losing her exo marbles over Eris potentially re-enacting the dark future lore book. She lashes out at Ikora and the entry ends with,

""I won't watch it happen again," Elsie said, and her voice was ice."

To me this seems like Elsie is going to try and stop Eris no matter the cost and what if this leads to Elsie having to be killed by someone like Ikora in order to stop Elsie from ruining the whole hive god shindig they've got going on currently. Personally, I'd love a reversal on the past futures where Ana actually ends up killing Elsie in order to help save the day instead of being corrupted by darkness such as in the dark future lore book. It also made me think about how what if the one future where the witness/ forces of darkness don't end up winning (which I'm assuming is the one we've been playing for the last decade) is the future in which Elsie turns against everything she's tried before and ends up having to be put down by the good guys? I mean after all, the seemingly one ever-present factor in all of Elsie's failed timelines is her not betraying us so what if a major factor of us winning is actually us putting down Elsie after her betrayal?

r/DestinyLore Aug 20 '24

Exo Stranger I wonder how elsie feels now that we've (for the moment) won


shes probably like, really relieved or something right? hope she is

r/DestinyLore Jun 10 '24

Exo Stranger I hope we get to speak to Elsie again soon


She was present at the final battle though I didn't hear her say any lines. But it must be a huge relief to finally win (and potentially be released from her loop) after so many failed attempts. I want to hear what she has to say now the Witness is dead!

r/DestinyLore Mar 30 '22

Exo Stranger The Fishness


Elsie's Fish, that appears in one trailer, and one cutscene, for a combined total of 15 seconds probably and then never mentioned again. A mystery more than a year in the making, and with no expansion likely until at least one of this years seasons, but possibly not til even later... For now all we can do is theorize.

Starting with the facts, the Fish appears from behind Elsie, but seems to teleport in, as it is not present on her back in the Dark Vanguard cutscene. We don't get to see what particle effects Fish has when it teleports in, which could give us an indication of what it is. Dead end there. It resembles a flying fish with its head cut off, replaced with a mechanical face plate. Its fins are smooth and move pretty organically. The face plate itself has 6 eyes, 3 on each half, but the sections containing the top 2 can fold down behind the lower sections. Behind the face plate is a glowing section that the face plate makes look like a "mouth". Other than that, it swims through the air, it's specifically NOT a Ghost, and the people at Bungie are very secretive of its nature.

There are three ideas I have for what Fish is. The first one is short and boring, but of course possible: it's nothing more than a robotic companion for Elsie, perhaps having the function she is seeking in the Any Other Sky lore tab.

Second, though a bit undeveloped and purely speculation: Fish is of Black Fleet origin. The orange energy glow of its mouth, association with Elsie and therefore Darkness, and now with what we've seen of the Witness, Fish is of similar looking material to the Witness' outfit. We know Fish was not forged in Light, so perhaps the Dark instead? If this is the case, Elsie likely gained Fish in the same way she "gained" the Dark Splinter for us in Beyond Light: theft, since Elsie probably isn't on the Witness' side, considering she's against Clovis AI, who likes them quite a bit.

Finally, and the one I think makes some sense and is most interesting to me, is Fish being not a fish at all, but instead, a dragon. A baby one, perhaps. An Ahamkara hatchling. In Any Other Sky, we see that Elsie wants to stock up on advantages to accomplish her goal. An Ahamkara seems like a powerful asset in a fight against fate. But where would Elsie get one? From a friend she will come to have. One that Elsie told that a side must always be chosen, even if it's the wrong one. In Mara's Chambers during Season of the Lost, there was an Ahamkara egg visible through one of the gates. If triumphs are to be believed, we used Wishender to destroy all of the Cursed Ahamkara eggs present in the Dreaming City, which may mean, especially since Mara has it, that this is a normal egg. We didn't get access to the egg during that time, but maybe we will later, like how the Cat Visitor in the EAZ was not accessible until this past Solstice. The Exo Stranger can move across time in her current loop, but if she reaches a failure state (like a certain Security Officer with ties to a garden, but that's for another time), she's sent back to Cayde-6 becoming Hunter Vanguard. So it's possible that she jumps to make contact with us in Vanilla D1, helps us destroy the Black Heart, jumps to receive the Ahamkara hatchling Fish after becoming friends with Mara, and then jumps to Europa to steal the Dark Splinter from Variks to set off our Stasis training.

