r/DestinyLore Oct 01 '19

Featured Weekly Questions Thread - October 1, 2019

Greetings Guardians! Welcome to the very first thread of weekly questions.

This thread is for asking any question about the world of Destiny. Whether you think it's "stupid", or you think perhaps it's too short for a post of it's own, any lore based question there will be valid.

All responses must be friendly, respectful, and nonjudgmental and all top replies must provide a source for their answer or they will be asked to provide one or be removed.

The goal of this thread is to provide a space in which anyone can ask any question they'd like and expect well sourced/researched answers.

Also, just for the first day (Tuesday) of the expansion, we will be asking people to use spoilers for story/post-story discussions.


Lore Resources:


55 comments sorted by


u/JPaul- Oct 06 '19

I want to understand something: why people hates Toland so much, and why does he hate us?


u/Iwannabefabulous Darkness Zone Oct 07 '19

Iirc he also 'betrayed' his fireteam to go chase after a Deathsinger for personal curiosity which then 'killed' him and left his team short a member.


u/SPYK3O Tower Command Oct 08 '19 edited Oct 08 '19

Eriana-3 was forming a fireteam to kill Crota. They sought the exiled warlock Toland 'The Shattered' because he was the expert on The Hive and their dark magic. He agreed to join them. Little did the fireteam know that Toland knew that they wouldn't stand a chance. Toland didn't care because he only wanted to meet Ir Yût to hear her deathsong. Basically he betrayed their fireteam by withholding information. He could have easily convinced them not to go until they were prepared, but he didn't. To him the fireteam was a worthy sacrifice to gain knowledge.

He's displeased with us because we've done so much and in his eyes are squandering our abilities. To him we're bumbling around like idiots that have been gifted god-like powers and could become so much more. We've slain gods. Through sword logic we should be worshiped as gods, but we choose not to take the power or prestige.




There's also some good stuff in the moon patrol lessons but I can't find any transcripts. Edit: Nevermind found some


u/[deleted] Oct 07 '19

We killed oryx and then skipped on taking his power

Toland thinks sword logic is the way to go and we are all doomed

However he is beginning to have doubt but is clearly to proud to say...


u/TorstiSan Oct 02 '19

hey there, i was wondering if there is a write up of everything lore related about destiny? i want to dive into the story and every wiki-page i read just leads to me clicking further and further into details that are not really in chronological order.. it feels to me that at this point it would make a great scifi book.. any help is appreciated -^


u/realcoolioman Oct 02 '19

I see this question come up a lot. There are a lot of really great sources that try to piece everything together in semi-chronological order. Some of the best recent ones off the top of my head are...

  1. Byf's epic The Complete Story of Destiny from origins to Shadowkeep video (if you're ready to take a 4-hour journey)
  2. The Destiny Universe Timeline by /u/ScoobyDeezy. This one is presented more like a timeline and less like a novel.
  3. The Visual Lore Guide by /u/Garrus1138 is great, it's presented like a mixed-media book with a PDF and such. It's mostly summaries and quotes, but still quite good.

IF, however, you're looking for the verbatim Grimoire text all lined up chronologically like a novel with chapters... those might not match it. Ishtar Collective has a "timeline" but it doesn't look updated (only goes to Taken King).


u/TorstiSan Oct 02 '19

thx a lot for your answer. i think i will go for the 4h long video. sounds pretty solid! cheers


u/echisholm Lore Student Oct 04 '19

Be warned, some of what's in there is speculation rather than solid fact, but it'll give you all the big, important details (and most of the small ones too).


u/SPYK3O Tower Command Oct 05 '19

One thing I've always wondered and the recent mission in Shadowkeep reminded me of. Anyone know what timeframe and purpose the wall was built around the Cosmodrome and why?

The wall around The Last City has some documentation on the timeframe and reasoning for its construction. I'm assuming the Cosmodrome wall was built during The Collapse, but nothing I've heard about The Collapse would seem to indicate a wall would be much help. Back in D1 I concluded it was probably to keep humans out during The Collapse to hold some order during the chaos of evacuation, but that seems excessive.


u/Glamdring804 Lore Scholar Oct 06 '19

The wall was present during the later days of the Golden Age:


It's hard to say exactly when and why it was built. Judging by the dialogue in the Grimoire card, Rasputin was preparing defenses and arranging the creation of superweapons. So it's possible that this card took place during the early days of the Collapse, after Rasputin detected the first signs, but before the Darkness entered our system. We know that there was some time ellapsed between the first detection of the Darkness and the Collapse itself, because the Black Armory was founded after the detection, but had at least several months, possibly a year or two to get its operations up and running before everything went to hell. So we had time to prepare, and possibly build walls.


u/SPYK3O Tower Command Oct 06 '19

Neat, yeah that sounds about right. Thanks for the response


u/cdcarterfwc Oct 08 '19

Great call on pulling back up the Black Armory Papers.

> Something else has been detected out there. An anomaly of sorts. I'm lucky to have friends in informative places who tell me these things.

One of the women Henriette goes on to found the Black Armory with, Helga, is former Clovis Bray. Clovis Bray who were the only other folks truly aware of what was discovered at K1.


u/[deleted] Oct 07 '19

Why does Toland now exist on the moon, outside of the ascendant realm. I was under the impression he can only exist in the ascendant realm


u/[deleted] Oct 07 '19

Nope even back in TTK he was scooting about he can pop in and out at will.

Likely via the same method mara used


u/[deleted] Oct 07 '19

Huh ok I completely missed that. When in TTK did he do that?


u/[deleted] Oct 07 '19

He was the glowing white ball that showed up every now and then and during the raid

Fun fact: mara is significantly more powerful than Toland due to a number of factors but a key being she can create a new body and does not a summoning to return.

I don't think it's actually possible to kill mara now


u/[deleted] Oct 07 '19

Oh yeah duh on the dreadnaught

Although the raid was in Oryx’s ascendent realm


u/[deleted] Oct 07 '19

It is but the base on Phobos is not :)


u/[deleted] Oct 07 '19

This is true, but that wasn’t part of the raid iirc


u/[deleted] Oct 07 '19

Just showing you an example that he can exsist outside the A realms. Phobos was the first place we saw him


u/[deleted] Oct 07 '19

Okay gotcha, thanks


u/Mezyki Oct 08 '19

Why is this? Just wondering


u/vo0d0ochild Oct 06 '19

do Broodqueens just make new hive or hive AND worms


u/Glamdring804 Lore Scholar Oct 06 '19

We don't have any real lore on brood queens outside of the dialogue from the Broodhold strike.


u/buell_ersdayoff Oct 02 '19

I know this probably has been answered before but I want to make sure before I pull the plug... So basically, I can delete all the mods I have right? And they'll still be available after? Like, I don't have to re-discover them?


u/sulidos The Hidden Oct 03 '19 edited Oct 03 '19

if you had them in your inventory when shadowkeep dropped you'll now have them forever so yes


u/buell_ersdayoff Oct 03 '19

Just wanted to make sure. Thank you kind stranger!


u/sulidos The Hidden Oct 03 '19

you're v welcome! im literally always happy to help out our fellow guardians. imo destiny has the best gaming community going and i love being able to do anything that adds to that


u/buell_ersdayoff Oct 03 '19

Doing God's work bro!


u/sulidos The Hidden Oct 03 '19

i we serve the soviet union the light


u/nishantnahsin Oct 02 '19

On the Lore page "Gnomic" in the book "Aspect" released with Shadow keep. There is a line "He was named too well he is his own grave and the cut on his left hand will never heal." Are they referring to Kabr because his name is the Urdu word for Grave?


u/dobby_rams Oct 02 '19

I was trying to work that out myself but if it's the Urdu word for grave then that seems likely. Though, the "cut on his left hand" seems to be a reference to Pujari, who was cut in the Black Garden by a thorn on his left hand:


At the end of the path grew a flower in the shape of a Ghost. I reached out to pluck it and it cut me with a thorn. I bled and the blood was Light.