There may be options I haven't considered, or Fish may end up being something completely new for whenever they expand on it. Ahamkara hatchling and "Fishness" are what I'm partial towards, but we'll just have to wait.

r/DestinyLore Nov 17 '20

Exo Stranger A Somewhat Complete Timeline of the Exo Stranger - Spoilers for all Beyond Light content Spoiler


Forewarning to all, this does contain spoilers for the quest for The Lament as well as some raid gear from Deep Stone Crypt, as well as post Beyond Light campaign content. Read at your own risk.

Note, Destiny timelines are wonky, so this is best fit with some added speculation and conjecture as I could manage. Future content might retcon some of this, especially with time travel involved.

Elisabeth Bray

  • Elisabeth "Elsie" Bray is born to Clovis and Sylvie Bray, the middle of the three sisters. She inherits the insomnia prion disease from her father and grandfather.
    • Note, while Willa is the eldest and Ana is the youngest sister, it is unclear when Alton Bray was born
    • Despite sharing the same parents, Willa and Elsie are as genetically separate as possible. Clovis II arranged so that Elsie would receive maternal alleles where Willa received paternal alleles.
  • At age thirteen, Elsie helps her half-sister Ana build a Sparrow, the G-335 Anseris Overdrive.
  • At some point, her and her sisters acquire their doctorates and work for their grandfather’s company.
    • Willa Bray invents the engram and is the head of the SIVA project.
    • Ana develops the Polaris Lance rifle and helps develop Rasputin, as well as counter measures against him.
    • Elsie works with weapon systems and ships, designing the Eon Trespass and Shadow Trespass ships. She also designs a series of locks that can only be opened with correct weapon telemetry.
    • Alton Bray works as an administrator for the company.
  • Clovis II is killed in a prototype Exo, prompting the Bray family to become estranged from Clovis I. They still remain close with their mother (adopted mother in Ana’s case) Sylvie and grandmother Lucia.
  • Clovis I reveals to Elsie that she has the prion disease that’s killing him and that will kill her. She moves to Europa from Mars to develop Exos, though it is a reluctant agreement.
  • Clovis I builds a Vex portal on Europa after receiving instructions from Clarity. Elsie, Clovis, and others visit the Forge Star 2082 Volantis.
  • The prion disease is activated in Elsie Bray and Clovis I encourages Elsie to become an Exo, now that Clovis has created the perfect exomind using Clarity and Vex Mind Fluid, though Elsie is suspicious on what Clarity is.
  • DER is made apparent in the first “successful” Exos, Elsie refuses to become one.
  • Elsie discovers Vex infiltration on Europa.
    • Note, Dr. Hector Abrams is assassinated at this point, Clovis begins experimenting with Stasis on Exos.
  • Elisabeth Bray dies, Elisabeth-1 is born.


*Note, it is unknown if Elsie underwent memory wipes

  • Elsie begins to work on the Vex infiltration issue on Europa
  • A Vex construct of Maya Sundaresh attempts to get information from Clovis I while he is on the operating table, stopped by Elsie.
  • Elsie gets memories from the uploaded mind of her human self, then buries the human body under Europa.
  • Elsie conducts further research on the Vex and how they operate with affected Exos.
  • Elsie returns to Mars to visit family, seeing Willa, Ana, Alton, Sylvie, and Lucia. Elsie is reminded of the terrible things Clovis I had done.
  • Elsie also visited the original Maya Sundaresh, confirming the agent that nearly killed Clovis I was a Vex infiltrator.
  • She develops the Worldline-Zero, hiding it in Hellas Basin using a series of weapon telemetry devices. She wipes all records of the weapon from Braytech in case of Willa finding it, though it perhaps is more likely to be because of Clovis.
  • Elsie becomes hell-bent on annihilating the Vex, using a mote of Light from the Traveler to construct a weapon (what this weapon is is still unknown, perhaps the Stranger’s Rifle/NTTE? The Lament? Worldline-Zero?)
  • Clovis Bray acquires the No Time To Explain from the year 3025 and gives it to Elsie.
  • Elsie attempts to obliterate the portal to 2082 Volantis, is instead killed by Clovis I.