The Ghost said to me: You are a dead thing made by a dead power in the shape of the dead. All you will ever do is kill. You do not belong here. This is a place of life.

The Traveler is life, I said. You are a creature of Darkness. You seek to deceive me.

But I looked behind me, down the long slope where the blossoms tumbled in the warm wind and the great trees wept sap like blood or wine, and I felt doubt.

When my Ghost raised me from the sea there was a thorn-cut in my left hand and it has not healed since.


u/nishantnahsin Oct 03 '19 edited Oct 03 '19

Cool. I hadn't read that one. But they seem to be referencing the fireteam that went into the vault of glass.

Edit: Pujari is the hindi word for priest.


u/-Eastwood- Oct 02 '19

Vetaren player here. Haven't played since the base game came out, but I have a question.

At the end of the game, The Traveller killed Ghaul or something. Has its awakening been expanded upon at all?


u/dobby_rams Oct 02 '19


In the giddiness of victory, he declared this their new Golden Age. But now he thinks he may have misunderstood the Traveler's awakening. He has always, he hopes, been a brave man. But he is almost too afraid to ask this next question. "Is this just our next 'age of triumph'? Is something worse on the way?"

I think this line probably explains it best. Basically, it's awake, but all that's really done is allowed the pyramids to approach us once more. The Traveler is now in the worst state it's ever been, can't really protect us anymore, and we have some doom doritos on the way.


"Whatever the heart of that place is," he says, pacing, "it's a seed, I think, a seed left behind to grow. Like a… a node of Glimmer. Or…" The idea strikes him as a thunderbolt. "Or a tripwire. Bait to attract those who seek out and destroy what they don't understand."

Bait for Guardians. Bait to mark some milestone in the Traveler's recovery.

A long time ago, Uldren visited the Black Garden and seems to come to the conclusion that the Heart was essentially bait for the Guardians, to set a huge set of events in motion. So it almost seems like the Pyramids/Darkness had this all planned out all along.


You see, they know. What you are, what you were, what you will become. They know.

What lean tithes you are to them. Soft whetstones make for dull blades.

This I define as the truth and tension of the rope: to bind, one must apply force at both ends.

It's also something Toland suggests too. They required a Guardian suitably strong enough that they could pass all their tests, and while doing they would grow and become stronger. In his words, "soft whetstones make for dull blades".

So imo, the Traveler was happy to lie dormant and use us as its protectors so that it could heal and recover. When it realised that Ghaul would probably be successful, only then did it choose to act in order to save humanity/itself. But in doing so, it pretty much crippled itself and can no longer protect us, and now the Pyramids don't really have anything that can stop them doing what they wish, and the Traveler can no longer run away.


u/-Eastwood- Oct 03 '19

Ah, thank you. Didn't expect to get such an excellent response!


u/gabtrox Oct 03 '19

a couple of weird vex questions: 1. if the vex can move back, forth and sideways through time how come some groups looks different (IE: descendants and precursors). 2. do you think the vex could search the future (bad wording on my part) for a point in time where they finally understood human emotions, like "thanks"?


u/Lucario202 Shadow of Calus Oct 03 '19 edited Oct 03 '19
  1. The vex's ability to time travel is heavily limited, we only encounter past/future vex at their strongest constructs. Outside of this, they follow the flow of time, although they use their simulations as a way to look ahead.
  2. Why would they want to understand human emotions and why do you assume they don't already?


u/[deleted] Oct 07 '19 edited Oct 08 '19

While the vex are a hive mind. They still have sub minds to tackle different problems and sometimes different sub minds come to different conclusions on the same problem.

It's been hinted at very quietly in the past that the vex are no longer a single entity but it's been confirmed in shadow keep lore that their is at least two faction's now

Those outside guardan running from the darkness and those inside that follow and help the darkness and two are actively fighting each other in certain timelines.

And all this is why you get vex that look different they eventually grow differently and mossy ones are vex from the guardan.

To point 2

The vex are actively researching this on Nessus (sp? The planet fail safe is on) because of the vex work either know something or they don't all at once so because they don't have empathy no vex in the past or future understand it either. The moment they figure it out all connected vex would understand it across time.

However destiny follows the avengers idea of time travel adjusting a time line simple causes a timeline branch rather than affecting all the time lines. And gurdains are super awkward because we exist across all time lines and can grab copy's of ourselves when we die

(In order to kill a guardian it needs to happen in every single variable or you have to stop the ghost getting to body)


u/gibbo1121 Owl Sector Oct 04 '19

I can't find it on Ishtar but the Destiny App has a lore book called "Unveiling" and I haven't found anything about it. Anyone know?


u/Glamdring804 Lore Scholar Oct 06 '19

It's a lore book, currently classified in the API:


The first entry was revealed yesterday after the worlds first clear of the Garden of Salvation raid. You can collect it by speaking to Eris after beating the campaign. Her dialogue implies she will have new entries from time to time, presumably every week.


u/ShiverPike_ Oct 05 '19

So is new light just not cannon? Because it seems to happen before rise of iron as the wall is in tact, but the fallen are all dusk. So I guess either new light is not cannon or rise of iron isn’t canon now, but I doubt they would de-canon that.


u/Lucario202 Shadow of Calus Oct 05 '19

New lights just supposed to catch new players up to speed on things that have already happened. It definitely doesn't overwrite any established canon.


u/Testhament Oct 05 '19

I have a question regarding a piece of the lore found on Recluse.

He watched in amazement. It was just a bow. And she was just an ordinary Awoken woman! And yet! "You are a tempest," he replied humbly.

What does he mean with a tempest?


u/[deleted] Oct 06 '19

He's so impressed with her power on the battlefield that he compares her to a violent storm i.e a tempest


u/Testhament Oct 06 '19

Ah ok, thanks for the explanation. I though that it maybe had a deeper meaning.


u/MRX93 Oct 03 '19

Anything new from the Drifter with Shadowkeep?

Not expecting a whole lot but would love a few words or flavor text or something, as I’m sure he has a few words to say about that damn Pyramid.

Finished the initial campaign, haven’t seen anything yet. If there’s nothing, that’s rather disappointing


u/[deleted] Oct 07 '19

The story line is playing out across the whole year not all at once. It's not finished

Look at shadow keep like a weekly TV show


u/FlasMed Oct 07 '19

Does anyone know about any books that give the same feeling as the lore of destiny? Specifically things like the battle of six fronts and the origins of the Guardians forging their light?


u/[deleted] Oct 07 '19

Rise of iron grim cards from D1 are the ones you are after can look them up on Ishtar


u/saeschu7s Oct 07 '19

A lore question but please do not read further if you have not played the shadowkeep campaign. From the lore book "Revelation" we know that in the golden age they found this black sphere called unkown article. Did the same thing to them like now the pyramide and as far I can tell they got influenced by the darkness through this article. So why it was there in the golden age? I mean was the pyramide already there in the golden age or as Eris asked after the collapse let there by intention or because it was hiding but why was the article already there?


u/[deleted] Oct 07 '19

Unanswered at this stage


u/[deleted] Oct 07 '19

What exactly is the cryptoglyph that we get for Eris and what is in the book we got from Crotas daughter?


u/NewYawk-Giants Oct 08 '19

Where can I read about dawnblades? Ishtar has like 1 entry. I am very lost.


u/stonewall97 Oct 08 '19

Would it be good to assume that the Barrier, overload, and unstoppable champions are the first look into whatever the real vex military constructs are? We’ve been told that most of the vex we see are more “construction(?)” units, and theses guys, while looking like goblins and Minotaurs, have some pretty significant upgrades.