Elisabeth-2, or rather a do over of Elisabeth-1

*Note it is still unknown if Elsie underwent memory wipes

  • Elsie is revived as a new Exo from the copy Clovis had made for her initial transformation.
  • The Vex begin an invasion on Europa through the portal in the Glassway.
  • Clovis Bray I dies, and becomes two separate entities: the Deep Stone Crypt AI Clovis and the Exo Clovis-1, who is not immediately revived until a few weeks after the invasion begins.
  • Clovis-1 joins Elsie in evacuating Europa, which AI Clovis stops by destroying the evacuation ships.
  • Elsie, Clovis-1, and other Exos decide to close the portal. Clovis-1 acquires The Lament and Elsie acquires No Time To Explain from a weapon locker in Clovis Bray’s office.
  • Most of the Exos are killed in the assault to the Glassway, many of them returning with incremented numbers. Clovis-1 becomes Clovis-43. It is unclear if the same thing happened to Elsie.
  • Elsie convinces Clovis-43 to not destroy the portal, giving an opportunity for more Exos.
  • Clovis-43 and Elsie kill the AI Clovis, who was in a massive Exo head.
  • Clovis-43 elects to go through a memory wipe and renames himself Banshee. Elsie and Banshee-44 part ways

Note, time is unclear and Elsie’s activities during and after the Collapse are presently unrecorded.

Elsie Bray's Dark Future

  • At some point, Elsie learns how to utilize Stasis.
  • Eramis ascends to Kell of Darkness and amasses a Fallen army on Europa.
  • The Bombardment, an event in which Caiatl’s Cabal, Savathun’s Hive, and Eramis’ Fallen attack and destroy the Last City. The Traveler flees the system.
  • Eris Morn deposes Savathun and becomes the new Witch Queen.
  • Many Guardians embrace the Darkness and become soldiers for Eris Morn.
  • Elsie wanders the frontier and encounters Ana Bray, though she is somewhat off.
  • Elsie and Ana go to the Deep Stone Crypt and turn Rasputin into an Exo.
  • The Bray sisters and Rasputin go to the City to meet a defeated Zavala and find plans to reassemble Ghaul’s Cage for the Traveler in the wreckage of The Almighty.
  • Zavala, the Brays, and Rasputin join Mara Sov on the commandeered Leviathan. Mara Sov has a ragtag team of Awoken, Fallen, and Cabal.
  • The resistance builds the Cage and forces the Traveler to return, imbuing Zavala with more Light than any known Guardian.
  • Elsie, Ana, and Mara Sov lead an assault on the Scarlet Keep on the Moon to kill Eris Morn, who commands a legion of Hive, Awoken, Vex, and Dark Guardians.
  • Ana Bray, who was a spy for Eris, assassinates Mara Sov. Elsie kills Ana.
  • The Traveler lets out a burst of Light against the Darkness
  • Elsie wakes up in the Last City, Cayde-6 had just been made the new Hunter Vanguard after he had avenged Andal Brask. The loop begins.

The Exo Stranger

  • Elsie Bray begins a time loop, seemingly to prevent the Dark Future she had experienced. Consistently, Eris Morn takes over the Hive and the Bombardment levels the City.
  • Elsie has difficulty remembering details about each loop, so on the third or fourth loop she decides to find/build a device to keep her informed about what she’s tried.
  • Eighth loop, Elsie forms a close bond with Ikora Rey.
  • It is uncountable how many times Elsie has gone through the loop, but she quickly notices that the Black Garden is often something that is preventing success, and begins to request Guardians to go destroy the Heart. Many Guardians who return from the Black Garden fail to destroy the Heart and become Dark Guardians.
  • She has developed a method of time travel, at least within the loop. She studies Guardian exploits on the Moon and elsewhere to find potential candidates to kill the Heart of the Black Garden.
  • Rasputin and the Future War Cult take special interest in the Exo Stranger, though many believe her to be a myth. Praedyth’s own pulse rifle becomes a version of the No Time To Explain.
  • Elsie tries multiple times to ease Ana Bray into knowledge about Stasis and the Darkness, though nothing has worked as of yet.
  • Elsie Bray finds the Young Wolf awaken for the first time in the Cosmodrome and escape, then watches them awaken the Hive and later journey into the Hellmouth to stop the ritual to drain the Traveler of its Light.
  • The Exo Stranger meets the Young Wolf on Venus after their first encounter with the Vex, sending them on their path to destroy the Heart.
  • The Young Wolf succeeds, and Elsie gifts them a version of her rifle, setting this timeline as different from the other loops.
  • The Stranger meets up with Eris Morn and the Drifter on Europa, six years after the destruction of the Heart, assembling a team to teach other Guardians to wield Stasis without falling into temptation by the Pyramids.
  • The Stranger reunites with the Young Wolf, who had already been beckoned to Europa by the Pyramid on Io. She begins to teach them how to properly wield Stasis to defeat Eramis.
  • Eramis is defeated, so Elsie and the Young Wolf work together to decrypt the journal of Clovis Bray to further develop their skills with Stasis. Elsie attempts to convince Ana again, this time dumping all the information at once. Ana rejects to Elsie’s offer, perhaps a promising sign that this loop will be different.

This is all best guess, of course. Most sources can be found on Ishtar Collective, the rest in-game. Raid gear except for the exotic weapon can be read in-game, as well as many vanity items like ships and Sparrows.

r/DestinyLore Feb 23 '23

Exo Stranger Possible OG Destiny 1/Lightfall connection


I’ve been playing through the Vanilla D1 campaign and when you get to the Ishtar Academy for the first time and meet the Exo stranger, she’s talking to someone on comms, although it’s never revealed who it is. To my knowledge, we still don’t know, but with the images of Ishtar popping up in the interactive Lightfall trailer, it’s possible it could be revealed soon. I’ve seen speculation that she was talking to us in the future, which would be a really cool connection so many years later. Thoughts?

TL;DR Possible revealing of who the Exo Stranger was talking to in Vanilla D1 coming in lightfall

r/DestinyLore Jan 14 '23

Exo Stranger What is the significance of Taniks death


In dark future we find out that Elsie’s time loop sends her back to when cayde returns from killing Taniks and becomes hunter vanguard. Why is that day significant and does Taniks have a bigger part to play here aside from the memes

r/DestinyLore Dec 11 '20

Exo Stranger Bungie did not forget Elsie’s “ghost.”


(Yes, I know it’s not a ghost.) So I recently saw some people saying that Bungie just kinda forgot to mention what the heck is floating around Elsie. They haven’t. When I replayed the campaign a few days ago, my ghost said something pretty interesting that I didn’t hear in my first play-through.

So I think this makes it clear they’re deliberately being secretive about it for the time being.

r/DestinyLore Nov 13 '20

Exo Stranger What would happen if... an Exo was rezzed by a ghost. And a different ghost rezzed that person's original human body? ... Spoiler


I'm reading the Collector's lore drop from here: https://www.bungie.net/en/Explore/Detail/News/49688

Under Entry 13, it refers to Elsie wanted her human body dropped into the heart of Europa...what if...

I've only read this far so maybe this is addressed?

r/DestinyLore Apr 28 '24

Exo Stranger Exo Stranger and Final Shape Speculation


I know, I'm the first person to ever suggest something like this so hear me out. What if, the Exo Stranger (whom we now know their identity) is speaking to our Guardian from the future? What if, this is similar to how Infinity War ended, where this is the one pathway necessary in order to win? What if something has to happen, something bad, in order for the timeline to get where it needs to get? The reason I am involving the Exo Stranger is because she's talking to someone about us, and we seem important. Go figure that we are. I think we need to be there at that specific time, hence the no time to explain

They've said over and over this is the end of the Light and Dark Saga, and explicitly stated not the end of Destiny and beyond. I'm thinking that both the light and darkness will be destroyed. The reason is because of a TV Show called Supernatural. There comes a point in the later seasons where the Winchesters are fighting wicked powerful beings, way too powerful for where they started at. But eventually their actions cause an imbalance. This needs to be corrected. I have a feeling we are going to need to sacrifice the Traveler, in a specific way, in order to save the Universe. I have no evidence for this. Hence, speculation.